Thursday, December 19, 2024

Marigold 12/13/2024 Winter Wonderful Fight Day 6

Marigold 12/13/2024 Winter Wonderful Fight Day 6

The last show is here:

Chika Goto didn't help with intros here, likely because she's actually wrestling today. Kizuna Tanaka got injured on the last show and isn't here. This show has commentary.

Rea Seto vs. Minami Yuuki vs. Komomo Minami

KM = Komomo Minami

We get a triple dropkick spot to start. Everyone hits dropkicks on each other. Rea dropkicks Yuuki in the corner then facebusters her. Rea low dropkicks her for 2. Rea half crabs her and Yuuki ropebreaks. Rea dropkicks her against the ropes for 2.

KM cutters Rea off the ropes. KM 2nd rope twisting crossbodies Yuuki the basemnet dropkicks her. KM hits back elbows and a spin kick low. KM ddt's Yuuki for 2. Yuuki throws KM over by the arm. Yuuki does a double wristclutch ddt on KM. Yuuki hammerlock guillotines her and Rea breaks it. Rea is pushed into KM then Yuuki hits a double russian legswep for 2.

KM rolls up Yuuki for 2 and Rea does a jack knife pin out of it. Rea hits belly to belly suplexes on both opponents. Rea then pulls on Yuuki's leg and arm and reverse triangles her to win.

This had the potential to be really bad but it worked out well. Komomo had her 2nd best showing since her debut here and showed some fire we haven't really been seeing from her. Yuuki did a new move or two and we got a lot of dropkicks which is fine as the girls are good at it. This was a decent opener.  

Hummingbird & Nao Ishikawa vs. Bozilla & Misa Matsui

Misa side headlocks Hum.  She cartwheels over then rolls her. Misa botches a springboard and armdrags her. They botch another spot and stand off. Boz and Nao shoulderblock battle. Hum sits in the first row for a second. Boz shoulders Nao over. Misa sends Hum into the post outside. Hum and Nao are whipped into each other.

Nao's head is banged off the apron and buckles. Boz chop flurries Nao. Nao is caught off the 2nd rope and takes a fallway slam. Misa top rope double stomps Nao for 2. Boz throws Misa down onto Nao for 2. Misa crossbodies Nao against the bottom rope for 2. Misa takes a flying lariat from Nao.

Misa hits chest forearms on Nao then is pulled down by the hair. Misa knees Nao in the back of the head. Nao forearms her down. Nao double underhook suplexes her for 2. Hum dropkicks Misa does a grounded choke with the arm hooked. Boz spinebusters Hum and flying knees her for 2. Boz does a hard curb stomp on Hum. Hum cradles her for 2. Hum hits chest forearms on Boz. Boz throws her on a gordbuster. Hum gets on her back for a sleeper. Hum boots her out of the corner then hanging headscissors her over the top rope.

Nao dropkicks Hum on the ropes. Boz misses a double lariat when her opponents bridge out then she hits one. Boz cradle shocks her for 2. Boz sitout powerbombs Hum and wins.

Misa had 2 botches here. Outside of that, it was acceptable with Boz getting the win as expected. It was nothing you would remember though outside of Boz's stiff curbstomp.

Kouki Amarei, Utami Hayashishita & Victoria Yuzuki vs. Chika Goto, Miku Aono & Naho Yamada

Yuz = Victoria Yuzuki

This is Chika's return after being injured for 6 weeks.

Chika and Kouki lock up. Chika chest forearms her on the ropes. Kouki then does the same. Chika does a stiff running hip attack against the bottom rope. Kouki facekicks her around then facekicks her on the ropes. Kouki ties her arms up and forces the break.

Kouki bangs her head off the buckles. Yuz gets in and knee chokes Chika in the corner. Yuz basement dropkicks her for 2. Utami slams Chika. Chika hits chest forearms.

Chika throws Kouki over and facekicks her. Kouki takes corner dropkicks. Kouki takes a double elbow drop. Miku hits kicks on Kouki's back for 2. Kouki facekicks her over. Utami lariats Miku on the ropes. They trade chest forearms. Miku leg kicks her then Utami suplexes her for 2.

