Ice Ribbon 12/31/2024 RibbonMania 2024
This is the last Ice Ribbon show for multiple wrestlers on the roster. The owner of it wasn't paying the wrestlers while he was in the hospital and couldn't be reached. NeoPlus supposedly paid them for him but the damage was done. Multiple wrestlers announced they were leaving or becoming freelance after including Mio Shirai, Saran, Yuuki Mashiro, Mifu Ashida, Grizzly Fujitaki and others. I don't really blame the wrestlers but it's just amazing how much endless punishment this promotion has gone through since Giulia left. I legitimately believe that this promotion is cursed. I'd like to cover the promotion more but it's one of the more expensive promotions to watch and many of the shows are only released on DVD. The promotion also is just not that good these days and it's hard to justify going through the trouble when other promotions air all their shows, have better wrestlers, have better looking wrestlers and charge a fraction of the price.I would say there's about 350 people here tops.
Kirari Wakana vs Miria Kouga
Tommy Ran is the ref. They trade wristlocks. They both roll out and put the hold on the other. KW side headlocks her. MK hair throws her then boots her in the face in the corner. KW botches a hair throw on her and hits boots to the face. KW dropkicks her four times for 2. MK rolls her up and hits dropkicks.
KW uses the 2nd rope to stunner her for 2. KW goes up top and is thrown down. MK hits kicks to her back then a hard one to the chest. MK slams her for 2. KW hits chest forearms. MK drops her with chest kicks.
KW dropkicks her for 2. KW cradles her off a slam. Kw backslides her for 2. KW tries to bodyscissors roll her but MK reverses it for 2. They pull each others hair at the same time. KW hits a stunner. KW does a flipping neckbreaker from the side. KW top rope dropkicks her for 2. MK pump kicks her for 2. MK ddt's her then hits kicks. KW ducks one and rolls her up. They trade pin attempts and KW picks up the win.
Thoughts: It was an opening card style match and wasn't that far off from a rookie match. KW's stunners didn't look good here as MK didn't get far enough down for them. It wasn't awful but it had it's sloppy moments. KW is a bit better than I expected though.
Mayuka Koike, Grizzly Fujitaki and Nanae Furukawa vs Yuu Hanaya, Mifu Ashida and Yuuki Minami
I'm against this one even happening. Yuuki ditched the promotion months ago for Marigold (after barely doing any shows) and should be persona non-grata right now. You can tell Griz and Mifu were crying backstage before the match.
NF and Yuuki slap each other and pull each others hair. All 6 girls then fight. Griz slams Yuu onto Mifu then Yuuki onto both of them. Griz then lariats her own partners for unknown reasons. Yuuki hits ches forearms on NF then NF headbutts her. NF chest kicks her over. Koike crossbodies Yuuki for 2.
Koike and Yuuki trade chest forearms. Yuuki flurries her then has trouble putting on her hammerlock guillotine choke. Yuuki dropkicks Koike. Griz shoulders over Yuuki. Mifu comes in and dropkicks Griz. Griz swats a dropkick away and splashes Mifu twice.
Grizz hits chest forearms on Mifu. Mifu high kicks Griz then spinning high kicks her for 2. Griz slams Mifu. Sehe knocks Yuu off the apron on accident while running the ropes. Yuuki top rope dropkicks Griz. Mifu bridging cuty specials Griz.
Griz hits a hard lariat on Mifu. The stream crashes. NF gets on Mifu's back with a chickenwing. Yuuki backdrops NF then Mifu hits a nice german on NF for 2. Griz shoulders over Yuuki. Mifu takes a double suplex for 2. NF single crabs Mifu while hooking her left around Mifu's throat. She then submits her.
Thoughts: It was better than expected and was a fun match. Mifu hit some nice suplexes here and as expected, Griz is probably the best one of the six in the ring with her power style.
The girls all hug and bow together on the stage after.
Kyuuri and Yuna Manase vs Kaori Yoneyama and Arisa Shinose vs Yappy and An-cham
Yappy and An-cham are part of the "Bad Butts" group and come out to "Baby Got Back". Yappy has a traffic sign with her that says "Bad Butts, Keep Out".
