WWE NXT 12/31/2024
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/12/wwe-nxt-12242024.html
This show aired on New Year's Eve 2024.
Kelani Jordan vs Lola Vice
Lola backs her up on the ropes. KJ shoves her. Lola spin kicks her. KJ 2nd rope twisitng crossbodies her then dropkick her. KJ low crossbodies her for 2. Lola blocks a tiger feint armdrag. KJ wristlocks her. Lola takes her down by the arm.
Lola arm and chinlocks her. KJ headflips then Lola fireman's carry takedowns her. Lola misses a corner attack and KJ high kicks her from the apron. KJ misses a top rope crossbody. Lola hits spin kicks and push kicks her into the corner.
Lola corner hip attacks KJ. KJ goes out. We go to break and return. Lola suplexes her. KJ leg slices her for 2. Lola knees her in the gut. KJ jumping side kicks her. KJ flying forearms her. KJ cartwheels and is caught with a choke.
KJ drops her backwards out of the sleeper. Cora Jade comes out and distracts KJ. KJ pushes Lola into Cora then pins her.
Thoughts: I didn't like the finish that much as it was going okay and deserved a better ending. Lola losing to KJ is kind of a surprise. What we got of this was fine.
Cora then hits KJ and Lola with a stick after. Stephanie Vaquer comes out. Cora ducks out of a shot from Lola and Lola nails Steph.
They give Oba Femi vs Josh Briggs vs Dijak the Match of the Year award. Josh says its special and thanks everyone who voted. He says the award means a lot to all 3 of them. Josh says they were told to make it the match of the weekend and they tried. Josh says 2024 was good but him and Inamura have something special for the tag division in 2025. He says there better be a cool trophy.
Thoughts: It was weird to give this one to that match since of the people in it is not in the company anymore.
Gulia does a translated promo. She says Perez is one of the greatest NXT champs but her time at top is coming to an end. She says it's her time to take over. She says she will live up to the hype she has for herself. She says she wants to be in the conversation with other hall of famers. She says joshi is about trying to prove yourself and she had matches people will never forget there. She says the warrior spirit tells her not to lose. She says there's nothing Perez can throw at her that she can't overcome. She says we start the new year with a new NXT women's champ.
Joe Hendry coming to NXT wins the Moment of the Year award. He says it was a magical moment to come here because of the reception the fans gave him. He says, "say his name and he appears means anywhere, anytime, any show".
Thoughts: Everyone thinks Joe will appear at The Rumble so maybe that's what he meant.
Credric Alexander is interviewed. He says he's never seen anything like how Evans' jaw got shattered. He says his jaw is wired shut in the hospital and he can only talk through text. He says he's worried about his quality of life. He says Page took that from him. Ethan Page then walks in. He says he hopes one of those tests said, "stay away from Ethan Page". He says he will put him next to Evans. Ced then beats him up and sends him into a door. He bangs his head off a table and they head to another room. We cut away and they are in the entrance area. We are told this match will happen now. We then go to break in a weird moment.
Ethan Page vs Cedric Alexander
This started during the break. Ced hits punches on Page and stomps on him. Page forearms him. Ced hits chops and dropkicks him in the knee. Ced enzugiri's him then basement dropkicks him in the back of the neck. Page goes out and Ced topes him.
Ced gets back in and takes a codebreaker. Page hits a nice dropkick for 2. Page chinlocks him. Ced knocks him over twice then hits a high michinoku driver for 2. Page hits a big facekick, knocking out Ced's mouthguard. Page then cutters him to win.
Thoughts: It wasn't too great but I liked it. Page looked a little more lethal than usual and I felt he worked like his character should have here. Ced was fine fodder for him.
Page throws Ced out after and sends him into the steps. Page slams a toolbox lid onto Ced's hand. Trainers then check on Ced.
Hank and Tank argue with Igwe and Dupont in the back. Dupont says they are all cool. Shawn Spears comes in. He says he sees people who need guidance and direction. Wes Lee comes in and says they have a voice and don't need direction from someone like Spears. Tank asks if Dupont and Igwe will listen to Wes and they yes. Tank is told they need to find someone and Tank is worried if they can find someone.
