Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Pro Wrestling NOAH 9/14/2024 Star Navigation 2024

Pro Wrestling NOAH 9/14/2024 Star Navigation 2024

Yu Owada vs. Daiki Odashima

This is Dai's debut. He's small and wearing red. Dai wistlocks him and does some nice takedowns at a fast pace. Yu wristlocks him and hammerlocks him. They trade hammerlocks. Yu side headlocks him and side headlock takeovers him. Dai headscissors him and they stand off.

Yu side headlocks him and shoulders him over. Yu slams him then hits a hiptoss for 2. They trade shots and Dai goes down. Dai dropkicks him and hits chest forearms.

Dai hits a nice dropkick. Dai does a nice head and arm takedown. Dai hits more chest forearms and is knocked over. Yu dropkicks him then back body drops him or 2. Yu boston crabs him and Dai taps out.

Thoughts: It was a good debut for Daiki here. He moves well and executed his moves well. He's got some fire and this was a successful debut.

Eita & Shuji Kondo vs. Kai Fujimura & Shuhei Taniguchi

Shu = Shuhei Tanaguchi

Eita hits Shu on the apron and Shu gets in. Eita then rolls out and Kondo gets in. Kondo hits shots on Shu then Shu forearms him. Eita kicks Shu from the apron then Shu hits a double shoulderblock.

Kai boots and forearms Kondo, getting nowhere. Kondo forearms him down. Kai armdrags and back elbows Kondo then flipping sentons him for 2. Kondo hits a kubinage. Eita hits shots on Kai then back body drops him for 2. Shu hits corner lariats on both opponents and double sledgehammer shots Eita.

Kai misses a 2nd rope dropkick on Eita. Kai gets his legs split and takes a double basement dropkick. Shu slams Kondo onto Eita then slams Kai onto Eita. Kaiflying forearms Eita then dropkicks Kondo off the apron. Kai springboards into Eita's superkick and is pinned.

It seemed like they were going somewhere with Eita vs Shu but it ended early before they could go too far into anything. This was just average.

Masa Kitamiya, Naomichi Marufuji & Takashi Sugiura vs. All Rebellion (Alejandro, Cristobal & Kenoh)

Maru and Ken go at it. Ken backs him up on the ropes and clean breaks him. They trade chest kicks for chops.  Maru hits Kawada kicks then Ken hits a leg kick flurry. Maru hits more Kawada kicks and Ken hits more leg kicks.

Ken spin kicks him then drops him with a chest kick. Maru does Ken's fist pose and Ken tries to kick his hand away. Cris and Masa go at it. Masa shoulders him over. Cris limbos out of a lariat then hits flying double chops.  

Sugi and Ale go at it. They shoulder battle. Ale dropkicks him in the knee and basement dropkicks in the head. Sugi suplexes Ale. Ale flips out of a backdrop and tags Ken in. Ken facekicks Sugi then Maru on the apron. Ken hits a 2nd rope double knee drop on Sugi.

Sugi blocks a PK. Sugi and Ken trade forearms for chest kicks. Sugi knees him in the gut then hits a corner facekick. Sugi superplexes him.

Ken germans Sugi then Sugi spears him. Maru flying corner back elbows him and hook kicks him. Ken does a pele kick. Ale handspring back elbows Maru then jumps off the 2nd rope and diving facebusters him. Ale slingshot splashes him for 2.

Maru misses kicks and strikes then Ale basement dropkicks him. Maru takes a double boot. Maru lariats Ale over. Masa comes in and shoulders over Cris then slams Ale. Masa slams and sentons both.

Ken hits kicks on Maru and Sugi and drops Sug with a spin kick. Masa spears Ken then lariats Cris. Masa backdrops Cris for the win.

Thoughts: It was an okay trios match. We got a taste of Ken vs Sugi and Ken vs Maru here but not the whole thing. It could have went longer and maybe been really good but that was not going to happen.

Ken and Maru have words for each other after and stare down. Maru then does Ken's pose.

