CMLL 11/29/2024 Arena Mexico
Astral & Legendario vs. Alom & Hunter
Hunter has the black, red and silver mask on. Hunter and Astral go at it. Hunter armdrags him. Astral snapmares him and crucifixes him for 2. Astral armdrags him and sunset flips him.
Astral hits another armdrag and they stand off. Astral armdrags him off the casadora. Astral snapmares him and tries some pin attempts. They stand off again. Leg and Alom go at it. Alom takes him down and Leg works the arm. Leg legsweeps him and Alom armdrags him.
Leg snapmares Alon and armdrags him. Leg kips up and Alom backs off. Hunter and Astral go at it. Astral flips over him then walks up the ropes and diving headscissors him out. Alom shoulders Astral over. Astral springboard bodyscissors him into an armdrag.
Leg trips Alom then Alom stomps on him. Leg runs up the ropes and bounces off them to armdrag Hunter. Leg flying headscissors Alom out. Astral and Alom go at it. Alom catches his crossbody and 2nd rope dropkicks him. Hunter gets back in.
Hunter corner lariats him and basement dropkicks him. Leg takes a corner lariat from Alom then chops. Leg is stuck on the top rope and Alom jumps off Hunter's back to dropkick him as he hangs over the top.
Leg double jump corkscrew armdrags Hunter then tope con hilos him. Astral then top rope moonsaults Hunter outside.
Leg top rope 450's Alom and pins him. Astral armdrags Hunter into a tequila sunrise and taps him out. Legendario and Astral win the match.
Thoughts: It was an okay opener. There was nothing too great here or anything and it was fine for what it was supposed to do.
Crixus, Infarto & Okumura vs. Los Viajeros Del Espacio (Futuro & Max Star) & Capitan Suicida
CS = Capitan Suicida
1st Fall - Crix throws Fut down to start. Cris arm throws him then Fut snapmares him. Fut armdrags him then does another armdrag. Crix shoulders Fut over for 2. Fut standing moonsaults Crix for 2. Oku and CS get in. CS flips as Oku has his arm and turns it into an armdrag.
Oku shoulders him over. CS spin kicks him and Oku spin kicks him back. CS armdrags him. Infarto and Max go at it. Max chops him and Infarto double chops him down. Infarto back elbows him. Max sunset flips him for 2.
Max snapmares him. Infarto hits a sunset flip then armdrags him. Max armdrags him back then rolls into a dropkick on him. Max walks on the 2nd rope and diving armdrags Oku. Max asai moonsaults Oku outside. CS is caught by Crix off the buckles and takes a swinging side slam for 2.
Crix gets stuck on the 2nd rope and takes a double superplex. CS top rope splashes Crix and pins him. Infarto takes a double boot and a double dropkick. Max springboard splashes Infarto then Fut springboard swantons Fut. Max pins Infarto. Futuro's team wins the fall.
2nd Fall - Fut moonsaults off the ropes then springboard corkscrew armdrags Oku. Fut is popped up and rolls Crix into an Infarto basement dropkick. Fut bodyscissors Infarto and superkicks him.
Max and Oku go at it. Max flips out of a hiptoss, tiger feints on the ropes and spinning heel kicks Oku. Max is popped up and hurricanrana's Crix. Max satellite headscissors Infarto.
CS and Oku get in. CS springboard twisting crossbodies him then handspring back elbows him out. Crix nails Infarto on accident then CS does a silly string headscissors onto Crix off Infarto. CS backrolls into an armdrag on Infarto. CS walks the buckles and springboard 450 hurricanrana's Infarto out. Fut tope con hilos on the outside and Oku exploders CS. Oku piledrivers CS and CS lands in a nasty way. Oku pins CS to win the fall.
3rd Fall - Infarto boots Fut and sends him out. CS is triple stomped on by the heels. Oku tilt-a-whirl backbreakers CS then Crix runs the ramp and flying lariats CS. Infarto top rope splashes CS for 2.
Max takes a double boot out. Fut springboard headsicssors Oku and the faces do triple stereo dives outside. Max is flipped out onto an opponent then CS corkscrew plancha's out onto an opponent. Fut gets on his partners shoulders on the top rope and splashes Oku. Fut wins the fall and match.
Thoughts: It a good match. The faces did some nice flying and the rudos bumped around for them. Oku's piledriver on CS was nasty in the second fall and the faces got creative with the dives in the third fall.
Los Gemelos Diablos (Gemelo Diablo I & Gemelo Diablo II) & Akuma vs. Los Divinos Laguneros (Blue Panther Jr., Dark Panther & Hijo De Blue Panther)
Jr = Blue Pather Jr, Hijo = Hijo de Blue Panther, Gem = Either Gemelo Diablo as they look similar
1st Fall - Jr wristlocks Akuma and is taken down. Akuma grabs the leg then Jr goes for the armbar. Akuma armdrags Jr then Jr armdrags him. Akuma surfboards him then Jr headscissors him into a roll-up for 2. Gem takes down Dark. Dark takes a double back elbow and Akuma spinebusters Dark.