They lariat battle and Miku lariats her over. Utami lariats her. Yuz dropkicks Miku then flying headcissors her. Yuz dropkicks her and hits a standing moonsault for 2. Chika reverse giant swings Yuz then holds her for a Miku kick. Miku sliding lariats Yuz for 2.

Naho gets in and headhunters Yuz. She pedigrees her then figure fours her. Yuz tornado ddt's Chika off of Naho. Naho takes a facekick + samoan drop combo. Yuz uranages Naho for 2. Yuz exploders Naho for 2. Yuz takes a high kick and a forearm from Chika. Naho rolls up Yuz then rolls her around the ring with her legs for 2.

Naho blocks Yuz's superkick then dropkicks her. Naho 2nd rope diving forearms her for 2. Kouki hits a stiff facekick on Naho then Chika lariats her. Naho backrolls her for 2 then Yuz drops her with a stiff superkick. Yuz does a cut throat fisherman suplex and pins Naho.

Thoughts: It was a decent match. They kept it moving. Chika was fired up and they limited Naho to prevent any botches. This beat my expectations and I liked this more than I expected.

Kouki hugs Chika after. Chika slaps her and gets slapped.

Marigold Superfly Title Match - Natsumi Showzuki (c) vs. Myla Grace

They shake hands. Myla takes her down off the handshake. Nat trips her then dropkicks her. Myla facebusters her then does a border city stretch. Myla dropkicks Nat through the ropes. Myla bridging ddt' her on the floor. Nat runs on one of the tables and hits a meteora onto Myla off of them.

Myla bangs Nat's head off the apron. Myla 2nd rope tornillos out onto Nat. Myla rolls her into an armlock. Myla underhook twisting drops her. Nat meteora's her on the bottom rope for 2 then fisherman suplexes her. Myla backdrops her. Nat high kicks her then Myla running lariats her for 2.

Myla rolls her up for 2 then Nat cradles her for 2. Nat meteora's her and Myla no sells it for a 2 count pin attempt. They trade chest forearms. Myla spin kicks her then sitout slams her for 2. Myla misses a top rope tornillo and Nat does a pin on her to win.

Thoughts: It wasn't that good as expected but there weren't any botches. Nat's meteora off the table seats was cool.

Nat talks on the mic after and Yuzuki comes in. They talk and likely agree to a match.

Marigold Twin Star Title Match - Mai Sakurai & MIRAI (c) vs. CHIAKI & Nagisa Nozaki

NN = Nagisa Nozaki

NN flying dropkicks Mai to start for 2. Mai is sent into the side of a wall. NN and Boz use a chair on her. Chi uses a chair on Mirai on the seats. Chi throws Mirai into the seats and chairs her. NN pedulum kicks Mai on the ropes for 2.

Mai 2nd rope dropkicks NN. Mirai comes in. She shoulders NN over. Mirai makes NN ddt Chi. NN shotgun dropkicks Mirai then corner facekicks her. Chi claws Mirai on the ropes. Chi facewash kicks Mirai on the ropes. 

Chi chops Mirai. They trade chest chops. Chi powerslams her for 2. Mirai samoan drops Chi. Mirai upkicks Chi then slams her. Mirai 2nd rope elbow drops her vader bomb style. Chi is lifted for a facebuster. Mai axe kicks Chi then dropkicks her for 2.

Mai armbars Chi and is pulled over the top. Chi fisherman suplexes her for 2. NN sleepers Mai. Mai facekicks her. They trade facekicks. NN facekicks her over then Mai facekicks her over.

Mai slams NN and is hit while going up top. NN superplexes Mai then dropkicks her for 2. Chi and NN take stereo backdrops. Mai crossbodies both opponents from the buckles outside. Mirai top rope dropkicks NN. NN takes a suplex then a top rope elbow drop for 2.

