Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Marigold 11/28/2024 Winter Wonderful Fight Day 3

Marigold 11/28/2024 Winter Wonderful Fight Day 3

The last show is here:

They are at an arena with a stage here.

Chika Goto helps out with the pre-show talking as usual.

Rea Seto vs. Komomo Minami

KM = Komomo Minami

They lock-up and Re forearms her on the ropes. KM hits a forearm flurry back. Rea wristlocks her and side headlock takeovers her. KM headcissors her. They then stand off. KM dropkicks her then slams her. KM armbars her.

They trade chest forearms and Rea dropkicks her. Rea drops her on a slam then gets the slam the 2nd time. Rea hits more slams for 2. Rea puts her in cattle mutilation. KM ropebreaks. Rea dropkicks her.

KM rolls her up for 2. Rea hits stomps on her. They trade chest forearms. Rea hits a bunch of them then takes a flatliner from the 2nd rope. KM ddt's her for 2. Km rolls over her back with a ddt for 2. Rea rolls her up and pins her.

Thoughts: It was a basic rookie match. It wasn't that good and Rea had a poor night on offense here.

Nao Ishikawa vs. Myla Grace vs. Hummingbird

Ooh, I don't know about this one.

They go for a triple lock up. Hum takes a double boot and a double basement dropkick. Hum gets up, goes up on the 2nd rope and double hanging armbars both opponents at once over the top rope. Hum puts Myla in a hold then Nao sleepers hum while she does it. Myla gets out and chinlocks Nao. We then get a double rope break.

Myla is thrown into the ropes but just poses on them. Myla sends Nao into Hum and euros both in the corner. Myla then dropkicks both through the ropes. Myla twisting brainbusters Hum for 2. Hum jack knifes pins her for 2. Hum does a bridge pin but Nao tries to pin Hum while she tries to pin Myla. Nao hits a double flying neckbreaker.

Nao shoulders over Myla then double underhook suplexes her for 2. Myla spin kicks Nao and twist double underhook drops her for 2. Myla sitout slams Nao. Hum misses a top rope frogsplash on both opponents. She then takes a sandwich laariat. Myla backdrops Hum for 2 and superkicks Nao in the side of the head.

Hum hits a double ddt off a double suplex attempt. Myla superkicks Hum then Hum hurricanrana's her for 2. Myla rolls her up for 2 then Nao rolls Myla up into a bridge pin for the win.

Thoughts: I had low expectations for this but it worked out okay. Nobody botched anything. They kept it moving and it was acceptable. Nao won as expected.

Naho Yamada & Natsumi Showzuki vs. Selene Flora (Kizuna Tanaka & Victoria Yuzuki)

Nat = Natsumi Showzuki, Kiz = Kizuna Tanaka, Yuz = Victoria Yuzuki

Naho did not sing her theme as she didn't come out to her own music. Yuz and Nat lock up. Yuz wristlocks her and Nat reverses it. They go to the mat. Nat side headlocks her then headlock takeovers her. Yuz headscissors her and they stand off. They headflip up together and Yuz dropkicks her.

Yuz hits forearms in the corner then Yuz dropkicks her. Yuz slams her for 2 then hits mounted forearms. Yuz slams her twice. Yuz basement dropkicks her for 2. Nat takes a double dropkick from her opponents for 2. Kiz armbars Nat.

Nat knees Kiz in the gut. Naho comes in and flying dropkicks Kiz many times. Nat figure fours her. Naho headhunters her for 2. Naho stompso n the knee then figure fours her again. Naho bridges while putting the hold on. Kiz forearms her and knees her in the face. Kiz hits a fisherman's suplex for 2 then armbars Naho.

Kiz dropkicks Naho on the ropes. Nat comes in and knees Kiz in the gut. Yuz flying euros Nat then hits chest forearms. Nat step up enzugiri's Yuz and suplexes her. Nat hits knees to the head.

Nat forearm flurries Yuz on the ropes. She then meteora's her through the ropes. Nat running knees Yuz and Yuz takes a dropkick + kick to the back combo. Naho rolls up Yuz for 2 then bodyscissors rolls her around the ring. Naho hits her elevated pedigree on Yuz.

Yuz and Naho botch a lightning spiral attempt. Yuz gets it right the 2nd time. Kiz top rope dropkicks Naho. Naho takes a double fireman's carry slam into a double superkick for 2. Yuz hip and shoulder throws Naho then northern lights suplexes her for 2. Naho cradles Yuz for 2. Yuz superkicks her. Yuz fisherman suplexes her ofr the win.

Thoughts: It was a pretty average tag for the most part. Naho and Yuz had a botch here. I didn't like he pedigree Naho did being no sold. This didn't really get enough time to develop into something great.

Yuz talks to Nat on the mic after. Yuz challenges Nat for her title. 

Miku Aono & Misa Matsui vs. Mai Sakurai & MIRAI

Miku gets hit during intros and everyone goes out to fight. The girls go into the seats and Miku's head is banged off a brick wall. Miku's head is then banged off a door. Mirai pulls on Misa's face on seats and Misa side headlocks her.

They go back in the ring. Mirai snapmares Miku and ankle locks her. Miku's face is raked on the ropes. Mirai slams Miku then does a reverse cloverleaf on her, lifting her into the air. Mai then sleepers Miku while she's in the air.