Yap hits her opponents with her sign before intros are done. The ref could care less. Yap and Yuna square off outside and An sends Arisa into the seats. Yuna chokes Yap with her sign.
An snapmares Arisa then kicks her in the back. An hair throws Arisa then Yapp hair throws Arisa. An and Yap hit Kyuuri and Arisa with hip attacks over the 2nd rope. Yap butt drops Arisa for 2. Yuna corner lariats Yap then shoulders her over. Yuna double lariats Yap and An. Kaori rolls up Yuna and hits mongolian chops. Yuna catches her crossbody and Arisa dropkicks the two over.
Yuna hits a double suplex. Yuna is tripped onto Arisa. Kyuuri sits on Arisa's back and double grapevines her arms but Yap breaks it. Yap legdrops Kyuuri's back. Kyuuri is held for a bulldog from An.
Yuna is pulled over the top and An hits a plancha onto Yap outside when everyone else moves. The girls duct tape Yappy and An to the post. Arisa hits chest forearms on Yuna. Kyuuri sprays Yuna in the eyes with something. Arisa hits an AA on Kyuuri for 2. Kaori then gets the pin on Kyuuri.
Thoughts: The finishing stretch needed to be longer and the match didn't get that much time. Maybe it was for the better but a little more would have been nice. I didn't like the ref disregarding the rules here. It was average.
Sayaka Unagi and Ibuki Hoshi vs Saran and Mio Shirai
Hoshi ducks a kick and chops Mio. Mio chops her back. Mio then chops Unagi on the apron. Mio gets chopped by both opponents in the front and back. Saran kind of just watches then slaps both opponents. Saran then slaps Mio for some reason.
Hoshi double chops Mio over. Unagi chops Mio more. Saran dropkicks Unagi several times for 2. Saran gets on Unagi's back and is driven into the buckles. Hoshi double chops Unagi on accident. The two chop each other and Saran rolls Unagi into a double stomp.
Mio running boots Unagi. Unagi spinning facebusters Mio then legdrops her for 2. Mio hits a hard forearm on Unagi. She starts talking rapidly and hits a big punch on Unagi. She then suplexes her for 2.
Mio misses a top rope moonsault on Unagi. Unagi facekicks her over. Unagi drives Mio into the mat with a ddt. Mio step up enzugiri's her then Unagi facekicks her over. Saran and Hoshi trade shots. Saran hits chest forearms on Hoshi. Hoshi chops Saran down.
Saran dropkicks Hoshi for 2. Hoshi hits a double chop for 2. Saran does a headscissors + headlock takeover. She then dropkicks Hoshi against the bottom rope. Saran fujiwara armbars Hoshi and Hoshi ropebreaks. Saran then does a speech before suplexing Hoshi ala Mio but Unagi stops it. Mio and Saran do stereo suplexes for 2.
Saran gets on Mio's shoulders and double stomps Hoshi for 2. Saran top rope double stomps Hoshi for 2. Hoshi hits superkicks on Saran for 2. Hoshi buzzsaw kicks her for 2. Saran takes a double team sliding shot for 2.
Mio hits a dropkick on Unagi then Unagi bladerunners her. Saran rolls up Hoshi for 2. Hoshi pumping knees Saran for 2. Saran abdominal stretch drivers Saran and wins.
Thoughts: I was surprised Saran got to kick out so much here. I figured Saran's team were losing since they are leaving the company. There was a lot of goofing off here and it would have been better if they just let them do a serious match. Hoshi put on a bunch of weight since I last saw her.
Miku Kanae and Yumiko Hotta vs Totoro Satsuki and Tsukina Umino
Miku hits chest forearms on Umino. Umino hanging triangles her over the top rope. Umino slams her. TS gets in and slams Umino. TS stands on Miku's back. Miku is caught on a crossbody and Hotta pushes her over onto TS.
Hota lifts Miku for a double boot on TS. TS takes corner attacks. TS shoulders Miku over. Umino dropkicks Miku then facekicks her on the ropes. Umino hits a drive by kick on Miku. Miku hits dropkicks on Umino.
