Thursday, October 3, 2024

Marigold 9/23/2024 Dream Star Grand Prix Day 7

Marigold 9/23/2024 Dream Star Grand Prix Day 7

Day 6 is here:

Myla Grace & Nao Ishikawa vs. Komomo Minami & Minami Yuuki

KM = Komomo Minami

Nao has a new outfit. KM's team hits dropkicks to start. Myla and Nao hit attacks back together. Myla throws Nao down onto Yuuki then hair throws her. Nao chokes her on the ropes then facebusters her. Nao camel clutches her and Myla basement dropkicks Nao for no real reason. Yuuki rolls up Nao for 2.

Yuuki russian legsweeps her for 2. KM dropkicks Nao multiple times then Nao slams KM for 2. Myla gets in and rolls KM into a crossface. KM dropkicks Myla then rolls over her back and ddt's her. Yuuki dropkicks Myla  several times for 2.

Myla is thrown over by both opponents and takes a double basement dropkick. Yuuki hammerlocks her then KM gets on Nao's back for a sleeper. Myla lariats Yuuki then dropkicks her through the ropes for 2. Yuuki rolls Myla up for 2. Yuuki takes a double dropkick then a spinning fisherman's neckbreaker.

Yuuki and KM take stereo double underhook suplexes. Myla michinoku drivers Yuuki and wins.

Thoughts: It was a real simple tag. I hated the spot where Myla dropkicked Nao. I think it was supposed to be on accident but it was done so poorly that it didn't look like that at all and I can't put this over because of it. Yuuki continues to show very little and is easily the worst wrestler on the roster at this point.

Naho Yamada, former of ActWresGirl'z, comes out and they mention that hse joined Marigold. She said she's excited to entertain the fans.

We get another Grand Prix ceremony and Natsumi Showzuki talks this time.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix STAR League Match - Misa Matsui vs. Kizuna Tanaka

Kiz is put in a side headlock then Misa crossbodies her. They dropkick each other at the same time and Kiz hits a dropkick for 2. Kiz armbars her and pulls on her arm around the ropes. Misa running knees her in the corner then hair throws her. Misa chokes her with her knee on the ropes.

Misa snapmares her then camel clutches her. Misa stands on her then Kiz flying lariats her. Kiz armbars her. Kiz dropkicks her off the ropes. They trade chest forearms. Misa rolls her into a double stomp then basement dropkicks her. Kiz rolling armbars her.

Misa backslides her then bridge pins her for 2. Kiz spin kicks her then fisherman's suplexes her for 2. Kiz hits her re:dream for 2. Misa flying knees her then dropkicks her off the ropes. Misa cradles her then low flying knees her for 2. Misa hits a fisherman's falcon arrow and wins.

Thoughts: It needed more time than it got. It was short but they kept it moving. Misa winning was no surprise.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix STAR League Match - CHIAKI vs. Bozilla

They test strength. Boz knees her in the gut then side headlock takeovers her. Boz hits a cradle shock for 2 then corner splashes her. Chi bangs Boz's head off the buckles then stunners her over the top. They trade forearms. Chi spears her against the ropes and Boz lariats her against the ropes.

Chi gets on Boz's back then is dropped backwards. Chi hits facewash kicks on Boz. Boz germans her then pop-up throws her. Chi eye rakes her and puts the ref in her way. Boz lariats the ref on accident. Chi uses a chair on Boz and basement dropkicks it into her. Boz powerslams Chi but the ref is down and can't count.

Boz picks the ref up and Chi eye rakes her. Chi basement dropkicks her then hits a rolling spear. Boz push kicks her then hits a mean sitout powerbomb to win.

Boz F-5's her after.

Thoughts: It was fine with Chi using heel tactics to even things up before being put down. 

DREAM STAR Grand Prix STAR League Match - Nanae Takahashi vs. Sareee

I've got big time expectations for this as these two are the best women in the world. NT shoulders her over and they trade chest forearms. NT corner lariats her. They trade mounted forearms and roll outside with it. Sare pounds on her outside and they bang each other's heads off the seats.

They each sit down in chairs and slap each other. NT shoulders her over. Sare rolls her outside into a double stomp. Sare is swept on the apron then has her leg banged off the post. NT dragon screws her then throws a chair at her leg.

