Thursday, October 3, 2024

Stardom 9/28/2024

Stardom 9/28/2024

Azusa Inaba & HATE (Konami & Rina) vs. Cosmic Angels (Aya Sakura, Natsupoi & Yuna Mizumori)

Aya and Rina trade forearms early. Aya hits chest kicks and Rina throws her down backwards. Aya chest kicks her then slams her for 2. Aya is tripped on the ropes then takes a bulldog + basement dropkick sequence. Rina hair throws Aya then foot chokes her with Kon.

Aya is double teamed on the ropes. Kon snapmares and kicks Aya in the back. Aya hits chest forearms on Kon then is forearmed down. Aya hits a spinning heel kick in the corner. Yuna gets in and basement dropkicks Kon.

Yuna shoulders Kon over then slams Rina. Poi is put on Yuna's shoulders but Inaba breaks it up. Kon combos Yuna then PK's her for 2. Yuna dropkicks her then Poi gets in. Poi top rope crossbodies Kon for 2.

Poi misses a dropkick against the bottom rope and takes a sliding kick to the chest. Kon fisherman's suplexes Poi for 2. Inaba pump kicks Poi. Inaba rolls Poi into an ankle lock. Poi takes kicks from Inaba and Kon for 2.

Inaba takes a sliding lariat and a rolling pin from Poi. Rina facekicks Aya over then Aya hits a big high kick on her. Inaba gets a nice near fall on Poi for 2 then superkicks her for 2. Poi germans Inaba. Inaba takes a triple axe kick from her opponents then Poit 180 splashes Inaba off the top and wins.

It was an okay opening tag here. They kept it moving. Aya had a good showing here throwing some stiff kicks and they got the best use out of Inaba that they could.

Thekla claps for the faces winning after. Poi holds her title up in Thek's face.

Momo Kohgo vs. HANAKO

Momo is caught on a 2nd rope twisting crossbody early. Momo side headlocks Hana then side headlock takeovers her. Momo double knee drops Hana's arm then bangs it off the mat. Momo gets her flying headscissors countered with a side slam.

Hana rams Momo into the buckles then corner splashes her. Hana knee drops her for 2. Momo springboard dropkicks her. Momo 619's the arm then goes for an armbar. Hana powerbombs her out of it then corner facekicks her. Hana suplexes her for 2.

Momo superkicks her then does a head and armscissors into an armbar. Momo boots her and Hana facekicks her. Hana hits a sitout F-5 then wins with a lifting head and arm choke.

They battle more after and Hana stomps her.

I liked it. Momo was the underdog here and did fast paced offense. Hana was treated like a hoss and bullied her around before picking up the pin. The finish was weak though. 

Three Way 12 Man Tag Team Match - God's Eye (Hina, Lady C, Ranna Yagami & Tomoka Inaba) vs. Empress Nexus Venus (Maika, Waka Tsukiyama & Xena) & Rian vs. Neo Genesis (Mei Seira, Miyu Amasaki, Starlight Kid & Suzu Suzuki)

Hina ended up getting the win over Miyu here. It started off fast paced but mostly just had 2 people in it for the majority of this despite so many people being involved. It went a little longer than it needed to and I expected a bit more than what we got. Lady C had a good showing here and it was a bit hard to keep track of things.

Cosmic Angels (Saori Anou, Sayaka Kurara & Tam Nakano) vs. HATE (Natsuko Tora, Ruaka & Saya Kamitani)

SK = Sayaka Kurara

SK dropkicks Saya multiple times to start. Saya dropkicks her back. Ruaka shoulders SK over then hair throws her. Ruaka corner splashes SK for 2. Tora suplexes SK then hits a senton. Tora grounded sleepers her. SK dropkicks Tora then top rope rossbodies her.

Tam hits corner attcks on Ruaka and Tora then does a reverse ddt + ddt combo. Anou top rope dropkicks Tora then Tora back body drops her. Tora misses a senton then lariats Anou over hard. Saya hits running knees on Anou. Anou boots her in the gut then germans her.