Miku rolling sentons Umino and an STO variation. Umino suplexes and ddt's her. Umino is rolled into a bridge pin. Miku crossbodies both opponents off the ropes. Miku top rope swantons Umino for 2. Umino does a dropkick on Miku.
Hotta and TS shoulder battle. Hotta leg kicks her and TS hits chest forearms. Hotta hits leg kicks on TS. TS back body drops her then lariats her over. TS hits a falling splash for 2. Umino comes in and hits dropkicks on Hotta.
Umino hit chest forearms on her then Hotta forearms her over. Hotta is held for forearms from Umino. Hotta is armbarred by Umino and TS splashes her while she's in it. Umino hits shots on Hotta on the ropes then dropkicks her partner on accident. Hotta sleepers Umino and TS breaks it up. TS finlay rolls Hotta then Miku top rope splashes Hotta for 2. Hotta pulls Umino off the top then throws Miku onto her. TS lariats Umino over on accident and Miku hits a hard missile dropkick onto TS off the top. Hotta slaps Umino over and pins her.
Thoughts: Just LOL at Hotta getting the win here. People were complaining about Hotta not doing jobs in the 1990's, yet alone 30 years later. Miku is really good and was far above anyone else in this match. She may have even been the best wrestler on this show at this point. Umino had a decent showing here. There was a lot of friendly fire in this one with Umino and TS hitting each other multiple times. TS has put on a ton of weight.
Hotta gets on the mic after as does Umino.
Manami Katsu vs. YuuRI
MK backdrops her to start then sliding lariats her. MK is pulled over the top and bangs Yuu's head off the buckles. MK cutters her off the apron to the floor. They get back in. MK boots her around then hits a stunner. Yuu double jump springboard dropicks her out of the corner. Yuu high kicks her off the apron then cannonballs her off the apron outside.
Yuu top rope dropkicks her inside for 2. Yuu then grounded sleepers her. MK running knees her then Yuu step up enzugiri's her. MK running lariats her then Yuu germans her. Both are down.
Yuu hits chest kicks and MK slaps her. Yuu slaps back and MK hits a lariat for 2. MK goes up top and is kicked. Yuu 2nd rope cutters her for 2. Yuu hits kicks to the head then misses a top rope swanton. Yuu bridge pins her for 2 and kicks her in the head. MK sitout slams her for 2 and Yuu tries a pin off of it. MK mule kicks her then sliding lariats her for 2.
MK hits a sitout driver for 2. MK then does a half-tiger suplex for the win.
Thoughts: It was an okay match. There was nothing great about it and it came across better after some of the other matches on the show. There were no real face or heel roles here. They did a fair amount of high spots in this one and put out a lot of effort.
They shake hands and bow at each other after.
International Ribbon Tag Team Title Match - Hamuko Hoshi & Makoto (c) vs. Sumika Yanagawa & Yuko Sakurai
Sumi's team attacks before the bell. Makoto and Ham do hip attacks in the corners then Sumi and Yuko do their same o-shi-ri hip attack on them together. Ham shoulders Yuko over. Ham rubs her gut in Yuko's face in the corner. Makoto facekicks Yuko on the ropes. Yuko boots her and Makoto facekicks her. Makoto running boots her.
They trade facekicks. Yuko cobra twists Makoto. Yuko shotgun dropkicks Makoto. Sumi running dropkicks Makoto then hits a chest forearm flurry on her. Sumi then does the same to her. Sumi flying headscissors Makoto and facewash kicks her on the ropes. Sumi leg lariats her on the ropes for 2.
Makoto double underhook suplexes Sumi then double knee drops her back for 2. Ham gets in and crabs Sumi. Ham switches to half-crab and Sumi ropebreaks. Ham chest forearm flurries Sumi then short arm lariats her. Ham does a shinning belly attack for 2.
Ham hits Sumi with her belly. Yuko comes in and slams Ham. Sumi meteora's Ham for 2 then pulls both arms back. Sumi then bridges while doing it. Sumi 2nd rope la silla's Ham for 2. Ham germans Sumi. Sumi no sells it and spin kicks her. Ham then lariats her.
