Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 12/8/2024
Last week's show is here:
Herb Simmons and Drew Abenhaus are at the studio tonight.
They talk about the outcome of the Team SICW vs Devastation Inc match with SICW on the line. They say SICW won't have any new shows in December but will return on January 10th, 2025.
Drew says he doesn't think Stephen E's crew is going anywhere. Herb says Stephen E talked to him. He said E told him mistakes were made and he wants to sit down and talk.
They say there will be new announcements, new wrestlers and returning wrestlers next year.
They talk about the upcoming SICW Fanfest and tell us Nikita Koloff, Tito Santana and Missy Hyatt will be there. They say Butch Reed will be inducted into the Hall of Fame. Drew puts over Butch as being great. They mention that Butch had his last match for SICW (5/18/2013 with Flash Flanagan and Ron Powers vs Bob Orton and Butch Reed).
We go to a match from November 23rd.
SICW Central States Title - 2/3 Falls - Glenn Williams (c) vs Bobby D
Sean Vincent does the intro for Glenn. Glenn gets on the mic and tells Bobby to shut up. Glenn says this place smells like a toilet. Glenn says tonight is about him. Glenn says he will forever be the Central States champ.
1st Fall - Bobby shoulders Glenn over. Bobby waistlock takedowns him and side headlocks him. Bobby backdrops him and Glenn goes out to stall. Bobby chops him outside. Glenn is backdropped on the apron. Bobby legdrops him on the apron. Bobby chops Glenn up and hits some forearms outside.
Glenn boots Bobby in the gut and hits some shots which eventually knock him over. Glenn hits some punches. Bobby back elbows him. Bobby germans him and pins him to win the fall.
2nd Fall - Bobby splashes Glenn in the corner and hits chops. Glenn pulls Bobby down backwards by the hair. "Trending" Trent Daniels comes out to cheer on Glenn. Glenn boots Bobby in the corner then clubs and stomps on him. Sean then helps stomp on Bobby. Glenn pump kicks him for 2. Glenn hammerlock ddt's Bobby then stomps on him.
Bobby is tied up in the ropes and Glenn clubs on his chest. Sean then gets a shot in on Bobby. Bobby suplexes Glenn then lariats him down. Glenn jawbreakers him. Bobby catches Glenn with a crossbody. Glenn goes over the top and Bobby gets DQ'd for throwing Glenn over the top. Glenn Williams wins the 2nd fall.
3rd Fall - They trade shots and Glenn uranages him for 2. Bobby crucifixes Glenn for 2 then exploders him for 2. Glenn eye rakes him then suplexes him. Glenn hits a nice flying shoulder. Glenn comes off the 2nd rope and is atomic dropped. Bobby works the leg and puts Glenn in a sharpshooter. Sean Vincent gets in and tries to interfere but is stopped by the ref. Trent comes off the top rope and double axe handles Bobby. The ref sees it and DQ's Glenn. Bobby D wins the fall and match.
Thoughts: The crowd was hot for this but I thought it was an average match. The ending wasn't that great here but the big thing to keep in mind is that while Glenn lost, he retains the title by DQ. Glenn was also about to lose so it wasn't a bad outcome for him.
Sean Vincent gets on the mic after and puts over Glenn. Glenn gets booed as he leaves and the ref has to hold Bobby back from going after Glenn.
Drew interviews Bobby D in the ring and says what happened sucks. Bobby agrees. He said he got the win and will get a rematch. He says he hopes Team SICW beats Devastation Inc. tonight (this was taped the same night as that match).
We go back to Drew and Herb in the studio. Drew says Bobby got the win but the final fall had to be decided by pin or submission, so Bobby didn't win the title. Herb says Bobby is on a roll and says he doesn't get why Glenn teams with Sean Vincent.
They talk about some of the places SICW went to this year. Herb thanks all the groups that book them year after year. Herb says to come see their show live if you like what you see on Youtube.
We go to break and return. Herb says they have a match for January 10th and it'll be Kowalski and Glenn Williams vs Bobby D and Big Joe Helms. Drew and Herb say it'll be a great match. They say anything can happen with 2 champs involved in that match. Herb says Joe better be careful going against Dogtown Underground.
They announce "Yabba Dabba Daddy" will make his debut and Danny Dollar with return to SICW. They say Austin Mulitalo will return as well. They also announce TV tapings for January 11th and close the show.
Overall thoughts: There was only one new match here. It was average. It's a smaller indy and they don't have big TV budgets so we are lucky to get what we get. This one wasn't must see but they have to work within their budget.
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