Wednesday, December 11, 2024

AEW Dynamite 12/11/2024

AEW Dynamite 12/11/2024

Last week's show is here:

The Death Riders (Jon Moxley and Pac) vs Jay White and Orange Cassidy 

The faces get shots in on the heels and OC topes Pac. Jay bangs Mox's head off the commentary table. Pac is sent into the rails and Mox is sent into the rails too. OC pounds on Mox outside and running facekicks him. OC is thrown into the steps and the match officially starts.

Jay backbreakers Pac for 2. Jay and Mox trade shots. OC hits a punch flurry on Mox. Mox slides out to avoid an orange punch. Pac pump kicks OC and Mox backdrops OC on the commentary table.

Pac stomps on OC's head. We see Christian and The Patriarchy watching in the arena. Mox hits boots on OC. OC superkicks him. Jay back body drops Pac. Jay ddt's Pac and Mox.

We go to PiP break and return. Mox hits corner punches on Jay and kneels on him against the bottom buckle. Mox forearms Jay and Pac knee drops Jay. Pac side headlocks Jay. Mox lariats Jay over and ties his legs up.

Pac hits kicks on Jay. Jay dragon screws Pac. OC and Mox trade forearms. OC hits a PK on Mox then spinning ddt's Pac. OC bites Mox's head up top and then diving ddt's him from the top. OC ddt's Mox. Pac blocks OC's ddt. OC stunners him and Jay suplexes Pac.

OC beachbreaks Mox for 2. Marina Shafir and Yuta try to get involved by get thwarted. OC hits an orange punch on Mox. Adam Page then comes in and beats up Mox for the DQ.

I wasn't a fan of it. It was a basic and slower match that went on longer than it needed to and had a bad finish.

Page and OC fight after. OC hits an orange punch on Jay on accident and takes a blade runner for him from it. OC also hit an orange punch on Page during this.

The Death Riders then beat up on Page, OC and Jay.

We get another video on Bandido with cowboys trying to catch him. Bandido beats them up as they try to arrest him. and he does his german suplex to one of them. He then rides off.

Thoughts: It's a little cheesy but I like these kind of segments.

The Death Riders do a promo. Mox says he's a marked man and says it's the only way to live. He says the only way to live is a knife to the throat and wouldn't have it any other way. He says OC, Jay and Page's egos all run their lives. He says nothing is about him. He says he will give all 3 of them an early Christmas gift and says he wants OC, Jay and Page in a fatal four way at World's End. 

Christian talks from the stands. He tells everyone to shut up. He says he has a problem with everyone in the four way. He says Mox has what he wants and he may be waiting on the other side. He says he won't miss this time and will send him back to rehab. He says he is the face of TBS and the next AEW champ. 

Hook then appears in Christian's suite and breaks the glass window on the door. He pounds on Christian and bangs his head off the cabinet. Hook puts the ref rum on Christian and tries to throw him off the balcony. Hook beats him up in the suite and escapes as Kip Sabian and Nick Wayne help out. 

Continental Classic Gold League Match - Claudio Castagnoli vs Will Ospreay 

Will hits a standing spanish fly to start. CC goes out and Will flying space tiger drops him. Will hits a springboard forearm for 2. Will rolls up CC for 2. Will hook kicks him and both go down. CC bangs Will's arm off his shoulder. They trade forearms.

They fight outside. Will dropkicks the steps into CC's knee. Will jumps off the steps, is caught and is dropped throat first on the rails. CC giant swings Will into the steps. Will is tied up under the steps and CC stomps Will's hand on the steps.

Will springboards into CC's euro for 2. We go to PiP break and return. Will diving headscissors CC off the ropes and handspring corkscrew kicks him. Will hits a standing corkscrew moonsault for 2. CC double stomps Will. CC hits a karelin's lift (I know they got that from here as I'm the only one who calls it that). Will misses a top rope corkscrew moonsault and takes a running euro for 2.

CC hits euros and Will hits an os cutter. CC rolls out. Will rolls him back in and CC pop-up euros him for 2. CC flips him with a lariat for 2. Will then jack knife pins him right after.

Thoughts: I didn't like the finish at all. It was out of nowhere by intention and I didn't think Will had done enough leading up to it to make it believable. The match was okay enough with them having an athletic one as expected but there wasn't a ton of selling here and the finish was weak.