Anou step up enzugiri's her. SK dropkicks Saya in the corner. Saya forearms her down and SK hits more chest forearms. Saya slams SK. SK slams Saya then SK top rope dropkicks her.

SK takes corner attacks from the heels and takes a northern lights suplex for 2. Tora and Ruaka hit each other on accident and get hit for it. Tam hits a top rope dive on her opponents outside when the heels move.

Saya springboard crossbodies SK. SK takes corner attacks and a top rope dropkick from Saya for 2. SK hits chest forearms again then Saya pump kicks her. Saya spinning heel kicks her corkscrew kicks her in the back. Tama hits a spinning high kick on Saya then SK spears Sara. Saya pump kicks SK.

SK rolls up Saya and Saya takes a double basement dropkick. SK then pins Saya.

Saya beats up on the faces after

It was a decent tag here with Kurara getting a lot of time in the ring and getting a big upset pin over Saya. The heels were heels as usual here and did fine with that role. Tam didn't get a lot in on this one.

STARS (Koguma & Saya Iida) vs. STARS (Hanan & Hazuki)

Kog and Haz start us off. Kog wants to do her dance. Haz just kicks her and for some stupid reason, Haz's partner helps the other team beat up Haz. Saya slams and high crabs Haz. Kog hair throws Haz then facewash kicks her. Haz dropkicks her then hits facewash kicks on Kog.

Haz hair throws Kog and does more facewash kicks. Haz sentons Kog then Han top rope crossbodies Kog. Han running euros Kog. Han hits hip throws on both opponents and gets a 2 count on Kog.

Kog 2nd rope crossbodies Han. Kog chops Han then Han flying leg lariats her. Haz top rope dropkicks Kog then codebreakers her for 2. Haz crossfaces Saya while Han does a bow and arrow variation on Kog.

Saya chops Haz and Haz chops back. Saya chop flurries her then hits elbows for 2. Saya does a dragon sleeper variation and Haz ropebreaks. Haz suplexes Saya then Saya lariats her. Kog hits forearms on Haz and they trade forearms. Kog takes a combo from Haz and Han.

Haz top rope dropkicks Kog for 2 then crossfaces her. Haz cradles Kog then la magistrals her for 2. Kog does a surprise roll-up on Haz for 2. Kog counters a codebreaker with a pin attempt. Haz facekicks her over then germans her. Everyone gets a move in then Kog and Haz forearm each other down at the same time.

Haz codebreakers Kog then hits a top rope swanton for 2. Haz suplexes Kog for 2. Saya powerslams Haz off the ropes then Kog top rope splashes Haz for 2. Haz takes a doomsday device shoulderblock. Haz la magistrals Kog for 2. Kog headbutts Haz then Saya suplexes Haz. Kog hits a top rope splash on Haz and wins.

Thoughts: It was a dumb match with them goofing off to start with partners attacking partners then them turning it into a serious match. The work wasn't anything too special and despite them being partners, they mostly had a normal match without playing up some of the issues stablemates might have fighting each other.

Kog gives the girls the mic to talk after and Kog is crying over this. Everyone dog piles on Haz and hugs her and Saya cries. Everyone signs Happy Birthday to Hazuki after. 

AZM & Mayu Iwatani vs. Mina Shirakawa & Toni Storm

Toni backs up Mayu on the ropes. Mayu waistlocks her and Toni rolls her. Mayu does a side headlock and Toni shoulders her over. Toni rolls her up for 1 and Mayu side headlock takeovers her. Toni does a headscissors and they stand off. Toni takes a double dropkick for 2.

Toni backbreakers AZM. Mina stomps on AZM then surfboards her. Mina kicks AZM in the back for 2 and Toni hits hip attacks on AZM. Toni and Mina then hit hip attacks on AZM together. Mina flying neckbreakers AZM.

