WWE Smackdown 12/13/2024
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/12/wwe-smackdown-1262024.html
They are in Hartford, CT. Michael Cole and Corey Graves are on commentary.
We see various wrestlers arrive.
Jimmy Uso comes out on a crutch. He says Wargames was lit. He said it didn't get him but got his big toe. He says Wargames meant everything as he was in there with family he might like or might not like. He says OG Bloodline came out on top and said Wargames is now behind them. He says what's in front of them is now the question.
He talks about watching Jey Uso and Roman. He says he's proud of Solo but doesn't like what he's doing. He says he doesn't know what he's personally doing next but wants the fans to ride with him. He says it'll be a big year for Big Jim. He says he might win The Royal Rumble, go after the US Title or the WWE Title.
He says a new year is coming for him. Drew McIntyre then hits a claymore kick on him. Drew beats up on him. Aldis and other officials come to stop him.
Thoughts: Drew has a long history with Bloodline. Him attacking Jimmy isn't even real heelish to be honest after all the things Bloodline did to him.
Tiffany Stratton, LeRae and Nia Jax talk in the back. Tiff says she's ready and says no one will take this one from her. Nia says it's all about Tiff's legacy and says she doesn't need to resort to cheap tactics. Nia wishes her luck. Tiff has christmas themed gear on.
Aldis is yelling at Drew as he escorts him out. He tells him he can't pull stuff like this and says it's all a giant headache. Bianca and Naomi go up to Nick. Aldis tells Drew to go in his office. Aldis says the investigation is still ongoing and they don't know what happened to Jade yet. Aldis says he doesn't see an option except for Bianca to relinquish the tag titles. Naomi says Bianca has never relinquished anything and she says she will step up to the plate and replace Jade. Aldis says they will have to be fighting champs and fight next week if this happens.
WWE Women's United Stats Title Tournament Semifinals - Tiffany Stratton vs Michin
Tiff puts Mich in the corner off the lock-up and throws her down backwards. Mich takes her down and hits forearms. Mich dropkicks her. Mich boots her out of the corner then headscissors her down. Mich shoulders her over. Mich dropkicks Tiff through the ropes then is swept on the apron. Tiff dropkicks/double stomps her on the apron.
We go to PiP break and return. Tiff misses a double stomp on the apron. Mich kicks her form the apron. Mich ddt's her then hits a tornado ddt for 2. Mich does a tarantula to her on the ropes. Mich dropkicks her off the buckles then Tiff hits an alabama slam for 2.
Mich gets on her back with a sleeper. Tiff finlay rolls her . Mich tries to roll out of a double jump moonsault but rolls into it. Mich hits a soul foot and wins.
Thoughts: It was an average match with a botched finish that wasn't sold. Mich wasn't supposed to get hit with the moonsault but did and didn't sell it. That was stupid. This didn't get enough time to be anything great.
DIY do a video in black and white. Johnny talks about Bloodline costing them the tag titles months ago. Ciampa says they were screwed. Johnny said he would do whatever it took to right the wrongs but didn't know what it meant. Ciampa says they were two steps ahead of MCMG. Ciampa says they are onto better days as they are the tag champs. Johnny says they are the best tag team in the world.
Roman Reigns and Paul Heyman do a video at a lake. Roman says it has been a rough year. He says Bloodline ran everything not too long ago and it all fell apart. Roman says he lost his title, his wiseman and Bloodline. He says he also lost his necklace.
He says Solo wasn't here 4 years ago. He said he didn't take the necklace, he earned it. He said he was crowned it as he was the man to lead the family. He says the necklace and his family are the only thing that mean anything to him. He says January 6th means Netflix for some, but it means Tribal Combat to him. He says let's let the tribes spectate and do tribal chief vs tribal chief. He says he will take back his necklace and Bloodline on 1/6. He says he will take back his respect. He says the whole world will have no choice but to acknowledge him once he takes his respect back.
