Wednesday, December 18, 2024

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 7/6/1991

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 7/6/1991

Last week's show is here:

We are in Sacramento, CA.

Vince McMahon, Randy Savage and Roddy Piper are on commentary. Vince says this is a golden opportunity for Macho to propose to Miss Elizabeth. Piper asks if he will strike rich or strike out. Macho says Piper is asking for it and Piper says everyone is asking for it. Piper then puts a ring on Macho's finger and tells him to go do it.

The Undertaker vs Bob Allen

They hear Taker's gong and say lots of bells are ringing in reference to Macho.

Taker boots Bob and nodowa otoshi's him. Taker then chokes him. Taker grabs him by the face. Paul Bearer does an inset promo. He says Taker is cold and maniacal and says Warrior will be used to being down and dirty the next he sees him. Taker side slams Bob then tombstones him. Taker ten picks up the win.

Thoughts: It was a quick one with Bob getting no offense in. All they did was talk about Macho marrying Liz in this.

Bob is put in the bodybag after. Taker then carries Bob out.

We get an ad for Summerslam.

Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Miss Elizabeth in the ring. Gene brings up Liz coming back at Wrestlemania VII for Macho Man. Gene asks what about the speculation of Liz having wedding bells in her future. Liz says she doesn't know.

Gen asks Liz how she feels about marriage. Liz says it's a sacred bond between a man and a woman. Liz is asked how she feels about Macho Man. She says he's macho, he's warm, he's caring and he's affectionate. Liz says Macho's very tender. Liz points to Macho at the booth and says, "I love that man".

Macho gets up and Piper tells him to go for it. Vince chairs Macho on as well. Macho heads down and gets in the ring. Macho says he's thinking of returning to the Summerslam. Gene tells Macho that contractually, his career is over. Macho gets mad and says nobody tells him what to do.

Macho tells Liz he loves her. Macho then pulls out an engagement ring. Someone in the crowd says, "get on your knees". Macho does and takes his hat off. Macho says," Elizabeth, Elizabeth, will you marry me?". Liz says, "ooooooh yeah". Liz puts the ring on and they hug. Macho puts Liz on his shoulders and points around.

Thoughts: This was a fine segment. Vince and Piper were fun egging Macho on here like frat buddies.

The Beverly Brothers (Beau and Blake Beverly) vs Dave Rizzo and Scott Key

Coach is with The Bros. Coach does an inset promo with them. He says we are looking at the next champs because they have the heart, the guys, they're tough and they got The Coach.

Beau is the clean shaven one. He knees his opponent in the gut and hits a back elbow. Beau double underhook suplexes him. The other jobber gets in and is rammed into the buckles. Blake throws him off his shoulder backwards. Blake drops his opponent on the ropes throat first. Blake calls for the shaker heights spike and they hit it. Beau then picks the pin up.

Thoughts: It was a quick squash here with the jobbers getting nothing in. They did a safe version of their finish.

Jake "The Snake" Roberts vs Louie Spicolli

Piper calls Lou, "a little Irish fella". Jake armlocks Lou and Lou grabs the hair. Lou eye rakes him and hits shots to the gut. Lou misses a 2nd rope twisting crossbody. Vince says there was a rumor that Lou won the Summerslam Sweepstakes. Piper says that's the only way he is getting to Summerslam. Jake hits a short arm lariat and then ddt's Lou for the win.

Thoughts: Vince and Piper got a kick out of Lou. Lou got put down fast before getting much in.

Jake pulls Lucifer out and puts him on Lou after.

WWF Event Center

Sean says Jake plans on taking down Earthquake next. Ted Dibiase and Sensational Sherri do a promo. Ted says some things in this life are constant - some people are always winners and some are always losers. He says Virgil was a millionaire every night for 10 minutes - the 10 minutes he gave him his belt to hold before he had to give it back. Ted says Virgil will always be a loser. He says everyone has a price for The Million Dollar Man.

The Bushwhackers do a promo. Butch says they get a bit carried away sometimes and forget the fans who gave them all the success. Butch says it's them who got them here and he says they love them.

The Mountie vs Bobby Jones

Mountie slaps him around then stomps him. Bob's head is banged off the buckles. Mountie does a double arm nodowa otoshi and pins him.

Thoughts: This was the usual unimpressive Mountie squash and was a waste of time.

Bob is handcuffed to the 2nd rope connector after. Mountie gets on the mic and says Bob is under arrest. He reads him his rights and calls him a boy. Mountie then zaps him with the shockstick.

WWF Event Center

The Dragon (Ricky Steamboat) does a promo. He says at last he has come to the WWF. He talks about breathing fire and says the fans know he wrestles for all good. He says the strength he has comes from the power of his fire and says it's a warning for all the foes that oppose him.

