Thursday, December 19, 2024

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 12/19/2024

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 12/19/2024

Lee Johnson vs Bishop Kaun

Kaun and Lee shake hands. Kaun goes for the takedown. Kaun legsweeps him thne shoulders him over. Kaun hits a chop, leapfrogs him then Lee flying dropkicks him. Lee tope con hilos Kaun. Lee's leg is trapped in the ropes and Kaun hits legdrops.

Kaun hooks the ankle then dragon screws him on the ropes. Kaun ddt's the leg then single leg crabs him. Kaun hits a big lariat then hits an alabama slam for 2. Lee flips out of a backdrop and rolls up Kaun for 2. Lee superkicks him.

Lee hits a step up enzugiri then a neckbreaker. Lee standing moonsaults him. Kaun superplexes him then hits a fireman's carry gutbuster for 2. lee then does a surprise jack knife pin to win.

Thoughts: I wasn't a big fan of it. Kaun worked the leg for the first half of it then gave up. Lee then got a quick win out of nowhere after taking offense. It was a little long for an opener.

Kaun pulls Lee up after. Tora pushes Lee over. EJ Nduka comes in and wants to fight Toa. They seemed to tease issues between The Gates of Agony here.

Lee Moriarty is interviewed. Lee says he's shown himself to be a dominant champ. He says he has shown he's level above when it comes to pure wrestling. He said he gets better everytime he's in the ring. He says he proves each time why he's the best wrestler on the planet. He says he wants the best competition in the open challenge. He says it's the best time to solidify himself in ROH. He says he's Lee Moriarty and this is tiger style.

Leyla Hirsch and Red Velvet are interviewed ahead of their match tomorrow. Leyla says she had her beat last week and will do the same thing tomorrow. She says she won't have Billie or Athena saving her. Red says who said she needed saving? She tells her to prove it if she can beat her. Leyla says the title will be hers tomorrow.

Lady Frost vs Queen Aminata

Lady has black hair now. I liked her old hair colors better. Queen shoves her off the lock-up. Queen shoves her over. Lady back rolls into a headscissors but Queen stops it with a kick.

Lady hits forearms on Queen. Queen chest forearms her back. Lady kicks her in the leg and the head. Lady standing moonsaults her for 2. Lady hits chops and boots to the gut. Lady corner spears her then does a release fisherman suplex.

Lady sleepers her. Queen backbreakers her. Queen suplexes her. Queen running knees her on the ropes. Queen spinning neckbreakers her. Lady stomps on her in the corner then forward cartwheel cannonballs her for 2. Lady tornillos her off the top.

Queen germans her then does a grounded octopus. Queen then taps her out.

Thoughts: It was average. Lady hit her stuff clean here. Queen could have worked the back more before winning the submission she chose. I'll never really get why these two aren't on the main AEW shows more.

We see The Righteous Dustin Rhodes someone going into a building. Vincent says it will be exciting and to follow him. They jump Dustin in his ring. Vincent hits mounted shots then chokes Dustin with a cord. Dutch then hits Dustin with the cowbell. Vincent says he told Dustin it would be euphoric. He says now Dustin will see the polka dots. He then picks up Dustin's phone and says they should give his friend a call. They call Sammy Guevarra.

Vincent asks how Sammy and his family is. He says he has a surprise for him and shows Dustin bleeding. Vincent says it's just for Sammy. Vincent says to call it a Final Battle gift. Sammy yells on the phone. 

Jacked Jameson comes out with The Iron Savages. He says when these two monsters step on the scale, it says over the limit. He says these mass monsters will eat you alive. He then says they will take the wussies to titty city.

The Iron Savages vs The Murder Machines (Lance Archer and Brian Cage)

Don Callis is with Cage and Lance. Cage side headlock Bronson. They shoulder battle. Bronson suplexes him. Cage shoulders him back. Boulder and Cage lariat battle. Boulder shoulders him over.

Lance and Boulder lariat battle. Boulder chest headbutts him then Lance hits a crossbody. Lance running back elbows Boulder. Boulder crossbodies him. Lance goes for a double chokeslam but ends up taking one. Bronson topes Cage outside. Boulder vader bombs Lance for 2.

Bronson is dropped on the mat when Lance moves. Boulder takes a facekick + german. Cage death valley drivers Bronson and Lance splashes Bronson for 2. Cage jumping knees Bronson. Boulder is oduble clotheslined over the top. Bronson takes a powerbomb + chokeslam combo and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was a decent heavyweight match here. They didn't get to do anything too crazy but what we got was enough. Bronson has trimmed down a lot. It was cool to see the bigger guys get thrown around a little.

Don Callis stomps on Bronson after.

Jay Lethal is with Ian Riccaboni and waiting for his opponent for an interview. QT Marshall walks in late and says they are on his time. Jay says everything he has accomplished he credits to what he went through in ROH. He says he's excited. QT talks about Jay not wanting to wrestle him. Jay says he wants to be on top of the title picture instead and says he has his sights set on a bigger goal.