Mina spinning high kicks AZM then AZM suplexes her. Mayu comes in and dropkicks Mina. Mayu walks up the buckles and flips into a double armdrag on Mina and Toni. Mayu hits a double dropkick on the ropes. Mina is tripped into a baseball slide.

Mina rolls Mayu into a figure four then ddt's AZM to pull on Mayu's legs. Toni shoulders over Mayu. Toni running chest kicks Mayu then hits wind-up punches. Toni fisherman suplexes her for 2. Toni germans Mayu then Mayu germans her back. 

Mayu superkicks Toni. AZM comes in and PK's then basement dropkicks Toni. AZM top rope dropkicks Toni for 2. Toni and AZM trade forearms. Toni headbutts her in the chest then Mayu superkicks Toni. Mayu then topes Toni outside.

AZM and Mayu do a double team double stomp off the top onto Toni. They then hit a double superkick. AZM buzzsaw kicks Toni for 2. Mina springboard enzugiri's AZM. Mina and Toni hit stereo thesz presses then Toni double chokeslam bombs AZM. AZM headscissors Toni for 2.

Toni germans AZM and Mayu. Toni and Mina dance then do stereo hip attacks. Toni hits a storm zero on AZM and wins.

Mayu holds her title up at Toni after and Toni tries to lick it.

It wasn't a classic and didn't get a ton of time, but it was entertaining and it didn't wear out its welcome. There was no great story here or anything except for Mina and Toni goofing around. Toni had the black and white video for her entrance here.

Goddesses Of Stardom Title Match - HATE (Momo Watanabe & Thekla) (c) vs. God's Eye (Saki Kashima & Syuri)

Thek and Syu go at it. Syu has black Jpaanese style pants on with some pink, red and purple. Thek side headlocks Syu then Syu side headlocks her. Syu side headlocks her and takes a headscissor. They stare down and tag out.

Saki 2nd rope diving headscissors Momo. Saki is also in new gear. HATE stomps Saki on the outside and Saki gets sent into the seats. Momo gets a 2 count on Saki inside and stands on her face.

Thek stomp flurries Saki then snapmares her. Thek superkicks her in the back of the head for 2. Thek footslaps Saki. Saki fires up and hits a forearm and a slap. Thek hits shots back then Saki superkicks her.

Syu shotgun dropkicks Thek and knees her in the gut. Syu underhook suplexes her then ddt's Momo. Syu hits a double dropkick then a double meteora on her opponents. Syu top rope guillotine legdrops the back of Thek's neck for 2.

Thek drops Syu with a big forearm then facekicks her on the ropes. Thek hits another boot to the head. Thek forearms Syu in the corner then Syu codebreakers her. Syu fujiwara armbars her and Saki does a christo to Momo at the same time.

Thek limbos out of a lariat then spears Syu. Syu and Momo trade chest kicks. Syu pumping knees Momo. Saki is tagged in and corner knees Momo. Saki hits a chest kick flurry to a downed Momo.

Saki catches Momo up top then top rope hurricanrana's her. Momo chickenwings Saki then PK's her. Saki sunset flips Momo then Saki takes a sandwich kick to the head. Momo uranages Syu then Thek running facekicks Syu out of the ring. Thek top rope plancha's Saki and Syu outside.

Momo meteora's Saki for 2. Saki hits a nice roundhouse shot on Momo then Momo b-drivers her for 2. Saki rolls her up for 2 then Momo takes a sandwich buzzsaw kick. Momo cradle tombsgtones Saki for 2. Thek top rope double stomps Syu's back and hits a nasty curb stomp.

Momo high kicks Thek on accident and Saki rolls up Momo for 2. Momo kicks Saki in the head for 2. Momo does a half-nelson wrist-clutch suplex on Saki and wins.

It was a decent tag mostly for Saki taking things seriously for a change and surprising everyone with it. I had no issues with this though I don't get why they put this as the main over Toni's match.

Momo and Thekla talk on the mic after.

Overall thoughts: It was a decent show overall. It was a little longer than it needed to be though. There was nothing must see on this one but the main, semi main and opener were all fine.

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