Daga, El Hijo del Dr. Wagner Jr. & Galeno Del Mal vs. Alpha Wolf, Dragon Bane & Super Crazy

Bane is in the blue and he starts off with Daga. Daga trips Bane then takes an armdrag. Bane headscissors him down and stares at him. Daga flying headscissors Bane. Bane armdrags Daga into the ropes but he handsprings. They each hit armdrags and they stand off. 

Galeno and Wolf side headlock each other. They trade armdrags and Galeno shoulders him over. Hijo and Crazy go at it. Crazy trips him then armdrags him. Galeno dropkicks Crazy. Crazy pulls Galeno over the top and teases a dive.

Bane is popped up into a headscissors on Galeno then he spin kicks Hijo. Hijo takes a finlay roll into a top rope moonsault. Bane flips off of Wolf's shoulders and moonsaults Hijo. Crazy then does a corkscrew elbow on Hijo.

Daga dropkicks Wolf. Wolf superkickcs Hijo and fights off a 1v3 out of the corner. Wolf and Crazy hit chops on Galeno. We get a spot where Crazy and Wolf get tied up in Galeno's legs while Galeno torture racks Bane.

Everyone gets a move in. Daga hurricanrana's Crazy and Crazy rolls through with a pin attempt. Daga superkicks Crazy in the head. Bane and Hijo trade chops. Bane is popped up and flipped into a hurricanrana on Daga. Bane and Wolf then do stereo tope con hilos outside.

Crazy suplexes Galeno then Galeno headbutts him. Galeno botches some side rolling ddt and wins.

Thoughts: It wasn't as good as it should have been. This should have been a good lucha match but these guys had little chemistry together and things just didn't flow well like they should have. Atleast they kept Wolf and Bane from doing too much here.

AMAKUSA, Atsushi Kotoge, Hajime Ohara & Junta Miyawaki vs. RATEL'S (HAYATA, Tadasuke, YO-HEY & Yuto Kikuchi)


Jun and Yuto go at it and Yuto clean breaks him. Yuto takes him down and cartwheels over him. Yuto walks the ropes and armdrags him down. Yuto dropkicks him and Jun goes out.

Kotoge and Yo get in. Kotoge shoulders him over and Yo flying heel kicks him. Kotoge headbutts and stomps him.  Ohara hits strikes on Yo. Ama gets in and rolls into a back elbow on Yo. Ama takes an atomic drop into a basement dropkick.

Tada stomps on Ama then kneebreakers him. Tada spinning toe holds him. Haya gets in and double stomps Ama. Haya bangs Ama's knee off the mat. Ohara gets in and clears off his opponents, hitting tilt-a-whirl backbreakers on everyone.

Jun gets in and running forearms Haya over. Jun basement dropkicks him then suplexes him. Haya armdrags Jun then Yo meteora's Jun in the back of the head on the ropes. Kotoge gets in and bulldogs Yo. Kotoge rolls into a cutter on Haya for 2. Ohara hits a nice dropkick on Yo and Kotoge running knees yo for 2. Ohara hits an air raid crash on Yo.

Kotoge headbutts Yo in the back of the head. Kotoge takes a triple team in the corner then Yo jumping double knee presses him. Yuo handspring corkscrew kicks Ama then hits a tope con hilo outside. Yo hits a nice dropkick on Kotoge and wins.

Thoughts: It was an alright match here with them not overdoing it and having some highlights. It could have been a little better and I think they could have done more but they got the finishing stretch right and that helped things. Yuto fit right in with his new partners. 

GHC National Title Match - Ulka Sasaki (c) vs. Manabu Soya

Ulka takes him down with his legs and plancha's him outside. They butt heads inside. Soya side headlocks him and shoulders him over then Ulka shoulders him over. Soya hits a version of snake eyes on him then shoulders him over.

Soya knee drops him and Ulka hits forearms. Soya bulldogs him then neckbreakers him. Ulka flying knees him then hits a cutter for 2. Soya suplexes him then Ulka does a leglock.

Soya dragon screws him then Ulka germans him. Soya flying lariats him then chops him down. Ulka hits slaps and kicks. Ulka knocks him down with chest kicks. Soya double chops him then headbutts him. Ulka cradles him and takes a big lariat.

