Saturday, December 7, 2024

All Japan Pro Wrestling 11/30/2024 Real World Tag League 2024 Day 8

All Japan Pro Wrestling 11/30/2024 Real World Tag League 2024 Day 8

Day 7 is here:

They had a ceremony for Mighty Inoue who passed away recently.

Kuroshio TOKYO Japan, Seigo Tachibana & Seiki Yoshioka vs. Hokuto Omori, Taishin Nagao & The Bodyguard

Seigo and Nagao go at it. Seigo clean breaks him on the ropes as does Nagao. Seigo side headlocks him. Seigo shoulders him over and poses. Nagao hits a nice dropkick. Seigo takes a double back elbow. Seigo slams Nagao and forearms Omori over. Seigo forearms Nagao in the corner.

Seiki back elbows Nagao. Jiro comes in and does a camel clutch variation on Nagao. Jiro back elbows him then Nagao 2nd rope dropkicks him. Body gets in and shoulders Jiro over. Body hits a corner lariat. Body then double lariats his opponents.

Body corner lariats Jiro then flurries him with corner lariats. Body elbow drops Jiro for 2. Body superkicks Jiro for 2. Body axe kicks Jiro and misses a high kick. Seiki gets in. Seiki dropkicks Body in the knee then dragon screws him. Body powerslams him for 2. Nagao gets in and hits dropkicks on Seiki.

Nagao dropkicks him. Seiki gets triple teamed. Omori cutters him and Nagao top rope dropkicks him for 2. Nagao misses a top rope dropkick and Jiro hits a springboard double dropkick. Seigo tope con hilo outside outside onto 2 opponents. Seiki PK's Nagao for 2. Seiki crabs Nagao and Nagao ropebreaks.

Nagao cradles Seiki for 2. Nagao hits chest forearms then Seiki chest kicks him down. Seiki crabs him and Nagao taps out.

Thoughts: It wasn't that great or anything. Nagao got beaten as expected here. It just didn't have a great flow to it and most of this was Nagao getting a whooping.

Real World Tag League 2024 Block B Match - Hokuto-gun (Cyrus & Hartley Jackson) vs. Baka No Jidai (Fuminori Abe & Yuma Aoyagi)

The heels enter through the crowd. Yuma tries to bring a railing in.

Yuma's team attacks before the bell and the heels aren't bothered by it. They get attacked again as they take their shirts off. The fight goes outside. Cy grabs a rail and Abe tries to escape through the seats. Yuma is sent into the wall then he runs away from Cy. Cy catches him on the rails and clubs on him. Abe boots Hart in a chair and boots him over. Cy drops rails on Yuma, burying him under them. Cy grabs the ref and puts him on the apron to get him out of his way.

Cy headbutts Abe outside. Cy misses a slingshot swanton on Yuma. Yuma tries to slam Cy but Cy just falls on him. Cy lifts and drops Yuma. Hart then back elbows Yuma over. Cy elbow drops Yuma for 2. Yuma tries to fight both opponents and wants to tag in Abe, but Abe isn't interested.

Cy knocks Yuma over with a lariat then Cy hits a nice spinning heel kick. Hart sentons Yuma then suplexes him. Yuma dropkicks Hart off the buckles. Abe finally is tagged in. Abe dropkicks Hart in the knee then spin kicks him. Abe kicks him in the back for 1.

Hart euros Abe. Abe is almost knocked out but pulls himself back in the ring. Hart then tries to do the same and can't, so Cy has to help him. Hart dropkicks Yuma.

Cy corner splashes Abe for 2. Cy gets double teamed. Abe spin kicks Cy in the corner. Cy runs through a double clothesline and is rolled up for 2. Cy blocks Abe's sunset flip. Yuma dropkicks Cy but Cy butt drops Abe. Hart corner splashes Yuma then Cy cannonballs Yuma. The heels hit stereo powerbombs and get 2 counts. 

Yuma is stacked on Abe. Cy vader bombs both and picks up the win.

Thoughts: It was comedic but they did play up the smaller guys vs the bigger guys well and I did like it. I don't think it's the best use of Yuma though and comedy like this is not something he should really be doing.

Evolution (Hideki Suzuki & Suwama), MUSASHI & Ryo Inoue vs. ELPIDA (Ren Ayabe, Rising HAYATO, Ryuki Honda & Yuma Anzai)

Yumz and Suzuki go at it. Yuma hammerlocks him. Suzuki headlocks and cravates him. Yuma side headlocks him. Suzuki rolls Yuma over by the arm thne Yuma does a northern lights suplex variation on him. Honda gets in and is put in the corner by Suzuki. Suwama gets in and wristlocks him. Honda side headlocks him.

