Thursday, December 19, 2024

CMLL 12/13/2024 Arena Mexico

CMLL 12/13/2024 Arena Mexico

Wrestle Dynasty International Women's Cup Qualifier Four Way Elimination Match - Zeuxis vs. Reyna Isis vs. Sanely vs. Persephone

Z = Zeuxis

Pers lmboos out of a lariat and kicks Sane. Sane dropkicks Z out. Reyna tornillos off the 2nd rope onto Z. Pers does a throw on Sane then tries a pin. Sane corner splashes Pers.  Sane hanging dragon sleepers Pers. Sane pulls on Pers's hair and head. Renya flying cross chops Sane. Z top rope dropkivcks Reyna.

Renya flying headscissors Z then Z flying headscissors her. They then flying facebuster each other. Reyna headbutts Z then Z basement dropkicks her. Pers backslides Z for 2. Z rolls her up for 2. We get a 4 person neckbreaker and ddt spot. Reyna backdrops Sane. Reyna germans Pers while trying to pin Z for 2.

Z overhead throws Pers into Reyna. Z then corner meteora's Sane. Pers hits 2 powerslams then hits a fallaway slam on Sane. Pers superkicks Reyna out then Z superkicks Pers. Z topes Reyna then Pers does a tope con hilo on 2 opponents. Sane 2nd rope tornillos out onto opponents.

Sane is stomped on by 2 opponents. Reyna headscissors Z off the top and Pers hits a springboard splash on Sane. Both get 2 counts. Z meteora's Pers. Reyna hits a nasty package piledriver on Sane.

Pers dropkicks Reyna and Z dropkicks Pers. Sane short arm lariats Z. She 2nd rope kneedrops her as she sits on the 2nd rope. Z hits a package piledriver on Sane and pins her. Sanely is eliminated.

Z and Reyna trade forearms. Reyna 2nd rope diving legdrops Z as she sits on the 2nd rope. Reyna pins her. Zeuxis is eliminated.

 Reyna and Pers trade chest chops. Reyna gets stuck up top. Pers superplexes Reyna for the win.

Thoughts: It could have been a disaster but it was okay for what it was. It went a little longer than it needed to, especially for an opener. Pers got the win as expected as she has won like every cibernetico or cup they did this year. It had the usual limitations with multi-person matches where 2 people would square off, then someone else would get in.

Red Velvet & Viva Van vs. Las Chicas Indomables (La Jarochita & Lluvia)

L = Lluvia

Jar and Red go at it. Jar side headlocks her. Red wristlocks her then goes for the armbar. Jar armdrags her. Red flying headscissors her. Jaro sunset flips her and Viva hits Red on accident. Viva spinning heel kicks Jar.

Viva hits forearms and cops on L in the corner. Viva is thrown backwards then dropkicked by L. Red spinning heel kicks L for 2. Jar bangs L's head off the buckles. Jar armdrags Red. Red is rolled for a pin for 2.

Viva trades forearms with Jar and both get rolled up. Jar and Red crossbody each other at the same time. Jar leglocks Viva. Red's team misses dropkicks and their opponents try to pin them with their feet on the ropes. Red and Viva then try to pin their opponents while holding the ropes.

Red and Viva try to hit kicks for 2 counts but Viva mostly misses. Red and Viva double knee their opponents on the ropes. Viva tarantula's Jar on the ropes while Red foot chokes L. Red topes outside onto both opponents. Viva springboard crossbodies L then codebreakers her.

Jar double stomps Viva then Red ddt's Jar. L backcrackers L. Red takes a double team electric chair driver. Viva is held for a basement dropkick then Red gets dropped onto Viva for 2.

Red iconoclasms L for 2. Red and Viva hang from the top rope and take running shots. Viva is tied up in the ropes and dropkicked. She then gets pinned. Jar dropkicks Red in the corner and pins her.

Thoughts: It was basically a texas tornado match with everyone being in the ring at all times. I didn't like this. They missed some shots here and it went a lot longer than it needed to. Having tags would have really helped the structure of this one.

Red talks on the mic after in Spanish. Viva does as well.

World Historic Middleweight Title Match - Flip Gordon (c) vs. Rocky Romero

Flip trips RR then side headlocks him. RR armlocks him. RR rolls out of an armlock and is put in a side headlock. Flip shoulders him over and handstands. Flip springboard dropkicks RR while he stands on the ramp.  Flip is stuck on the 2nd rope and RR double stomps him.

RR double stomps him off the apron on the floor. RR throws Flip into the rails. RR hits mounted shots on Flip. Flip lays over the 2nd rope. RR kicks him. Flip misses a double jump moonsault then takes a knee to the face.

They chop each other. RR slams him. Flip 2nd rope superplexes him. Flip superkicks RR in the gut. Flip springboard dropkicks RR out. Flip is on the apron outside and top rope corkscrew moonsaults RR. Flip kneeling springboard 450's RR for 2. Flip racks RR, flips him backwards then 2nd rope elbow drops RR's back. Flip stf's RR. RR camel clutches him. Flip is stuck on the top rope and LL dropkicks. RR topes Flip outside.