Mirai slams Miku. Mirai drops Miku with forearms. Miku hits her twisting spinning slam on her. Misa gets in. Misa top rope crossbodies Mirai. Misa flying headscisssors her then crossbodies her against the bottom rope.

Misa is stunnered over the top rope and Mirai flatliners her. Misa rolls her up for 2. Misa rolls up Mirai off a slam attempt for 2. Misa flying lariats Mirai. Mirai takes a double dropkick.

Miku dropkicks Mirai in the corner twice. Miku kicks Mirai in the back. Mirai upkicks her in the corner then 2nd rope corkscrew elbow drops her. Mai top rope dropkicks Mirai for 2. Mai facekicks Miku in the corner and facewash kicks her for 2.

Mai spin kicks and axe kicks Miku for 2. Mai ties up Miku's legs and Misa breaks it up. Miku sliding lariats Mai for 2. Misa fisherman suplexes Mai. Mai blocks a buzzsaw kick.

They trade chest forearms. Mai flying chest kicks Miku. Miku lariats her over. Mai pump kicks Miku then Miku lariats her. Misa gets in and hits knees and forearms on Mai. Misa spin kicks Mai in the gut then slingblades her for 2. 

Mai northern lights suplexes Misa for 2. Mai armbars her. Mai facekicks her on the ropes then shining enzugiri's her for 2. Misa rolls Mai into a double stomp. She gets 2 counts and does it again. Misa is snapmared off the buckles then takes a flying knee + lariat combo. Mai stf's Misa. Misa flying knees Mai and rolls her up for 2. Mirai lariats Miku hard then Mai pump kicks Misa. Misa takes a double STO then Mai STF's Misa. Misa then taps out.

It was the best thing on the show so far but that's not saying a lot. I did somewhat like this but it dragged on a little too much for me. It was nice to see Misa in a bigger spot than usual. She held up her end though. The initial brawling outside of the ring could have been better as Misa was just putting a headlock on people in the stands. 

Miku talks on the mic. Miku holds up her title at Mai and they go face to face after.

Kouki Amarei, Minami Yuuki & Utami Hayashishita vs. Bozilla, CHIAKI & Nagisa Nozaki

NN = Nagisa Nozaki

Yuuki in the main event may be a first.

This may be Yuuki's first main event. Chi boots Utami in the gut and side headlocks her. Utami throws her down backwards and dropkicks her. Utami flapjacks Chi, Yuuki low dropkicks Chi and Chi takes a boot + basement dropkick combo for 2.

Yuuki throws Chi over by the arms. Chi brings a chair in and Yuuki blocks her from using it. Chi slams Yuuki then gets on Boz's back for a double splash on Yuuki. Chi does facewash kicks on Yuuki. NN chinlocks Yuuki on the ropes then double chop flurries her.

Boz's team all chop flurries Yuuki in the corner. NN gets on Yuuki's back and camel clutches her. Utami breaks it up. Yuuki and Chi go at it. Yuuki dropkicks her in the back then is knocked over by NN. Chi cartwheel double knee drops NN on the back. Yuuki running dropkicks Chi. 

Kouki comes in and facekicks Chi. Kouki hits a 2nd rope double crossbody on NN and Boz. Chi eye rakes Kouki on the ropes. Kouki cutters Chi then falling splashes her for 2. Chi codebreakers Kouki then NN reverse pendulum kicks Kouki.

Boz lariats Kouki on the ropes then Chi and NN double basement Kouki in the back. Kouki powerslams NN. NN facekicks her. Kouki facekicks her back. NN facekicks her then Kouki facekicks her down. Kouki backdrops NN for 2. Utami torture rack drops NN for 2.

Utami and NN trade forearms. NN drops Utami with a straight punch. She misses a sliding dropkick and Utami sliding lariats her. Utami hits an air raid crash for 2. NN facekicks Utami over then Utami lariats her. Utami germans NN then NN single leg dropkicks her for 2.

Boz comes in and corner lariats Utami. Boz hits a suplex for 2. Boz lariats Utami for 2. Boz is double thrown off the buckles by Utami and Kouki. Utami lariats Boz.

Yuuki comes in and dropkicks Boz. Boz no sells the dropkicks. Boz suplexes Yuuki for 2. Boz blocks Yuuki's russian legsweep then Kouki facekicks Boz over. Kouki facekicks Boz.

Everyone gets in the ring. Boz double lariats Yuuki and Utami. Boz curbstomps Yuuki then F-5's her for 2. NN and Chi hit a dropkick and spear at the same time. Boz sitout powerbombs Yuuki and pins her.

Thoughts: It was an average main event as expected. It shouldn't have been the main but it was. There was just nothing great about it. Yuuki did fine here.

Nagisa talks on the mic after. Boz yells "f--k you, b!tch" at her opponents. Chi also talks on the mic.

Overall thoughts: Non-Sareee Marigold shows are weaker shows and this was no exception. It didn't look that great on paper and it wasn't. The main was very average. The semi-main was also average for the most part. The opener wasn't good. The second match was better than expected and the third match wasn't as good as it could have been. I'd give this one a 4 out of 10 and would not recommend it.

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