Legado del Fantasma talk to Aldis in the back. Santos says Aldis plays favorites and he's sick of it. He brings up The Street Profits and Jade getting attacked backstage and not by them. Santos says maybe they are better off with Adam Pearce and says to get him on the phone.
Carmelo Hayes goes up to Aldis. He says he will make light work of his mystery opponent. Aldis says we'll see.
Carmelo Hayes vs Braun Strowman
Braun is the mystery opponent for Melo. He got injured vs Bronson Reed and is back. Melo shoves him and hits punches. Melo springboard twisting lariats him but just bounces off. Braun misses an elbow drop and is pounded on by Melo. Braun misses a corner charge.
Melo dropkicks Braun in the knee and hits a blind springboard ddt on Braun for 1. Melo is caught coming off the top and Braun powerslams him for the win.
Thoughts: This was a lose-lose as neither guy needed to lose here. Braun winning in his return was probably more important though. This was just a quick one.
Byron Saxton interviews LA Knight. LA says he usually handles his own business and even declined to get involved in Wargames. He says he doesn't care about the red necklace, he cares about gold. He said Roman's whole family can go to hell and says Jey is the only one worth a d@mn. He says Solo let his necklace go in the way of his belt. He says Solo will remember whose game this is.
Thoughts: This was a good but explicit promo from LA.
Solo Sikoa, Tama Tonga and Jacob Fatu come out. Solo says to acknowledge him. LA comes out before Solo can say more.
Solo Sikoa vs LA Knight
LA his new black and yellow trunks on. Solo and LA trade shots. Solo corner splashes him then uppercuts him. Solo headbutts him in the back of the head and hits punches. LA leg lariats him on the ropes and lariats him over the top.
LA's head is banged off the commentary table. LA sends Solo into the steps then bangs his head off the commentary table. LA hits mounted punches on the table. LA hits punches. Solo samoan drops him.
Solo headbutts him. LA boots him out of the corner and diving facebusters him from the 2nd rope. Solo is pulled over the top. LA dropkicks Tama through the ropes when he moves Solo out of the way. LA takes a uranage on the commentary table.
We go to PiP break and return. LA backdrops him. LA hits punches then flying lariats him. LA hits mounted punches. LA running knees Solo in the corner. LA diving lariats Fatu and Tama from the apron outside. Fatu takes a back body drop onto the commentary table. Solo superkicks him then LA hits a side effect. LA double jump elbow drops him for 2. Fatu then grabs LA and headbutts him, causing the DQ.
Thoughts: It was a decent match. LA was a little more in tune with the flow of the match than usual and it was one of his better outings. I was curious who would win here since neither guy needed a loss and they went with the DQ to get out of it. I was fine with it as it is going somewhere and is something different.
LA is sent into the rails and Fatu flips over the rail during it. Tama pounds on LA and Fatu running hip attacks LA into the rail.
Solo hits a samoan spike on LA then Tama and Fatu attack. Andrade and Apollo Crews of all people come out and help. Crews and Andrade get knocked down.
Thoughts: Crews and Andrade aren't exactly all-star back-ups here. I'm not sure why they had Bloodline put them down as it made them look like geeks.
Pretty Deadly talk to Braun Strowman in the back. Elton says they've been looking for a monster for months and he's perfect for the role in Pretty Deadly: The Musical. They give him a program for it but he gives it back.
Byron interviews Braun. Waller and Theory interrupt. They kick Byron out. They ask Braun to be on The Grayson Waller Effect next week. Braun agrees.
WWE Women's United States Title Tournament Semifinal - Bayley vs Chelsea Green
Bay hits a quick belly to belly for 2. Green slides out. Bay rolls her up for 2. Bay tries a jack knife pin then Green rolls her up. Green slaps her and boots her in the corner. Bay tries an up and over but gets forearmed in the face.
Bay back elbows her then diving armdrags her off the ropes. Bay sliding lariats her for 2. Bay hits armdrags and la magistal's her for 2. Bay lariats her over. Green goes out to recover.