Gem chops down Dark. Dark bangs Gem's face off the mat. Hijo diving headscissors Gem out. Hijo armdrags the other Gem. Jr tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Akuma several times. Hijo hits a cannonball off the apron and Jr top rope elbow drops a Gem and pins him. The Panther's win the first fall.
2nd Fall - Gem and Dark go at it. Dark takes triple boots in the corner. The Panther's try to make the save but get beaten up too. They then take corner attacks. The Panther's take triple muscle busters and all 3 get pinned. Akuma's team wins the fall.
3rd Fall - Dark takes a corner lariat. Jr is stacked on Dark in the corner and a Gem is popped up onto them. Akuma is then popped up onto them. Hijo takes corner attacks and Tengu, how is with the heels, corner cannonballs Hijo. Gem spears the post when Hijo moves. The Panther's do triple stereo dives on the heels.
The Panther's do triple slingshot sunset flips for 2. Akuma pop-up sitout powerbombs Dark for 2. Akuma is double monkey flipped out by his partners onto The Panther's outside. The Gems slam Jr and Hijo for 2. Gem is pulled over the top. The other Gem spears Jr and Hijo off the apron into him outside.
Akuma lariats and spears Dark for 2. Dark ends up doing a slingshot plancha on Akuma outside. Jr superkicks a Gem then spinebusters him. Hijo hits a top rope splash on a Gem and pins him. Hijo dropkicks the other Gem then tope con hilos him outside. Jr then suicide dives that Gem and Hijo. Dark flying headscissors Akuma then topes him into the rail. Dark then does it again.
Gem pop-up powerbombs Dark and pins him. Akuma's team wins the fall and match.
Thoughts: It was similar to the last match. There was a lot of friendly fire here which I didn't like. Yes, you want to catch people on dives but there's no excuse for doing topes to your own brother and spearing people into your partner. The Gem's didn't add a lot to this one but I thought the match was okay. They just didn't do as good of a job as the people in the last match did.
Neon, Star Jr. & Titan vs. El Triangulo (El Hijo del Villano III & Villano III Jr.) & Valiente
Hijo = Hijo del Villano III, Jr = Villano III Jr
Jr has the tattoos and Hijo doesn't.
1st Fall - Jr and Titan go at it. Jr rides him on the mat and Titan spins aorund his back on the mat. Jr rolls Titan into a pin attempt. Jr headflips out of a wristlock. Titan kips up and headflips out of the wristlock. Jr spin icks him in the gut. Titan is pounded on in the corner by the heels and Zacarias the parrot.
Neon is flipped by Val and they go at it on the mat. Neon flips off the 2nd rope back into the ring after being on the apron. Hijo gets a chop in on Neon from the apron. Hijo chops Neon. Star slingshot sunset flips Hijo. Star rolls Hijo around and does a nice roling cut-throat surfboard on him.
Hijo gori specials Star and Star victory rolls him for 2. Star tries ti flying snapmare Hijo but is laid on the top rope and dropkicked by Jr. Val runs the ropes fast and topes Star hard. Neon is popped up and speared by Hijo. Jr turns a torture rack into a piledriver on Titan and pins him. Neon gets pinned. Valiente's team wins the fall.
2nd Fall - The faces are beaten up on the ramp between falls. Star is held in the air and Hijo asai moonsaults him. Neon is triple stomped on by the heels. Neon takes corner attacks. Val iconoclasm's Neon. The Villano's do a springboard splash + legdrop combo on Neon.
Titan is back body dropped in the ring. Jr runs the ramp, springboards and double stomps Titan while Titan gets powerbombed. Titan is held for kicks and he hurricanrana's Jr over. Titan bridges out a lariat and kicks Jr. Star asai moonsaults out while Neon tope con hilos out. Titan sharpshooters Jr and taps him out. Titan's team wins the 2nd fall.
3rd Fall - Titan spanks Zacarias between falls. Neon leapfrogs Hijo then double jump springboard headscissors him. Neon double jump moonsault armdrags Val. Neon double jump springboard headscissors Jr out. Hijo and Star trade shots. Star tries to unmask him and Jr breaks it up. Star is stomped on by the heels.
Star is popped up into a headscissors on Jr then he flying headscissors Hijo. Val corner lariats Star and Star corner lariats him. Star flurries Val in the corner then basement dropkicks him.
Titan trips Jr. Titan trips Jr. Titan bodyscissors Jr out of the ring. Titan goes up and over Hijo. Titan walks the ropes, does rope tricks and diving headscissors Hijo. Titan pele kicks Val then tope con hilos him. Neon is knee'd off the apron by Hijo then Hijo is popped up into a tope con hilo on him. Star rolls Jr into a double stomp.
Jr blind springboard poisonrana's Star. Val drops Titan onto his own knees and Jr does a handstand seated springboard moonsault onto Star. Val and Jr pick up pins and win the fall and match.
Thoughts: It was a good tag here. The Villano's impressed and dealt out some cool triple teams. This was fast paced and everyone came out of this looking good.
