Tuesday, October 1, 2024

WWE NXT 10/1/2024

WWE NXT 10/1/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/09/wwe-nxt-9242024.html

This is the first episode of NXT on The CW. NXT has a new mumble rap theme.

They are in front of a large crowd here and Shawn Michaels comes out. Shawn says we have new championship titles due to being on a new network. Shawn says he has one question for us and Triple H comes in and says, "are you ready?". 

NXT Women's Title - Roxanne Perez (c) vs Giulia

G = Giulia

G wristlocks her and Perez reverses it. G rolls out of it and trips her.  G shoulders her over and rolls her up for 2. They each try pin attempts and G dropkicks her. G headbutts her. Perez spin kicks her in the gut.

G trips her and puts her in an STF. Perez puts her in a crossface and is rolled up. They stare down. We go to break and return. Perez piefaces her and G hits headbutts. G hair throws her around and forearms her down. G does a wrist-clutch overhead suplex for 2.

They trade forearms. G takes a headscissors from the mat and sends herself out. Perez topes her. Perez is up top and take a facekick. G top rope double underhook suplexes her. Perez crossfaces her then G STF's her.

G backdrops her. Perez spin kicks her and G knees her in the face for 2. Perez cradles her then spin kicks her. Perez hits pop rocks and G rolls out. G hits a northern lights bomb on the floor.

Perez grabs the title belt and brings it in the ring. Someone in a hood comes down and double underhook ddt's G on the floor. Perez hits pop rocks and wins.

Thoughts: I didn't think it was that great. There was no real story and Giulia isn't exactly known for being a face. They also had a dirty finish here for this one. At least they excused G losing here.

The hooded person reveals themselves to be Cora Jade after. Cora helping out Perez doesn't make a lot of sense considering their history.

We see CM Punk arriving earlier in the day.

Fraxiom are playing video games and say they won't lose to A-Town Down Under. Axiom says Frazer has to keep his temper in check and tells him not to be a hothead. Frazer then loses the game as Ax distracts him. Frazer says Ax has a point and asks for another game.

Ava and CM Punk talk in the back. Punk promises to call tonight's match down the middle. Lexis King walks in. King says he's trying to be a better man and had a chance last week against Oro Mensah. Punk said Oro pulled a fast one on King last week. Punk said he has to choose which way he wants to go anbd King thanks him for the advice.

Lola Vice and Jaida Parker talk in the back. JP tells her to stay in her lane. Lola says hse's taking the lead tonight and they argue. Kelani Jordan comes in. she says they need each other and tells them to save it for out there. Kelani says it's a good thing she has a backup plan.

Street Fight - Wes Lee vs Zachary Wentz

Wes dives at him and misses then Wentz topes him. Wentz drives him into the apron and the rails. Wes is thrown into a shopping cart. Wentz rams the shopping card into him while he's near the steps.

Wentz pulls out a thin plywood board and Wes topes it into him. Wes throws chairs in then hits him with a kendo stick.  Wentz superkicks him then chairs him. Wentz sleepers him on the apron and both go off the apron through a bridged board.

We go to break and return. Wentz hits a coast to coast dropkick, sending a trash can into Wes' head. Wes shotgun dropkicks him into a chair between the ropes. Wes is then dropped gut first on a chair.

Wentz hits kendo stick shots then puts a trash can on Wes' head and hits more kendo stick shots. Wentz double stomps the trash can on Wes' head then top rope swantons the trash can while it's on Wes' head.

Wentz goes for a ufo cutter but is pushed off the ropes  and bounces off a table, hitting his elbow hard. Wes top rope double stomps Wentz into a chair. They hit each other with a chair at the same time.

Wes hits a low blow and punches with a chain. Wes puts a chain around his knees and meteora's Wentz while he's seated in a chair. Wes gets the win.

Thoughts: It was mostly hardcore match here. It was better than their last one and was worked better. I was surprised to see a board used as that is not a typical WWE weapon. Wentz's bump onto the table looked like it really hurt. It was fine but not great.


Miz just turned heel last night on R-Truth and says we are all looking forward to the NXT Title match tonight. Oba Femi and Tony D'Angelo are brought out.

Tony said he's been striking fear in the hearts of others all of his life. He says Oba dominates the game though and there is a reason why he is the most dominant champ. He says he uses the fear for motiviation to do the unthinkable. He says he will dethrone the ruler of NXT and become the new North American champ.  