Shotzi and Gigi Dolin vs Katana Chance and Kayden Carter vs Metafour (Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson)
Carter takes down Gigi then mule kicks her. Lash slams Carter then splashes her for 2. Lash lifts Carter by the arm and Carter dropkicks her. Lash is tripped into a basement dropkick and slingshot sent on the back. Shotz codebreakers Lash.
Jakara hits gut punches on Shotzi and double underhook suplexes her. Shotzi hits jawbreakers on Jakara. Gigi armdrags Jakara into the ropes. Jakara takes a senton and basement dropkik on the ropes. Shotzi does a texas cloverleaf on Jakar and is booted away. Carter facekicks Shotzi on the ropes. Chance hits a double crossbody off the steps onto opponents outside. Carter and Chance do stereo dives outside.
We go to break and return. Gigi brazilian kicks Lash on the back. Lash forearms her. Carter rolls up Lash into a mule kick. Chance does a kegstand off of Carter onto Lash for 2. Jakara hits a missile dropkick on Chance. Carter flips Chance onto Jakara but Jakara gets her knees up. Jakara dropkicks Carter. Gigi step up enzugiri's Jakara then Jakara takes a backdrop = neckbreaker combo.
Shotz tries a tope outside but gets caught in the ropes and goes down hard. Jakara slingblades Gigi. Jakara gets on Lash's shoulders and dives to the outside onto opponents. Gigi crucifix bombs Lash for 2.
Fatal Influence come out. Gigi is pushed off the top and Lash pump kicks Gigi. Gigi takes a drop + cutter combo and is pinned.
Thoughts: It doesn't look good for Chance and Carter to lose a match like this on NXT. Shotzi messed up a tope and dove onto the floor. It was a bit hard to keep track of things with so many people involved. Jakara was in this for a while.
Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn are on the tron. They say they are looking for a tag title shot like Lash and Jakara. They say they have no problem running through them again to get another shot at the titles.
Stephanie Vaquer and Lola Vice argue in the back. Lola says she didn't mean to hit her. Kelani Jordan comes in and says it's funny how the tables turned. KJ says they deserved this. All 3 start pushing each other and refs break it up.
Cora Jade watches and Ava comes up to her. She says she needs a woman to challenge Fallon Henley in 2025. She says Cora will get a chance next week but it's against Steph, Lola and Kelani in a #1 contender's match.
Ava talks to Regal, Charlie Dempsey and Lexis King in the back. King says he won the title with integrity last week. Ava says he won by DQ. Ava said she researched the rules and said it's a gray area on whether the cup can change hands on a DQ. Ava said King and Dempsey will have a one fall sudden death match at New Year's Evil. Regal says he won't have anything to do with it. Ava gives the Heritage Cup back to Dempsey and King says he did everything else.
Nathan Frazer and Axiom are awarded the 2024 Tag Team of the Year award. NF says they joined forces earlier and couldn't have imagined this is what it would turn into. Ax says they won and lost the titles. NF says it's one thing to say you are the best but another for others to say you are.
OTM come in. They say to hold onto the titles while they can as they are coming for everything they earned in 2025.
Zaria and Sol Ruca talk. They aren't happy about losing and Sol says it can only go up from here.
We see some WWE ID signings in the crowd.
Izzi Dame vs Sol Ruca
They lock up. Sol gets on the bottom rope and drags her down. Sol trips her into a side headlock. Sol side headlock takeovers her. Sol shoulders Izzi, kips down and kips up. Sol hits a flying shoulder. Izzi spears the post hwen Sol moves. Sol stands on Izzi's back on the 2nd rope and surfs. Sol springboards and is chopped down.
Izzi hits mounted forearms. Izzi back elbows Sol for 2. Izzi chokes Sol on the ropes. Sol backrolls her. Sol is tripped on the 2nd rope. Shawn Spears is on the riser. Izzi release backdrops Sol for 2. Zaria comes down to ringside.
Sol springboard shoulderblocks Izzi then crossbodies her. Sol high kicks her from the apron. Sol springboard splashes Izzi but Izzi gets her knees up. Sol facebusters Izzi off the pop-up. Sol tries to top rope moonsault Izzi outside but ends up getting Zaria. Izzi boots sol over. Izzi hits a sky high on Sol for the win.