Irwin R. Schyster does a promo. He says some stars think they are better than the rest of the tax cheat people. He says Piper is one of them and says Piper thinks he can write off his trips to Scotland for bagpipe lessons. He says Piper has gotten the IRS breathing down his neck. He says he doesn't think Piper can look at The IRS or him and think he can take either down.

Bret "The Hitman" Hart vs Haku

Haku is in black today. Haku side headlocks him then shoulders him over. Hart hiptosses and armdrags him. Hart armlocks him. Haku tries to slam him but Hart holds onto the arm. Haku catches Hart's flying crossbody with a backbreaker.

Haku stomps him. Hart hits punches in the corner. Haku knees him out of the corner. Haku misses a 2nd rope elbow drop. Hart crucifixes Haku and pins him.

Haku got jobbed out here. He lost completely clean and pretty quick. There's a reason for it too - this is one of Haku's last appearances outside of the 1992 Royal Rumble. My guess is that with Heenan leaving they didn't have a role for him and had already gotten a lot of jobs out of him. I feel like jobbing is a chicken and egg situation. You job if they have no plans for you. But if you keep jobbing, they will have no plans for you. I think a lot of people have only seen Wrestlemania VII and assumed him and Haku teamed up a lot in the WWF, but they really didn't.

WWF Update

Mean Gene Okerlund says a new match was signed for Summerslam - Hulk Hogan and The Ultimate Warrior vs Sgt. Slaughter, General Adnan and Col. Mustafa in a match made in hell. He says it's 3v2 and a special ref will be appointed.

Thoughts: As often is the case in the WWF at this time period, what you see on TV often doesn't reflect on PPV. One would think Warrior would be fighting Taker at Summerslam but that is not the case.

The Rockers vs Brooklyn Brawler and Tim Patterson

Tim would be called "Spitball Patterson" in the UWF. Brawler and Marty lock up. They trade armlocks. Marty uses the ropes to bounce out and wristlocks him. Vince wonders if there's still animosity between Warrior and Hogan. Marty superkicks Brawler.

Shawn superkicks Tim and bangs his head off the buckles. Tim runs into a boot in the corner. Shawn bangs his head off the mat. Shawn gorilla presses Marty onto him. I guess Marty gets the pin. We didn't see it and it had to have been a super fast count.

Thoughts: It was a quick one here with the pin not even being caught by the camera's.

Vince then takes us to Skinner, who is appearing for the first time on this show. He asks if we know what the difference between a gator and a WWF superstar is. He says the gator doesn't make that much noise when you skin him alive. He then laughs.

Thoughts: You gotta give it to them. Skinner had about 10 seconds here and you already knew what he was all about. Skinner was not one of my favorites as a kid.

Sgt. Slaughter vs Jim Gorman

General Adnan and Col. Mustafa are with Sarge. Sarge hits knees to the gut and is looking thinner here. He pulls on Jim's hair on the ropes and calls him Ultimate Warrior and asks how he likes it. He drops Jim on the top rope chest first and says that's what will happen to Hulk and Warrior.

Sarge hits a big clothesline and slams Jim. Sarge hits a gordbuster then camel clutches him. Jim submits.

Thoughts: It was another quick one here with Jim getting nothing in. At least they used this to build up the match with Warrior and Hogan.

Jim gets stomped on by the heels after. They choke him on the ropes and Sarge says that's you Warrior and Hogan. Jim is hanging out of the ring and they pull him in for more punishment. Sarge says it'll be a match made in hell.

WWF Event Center

The Big Boss Man does a promo. He says he's the law and order in the WWF. He says he has stood tall for honor and justice. He says what you believe in makes you the law man. He says he doesn't care who it is, if they break the law, they have to answer to him. He says he will serve hard time on anyone who breaks the law.

Coach and Mr. Perfect do a promo. Coach asks if Perfect knows how many coaches would love to have him on his team. Perfect says his problem is he's good and he knows it. He says his IC belt is what makes him different. He says if you wanna talk about men who have strength and speed and can be coached, then you are talking about Mr. Perfect

Vince runs down next week's show.

Overall thoughts: Liz and Macho agreed to be married here. We saw Skinner for the first time on Superstars and Haku got jobbed out in one of his last TV matches for a while. They also made the Warrior/Hulk vs Sarge/Adnan/Mustafa match official for Summerslam. The matches weren't much as usual and there was nothing must see on this. At least the ball is finally rolling for Summerslam though which should give the show some much needed direction. I wouldn't recommend this and didn't think it was that good.

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