Oba says Tony doesn't believe a word he is saying. Oba says this is his title and Tony can't be North American champ because it's his title. Tony said he grew up near this building in the streets of Chicago. Tony says he's got friends who motivated him. Oba says they can't fight for him.

Oba says he beat him and put doubt in his mind. He says Tony can't beat him. Tony says Oba is just a man. Oba says he is inevitable. Oba says Tony is still broken.

Thoughts: It was a shorter segment and we really didn't learn anything new here. It was just average.

Cora Jade is interviewed. She says the world forgot about the savior of hte women's division. Roxanne Perez comes in. Cora says she likes the woman she has become and says she is welcome. Perez says maybe a common enemy will bring them back together.

Jaida Parker and Lola Vice vs Fatal Influence (Jacy Jayne and Fallon Henley)

Kelani Jordan is on commentary. Jacy and Fallon were mystery opponents here as Fatal Influence got to pick between the three of them. Jacy and Jaida go at it. Jaida side headlock takeovers her and they slap each other. Jaida shoulders her over. Lola axe kicks Jacy between the ropes. Lola rolls Jacy around then Jacy throws her down backwards.

Lola fights off both opponents. Fallon is laying on the 2nd rope. Jacy gets stacked on top of her and Jaida step up butt presses both down. Lola then does a double hip attack in the corner. Lola combos Fallon in the corner. Jaida hits corner spears then Lola combos Fallon again. Jaida codebreakers Fallon's arm. Fallon chinbreakers Jaida. Jacy tries to nail Jaida from behind and Lola superkicks Jacy.Fallon pushes Jaida into Lola.

We go to break and return. Jacy bodyscissors Lola then pounds on her. Jacy superkicks her and does Jaida's high-step taunt. Jacy corner cannonballs Lola.

Lola forearms Fallon and they double clothesline each other. Jasmyn Nyx distracts Jaida and Jaida misses the tag. Lola yells at her then Jaida walks out. Lola counters a double team and hits spin kicks. Nyx almost gets one then Jacy spinning forearms Lola. Lola takes a kick + running knee and is pinned.

Thoughts: Lola and Jaida hadn't been getting along so Jaida leaving made sense but obviously, that was not the most exciting ending. Lola looked a bit better here than usual but that ending was never going to make for a great match.

Jacy says that was a statement made. Fallon says the Women's N-A Title is their next target and calls in Kelani. Kelani says they can go right now but she says she didn't come to Chicago alone. Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill come out and beat up Fatal Influence. Jade splashes both in the corner then fallaway slams Fallon. Kelani hits a double dropkick.  

Je'Von Evans talks about his match with Randy Orton. He says Orton was a G at a young age. He says he gets to face one of his idols. Evans says we will get the best version of him. Evans says all love and respect, but sometimes, the legend has to go down.

We get a video of some girl in red walking in the direction of a sign that says NXT.

NXT Title - Special Ref: CM Punk - Ethan Page (c) vs Trick Williams

They lock up, go to the corner and Punk breaks them up. Page rolls him up and complains about the count. Trick then rolls up page as he yells at Punk. Trick tries to hit Page on the ropes and Punk stops him. Page tries to pin Trick with his feet on the ropes and Punk stops Page. Trick flying lariats Page.

Trick dropkicks Page out. Page's head is banged off the rails and he's sent into the apron. Trick is then sent through the timekeeper's rail.

We go to break and return. Page hits mounted shots on Trick then boots him. Page knees him in the gut and ddt's him for 2. Page misses a corner charge and Trick jumping neckbreakers him. Trick hits jumping side kicks then flapjacks him.

Trick spinning facekicks him out. Trick is sent into the steps then Page hits a razor's edge on the commentary table. Trick hits a jumping knee inside and Page falls on him for 2. 

They trade punches. Page facekicks and high kicks him. Trick hits a pop-up uppercut then hits a mcgillicutter. Trick rock bottoms him for 2. Page and Punk argue. Page hits a go to sleep on Trick for 2. Page misses a boot in the corner and takes a flying pumping knee. Trick then wins.

Thoughts: They only had about 15 minutes for it and it wasn't that good as expected. There was just no real story here aside from Page and Punk not getting along and this was not really a main event worthy match. This was totally average. Trick thankfully won here ending Page's reign though I don't have a lot of hope that Trick's reign is going to be much better.

Punk hits a go to sleep on Page after.

Overall thoughts: This was not the slam dunk first episode you would hope for here. The main was average as expected and we had 2 screwy finishes here. The street fight was the best thing on here and that was no classic. It was just a very average show and far from NXT's best.

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