QT rips Jay saying it's not personal. He said he was told Jay was the franchise when he came to ROH. QT talks about having to put 6 screws in his neck when it got injured. He says he was supposed to be the future of ROH and talked about the stress of living up to it. QT says he lost everything and was only able to stay in wrestling through his training school. He says he was bald but isn't anymore. Jay says this isn't personal for him but QT says it is. Jay says he didn't mean to hurt his neck in the match they were in. QT says he cares and will care tomorrow. QT ends up hitting Jay and drops him. Ian calls for help and Jay says "ohh, my nose".

They show Athena vs Billie Starkz from Final Battle 2023 for the ROH Women's Title.

Serpentico vs. Sidney Akeem

Serp snapmares him. Sid rolls out of a wristlock and armdrags him. Serp flying headscisosrs him then upkicks him. Sid dropkicks him. Sid is euro'd on a springboard attempt. Serp tries to baseball slide him on the apron, but he pops himself up. He then plancha's him.

Sid does like a spinning knee from the top while Serp is standing. Sid misses a top rope moonsault. Serp headscissors him then lariats him. Serp hits chops. Sid hits various shots. They botch a ddt spot and Serp double stomps his back.

Sid hits kicks and corkscrew crossbodies him. Sid walks on his shoulder and mule kicks him. Sid hits a top rope moonsault for 2. They trade forearms. Sid flips out of a lariat and does a cutter in the same motion. Serp hits a top rope swanton and wins.

Sid's flying was impressive as usual here as he did some cool spots. It wasn't great or anything but it worked and they didn't overdo it. Sid's backflips into a cutter was a cool spot.

Serp grabs Sid after and teases hitting him but hugs him and raises his hand.

We get an Outrunners official fanny pack commercial.

Athena & Billie Starkz vs. Blair Onyx & Missa Kate

Athena and BS enter separately. Athen chops BS to tag her in. BS hits a nasty german on Kate. Onyx, who is wearing a psiderman style outfit gets in. BS headscissors her then stomps her in the corner.

Kate armdrags and pump kicks BS for 2. Onyx russian legsweeps BS then slams Kate on her. Athena throws BS into both opponents. Athena superkicks Onyx then drops BS onto onyx. Athena backdrops Kate then hits a big forearm on Onyx. She then submits her with a side triangle.

Thoughts: It was a short one here with Athena throwing Starkz around into their opponents and winning as expected.

Billie grabs the ROH Title after, tears off the photo of Athena on it and slams the title on the floor. Athena gets mad. They fight and both knock down security guards. Athena pump kicks Billie. Athena throws her into the rail and hits mounted shots. Athena bangs Billie's head off the steps and asks if this is what she wanted. Athena bangs Billie's head off the title.

Chris Jericho does a promo from a car. He says Matt Cardona is getting everything he ever wanted but he forgot who he's dealing with. We then see Jericho hit him with a bat at a GCW event. He says he always gets his man and says to never turn your back on him. He says Matt bit off more than he can chew. Jericho says it's time for the king to reclaim his crown in the castle of Hammerstein Ballroom.

Grizzled Young Veterans (James Drake & Zack Gibson) & Shane Taylor Promotions (Lee Moriarty & Shane Taylor) vs. The Dark Order (Alex Reynolds & Evil Uno) & The Undisputed Kingdom (Matt Taven & Mike Bennett)

Alex rolls out of Gibson's wristlock then throws him by the wrist. Gibson side headlock him then shoulders him over. Alex crossbodies and dropkicks him. Uno and Lee go at it. Uno hammerlocks him. Lee escapes and cravates him. Uno side headlock him and shoulders him over.

Lee hiptosses him and low diving forearms him for 2. Lee's head is banged off the multiple boots in the corner. He takes a chinbreaker then a ddt. Lee throat thrusts Mike. Drake tags in Mike chops Drake then hits a thesz press. He hits mounted punches on him. Drake takes a gordbuster from Mike then a spinning forearm to the back of the head.

Mike takes a double lariat from The Vets. Shane headbutts Matt then uranages him. Shane splashes Matt for 2. Shane punches Matt in the corner and knee chokes him. Gibson euros Matt. Matt spinning heel kicks him.

Mike is tagged in. He hits chops on Lee, Drake then Gibson all in the corner. Mike spinebusters Drake then death valley drivers Lee for 2. Multiple people come in to do a move. Alex takes a splash and a spinning heel kick. The Vets take stereo superkicks. Shane hits a double lariat.

Shane is pulled over the top. Lee is flipped off the ropes and takes a double team. Alex topes outside. The Dark Order and Vets fight to the back. Mike spinning knees Shane. Lee snapmares Mike and pins him while using the ropes.

Thoughts: It was an okay tag here. It got enough time though it could have used more. There was nothing great about it but they kept it moving.

Overall thoughts: I didn't like the old match being shown. Yes, it was relevant but it ate up a bunch of time and highlights would have done the trick. They did an okay job hyping up the PPV and it was definitely not the squash match only show that it was the last time I watched it. It was an okay 2 hours of wrestling but nothing must see. I'd give this a 5 out of 10. I don't think you need to see it.

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