CC hits Will from behind after and neutralizer's him. CC grabs a chair and Darby Allin comes out with a bat. CC exits through the crowd.

Renee interviews Ricochet. Ric says he came to AEW for the competition and says nothing brings out like The Continental Classic. He says Brody King is one of the toughest guys in the tournament but he's no Ricochet. He says they are 1-1 and he shows the card MVP gave him. He says he holds all the cards tonight.

We see MJF arrive in a car.

We see clips of the Matt Cardona and Chris Jericho segment from Rampage.

Matt Cardona is interviewed by Renee. He says it's great to be back in AEW and says he belongs here. He says he's been busting his butt to reinvent himself. He said Jericho and Bryan Keith sent him a message. He says he's not waiting for them and challenges Bryan for Rampage.

Renee interviews Kyle O'Reilly. Taven and Bennett come up to him. Taven says MJF is playing them and they look like idiots fighting each other. Bennett says to remember they are still family. Kyle says they should have thought about that before letting one of their brothers get hurt.

Dynamite Diamond Ring Match Qualifier - Adam Cole vs Kyle O'Reilly

Kyle trips Cole and wristlocks him. Kyle side headlocks him. Cole trips him then side headlocks him. Kyle armbars him off a sunset flip attempt. Kyle cradles him for 2. Cole slides out on a high kick attempt.

Kyle hits kicks and legsweeps him outside. We go to PiP break and return. They trade forearms. Cole superkicks Kyle. Cole comes off the buckles and takes a knee to the gut. Cole hits oblivion on him for 2. Kyle knees him in the gut. Kyle flying knees him off the apron.

Kyle misses a top rope knee drop. Kyle spin kicks and spinning forearms him. Cole hits a running knee. They front kick each other at the same time. Cole superkicks him then Kyle flips him with a lariat. Kyle suplexes him into an armbar then anklelock. 

They fight on the buckles. Cole hits a panama sunrise. Kyle goes for the ankle lock and is thrown out. Cole superkicks him outside. MJF gets on the apron and tries to hit Cole. Cole superkicks him. Kyle rolls up Cole for 2 then ankle locks him. Cole cradles him and wins.

Thoughts: I didn't like it. The first half of this was just plain boring and Cole's panama sunrise meant nothing here. This was just not the most exciting match. They got absolutely nothing out of MJF's return here and it did little to make me want to see Cole/MJF.

MJF retreats and argues with Cole.

Taven and Bennett come out. Cole wants to shake Kyle's hand. Cole then leaves.

FTR do a promo. Cash says Fight for the Fallen is one of the most meaningful shows they will be on. They say they get to help everyone in Asheville, NC with the show. Dax talks about how the show will be on TV and on Max at the same time. Dax says they need a big match for the big event and say they are putting their names in the hat for a match. They said they had a miscommunication with The Death Riders and said they will be in the ring on Collision if The Riders want.

Chris Jericho and Bryan Keith do a New York Minute segment. Jericho says he heard about Cardona's challenge to Bryan Keith. He says Cardona isn't happy that he was left discarded like a Ninja Turtle action figure. Bryan says he's going to take a bite out of Cardona. Jericho ays the Keith/Cardona match is on and says him and Cardona will do a contract signing on ROH tomorrow. He says Cardona is delusional if he thinks he will leave Final Battle the ROH champ.

We see a sitdown interview from earlier with Darby Allin and Tony Schiavone. Darby says Mox's crew is slowly chipping away at what makes AEW be AEW. He said Bryan Danielson was the backbone of this place. He says he sees why people here don't want to get involved. He says it will keep happening if other people don't get involved. He busts his own lip open. He says the blood doesn't bother him but what does is if nobody does anything about it.

He says he needs to win The Continental Classic as he thinks it represents the passion of AEW. He says Mox forgot this is the company that gave Mox's career a 2nd chance. He says nothing fools Mox better than the lies he tells himself. 

Continental Classic Gold League Match - Brody King vs Ricochet

Brody pulls him down off the lock-up. Brody throws him off the lock-up. Ric hits shots to the gut. Ric headscissors him. Ric jumps off the top and just bounces off Brody. Brody throws him over the top.