Flip Gordon, Templario & Volador Jr. vs. Los Hermanos Chavez (Angel de Oro & Niebla Roja) & Rocky Romero
1st Fall - Vol and Oro start us off. Oro takes him down and is armdragged. Vol headscissors him from the mat. Vol sweeps him and they stand off. Flip and Rocky go at it. They shove each other. Flip moonsaults and superkicks Rocky. Flip pushes Roja into Oro then flips out of backdrops. Flip 2nd rope diving headscissors Roja. Flip limbos out of an Oro lariat, goes up and over and does backflips to the other side of the ring. Flip springboard diving headscissors Vol.
Vol puts a Spiderman style mask on and takes it off as he fights with Temp. Flip tries to play peacemaker. Oro michinoku drivers Temp and pins him. Roja hits a jade end on Flip and pins him. KeMalito then beats up on KeMonito. Rocky's team wins the fall.
2nd Fall - Malito vader bombs Monito between falls. Roja tries to unmask Temp on the buckles then Oro also tries. Flip is sent into the rails. Rocky corner lariats Temp and Oro slingshot swantons Temp. Flip is popped up and takes kicks from Oro and Roja.
Rocky slams Flip on the ramp. Flip springboard dropkicks Rocky then Temp flying headscissors Roja. Temp powerslams Oro then Flip corkscrew plancha's outside. Vol backcrackers Oro and pins him. Temp gets mad about this and argues with Vol. Vol pulls Temp's mask off and KeMonito chases down then beats up KeMalito on the ramp. Rocky flying armbars Vol and submits him to win the fall and match.
Thoughts: It was a short one with a ton of shenanigans here with Vol and Temp fighting and Malito and Monito going at it. The match wasn't much but it was eventful.
Temp challenges Vol to a match after. Temp flying headscissors him out of the ring then flying space tiger drops him outside. Monitor dives on Vol off the apron then Malito shoulders over Monito. Vol stomps Monito. Rocky talks to Vol on the mic. Rocky's team and Vol then stomp on Temp, Flip and Monito. Monitor gets unmasked in a rare moment.
Torneo La Leyenda Azul 2024 Final Match - Mistico vs. Hechicero
Hech sleepers him and Mist wristlocks him. Hech rolls him into another armbar. Mist ties up Hech's legs and they try pin attempts. Mist la magistral's him. They get back up. Hech takes him down by the arm. Mist springboards and is pulled down.
Mist headscissors Hech out of the alabama slam position. Mist handspring back elbows him. Hech catches Mist's flying headscissors and drops him chest first on the mat. Mist flying headscissors him.
Hech spinning hammerlock backbreakers Mist for 2. Hech rips Mist's mask then flying knees him from behind in the corner. Hech splits Mist's fingers and corner lariats him. Hech basement dropkicks Mist.
Hech drops down on Mist's knee then splits his fingers again. Hech stands on Mist's chest in the corner. Hech chops him over and unties Mist's mask some. Mist talks up the ropes and tries to corkscrew armdrag Hech but Hech blocks it. Mist headscissors Hech into the buckles.
Mist springboard diving headscissors Hech then springboard twisting crossbodies him for 2. Hech is tripped into the ropes and takes a Mist 619. Mist springboard dropkicks him. Mist corkscrew plancha's Hech outside.
Mist slides out and is dropped hard crotch first on the rail. Hech then elbows him off apron while Mist hangs on the rail. Hech throws Mist into the rail. Hech trips Mist and leglocks him while holding him in the air. Mist superkicks Hech.
Mist springboards hurricanrana's Hech while Hech is on the 2nd rope. Mist springboard splashes Hech. Mist powerslams Hech into the buckles. Mist misses a moonsault and is caught in a double reverse armbar. Hech rolls Mist around and Mist tries a pin while in it.
Hech goes back to the double reverse armlock. Hech step up knees Mist in the corner. Hech misses a dropkick and gets superkicked. Mist goes for la mistica but has to settle for an octopus. Hech surfboards Mist.
Mist surfboards Hech. Hech escapes and Hech kind of spinning slams Mist off his shoulder. Hech powerbombs Mist. Mist headscissors Hech over. Mist springboards off the 2nd rope and diving armdrags Hech outside. Hech dragon screws Mist over the 2nd rope. Hech springboard flying elbows Mist for 2. Hech hits punches on Mist.
Hech flips Mist into a hold and rolls Mist around the mat for 2. Mist hits la mistica then taps out Hech with a double reverse armbar.
Thoughts: This went long at 27 minutes. It didn't really need all the time it got. Hech worked the arm some here but didn't really target it and Mist didn't do much arm work before winning with an arm submission. It was notable for the time it got and we did get to see them do more than usual just simply because the match was long but I didn't think it was great. I thought it was average.
Overall thoughts: I was fine with the first four matches and I really liked the Okumura and Villanos matches. The Volador match was more an angle than a match but the mascots fighting was fun. The main got a ton of time at 27 minutes but wasn't the classic they tried for and I thought it was just average. The women were noticably missing from this show. I'd give this one a 6 out of 10 overall but wouldn't recommend it.
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