Marigold 12/8/2024 Winter Wonderful Fight Day 5
Day 4 is here:
Chika Goto does the pre-show stuff.
Hummingbird & Rea Seto vs. Komomo Minami & Victoria Yuzuki
KM = Komomo Minami, Yuz = Victoria Yuzuki
KM hits a nice dropkick on Rea to start. She hits chest forearms. Rea fires back. KM dropkicks her. Rea is taken down and takes double stomps. She then takes a double basement dropkick.
Rea slams KM. Rea keylocks her then pulls her arm around the ropes. Rea basement dropkicks her. Hum dropkicks KM for 2. Hum hanging headscissors KM over the ropes. Rea dropkicks KM. Hum does a grounded cobra clutch on KM and KM ropebreaks.
KM hits a dropkick on Hum. KM flatliners her off the ropes then ddt's her. Yuz dropkicks Hum when she gets in. Hum jack knifes her for 2 and basement dropkicks her. Rea corner dropkicks Yuz then bangs her head off the mat. Rea basement dropkicks Yuz.
Rea backslides Yuz for 2. Rea hooks a leg and pulls back on Yuz's arm. KM breaks it up. Hum and Rea are sent into each other then Rea takes a double bulldog. Yuz dropkicks Rea then superkicks her on the ropes. Yuz baseball slides Rea.
Rea hits chest forearms on Yuz and Yuz forearms her back. Rea dropkicks Yuz on the ropes twice. Yuz takes a double suplex for 2. Rea belly to belly suplexes Yuz for 2. KM dropkicks Rea then Yuz uranage's Rea. Yuz northern lights suplexes Rea for 2.
Rea cradles Yuz then rolls her up for 2. Rea rolls up Yuz for 2. Yuz superkicks Rea. Yuz does a wrist clutch fisherman suplex on Rea and wins.
Thoughts: This went a lot better than expected. Almost everything hit clean, they kept it moving and no one embarrassed themselves. It was still basically a rookie match but it went well.
Natsumi Showzuki vs. Kizuna Tanaka
Kiz has a brace around her stomach.They trade chest forearms. Kiz armbars her. They trade some holds on the mat and armbar each other. They trade chest forearms and Kiz chest forearm flurries her. Kiz hanging triangles her over the top then rolling armbars her. Kiz top rope dropkicks her for 2.
Nat does an octopus to her. Nat running knees her then does an armbar. Nat corner meteora's her and kicks her in the back for 2. Kiz high kicks her then hits basement knees. Kiz no sells a fisherman suplex then germans her. Kiz holds her back after this. Kiz then falls down and Nat top rope double knee drops her to win.
Thoughts: The match was basically cut short due to injury before it truly got going. There's no rating for this and hopefully Kiz is okay. I think Kiz had to be stretchered out after this but they didn't show it.
Nao Ishikawa vs. Bozilla
Nao running dropkicks her several times. Nao hits chest forearms. Nao misses a dropkick then Boz basement dropkicks her out. Nao is thrown into the seats and Boz headbutts her there. Boz chokes her with a towel.
Boz corner splashes Nao. Nao backrolls her into a basement dropkick. Boz short arm lariats her for 2. Boz chop flurries her. Boz superplexes her off the buckles for 2. Nao rolls hr up for 2. Boz catches Nao off a crossbody but takes a ddt. Nao then top rope crossbodies her for 2.
Boz chops her over and Nao rolls her up for 2. Boz chest headbutts her and release germans her. Boz running knees her on the ropes and piledrivers her for the win.
Thoughts: It was a short squash as expected and was not interesting.
Miku Aono & Naho Yamada vs. CHIAKI & Nagisa Nozaki
NN = Nagisa Nozaki
Naho didn't sing her theme song to the ring. Naho gets hit from behind to start. Naho is tied up in the ropes and has feet put on her head. Chi spears Naho's back on the ropes. Chi drops her with a chest forearm.
They trade chest forearms. Naho is tripped from the outside and takes a basement dropkick. NN double chop flurries Naho. Naho hits dropkicks on NN. NN shotgun dropkicks her then facekicks her in the corner.
NN pendulum kicks her on the ropes. Naho hits chest forearms. NN sleepers her and Miku breaks it up. NN takes a double low dropkick then Naho dropkicks her for 2. NN facekicks Miku over then Miku legsweeps her. Miku hits a top rope dropkick for 2.