Yuko gets in and dragon sleepers Ham. Yuko facekicks Ham on the ropes for 2. Yuko takes a double team on the ropes then a flying belly + back kick combo for 2. Ham runs into a Sumi flatliner then takes a double suplex. Ham takes a double knee to the head for 2.
Ham suplexes Yuko off the 2nd rope for 2. Ham gets caught up top. Yuko 2nd rope suplexes Ham for 2. Sumi fisherman suplexes Makoto. Ham takes a face kick and spinning forearms Yuko down. All four girls are down.
Ham and Yuko trade forearms for facekicks. Ham hits shots with her belly. Yuko hits boots to the head then Ham bodyblocks her. Yuko takes a spear + lariat combo for 2.
Ham takes a headbuster from Sumi. Yuko then suplexes Ham for 2. Yuko sitout gordbusters Ham for 2. Yuko takes a spear from Makoto and Ham steamrollers Yuko for 2. Ham lariats Yuko for 2. Makoto cradle shocks Yuko and Ham top rope splashes Yuko for the win.
Thoughts: It was an okay semi-main. There was nothing wrong with it but it wasn't something you'd remember. Hamuko was in this a lot more than Makoto was. They tried and I think they did an okay job with this one.
ICExInfinity Title Match - Yuuki Mashiro (c) vs. Misa Kagura
They charge at each other and trade forearms. Misa flurries her then shoulders her over. YM spin kicks her then low dropkicks her for 2. Misa blocks an eye poke and puts YM's fingers in YM's mouth. YM low dropkicks her for 2.
YM foot chokes Misa in the corner then facebusters her. YM facelocks Misa while sitting on her back. YM hair throws Misa then corner dropkicks her. Misa shoulders YM over several times. Misa shotgun dropkicks YM then corner spears her for 2.
Misa crabs YM. Misa crabs YM. Misa is tripped into the ropes and YM dropkicks her for 2. Misa and YM trade chest forearms. Misa pulls YM's arms back then camel clutches her. Misa ties up one of YM's legs and pulls back on her arms. Misa sentons YM.
They fight on the buckles. YM crossbodies her off the apron. Misa is sent into the seats. Misa and YM fight on the floor and they hit some big forearms. YM dropkicks her outside.
YM boots her in the face multiple times. They go back in. Misa hits 2 suplexes YM triangles her and shoulder throws her for 2. Misa lariats her over then shoulders her over for 2. Misa sits on YM's back and pulls on her legs. Misa crabs her and YM ropebreaks.
Misa 2nd rope sentons YM for 2. Misa misses a 2nd rope senton and takes a low dropkick from YM. YM shoulder throws her for 2. YM backdrops her. Misa no sells it and sitout spinebusters her for 2.
They trade forearms. YM rolls her up for 2. YM spin kicks her in the head twice then exploders her for 2. YM cross-legged fisherman suplexes her and pins her.
Thoughts: It was an okay main. It got a lot of time, they tried to make good and it was fine, just not great. Neither of these two are the most athletic and both are limited so what we got beat my expectations. It was one of the better matches I've seen either girl in but that's not saying a ton. I don't quite get the logic of having two non-full time contracted IR wrestlers close Ice's biggest show of the year though.
YM talks on the mic and they shake hands. Minami Katsu comes out to challenge Yuuki for the title after. They get into it and it has to be broken up. They then kick each other. Yuuki talks on the mic more. Everyone then shakes the fans hands as usual.
Yuuki then gets all the wrestlers in and closes the show.
Overall thoughts: It was a good effort from Ice Ribbon. The expectations were low considering the overall skill levels of the wrestlers but they put out a good show. The top 3 matches were all fine and the 6-woman tag with Koike and Grizzly was okay as well. I'd give this one a 6 out of 10 but there was nothing must see on it.
Aside from all that, it was a bit of a weird show. Half the people on this show are no longer contracted with the company and likely will not be with Ice going forward. Ice has limited options and money so I'm sure they had to make-do with this one, but having a big show with a bunch of people who are leaving is essientally a live wrestling tryout for other promoters.
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