They shoulder battle and Honda shoulders him over. Ryo and Rising get in. Ryo wristlocks him. Rising headflips out and chops him. Rising side headlocks him. Dan running facekicks him. Rising dropkicks Dan off the apron.

Ryo facekicks Musash off the apron on a failed double team. He does the same to Suzuki then Suwama as well. Rising hiptosses him. Ryo takes a double back elbow. Ren forearms Ryo over then slams him. Honda chokes Ryo on the ropes with his knee. Ryo hits forearms then is forearmed over. Honda corner lariats Ryo then spinebusters him for 2.

Ryo hits forearms on Rising then gets chopped. Ryo spinning enzugiri's him. Musashi comes in and hits running attacks on Rising. Musashi fights off a double team then hits a double stomp and a basement dropkick on Rising. Rising dropkicks Musashi on the ropes.

Ren flying neckbreakers Musashi when he gets in. Ren corner facekicks Musashi for 2. Musashi armdrags Ren over then step up enzugiri's him. Ren facekicks Suzuki. Suzuki hanging headscissors Ren over the top rope. Suwama double chops Ren then Ren takes a double team underhook suplex for 2.

Ren suplexes Suzuki. Ryo and Yuma go at it. They trade shots. Ryo avoids a dropkick and PK's Yuma. Ryo hits a chest kick flurry and facekicks Yuma. Ryo corner dropkicks Yuma.

Yuma hits a nice dropkick on Ryo. Honda corner lariats Ryo then Rising jumps off of Honda's back to dropkick Ryo. Yuma belly to belly suplexes Ryo for 2. Ryo hits kicks on Yuma. Musashi chops Ryo on a failed double team. Ryo kicks Musashi and throws him out.

Ryo and Musashi try another double team. Musashi hits Ryo again and is thrown out again. Suwama tries to do a double team with Ryo and ends up hitting him wit ha spinning lariat, maybe on purpose. Rising does a springboard double dropkick then springboard plancha's outside.

Yuma flying knees Ryo in the ring for 2. Yuma htis a gimlet on Ryo and wins.

Thoughts: The big storyline here was Ryo being unable to do double teams with his opponents and getting into fights because of it. They were successful with it but where it's going, I don't know. It wasn't a super serious match and there wasn't a ton of time here for everyone due to so many people being involved.

Real World Tag League 2024 Block A Match - Dan Tamura & Shotaro Ashino vs. Saito Brothers (Jun Saito & Rei Saito)

Sho and Rei start us off. Sho side headlocks Rei. Rei shoulders him over. Sho trips him and ankle locks him. Jun and Dan go at it. Dan side headlocks him. Jun slams him. Jun misses a corner kick and is swept by Dan. Jun gets his legs stomped on. Dan bangs Jun's leg off the post.

Jun shoulders Dan over. Dan elbow drops Jun's leg then Jun's leg is stomped on by both opponents. Sho stretch mufflers Jun. Sho euros him then takes a facekick. Rei is tagged in.

Rei lariats Sho on the ropes, slams him and splashes him. Rei shops Sho up in the corner. Rei corner lariats Sho for  2.  Sho 2nd rope diving euros Rei. Dan gets in and corner shoulderblocks Rei. Dan flying shoulders Rei for 2. Jun comes in and corner facekicks Dan. Jun poses on him then suplexes him for 2. Dan takes corner attacks and a double hiptoss.

Rei takes a sandwich forearm from his opponents. Dan ties up Jun's legs and Jun ropebreaks. Dan ddt's Jun for 2. Dan hits lariats on Jun. Jun lariats him over. Jun spears Dan for 2 when Sho breaks the count up. Sho takes a double chokeslam then Dan takes a double chokeslam.

Jun elbow drops Dan for 2. Dan escapes a move from Jun then ties his legs up. Dan sits on his back with the hold and Sho ankle locks Rei at the same time. Sho germans Rei and then Rei slaps him down. Rei shoulders Dan over. Jun chokeslams Dan and gets the win.

Thoughts: It could have used some more exciting moments here as it was a bit slow and never really picked up. Jun had his legs worked on for most of the match and eventually came back to win. I suppose it was fine overall and mostly made sense though.

