Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Stardom 12/29/2024 Stardom Dream Queendom 2024

Stardom 12/29/2024 Stardom Dream Queendom 2024

Goddesses Of Stardom Title Match - HATE (Momo Watanabe & Thekla) (c) vs. STARS (Hanan & Saya Iida)

Han and Saya attack at the bell. They try to send their opponents into the seats but end up getting sent into them. Han and Saya are sent into the post. Thek suplexes Han inside for 2 then slaps and chokes her.  Han misses a 2nd rope twisting crossbody. Thek stomps and boots her. Han hits a hip throw and Momo stops her from making the tag. Han takes a 2v1 and Thek superkicks her in the side of the head.

Momo hits chest kicks on Han while she's down. Han tries to fight back with chest forearms. Momo chest kicks her down. Han 2nd rope twisting crossbodies her. Saya tags in. Saya running shoulders and back elbows Momo. Saya elbow drops her for 2. Momo and Saya trade chops.

Momo takes a running double team shot for 2. Saya gets stuck up top. Thek spider superplexes her then double stomps her back off the buckles. Momo meteora's Saya then chickenwings her. Momo suplexes Saya then Saya suplexes her back. Thek and Han go at it. Thek leg lariats her on the fopes and hits a forearm flurry.

Thek forearms Han over then facekicks her on the ropes. Thek koji clutches her and is forced to break. Saya comes in and lariats the heels. Han top rope planchas onto everyone outside.

Thek is held in the air and is knocked down then Han does a cuty special with a bridge. Han takes corner attacks then is chest kicked down by Momo. Thek buzzsaw kicks Han for 2. Han forearm flurries Thek. Thek spits on her then Han hits a big forearm.

Han dropkicks the ref when Thek moves. Momo hits Thek with her bat on accident. Han la magistrals Thek but the ref is down. Saya top rope diving shoulders Momo. Han tries another pin on Thek but the ref is still out. Saya moves Han and takes a big spear for her. Han backdrops Thek.

Thek backrolls Han into a bridge for 2. Han takes a double high kick to the head for 2. Han backdrops Momo and Saya hits her muscle buster into a slam on Thek. Han backdrops Thek and pins her.

Thoughts: I liked the match more than I thought I would. It was a little much for an opener but I thought it was a good match. The heels were heels, the faces were faces and they put out a good effort. Of course Hanan had to get the pin here as her super push must continue, but at least she had a better performance than usual.

Saya and Hanan talk on the mic after 

God's Eye (Hina, Lady C, Saki Kashima & Tomoka Inaba) vs. Empress Nexus Venus (HANAKO, Mina Shirakawa, Rian & Waka Tsukiyama) vs. HATE (Azusa Inaba, Fukigen Death, Rina & Ruaka)

Mina pinned Death with a reverse lifting sitout ddt. It was a fast paced match here with lots of people coming in and out. Outside of some team spots, it was mostly just 2 people going at it at once.  It was fine for being midcard fodder but nothing you would remember.

STARS (Hazuki, Koguma, Mayu Iwatani & Momo Kohgo) vs. Neo Genesis (AZM, Mei Seira, Miyu Amasaki & Suzu Suzuki)

AZM trips Mayu and Mayu backrolls her. Mayu side headlock takeovers her. AZM headsicsosrs her and they both get up. Kog and Miyu go at it. Kog wants to do her kuma taunt and Miyu goes along with it. They high five each other, bow and then Miyu hits her on the handshake. Miyu is rolled into double stomps and splashes from her opponents.

Mayu backrolls Miyu into a basement dropkick. Haz comes in and hair throws Mayu. Haz's team does a 4 person facewash kick spot. Haz slams Mayu three times for 2. Haz camel clutches Miyu. Miyu hits a double ddt. Suzu and Mei hit tereo superkicks then do stereo springboard dropkicks.

AZM takes a corner splash > 2nd rope dropkick > 2nd rope crossbody. Momo top rope dropkicks AZM and misses a 619. AZM is on the the 2nd rope and is hit in the legs with a 619. Mayu superkicks AZM then Momo 2nd rope twisting crossbodies AZM.

AZM suplexes Momo. Momo takes corner attacks then takes a 4 person basement dropkick. AZM top rope double stomps Momo for 2. AZM canadian destroyers Mayu. She headkicks Momo then la magistrals her. AZM then pins Momo.

It was a fast paced match with lots of people coming in out and as they pleased. There wasn't anything great about it but I guess it was okay enough. We didn't get to see a ton of anyone here due to so many people being involved.