Thoughts: It was just an average match here. Izzi didn't look bad and Sol did a lot of springboards here. This continued the storyline with Spears trying to recruit Izzi and continues the problems with Sol and Zaria.
Hank and Tank try to recruit Andre Chase to be their partner tonight. Chase looks at them and we go to break.
Roxanne Perez is the Female Superstar of the Year award winner. She said it all began when she realized no one here is on her level. She said her favorite moment was dropping a pipe bomb on CM Punk. She said he attracted talent from around the globe and made NXT hers in 2024. She says Giulia won't beat her. She says she's the one and the only one.
Hank Walker, Tank Ledger and Andre Chase vs Tyriek Igwe, Tyson Dupont and Wes Lee
Chase and Tank get superkicked before it starts. Dupont splashes Tank then Igwe lariats Tank. Tank lariats Igwe then Igwe takes a double sledgehammer shot from Hank. Tank corner splashes Igwe for 2. Igwe corner splashes Tank.
Tank spinebusters Wes. Igwe and Dupont have their heads banged together and are thrown out. Wes takes a sandwich body block and Chase swantons off the top to the outside.
We go to break and return. Igwe dropkicks Hank. Dupont does a nice pop-up slam on Hank. Hank and Wes trade shots. Hank blocks Wes' ddt and northern lights suplexes him high. Wes is double yanked into a double stomp on Hank. Hank suplexes Wes. Tank gets the hot tag in. He hits lariats on Igwe and does a nice fallaway slam. Tank hiptosses Dupont in and slingshot pslashes him. Tank cartwheels then lariats Igwe.
Wes superkicks Tank outside and dropkicks him into the rails. Chase hits punches on Igwe then russian legsweeps him. Chase then walks out on Hank and Tank after thinking about doing the C-H-A-S-E-U stomps.
Hank misses a top rope diving lariat. Hank rolls up Igwe for 2. Igwe lifts Hank like a slam and stunners him for the win.
Thoughts: There was nothing wrong with it. The teams matched up well here. It's a shame Chase left as we didn't get a proper finish because of it, but atleast there's a storyline reason. Tank had a good showing here and it's nice to see Dupont and Igwe get to be on the main NXT show.
Ashante Adonis is trying to call Karmen Petrovic and she won't answer. He says she's the one and he wants to spend New Year's Eve with hr. Nikkita Lyons comes in. She say she's going to a New Years Eve party and asks if he wants to go. He says if he can't spend it with Karmen, he spends it alone.
Shawn Spears goes up to Izzu. Izzi tells her to leave her alone. Tony D'Angelo and his family back her up and say to leave her alone. She says it's nice to have a man who listens. Shawn says he listened to the beatdown on Tony last week. Tony tells Rizzo to take care of him.
Andre Chase is in the back. Kale Dixon goes up to him and asks when the next semester starts. Chase says Chase U is dead. Kale tells him to wait.
Thoughts: Kale has been a heel on Level Up so this is new.
They go to announce the 2024 Male Superstar of the Year. Oba Femi interrupts. Oba backs down the ring announcer in the corner and takes the award. He says it doesn't matter who wins the award, it's a prop for a popularity contest. He says the fans don't get to control anything, only he does. He says he's the ruler and says, "I'm the captain now". He says you can see him on New Year's Evil become NXT champ.
Trick Williams comes out. He says he doesn't see a problem with getting love from the fans. He says the fans show him love and he appreciates it. He says he knows what they got next week. He says he has to dig deep to win the match next week. He talks about Oba's nicknames and calls him "Ol Beatable Oba'. He says if Oba wasn't beatable, we wouldn't have a triple threat, we'd have a title vs title match. He asks Oba where he is title is. He says Oba is chasing him to be the top guy in NXT. Trick says Oba was gone for a few weeks when he lost his title and asks how long he will be gone when Trick beats him.
Eddy Thorpe then beats up both and hits Oba with the award. Eddy then holds the title up.
Thoughts: Trick was good here. It's a shame it didn't get more time to develop.
Overall thoughts: Next week is the big show so we weren't going to get anything too spectacular or memorable here. None of the matches were must see on this one and we had some dirty finishes here. It wasn't bad but it could have been a little better. I'd give this one a 5 out of 10 as it was an average show overall.
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