NN takes a double STO. Mai stf's NN. Chi throws Mirai into the ref then chairs Mai. Mirai blocks a chairshot then chairs Chi. Mirai chairs NN. Bozilla comes in and double lariats Mai and Mirai. NN flying kicks Mai for 2. NN cobra clutch suplexes Mai. 

Mirai takes a facekick into a sitout burning hammer. Mai facekicks NN for 2. Mia goes for the pin and Chi pulls the ref out. NN chairs Mai then flying kicks her for the win.

There was a lot of cheating with the heels pulling refs out, using chairs and having Bozilla cheat. There should have been multiple DQ's, but there was not. They tried but the shenanigans hurt it and it was just average. Some people aren't real high on Nagisa and Chi winning. I get it but the roster is a bit limited and they have to make challgners.

Nagisa talks on the mic. Boz and Nagisa try a double team after. Nagisa chairs Boz on accident and gets shoved. Boz congratulates Nagisa. She says she's not a Darkwolf anymore though and is challenging Chi and Nagisa for the tag titles. She says they will find out who it is. 

Nagisa asked her what happened and talks in Japanese. Boz flips them off and says, "f*ck you both".

Marigold World Title Match - Sareee (c) vs. Nanae Takahashi

NT backs Sare up on the ropes. They slap each other and NT lariats her. They each hit mounted forearmsNT armlocks her and Sare ropebreaks. Sare side headlocks her. NT backdrops her. Sare hits dropkicks on NT then NT shoulders her over.

NT corner lariats her then bangs her knee off the mat. NT hooks her leg and chinlocks her. NT single leg crabs her. NT goes for an stf variation and Sare bites her wrist. NT then bites Sare's wrist.

NT hits chest forearms on the ropes. Sare throws her on the apron and they trade forearms. NT headbutts her. Sare bangs NT's head off the buckles and Sare sleepers her on the apron. Sare double stomps her off a table onto the floor. 

Sare puts two chairs in the ring and asks NT to sit down. They slap each other. NT boots her over then Sare dropkicks her, knocking her off the chair. Sare top rope dropkicks NT for 2. Sare superplexes her. NT lariats her for 2. They trade forearms.

Sare rolls NT into a double stomp. NT lariats her then 2nd rope splashes her for 2. NT slaps her then is dropkicked against the ropes. Sare dropkicks her through the ropes. NT dragon screws her off the ropes. NT sliding D's the arm. 

NT figure fours her. They fight on the buckles and Sare superplexes her. NT catches Sare's foot on a top rope double footstomp. She ankle locks then figure fours her. NT sitout bombs her for 2. NT goes for a top rope splash but Sare gets her feet up. Sare double stomps her then top rope double stomps her for 2.

Sare grounded guillotines her. They trade chest forearms. NT backdrops Sare. Sare spin kicks her then is lariated. NT hits a big punch then falcon arrows her for 2. NT backdrops her for 2. Sare headscissors her into a pin attempt. Sare hits a headbutt flurry. NT rolls her up for 2.

Sare grounded sleepers her and NT is out. Sare wins.

Thoughts: It was a good match. There was some legwork which went nowhere with NT forgetting about it and Sare eventually forgetting to sell it. They were stiff with each other and traded a bunch of strikes. It wasn't as head-droppy as it probably would have been due to NT getting injured on a suplex from Sareee recently. I had super high expectations for it but it didn't quite live up to them.

Sareee talks on the mic after. Utami Hayashishita comes out and challenges her for an upcoming show. They stare down. Sareee and Nanae talk on the mic after and hug. Sareee talks more after.

Overall thoughts: It was a much better show than the last few. The opener went okay and those girls are mostly sticking to what they are good at - dropkicks. Komomo had a better showing than usual. I liked the six girl tag and the main was good, though anything other than a best match candidate for 2024 was probably going to be disappointing. I'd give this one a 6 out of 10 as the 2nd and 3rd matches from the top weren't that great and the main wasn't as great as it needed to be. The only thing you would maybe want to see on here is the main.

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