NT single leg crabs her and Sare rope breaks. NT works the leg. NT hits chest slaps in the corner. Sare then gives it back to her. NT drops her with a forearm and they trade forearms. NT backdrops her. Sare bridges out of the pin then NT does an ankle lock.

NT leglocks her then hits stiff lariats and forearms on the ropes. Sare does an octopus to her. NT throws her over then sliding forearms her. NT goes for a move and is put in an octopus. Sare armbars her then top rope dropkicks her.

Sare goes up top and gets slapped. NT superplexes her. They go up top and Sare hits headbutts. Sare superplexes her. NT clips her then running lariats her.  NT comes off the top and lands on knees. Sare M. Bison stomps her while she's down then NT dragon screws her off the buckles. NT figure fours her.

Sare armbars her and misses her dropkick through the ropes but it is sold anyway. Sare hits a top rope double stomp for 2. NT elbow slices her for 2. NT hits a big lariat for 2. Sare rolls her up for 2 then uranages her for 2. NT fisherman's busters her then falcon arrows her. The time then runs out.

Thoughts: The crowd liked it more than I did. They started out well. NT worked the leg some but Sareee didn't do much selling of it. Had they just stuck with the strikes, it would have been better. The draw definitely made you want to see this again and I was surprised they gave it away here as it is arguably one of their bigger matches available.

NT kind of points at Sareee's title after and they shove each other.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix DREAM League Match - Nagisa Nozaki vs. Victoria Yuzuki

Yuz = Victoria Yuzuki

They test strength and NN pushes Yuz down. Yuz armdrags her then dropkicks her. NN shotgun dropkicks her then hits a double chop flurry in the corner. NN gutbusters her then stands on her gut. NN facewash kicks her then does her reverse pendulum kick on the ropes.

Yuz flying headscissors her then hits a nice flying dropkick. Yuz hits another then NN corner facekicks her. NN suplexes her for 2. NN does a grounded sleeper.

NN pendulum kicks her then 2nd rope dropkicks her. Yuz walks up the buckles and facebusters her down for 2. NN boots her in the gut then Yuz hits chest forearms. NN facekicks her and Yuz hits a hard facekick back. Yuz lightning spirals her then hits a northern lights suplex for 2.

Yuz dropkicks her and slams her. NN sleepers her and Yuz rolls her back with a pin attempt. Yuz cradles her for 2 then crucifixes her for 2. NN facekicks her and shotgun dropkicks her. NN ripcord facekicks her for 2.

NN hits a hard kick to the head and basement dropkicks her to win.

Nagisa offers a handshake after. Yuz slaps the hand and Nagisa boots her in the head.

Thoughts: This was done well and I liked it. These two beat the crap out of each other with hard kicks and boots. Yuzuki showed some good spirit here and Nagisa basically worked like a poor man's Nanae here.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix DREAM League Match - Natsumi Showzuki vs. MIRAI

Nat - Natsumi Showzuki

Nat declines the handshake. Mirai hits a chop flurry on the ropes. Nat armdrags her and dropkicks a lariat away. Nat does an octopus then does it between the ropes. Nat high kicks her then gets a 2 count on a pin attempt. Nat armbars her.

Mirai ropebreaks then Nat hits a corner dropkick and meteora. Mirai lifts her up out of the meteora position and powerbombs her. Mirai shoulders her over. They fight on the buckles.

Nat kimura throws her off the buckles then kimura's her on the mat. Nat meteora's her through the ropes then fisherman suplexes her for 2. Mirai does a nice drop on her. Mirai half nelson suplexes her off the wheelbarrow for 2.

Nat tries pin attepts and is lariated over. Mirai hits a cradle shock then Nat rolls her into a pin attempt and wins.

Thoughts: It was one of Natsumi's better efforts so far. They match up well and kept a nice fast pace. There was no real story or faces/heels but the action was good. I liked this.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix DREAM League Match - Kouki Amarei vs. Chika Goto

They lock up and push each other in the lock up. Kouki facekicks her. They shoulder battle and Chika shoulders her over. Chika hair throws her and corner hip attacks her. Chika atomic drops her then hip attcks her. Chika facekicks her for 2.

Kouki slams her then running facekicks her. Kouki jumping corner facekicks her then hits another facekick for 2. Kouki pulls both of Chika's arms back. Chika ropebreaks. Chika pulls her down backwards then hip attacks her on the ropes. Chika slams her for 2.