Real World Tag League 2024 Block A Match - Daisuke Sekimoto & Kengo Mashimo vs. Makoto Oishi & Mike D Vecchio

Oishi attacks his opponents before the bell and does weak double chops. They stare him down. Mike flying double clotheslines his opponents. Mike does a suicide dive on both opponents outside. Kengo takes a double stomp + cutte r combo for 2. Oishi legdrops Kengo's neck. 

Mike hits forearms on Kengo then stomps on him in the corner. Mike slams Kengo then gorilla press drops Oishi onto him. Mike slams Kengo. Mike gets caught up top and Kengo superplexes him down. Oishi tornado ddt's Kengo then running knees him. Oishi clubs Kengo over the back of the neck and reverse ddt's him for 2. Oishi double arm triangles Kengo. Sek hits a top rope splash on Oishi to break it.

Mike and Sek trade forearms. Mike spinning enzugiri's Sek then Sek hits a big lariat on him. Oishi jawbreakers Sek then Sek lariats Kengo on accident. Oishi then gets a 2 count on Kengo. Oishi tries backslides on Kengo for 2. Kengo brainbusters Oishi and wins.

It wasn't much. Oishi kept trying pins and Kengo took a lot of offense. Sek and Mike weren't in this one much at all and Sek barely did anything.

Real World Tag League 2024 Block B Match - Davey Boy Smith Jr. & Kento Miyahara vs. Baka No Jidai (Hikaru Sato & Yuko Miyamoto)

Ken and Yuko go at it. They lock up. Yuko wristlocks and hammerlocks him. Ken headlock takeovers him and Yuko headscissors him. They then stand off. Sato and Davey go at it. Davey kimura's Sato and takes him down. Daveyrolls him and gets his back with the hammerlock.

Sato ankle locks Davey. Yuko and Sato stomp on Davey together. Davey double clotheslines them and does Jumbo's pose. Davey hits Sato in the gut then Ken headbutts Sato. Sato's head is banged off the apron. 

Sato is thrown back in and Davey slams him twice. Sato gets his legs split and Ken back elbows Sato. Ken facekicks Sato in the corner for 2. Ken drops Sato with a shot. Ken hits forearms on Sato. Ken misses a corner charge and takes an enzugiri. Yuko comes in and overhead belly to belly suplexes Ken. Yuko hits a strike combo on Ken and spin kicks him over for 2.

Ken back body drops Yuko then pump kicks him. Davey gets in and flying knees Yuko. Davey suplexes Yuko for 2. Yuko escapes a backdrop and tags out. Sato gets kicks in on Davey. Davey dragon screws him. Ken gets in and facekicks Sato. 

Ken dropkicks Sato in the knee and the side of the head. Ken takes a flying double knee in the corner from Yuko. Ken takes a spike piledriver for 2. Sato PK's Ken. Ken no sells it. They trade forearms.

Ken headbutts him then Sato ankle locks him. Yuko cobra twists Davey at the same time. Sato enzugiri's Ken then PK's him for 2. Sato armbars Ken. Sato hits kicks on Ken. Ken blocks an enzugiri then takes one on the 2nd try. Sato runs the ropes and Davey powerslams him.

Davey corner lariats Sato. Ken step up knees Saot in the corner. Sato takes a 2nd rope powerslams from Davey for 2.  Yuko breaks up a Ken move on Sato then Yuko does a handspring double back elbow on his opponents. Sato enzugiri's Ken and water wheel drops him for 2.

Sato kimura's Ken. Ken tries to pick him up but Sato rolls him into another kimura. Davey facekicks Sato then backdrops him. Davey backdrops Yuko as well. Ken pumping knees Sato for 1. Sato gets up and enzugiri's Ken. Ken flying pumping knees Sato. Ken pumping knees Sato for 2.

Ken straightjacket germans Sato and pins him.

Thoughts: It got a lot of time. It didn't look that good on paper and it wasn't. It wasn't awful but it was just a very average match. And instead of focusing on Ken vs Yuko, which would have been the best combo here, they focused on Sato vs Ken. I'm really not a big fan of Sato and I can't say he really showed me much here.

Ken and Davey talk on the mic after. Davey says it's a privilege to be back in Osaka, which is his favorite Japanese city. He says he loves Zen Nippon. Ken talks more on the mic after.

Overall thoughts: It was an average show. The match I liked the most was a quasi-comedy match. There was nothing must see on this and I wouldn't recommend it. I'd give it a 5 out of 10.

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