Flip flips off the rail outside and enzugiri's RR. Flip springboard kicks RR on the rail. Flip fips off the rails and takes a double boot. RR running shiranui's him for 2. RR hits a top rope shiranui for 2. Flip springboard slingblades him. Flip moonsaults him off the buckles twice for 2. Flip hits a top rope 450 but RR no sells it and cradles him. RR hits a vertebreaker on him.

RR camel clutches him then Flip rolling death valley drivers him. Flip superkicks him for 2. They trade slaps and RR b-drivers him for 2. RR gets stuck up top and takes a pele kick. Flip hits a top rope spanish fly for 2. Flip 619's over the top rope. Flip springboard slingblades RR. Flip 450's RR and wins.

Thoughts: I hated it. It went on forever. The selling wasn't great and they did way too much. Even the vertebreaker meant nothing here.

Deonna Purrazzo vs. La Catalina

Cat side headlocks her. DP slides out. TP taks her down by the arm then side headlock takeovers her. Cat side headlocks her. DP armlocks her then Cat rolls her up for 2. DP side headlock takeovers her. Cat goes up and over then armdrags her. Cat basement dropkicks her. Cat hits lariats and shotgun dropkicks her. Cat cannonballs her off the apron.

DP foot chokes Cat. cat hits chest forearms then DP lariats her. DP drives her into the rail and apron. DP sends her into the post. DP stomps on her and gets a 2 count.  DP yanks Cat's arm over the top rope. Cat hip attacks DP on the middle rope then top rope crossbodies her. Cat fisherman suplexes her for 2. Cat flying knees her. Cat hits forearms then slams her. Cat is put in tree of woe and DP crosshairs spears her there. DP powerbombs her for 2.

They go outside and DP is sent into the rails. Cat jumps off the rail with a crossbody on her. Cat top rope dropkicks her then pedigrees her. Cat boots her out of the corner and electric chair drops her. Cat misses a 2nd rope dive and is put in an armbar. DP then taps her out.

Thoughts: This never had a chance. It was a slower paced match after we just saw every move possible from Flip and Rocky. The crowd didn't care at all and there was nothing particularly good about it.

Volador Jr. vs PAC


Vol side headlocks Pac. Pac then does it to him. Pac snapmares him. Vol trips him then Pac armdrags him. Vol armdrag him back. They try to dropkick each other at the same time and headflip up.

Pac flying kicks Vol. Pac throws Vol into the rail outside. Pac continues the beating inside. Pac has words with KeMalito on the apron then stomps on Vol. Pac beats up on KeMalito and facekicks him out. Vol flying headscissors Pac then topes him into the rail.

Vol flying headscissors him in the ring and sends him out. Vol slides out and gets superkicked. Pac asai moonsaults outside. Pac slingshot cutters him for 2. Vol superkicks him and backcrackers him for 2.

Vol kicks Pac over the 2nd rope then kicks him from the apron. Vol slingshots over the top and headscissors him down to the floor. KeMalito then dives on Pac. 

Vol jumps off the top and Pac dropkicks him in the air. Pac top rope 450's Vol for 2. Vol canadian destroyers him for 2. Vol and Pac fight up top. Pac hits a top rope hurricanrana for 2. Pac hits a black arrow. Vol gets his knees up and gets a 2 count on him. Vol springboards into a canadian destroyer and wins.

Thoughts: There were a bunch of big spots and not much inbetween the big spots. It wasn't as fast paced as you would want and I didn't like the canadian destroyer being kicked out of.

Claudio Castagnoli vs. Hechicero

CC takes him down and goes for the pin. Hech crucifixes him. Hech bodyscissors takedowns him. CC chokes him on the ropes. CC bullies him around. CC powerslams him and chops him outside. CC double axe handles him.

CC mocks Hech's pose and hits euros. Hech pulls CC out then suicide dives him.

Hech sends him into the rails outside and dropkicks him. CC lays on the rails and Hech elbow drops him. Hech springboard dropkicks him for 2. Hech gets some chants. Hech jumps off the ropes on him and gets a euro. CC tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him for 2. CC sharpshooers him. Hech upkicks him out.

Hech rolls him up for 2. CC armbars him. Hech ties CC's arms up and tries a pin for 2. CC hits boots to the knee. CC does a giant swing with one leg and hits boots to the face. Hech rolls him around the ring and does a pin attempt. Hech headscissors drops him. Hech hits punches to CC's head.

CC backdrops him and hits a euro flurry. Hech step up knees him in the corner. CC running lariats him for 2. CC double stomps him for 2. Hech back body drops him. CC neutralizer's him and gets the win.

Thoughts: It wasn't really the technical classic you would hope for. They didn't trade a bunch of holds either. CC worked the knee for a while but didn't go further with. The one legged giant swing spot was cool and it was nice to see Hech get some chants but I didn't think it was as good as it should have been.

Hech refuses to shake hands and CC leaves.

Overall thoughts: It was a longer show with a bunch of slower and longer matches. Nothing was that great here and it didn't quite live up to expectations. It wasn't awful but the expectations were very high for this and it didn't deliver. The main was maybe the best thing on here but it was far from being a classic. I wouldn't recommend this and would just give it a 5 out of 10.

1 comment:

  1. CMLL waited way too long to pull the trigger on Volador/Pac. It was a red hot issue during the summer, and then it just stopped. The Death Riders formed and then Volador turned rudo. This basically felt like they booked it just to pay off the feud, even though nobody especially wanted to see it by this point.