Soya runs into a knee for 2 then Ulka ties his legs up. Ulka high kicks him. Soya TKO's him into a knee and Ulka goes for a sleeper. Soya hits a death valley bomb for 2. They trade strikes and Soya running lariats him for 2. Soya then ddt's him to win.

Thoughts: It was a pretty good effort by both guys. There was no great story or anything but they kept it action packed and kept it moving. They matched up better than I expected and Ulka continues to improve.

Soya talks on the mic after.

Soya calls out El Hijo del Dr. Wagner Jr as his next challenger. Wagner comes out. Wagner congratulates him and talks in English and says arriba Mexico. He says let's do it. Soya says he's the GHC National champ after and gets pumped up doing Ultimate Warrior style shakes. 

Kaito Kiyomiya vs. Ryohei Oiwa

They trade forearms to start. Oiwa backdrops him and doctor bombs him for 2. Kaito is thrown into the rails outside. Kaito does a stiff dropkick knocking Oiwa over the rails.

They go bak in and Kaito throws him out then throws him hard into the rails. They actually seperate the rails from the stand due to how hard Oiwa is sent into them. Kaito then slams him on the floor. Oiwa's head is banged off the seats outside. Oiwa then gets slammed on the bleachers.

Oiwa hits back elbows and Kaito euros him. Oiwa plants off the apron to dropkick him. Oiwa hits forearms outside and takes a euro. Kaito bullies him around with boot to th ehead and face. Oiwa slap flurries him and Ken euros him down.

Kaito hits a euro flurry in the corner. Kaito hits more foot slaps and Oiwa back body drops him. Oiwa slams him then hiptosses and armdrags him. Oiwa dropkicks him then armlocks him.

Oiwa does a london dungeon. Kaito hits a stiff flying lariat. Kaito hits running forearms then a nice dropkick. Kaito tope con hilos him over the top rope. Kaito top rope dropkicks Oiwa.

Kaito hits another dropkick at 15 minutes then gets backdropped. Oiwa hits a nice dropkick then backbreakers him for 2. Oiwa does a nice elbow drop for 2.

Kaito works the knee with dropkicks then top rope dropkicks the knee. Kaito figure fours him. They trade forearms and Oiwa dropkicks him. Oiwa 2nd rope gutwrench suplexes him. Kaito hits a flying knee.

Kaito shining wizards him for 2 then tiger suplexes him. Kaito tries to go up the buckles for a shining wizard and Oiwa hits him in mid-air. Oiwa lariats him then germans him for 2.

Kaito dropkicks him in the knee then is lariated over. Oiwa doctor bombs him for 2. Oiwa germans him. Kaito escapes a german and does a nice pin attempt where he figure fours the legs. Kaito then gets the win.

Thoughts: It was kind of a backwards match as they went outside early and were most heated early. Then by the end, the match had slowed down a lot. The finish could have been better and didn't really fight this one and it would have been a lot better if they cut it in half.  You could maybe make the case that the knee work tied into the figure four pin finish. I thought it was a good match with good spirit and maybe could have been one of the best of the year if done differently.

Kaito thanks Oiwa for fighting in Noah for the last year. Kaito says Oiwa has grown more than anyone in the last year and says he will always be part of Noah. Masa Kitamiya comes in. He says it was a fantastic match and thanks Oiwa for the last year.

Masa challenges Kaito for a title match next month. He says he needs to read the room though and says it's Oiwa's last match in Noah and tells him to leave. Kaito says he has grown and says Oiwa now has the power of Noah in him and says he will watch wherever he goes.

Oiwa thanks him for being the high wall to try and climb over and thanks him for inviting him to Noah. He says he has grown more confidence with him and says they are not finished. Kaito says the next time it happens, it'll happen at a bigger venue.

Overall thoughts: The main was easily the best thing on here and helped the show out a lot. It was a good battle that showed signs of maybe being a classic if some of the parts were rearranged. I liked the semi-main and the juniors 8-man tag was okay too. The lucha trios match was real disappointing. Daiki Odashima had a good debut and I liked the Kenoh tag. It was a good show overall.

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