AZM and Mayu grab each other by the hair after. Mayu holds her belt up at AZM.

Mika Iwata vs. Saori Anou

They stare down. Anou grabs her by the hair and slaps her. They trade leg kicks for slaps. Mika superkicks her down. Mika chinlocks Anou. Anou enzugiri's her then takes a running kick for 2. Mika kicks Anou around then superkicks her. Anou germans Mika. Anou northern lights suplexes her then does a heavenly lock.

Anou basement dropkicks her in the back then germans her. Anou fisherman suplexes Mika on the floor. Inside the irng, Anou top rope dropkicks her. Anou germans her for 2. Anou hits forearms and takes 2 high kicks.

They trade forearms on their knees. Anou hits a headbutt flurry and Mika headbutt flurries her back. Mika running knees Anou. Anou hits 2 fisherman suplexes on Mika. Mika spinning high kicks her. Anou then hits a double wristlock suplex. Anou does a headhunter variation on her for 2. Anou then stomp flurries her.

Mika hits a straight punch. Mika hits kicks to the head for 2. Mika hits a buzzsaw kick then 2nd rope triangle enzugiri's her for 2. Mika landslides Anou. Anou backslides her with a bridge for 2. Mika knees her then Anou rolls over her back, backslides her and pins her.

I would have liked a better finish. The two had issues with each other and were being aggressive and the backslide bridge finish didn't really further that logic. It was a good match though with the two roughing each other up and showing some hate. It could have really been great if they expanded on it, got some blood and maybe did more brawling.

Syuri vs. Konami

Syu pumping knees her then hits high kicks. Syu drops her with a buzzsaw kick. Kon does not look well and is about to be counted out. HATE then run in and start a fight with Syu's group. Syuri wins via DQ.

Momo hits Syu with a bat outside. Maya Fukuda has words for Syuri then Syuri talks on the mic after and asks to join God's Eye.

Thoughts: This was only 30 seconds and had a screwy finish. Konami got legit injured here.

No Disqualification Match - Natsuko Tora vs. Maika

Maika has a board with beer cans cut in half on it. Tora and Maika trade forearms. Tora hits her with a chain then rams the beer can board into Maika. Tora sticks a barbed wire bat in Maika's head. Tora throws Maika into the seats then pushes her face into the seats. Maika gets all bloodied.

Tora stabs Mika with a fork then samoan drops her for 2. Maika hits Tora in the head with maybe a giant Japanese fan. Maika then throws Tora off the top onto a pile of chairs. Maika chairs Tora several times with the chairs hanging off Tora's neck. Maika then hits her with the giant fan.

They go outside. Tora stabs her with a fork then Maika stabs her with it. Maika stabs her more with it inside. Maika hits lariats on Tora for 2. Maika hits an enka otoshi onto Tora. The beer can board is bridged onto chairs. Maika superplees Tora onto it.

Maika sitout slams Tora for 2. Tora spits mist at Maika and lariats her for 2. Tora top rope splashes Maika through a table. Tora death valley drivers her for 2. Maika hits a big forearm on Tora then michinoku drivers her. Tora and Maika get on a ladder (with people helping keep it up). Momo hands Tora trash can. She hits Maika with it then powerbombs Maika onto the beer can board with a chair there. Tora death valley drivers Maika for 2. Tora wraps herself in barbed wire and top rope swantons Maika for the win.

: It was a good match. It was a hardcore battle with both girls getting bloodied and coming up with different ways to hurt each other. It could have been a little more compact and shorter but they had the idea down. We had clear heels and faces and they wrestled like two people who hate each other would wrestle. The beer can board and the barbed wire were weapons we don't see that often here so when they were used, it felt more special. I wouldn't say it was great though.

Wonder Of Stardom Title Match - Natsupoi (c) vs. Starlight Kid

Kid and Poi are both wearing white for this one. Kid backs up Poi on the break and side headlocks her. Poi side headlocks her. They miss shots. Kid 2nd rope twisting crossbodies her then basement dropkicks her. Kid asai moonsaults Poi outside. Kid dragon screws Poi's leg on the ropes then she standing moonsaults it. Poi rolls into an armbar on her. Kid reverses it with a stretch muffler. Poi dropkicks Kid through the ropes.

Poi 2nd rope crossbodies kid then armbars her. Kid ropebreaks. Poi kicks Kid's arm on the ropes and armbreakers it. Poi spin kicks her and hits a running headhunter. Kid does a cross-legged fisherman's suplex.