Ric flips off the rail outside and superkicks him. Ric tries to hurricanrana him off the apron but is caught and powerbombed on the apron. Ric is sent into the rails. Brody crossbodies him against the rails.

We go to PiP break and return. Brody chops Ric and Ric hits forearms. Ric handsprings and is caught with a german. They trade shots. Ric spinning enzugiri's him. Ric springboard kicks him off the apron then fosbury flops outside.

Ric hits a springboard 450 for 1. Brody spinning lariats him for 2. Ric sunset flips him and jumping knees him twice. Brody corner splashes him then corner cannonballs him.

They fight up top and Ric sunset bombs him. Ric hits a top rope ssp. Brody grabs him by the throat. Ric uses the ropes to escape a sleeper. Brody's head is banged off the exposed buckle twice. Ric hits a spirit gun to the front and back and pins him.

Thoughts: I didn't like Ric trading blows with Brody. That was hard to buy.  I guess I was okay with this but I thought it could have been better. Ric needed to get thrown around more and beat up more here.

Private Party talk in the back. They say what happens here  in the vault stays in the vault. Lio Rush and Action Andretti come in. They want some of that. PP offers them champagne but Lio says they want the tag titles. Top Flight and Leila Grey come in. Dante says they won zero matches to get the shot. Action and Lio talk about them getting eliminated in the battle royale. Zay says they should face each other and the winner can face them for the tag titles. Lio shakes Darius' hand and says no hard feelings. Top Flight then walk off.

Renee interviews Anna Jay and Mercedes Mone together. Renee says Mone defended the TBS Title 10 times and has been champ for 200 days. Mone says she respects Anna. She said she went to Japan too her like. She says Anna is 26 and just getting started. She says she was a 5x champ at 26. She says she will show her there is a price to pay when you mess with Mone.

Mone goes to leave and Anna says she must stay here. Anna says she knows she is going against her as an an underdog. She says she's been like that her whole career. She says she will capitalize when Mone makes a mistake. She says she only needs 3 seconds to become the new champ.

AEW Women's Title - Mariah May (c) vs Mina Shirakawa

They hockey fight. May slaps her and Mina slaps back. Mina slap flurries her then clubs on her while she's between the ropes. Mina dropkicks her in the knee and hits kicks to the leg. Mina drops down on her knee then figure ofurs her. They roll out of the ring with it and the hold is broken.

May bangs Mina's head off the steps. Mina is sent into the rails. Thunder Rosa is in the front row with a sign yelling at May. May dropkicks Mina into the rails then stomps on her.

Mina legsweeps May on the apron then bangs her leg off the post. Mina figure fours her around the post. We go to PiP break and return.

May pounds on Mina's head and kisse her. Mina springboard enzugiri's here. Rosa cheers on Mina. Mina and May trade forearms. Mina spinning forearms her then May headbutts her. Mina urakens her and both go down.

Mina dropkicks her in the back of the knee. Mina backdrops her. May handstand hurricanrana's her. Mina uraken's her then hits a reverse ddt for 2. Mina bridging ddt's her for  2.

May knees Mina then running knees her. May hits a cradle shock for 2. May crucifixes her out of the 2nd cradle shock attempt. Mina 2nd rope diving slingblades her. Mina lifting reverse ddt's her for 2. May hits a headbutt and a storm zero to win.

Thoughts: The finish wasn't that good here. It needed more a build and it was too sudden. It was the usual Mina singles match where she worked the knee then completely forgot about it in the second half. This seems like the end of the Mina/May feud.

Toni Storm comes out wearing her old gear and not acting like an actress. May is confused and the show ends with Toni posing on the ramp.

Overall thoughts: It was a long, sometimes boring and wrestling-heavy show. I didn't think any of the matches were great on this one though they tried. I liked Claudio vs Will best on this one. The Death Riders angle continues to not be that great and we still have to go before the MJF/Undisputed Kingdom/Adam Cole storyline dies. The Hook/Christian segment wasn't bad and Toni coming back makes for an easy feud with May. Swerve and The Hurt Syndicate were nowhere to be found on this one. I'd give it a 5 out of 10 overall and wouldn't recommend it.

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