Friday, December 6, 2024

WWE NXT Level Up 12/6/2024

WWE NXT Level Up 12/6/2024

Last week's show is here:

Dion Lennox vs Jasper Troy

Troy stares Dion down. They lock up and Troy pushes him aside on the ropes. Dion shoves him. Troy pushes him down. Dion side headlocks him then takes him over. Troy short arm lariats him. Dion boots him out of the corner then takes snake eyes.

Dion dropkicks him then lariats him over the top. Dion dropkicks him again and Troy hits a sitout side slam. Troy works Dion's back and backbreakers him. Troy pulls on Dion's mouth and bangs his face off the mat.

Troy splashes Dion's back. Troy does a nice abdominal strretch on Dion. Troy misses a corner charge. Dion spinebusters him. Dion hits some shots on Troy's shoulder and running forearms him. Dion crossbodies him. Troy crossbodies him then misses a corner spear. Dion jackhammers Troy and wins.

Thoughts: I didn't like Troy going down and getting knocked around here by Dion. He's too big for that. Troy moved well here otherwise and had a good showing and I'd really like to see more of him. Dion needs to get more distance on his dropkicks.

Layla Diggs interviewed. She says her and Reid have been going at it for months and she doesn't know what caused it. She says Reid messed with the wrong one. She says Reid can expect a Diggs win and the taste of sweet revenge.

Lainey Reid is interviewed. She says she won last time against Diggs but Diggs won't let it go. She says she doesn't want the rematch but will make sure she wins one way or the other.

Leila Diggs vs Lainey Reid

Diggs side headlocks her. Reid reverses it and side headlock takeovers her. Reid knees her in the gut and throws her backwards. Diggs armdrags her twice and hammerlocks her. Diggs side headlocks her.

Reid shoulders her over. Diggs dropkicks her. Digg slams her and standing moonsaults her for 2. Reid dragon screws her. Reid yanks on the leg and drops on it. Rei bangs Diggs' knee off the mat.

Diggs does a bodyscissors takedown. Reid dropkicks her in the knee. Reid legdrops the leg for 2. Reid single leg crabs her. Diggs lariats her then spin kicks her. Diggs pin kicks her in the corner then double underhook suplexes her for 2.

Reid goes up top and is thrown down from it. Reid spinebusters her for 2. Reid then single leg crabs her. Reid ropebreaks. Diggs rolls her up for 2 then crucifixes her.

Reid backrolls her and holds onto the ropes when going for the pin. The ref catches Reid. Diggs hits a side kick and Reid running knees her for the win.

Thoughts: I wasn't a big fan of it. Diggs did a bunch of new kicks here and they didn't look good. It was a problem in this one because the match was built around working Diggs' leg. Reid did what she was supposed to do here but it takes two to tango.

Overall thoughts:
There were only 2 new matches here. 1 was okay and the other wasn't that good. The show only went 20 minutes so it was easy to get through but I wouldn't recommend this one.

1 comment:

  1. Surprised you didn't care for the 2nd match. It told a good simple story, Lainey's psychology of working the leg was good, Layla's a naturally sympathetic face so she's easy to get behind, and it was a very solidly worked main event for 2 upstarts. Actually, I think out of everyone who's on this Lvl Up show every week, Layla and Lainey are ready to be on NXT TV proper, but there just isn't room for them right now since the roster is full, so when more people get called up, they should be moved up to main NXT.