Chika giant swings her then corner lariats her for 2. Kouki cutters her then falling splashes her for 2. Kouki dropkicks her for 2. Kouki hits a dominator for 2. Kouki misses a top rope splash then Chika low lariats her for 2. Chika hits another lariat for 2.

Kouki backdrops her, Chika reverses the pin and Chika rolls her up for 2.

Thoughts: It was better than it should have been. Chika showed some spirit here and they matched up okay. There was no higher thinking involved here on this one but they kept it competitive and got out before they wore their welcome out.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix STAR League Match - Miku Aono vs. Mai Sakurai

They lock up and Miku is backed up on the ropes. Mai rolls her up then Miku dropkicks her. Miku corner dropkicks her twice. Mai dropkicks her. Miku hits kicks to the leg.

Mai facekicks her on the ropes then bangs Miku's head off the apron. Miku is whipped into the chairs. Miku's head is then banged off a table. Mai holds up a title above Miku and poses.

They get in and Miku roughs her up. Miku then takes her out and they trade forearms outside. Mai is then sent into the seats. Mai's head is banged off the sign in the stands then Miku's head is banged off of it. Miku is then booted down the steps and Mai chairs her.

Miku's head is banged off the apron. Mai top rope dropkicks her for 2. Mai leg slices her for 2. They trade chest forearms. Mai facekicks her. Miku backdrops her and Mai flying kicks her.

Miku lariats her against the ropes then sliding lairats her for 2. They fight on the buckles. Mai headbutts her   then superplexes her. Mai northern lights suplexes her for 2. Mai facekicks her then pump kicks her for 2.  Mai hits a sitout gordbuster for 2. Mai STF's her and Miku rolls her up for 2.

Mai does a shining headkick for 2 then Miku lariats her. Miku double underhook suplexes her and headkicks her for 2. Mai rolls her up for 2. Miku lariats her and the time runs out as she hits a styles clash. This is a draw.

Thoughts: It was a good match here. They matched up well and had a fiery match with a lot of roughhousing and stiffness. I liked this one and thought it did a lot for both girls.  

Mai said the draw is no good and all she thought of was winning. She said she's not the Mai Sakurai from their first match and says she will send Marigold into the future. Miku gets on the mic after. She agrees that this is a different Mai from their first match. She said she looks forward to smashing her in the future. She calls out Nanae Takahashi. Nanae comes out. Miku says she's looking forward to facing her for the first time. Nanae starts a passion chant and they grab each other by the hair. Nanae then hits her in the gut but Miku laughs it off.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix DREAM League Match - NORI vs. Utami Hayashishita

Nori backs her up on the ropes on the lock-up. Utami side headlocks her and they stand off after a missed kick. Nori walks up the buckles and armdrags her. Nori then shotgun dropkicks her. Nori hits knees to the head and hair throws her.

Nori hits chest kicks. We see Takako Inoue at ringside who is finally aging. Nori hits kicks to the back then Utami ropebreaks on an armbar. Nori hits chest kicks and drops her. Utami side slams her and sliding lariats her.

Utami dropkicks her off the buckles. Utami samoan drops her. They trade kicks for lariats. Nori top rope dropkicks her for 2 then suplexes her. Utami forearms her then powerbombs her after catching a kick. Utami does a spinning sitout bomb on her for 2.

Nori backdrops her. Nori high kicks her and spin kicks her in the face. Utami germans her twice. Nori backslides her for 2 then high kicks her. UTami lariats her over. Utami lariats her for 2.

Utami hits a spinning razor's edge and wins.

I liked this one and this was Nori's best match in Marigold so far. She didn't do the submissions that didn't go anywhere and they just opted to beat the crap out of each other. That's what I wanted to see out of this and they delivered. I don't even normally like Utami's matches but this worked.

Utami says she wants to face her again in the future. She says she looks forward to beating Kouki at the next show and says she will face whoever wins the other block of the Grand Prix. She says she's here to show her comeback. She says she loves everyone and leads a Marigold cheer.

Overall thoughts: It was a good Marigold show here. The top half of the card had a bunch of good matches and a lot of the matches delivered beyond expectations. The show was much better than expected and gave me a lot of hope for the future of this company.

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