Saturday, December 7, 2024

AEW Rampage 12/6/2024

AEW Rampage 12/6/2024

Last week's show is here:

Continental Classic Blue League Match - Mark Briscoe vs Kazuchika Okada

They lock up. Okada clean breaks him. Mark hits some forearms then forearms him over. Mark suplexes him. Mark facekicks him out of the ring. Mark dropkicks him out of the ring. Okada is put in a chair and Mark hits shots on him. Mark is tripped into the chair.

Mark's head is banged off the steps then he is sent into the post. Okada boots Mark in the head then ddt's him. Mark is busted open. Mark hits shots to the gut. Okada hits a forearm flurry.

Mark hits shots on Okada then Okada flapjacks him. We go to PiP break and return. Okada knees him in the gut then facekicks him on the apron. Okada mises shots on Mark. Mark hits a shotei flurry. Mark hits chops on Okada then flying forearms him.

Mark exploders him. Okada facekicks him out of the corner and Mark lariats him. Mark fisherman busters Okada for 2. Okada over the back neckbreakers Mark on his knee. Okada hits a top rope elbow drop. Mark rolling death valley drivers him and sliding lariats him. Mark hits a top rope froggy bow for 2.

They trade pin attempts and Okada tombstones him. They trade forearms. Okada hits a nice dropkick. Okada back body drops him. Okada rainmakers Mark for the win.

Thoughts: It was a good match here. They got a lot of time for this one and kept it interesting. It wasn't great and was pretty typical of longer Okada singles matches.

Chris Jericho says he has something to say about Matt Cardona, who apparently answered Chris' open challenge on ROH last night. Chris has a fancy fat on. He says he challenged anyone to face him at Final Battle and says Matt Cardona interrupted him. He says nobody touches a man's hat and Matt is lucky he didn't punch his teeth down his throat. He says if Matt was here, he'd have no idea what he would do to him.

Matt Cardona then comes out. Matt says Final Battle may be the biggest opportunity of his career. He says he's been busting his @ss for 5 years to invent himself. Chris says he respects everything Matt has done and says he's a bigger star here than he ever was in the last 15 years. He says he's still just Zack though. They slap each other. Matt takes him down and pounds on him. Bryan Keith comes to make the save.

Matt fights off both heels. Chris whips Matt with the ROH Title belt. Bryan punches Matt with his belt buckle.

This is why I don't watch ROH. Matt Cardona isn't an ROH regular yet he's challenging for the title. why him over the other 150+ people AEW has under contract? Who knows. They did fine with the angle and all but the booking for this is just typical AEW. This should have taken place on ROH TV, not AEW TV.

Continental Classic Blue League Match -  Daniel Garcia vs The Beast Mortos

DG is backed up into the corner. DG side headlocks Mort. They collide and Mort hits DG. DG goes up and over him then running facekicks him. DG dropkicks him in the knee and basement dropkicks him.

DG is suplexes to the outside. Mort is tripped into the rails outside then DG hits punches on him. Mort lariats him outside then pop-up samoan drops him inside.

We go to PiP break and return. DG suplexes him. DG hits forearms then swings wildly at him. DG backdrops him for 2. Mort boots him out of the corner. Mort hits a slingblade and a slingblade facebuster. Mort twists DG's neck with his feet and powerslams him for 2.

DG superplexes him for 2. Mort shoulderbreakers him and spinning lariats him for 2. Mort misses a corkscrew moonsault. DG hits chops and Mort headbutts him. DG jack knife pins him for the win.

Thoughts: It was just okay and not much more. They didn't really establish a rhythm in this one and neither particularly played the face or heel roles well to really get this over.

The Vendetta (Deonna Purrazzo and Taya Valkyrie) vs Ella Elizabeth and Freya States 

Taya takes down Ella and Ella takes a boot flurry from DP in the corner. DP short arm lariats her for 2. DP pump kicks Ella. Taya corner meteora's Ella and stomps on her there. DP absolutely stuffs Ella with a powerbomb on her shoulders and neck.

Taya pulls Freya down from the apron then spears her on the floor. DP throws Ella down over the back and taps her out with an armbar.

Thoughts: It was a quick squash here with DP and Taya being rough. DP really stuffed Ella with a powerbomb here. Freya never got in.

Continental Classic Gold League Match - Ricochet vs Komander

Ric throws him over. Kom flips over him. Ric kips up then blocks a flying headcissors. Ric flips over Kom's back. Ric kips down and up out of a lariat. He tries a springboard diving armdrag but Kom headflips out. Kom rotation headscsissors Ric.

Kom walks up the buckles and does rope tricks. Ric stops him up there and springboard kicks him. Ric then topes him outside. Ric springboard lariats him for 2. We go to break and return. Kom rolls him up for 2. Kom springboard headscissors him. Kom does the Valiente special (step up blind moonsault) outside. 

Ric catches Kom's asai moonsault and northern lights suplexes him. Ric brainbusters him. Ric running ssp's him for 2. Ric is on the 2n rope and gets kicked. His throat is then pulled down over the top. Kom double springboard hurricanrana's Ric for 2. Kom spin kicks him. Kom runs up the buckles and 450's him for 2.

Kom misses a rope walk SSP. Ric suplexes him on the apron.  Ric springboard 450's him for 2. Ric axe kicks him. Ric death valley drivers him. Ric sliding lariats him and wins.

It was going well then they just overdid it like usual. They did a lot here for a match very few were going  to see. The two were a good match for each other and had chemistry, but they just did too much here. This was all flying.

Overall thoughts: We had a better offering than usual here with 3 of the 4 matches being tournament matches. I didn't think anything was must see. The Okada/Briscoe match was my favorite match on this one. Mort/Garcia should have been better than it was but they just never really got a great flow going. I'd give this one a 5 out of 10. I think AEW fans will like it and it was watchable.

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