Naho facekicks Miku on the ropes. Chi facewash kicks Miku on the ropes. Miku high kicks Chi then takes a codebreaker. Chi fisherman suplexes her for 2. Miku swinging twisting slams Chi then sliding lariats her for 2.
Naho comes in and pedigrees Chi. Chi does a spinebuster on her then Naho dropkicks her. Naho figure fours her with a bridge. Chi tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Naho then gutbusters her. Miku lariats Chi on the ropes then Naho stunners Chi. Chi hits a bad backbreaker on Naho for 2.
Naho backrolls Chi into a headscissors. Naho then lifting pedigrees Chi. Naho 2nd rope diving forearms Chi for 2. Miku takes a head kick into a sitout burning hammer then NN pushes her out of the ring. Chi claw slams Naho for 2. Chi does some dangerous looking torture rack drop on Naho and pins her.
Thoughts: It wasn't any good. Chi and Naho didn't work that well together with multiple sloppy moments. The finish didn't look that good either.
Mai Sakurai, MIRAI & Myla Grace vs. Kouki Amarei, Misa Matsui & Utami Hayashishita
They have commentary over the house mic for this one.
Misa leg kicks Myla then 2nd rope diving armdrags her. Misa dropkicks her. Myla corner euros Misa and rolls her into a basement dropkick. Mira boots and foot chokes Misa in the corner.
Misa sunset flips Mirai for 2 then rolls her up for 2. Misa chases Mirai around the ring and runs into Mai. Misa then gets her head banged off the post.
Mirai chest forearms Misa outside and throws a box at her but misses. Misa then hits Mirai with a the box. Misa puts the box on her and pounds on her. Misa beats up Mirai in the seats and bangs her head off the post. Misa hair throws Mirai.
Utami slams Mirai. Utami basement dropkicks her. Kouki gets in and slams Mirai. Kouki crabs Mirai. Kouki powerslams Mirai. Kouki falling splashes Mirai's back.
Kouki stomps on Mirai. Mirai hits chest forearms then does a dragon screw. Mirai then basement dropkicks her. Mai comes in and dropkicks Kouki off the buckles. She corner facekicks Kouki then facewash kicks her.
Mai does a stunner + reverse ddt combo. Kouki takes a double basement dropkick. Myla hops over Mai's back with a double knee drop on Kouki. Mai bullogs Kouki then Kouki facekicks her. Utami suplexes Mai. Mai flying knees Utami in the chest.
Mai hits corner back elbows on Utami. Mirai top rope dropkicks Utami. Utami hits a big forearm on Mirai. Utami does a torture rack while her partners also put submissions on. Mirai goes up and over Utami then up kicks her. Mirai slams her and 2nd rope corkscrew elbow drops her.
Utami germans Mirai. Misa gets in and crossbodies Mirai against the bottom rope. Misa bridging ddt's Mirai for 2. Mirai half-nelson suplexes Misa. Myla twisting double underhook drops Misa or 2. Kouki facekicks Myla then drops Mia onto her. Misa double stomps Myla.
Mai cutters Misa over the top then Myla dropkicks Misa through the ropes. Myla twisting suplexes Misa for 2. Misa hits kicks on Myla then Misa fisherman suplexes her for 2. Myla russian legsweeps Misa off the buckles. Myla top rope la silla's Misa for 2.
Misa cradles Myla then rolls her up for 2. Myla superkicks her. Utami hits an air raid crash on Myla. Kouki and Utami hit stereo backdrops. Myla sitout slams Misa for 2. Myla hits a startwister press off the top an wins.
Thoughts: It went about 19 minutes (not the 13 minutes some have said it went) and was too long. The commentary added some excitement to this and I felt like the girls did try some here. There were some good moments but there was no real logic or story to this, just people hitting their moves.
Myla gets on the mic. She said she won against champs 2 days in a row. She says she's leaving with the Super Flyweight belt at Shinjuku Face. Mai, Utami and Mirai talk on the mic after and pose with kids.
Overall thoughts: It was a really weak Marigold show. Like I've said a lot of times, Marigold shows without Sareee and Nanae are pretty rough. The rest of the roster is just not talented enough and house shows in general are weaker shows anyway due to being smaller events. The undercard was totally nothing here and Kizuna Tanaka came out of her match injured. I'm hoping the new rookies they are getting in the next month can help things out because this is a mid-level promotion without Sareee and Nanae around. I would not recommend this and would give it a4 out of 10. This was hard to sit through.
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