Kid dropkicks Poi in the back of the leg then dragon screws her while she sits on top. Kid then goes back to the stretch muffler. Kid hits a top rope 180 splash on Poi for 2. Kid gets stuck on the buckles. Poi 2nd rope germans her. 

Poi top rope plancha's Kid outside. Poi twisting fisherman's neckbreakers her for 2. Kid gets her knees up on Poi's top rope cartwheel splash. Poi superkicks her and takes a double knee to the back of the head.

Kid tombstones Poi then top rope moonsaults her for 2. Kid hits a stiff tiger driver for 2. Kid then turns it into a stretch muffler. Kid stands while putting it on and swings Poi around with it. Poi uses the ropes to escape and tries to roll up Kid, but Kid reverses it on her. Poi release germans Kid. Poi superkicks Kid then headscissor drops her. Poi then goes for another armbar. Poi armbars Kid. Kid ropebreaks. Poi cartwheel splashes Kid off the top for 2. 

Poi misses a top rope corkscrew splash. They trade forearms on their knees. Kid hits chest forearms. Poi hits her own back and spin kicks her in the head. Kid rolls her into a tiger suplex for 2. Poi la magistral's Kid for 2. Poi does a ranhei variaton for 2. Poi straightjacket germans Kid for 2. Poi is up top, Kid walks up the buckles and hits a spanish fly for 1. Kid tombstones her. Kid tiger suplexes Poi and gets the upset win.

Thoughts: It was really good at times but didn't reach its full potential. I didn't like the 2nd rope german and the spanish fly being ultimately meaningless here. I also didn't like that the arm and leg work they did ultimately ended up forgotten in the end. It had some positives to it and truly could have been great, but they ended up blowing it. Had everything from the spanish fly spot and on not happened, this review would have been totally different.

They talk to each ther on the mic after and then Kid talks to the crowd alone.

World Of Stardom Title Match - Tam Nakano (c) vs. Saya Kamitani

Saya takes her down and Tam hammerlocks her. Saya eye rakes Tam. Tam misses a corner charge and both stand off while on separate ropes. Tam backdrops Saya then top rope plancha's her outside. Saya waits for Tam and sits on a chair inside. Saya trips her into the chair then basement dropkicks her in the back of the head.

Saya knee chokes Tam on the ropes. Saya snapmares her and chinlocks her. Saya axe kicks Tam over the 2nd rope and poses on her. Tam hits chest forearms. Saya forearms her then Tam hits a backdrop. Tam rolls Saya into kicks then hits an axe kick on the back.

They attack each other on the ropes. Tam spinning high kicks her then pumping knees her on the ropes. Tam hanging dragon sleepers Saya on the buckles. Tam slides under Saya and gets double stomped on the apron.

They go into the seating area and Tam hits a knee. Tam runs at her and gets choked with a chain. Saya walks up the seating structure and her and HATE hang Tam with the chain. Tam is completely in the air hanging. Tam's buddies break it up. Saya dives off the seating structure onto Tam and others.

Saya drags Tam with the chain. Tam germans Saya off the apron to the floor. They grab each other's hands and trade forearms. Saya forearm flurries her then spinning heel kicks her. Tam spinning high kicks her and tiger suplexes her. Saya does a poisonrana for 1.

Tam hits a stiff falcon arrow on Saya for 2. Tam does a hard soccer kick to Saya's head. Saya flips out of a double underhook and pump kicks her. Saya spinning high kicks her and corkscrew kicks her in the back. Saya ki krushers her for 2.

Tam blocks a ki krusher and take a knee to the face. Tam 2nd rope tiger suplexes her. Saya is down and the ref talks to tam like he might stop it. Saya wakes up and throws the ref out of the way. Saya hurricanrana's Tam for 2. Saya backdrops her then falcon arrows her. Saya ki krushers her and wins.

Thoughts: I didn't think it was that great. The selling wasn't that good. I didn't really buy into the match being stopped because Saya was supposedly out of it. There wasn't a great story or anything in this one and I just didn't see anything particularly special here aside from Saya winning. I can't even say I thought it was good.

Saya talks on the mic after. Tam grabs the belt and Saya makes it put on her. Saya then hits Tam and talks on the mic.

Overall thoughts: I didn't care for the main. Kid vs Poi looked like it had potential to be a classic but they really blew it in the last few minutes by going off track and no selling. I liked Tora and Maika. Syuri vs Konami was short and ended on a DQ. I liked Mika vs Aonou. The opener and the Mayu match were also okay. It was a big show and they put more effort into it than usual but it wasn't great. I'd give this a 6 out of 10 overall but wouldn't recommend it.

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