Thursday, October 3, 2024

Juggalo Championship Wrestling 10/2/2024 Lunacy Episode 6

Juggalo Championship Wrestling 10/2/2024 Lunacy Episode 6

Last week's show is here:

The New Backseat Boys talk in the back with Johnny Kashmere. They say it's too good to be true and they have waited their entire lives to rep JCW. They promise to be the greatest tag champs in JWC history and say, "Backseat's back, alright".

Breyer Wellington and Geeves are interviewed by Joe Galli in the back. Breyer says they are here to make it on rain on JCW. He says they will always be forever. He says whatever obstacle they put in front of him, he will make it rain.

Matt Cardona, Manny Fresh and Joe Galli are on commentary.

Geeves comes out to the ring to talk. He says to pay homage to Breyer Wellington as he gets hit with drinks. Breyer gets in and also gets hit with drinks and bottles. 

Simon Gotch vs "Richie Boy" Breyer Wellington

Breyer offers a handshake. Simon slaps it away and takes him down by the wrist. Simon grabs the thumb and bangs it into the mat. Simon makes him put on amateur wrestling headgear.

Simon takes him down and immediately armbars him. Simon lets go of it and hits mounted punches and a front facelock. Simon rolls him to the ropes. They go out and  trade punches. Simon hits shots then backdrops Breyer.

Simon hits forearms and euros then hits him in the back of the neck. Simon belly to belly suplexes him. Geeves gets in the ring. Simon takes off Geeves' jacket for him and kicks him in the gut. Simon hits an oklahoma stampede. Breyer rolls up Simon from behind then is put in a bulldog choke. Breyer then submits.

Thoughts: This was a weird one. Simon seemingly had it won early but let go. They fought for a few more minutes then Simon beat up Geeves and submitted Breyer. This was mostly a one-sided match.

Deputy Dickhead vs Zack Gowen

Officer Colt Cabana comes out with someone else in a police style outfit (who is later referred to as Deputy Dickhead and grabs the mic. He says he was supposed to have a match tonight but he realized his opponent has one leg only. He says he believes in police brutality, but not that much. He says he won't wrestle some gimp and has Deputy wrestle him instead.

Dep boots and stomps on Zack. Colt goes to the commentary booth. Zack back elbows him and boots him out of the corner. Zack hits a 2nd rope tornado ddt. Zack does his own version of the figure four with his arms since he doesn't have the second leg to fully pull it off.

Dep boots him in the knee. Dep tries a figure four but Zack doesn't have the second leg so he can't do it. Dep  tries a spinning toe hold instead. Zack then rolls him up off the figure our attempt and Zack is shouldered over.

Dep running ssp's Zack. Dep tries a top rope moonsault but misses. Zack then hits a one-legged canadian destroyer. Zack goes up on the ropes and Colt crabs him by the throat. 2 Tuff Tony stops Colt then Zack hits a top rope moonsault on Dep and wins.

The figure four stuff was amusing here. It wasn't a super serious match but was somewhat interesting as a freakshow spectacle. I think they made the most of this they could have despite Zack's limitations.

Deputy pleases to Colt after and Colt hits him with a beer and beats him up.

Shaggy's Spotlight

Shaggy 2 Dope says we will take a look at Kongo Kong. We then see some highlights.

We have ring girls between the matches holding up JCW Lunacy signs.

JCW Title - Willie Mack (c) vs James Storm

They go to lock up and Storm stalls outside. Stom then hits him from behind and pounds on him. Mack reverses a hiptoss with a headlock takeover then flying headscissors him. Storm goes up and over then Mack flying kicks/knees him. Storm goes out to recover and Mack throws some things at him.

Mack chops him against the rails then twists his nipples. Storm spits beer in Mack's face. Storm chops Mack outside then hits him with a beer. Mack fights out and takes a back elbow. Mack is thrown hard into the corner and goes down.

Mack is thrown into the corner and hits a lariat. Mack flying back elbows him then hits a big slam. Mack standing moonsaults him for 2. Mack hits a punch and Storm enzugiri's him from the apron. Storm ddt's him for 2.

Storm grabs a chair from the outside. A fan throws a beer at the side of Mack's face then Storm is hit with two drinks. Storm is thrown into a chair in the corner and Mack stunners Storm to win.

Thoughts: The match wasn't much. They spent a lot of time outside and kept a slow pace. It wasn't anything special but it did get enough time at least. Mack got hit hard with a drink in the side of the head from a fan near the end of this and it definitely seemed to bother him.

Overall thoughts: It was your usual JCW Lunacy show. The matches are mostly all random. There's not a lot of storylines and the matches are shorter matches that aren't that great. They do have clear faces and heels though which I applaud. The crowd threw drinks at the wrestlers all night long, hitting some of them with cans, hitting them near the eyes and hitting them while they were on the top rope. It's dangerous for the wrestlers and it needs to stop as wrestling is dangerous enough. I wouldn't recommend this one but at least it was only 40 minutes long.

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