Bay baseball slides her in the back of the neck. Bay hits forearms inside and Piper Niven tries Bay. Green stomps Bay in the back for 2.
We go to break and return. Green sliding flatliners her and rolls her up for 2. Green chokes Bay around the bottom rope. Green chinlocks her as they air a commercial for a movie in picture-in-picture. Bay tries to roll her off but Green holds on. Bay is pulled backwards. Green is backed up into the post. They trade forearms on the apron.
Bay stunners her over the 2nd rope. Green goes out. Bay sliding lariats her on the floor and pounds on her. Bay bridging suplexes her on the floor. Bay backrops her for 2. Bay lays on the top rope and takes a knee from Green.
Green misses a 2nd rope vader bomb. Bay knees her in the chest. Bay sunset flips her into the buckles. Bay gets a 2 count on her. Green rolls Bay up off a belly to belly attempt. Green hits a nice leg lariat for 2.
Bay goes up top. Piper pulls Green out. Bay then elbows Piper off the 2nd rope. Bay is sent over the rails. Green kicks Bay as she comes in and hits an unprettier for the win.
Thoughts: It was a longer match than expected. They got a lot of time. Green winning was a surprise in theory but I guess they wanted Michin to face a heel. This is the biggest win Green has gotten in a long time. It was just an average match with some interference from Piper. Bay's elbow to Piper's head/neck from the buckles looked like it hurt. I assume Green is winning tomorrow but who knows.
The Motor City Machine Guns talk. They said they came to WWE to make a statement and they did. They said they knew they would rub people the wrong way and didn't expect Gargano to be one of them. Alex says his relationship with Johnny is gone with one superkick. He said he gets it though as the tag titles are the most important on the planet. Alex says next week is a fight and Johnny finds out why he's the student and Alex is the teacher.
We get a translated promo from Shinsuke Nakamura. SN says a shift has taken place and says the weak won't be praised as victors. He says one by one they wall below his feet. He says LA Knight was just the beginning and said he held something he never deserved. He says LA claws for what he can't have and what is no longer his. He says he's inevitable.
Tiffany Stratton talks to Nia in the back. Nia says it was a tough night and it happens. She says not everyone is meant to be a singles champ like her. LeRae says to perk up as she and Nia get a tag title match with Naomi and Bianca. She says she knows Tiff couldn't bring gold to their group but Nia could have two titles. Nia says they should go brainstorm about it. LeRae says maybe singles wrestling isn't Tiff's speed.
Michael Cole is in the ring to host a talk between Cody Rhodes and Kevin Owens. Cole calls for KO but KO does not come out. Cody says KO isn't here but the wonderful crowd is. Cody says let's go ahead and do it. Cody says they don't have to do it in the car like with KO last week.
Cole says HHH gave Cody something that he can use for one night only tomorrow. Kevin Owens then appears on the tron from a car. He says Cole should prove he's an unbiased journalist and asks how Cody can use his friends to finish his story then spit in their faces by teaming with Roman? He says Cody should tell the truth and says he should admit he's as bad of a friend as he is a son and brother.
KO says Cody should admit he was more interesting as Stardust. Cody says KO has more zingers up his sleeve. He says instead of waiting for that, he should find KO. Cody heads to the back. KO nails him from behind. They fight. Cody is sent into some walls and they fight to the stage.
KO Sends Cody into the rails and beats up security. Cody hits punches. They get in the ring and Cody hits mounted shots. Daivari, Helms and refs try to break it up. KO hits Cody with the belt and drops the belt on him.
Overall thoughts: It was a good show with them setting some things up, getting us ready for SNME tomorrow and giving us a decent bit of in-ring action. LA Knight vs Solo was an okay match that got a lot of time. Bayley/Green got more time than it needed and was just average. Braun Strowman returned. And it's clear LeRae is trying to break up Tiffany Stratton and Nia Jax. The final segment was pretty average for the most part with not too much of note. I'd give this one a 6 out of 10 but I don't think you need to see it.
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