Tuesday, September 17, 2024

WWE Monday Night Raw 9/16/2024

WWE Monday Night Raw 9/16/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/09/wwe-monday-night-raw-992024.html

We are in Portland. Joe Tessitore and Wade Barrett are on commentary.

We see various wrestlers arrive. We see Punk walk into the building and he heads to the ring.

Punk says people ask him how many matches he has left. He says the answer is way more than you think. He said he didn't come here to make friends, but didn't come here to make mortal enemy and that's what he did. He says the only way to end this is with Hell in a Cell. He says he's too stubborn to end this and says Drew's fatal mistake was not getting the job done.

He says he has zero HIAC matches in him. He said his wife and sister begged him not to do it. He said he told Drew that if he was pushed far enough, he could become the devil himself. He says the devil in his heart says this only ends in HIAC. He says he can't promise he won't kill Drew. He says he will make him bleed. He says Drew will have to kill him as he is prepared to die. He says he's prepared for this to be the end of CM Punk and says he will see him in hell if he's prepared for this to be the end of Drew.

Sheamus is interviewed by Cathy Kelly. He says he taught Pete well and says Pete took his dream from him. He says he needs the IC Title to become the 4th Grand Slam champ. He says it's time to inflict pain to his protege. He says Pete becomes "my Butch" tonight even though he doesn't like being called that.

Sheamus vs Pete Dunne

They hit each other at the same time and Sheamus uranage backbrakers him. Sheamus hits shots to the spine and Pete bags Sheamus' arm over his shoulder. Sheamus swinging side slams him.

Pete enzugiri's him then stomps his arm into the mat. Pete plancha's him then Sheamus hits an alabama slam on the commentary table. We go to break and return. Pete running sitout powerbombs him for 2.

Pete hits a big forum and hits mounted forearms. Sheamus hits a big lariat then corner lariats Pete. Sheamus powerslams him. Sheamus hits a top rope diving kneedrop for 2. Pete hits some boots. Pete is caught up top and Sheamus hits a 2nd rope powerslam for 2.

Sheamus hits chest clubs. Pete grabs the shillelagh but takes a pumping knee. Sheamus grabs the shillelagh, the ref takes it from Sheamus then Pete hits Sheamus with a cricket bat. Pete pump kicks Sheamus and gets the win.

Thoughts: It was a decent match as expected here with the two stiffing each other. Both took a beating here and some high impact moves. This isn't over as Pete got the win here by cheating. 

Jey Uso walks up to Damian Priest and Rhea Ripley. He says he will have eyes on Priest's match. Xavier Woods walks in. He said him and Kofi have a title shot tonight. Woods says they want to go it alone tonight and asks them to stay back here and handle it. Priest says to whoop their @sses and take their titles. 

The Miz talks to Braun Strowman in the back. He's banged up and Miz says good luck. Miz asks him what he meant when he said Miz is no match for Bronson Reed. Braun says sometimes it takes a monster to beat a monster.

Zoey Stark vs Natalya

PFC is with Zoey and Nat has Vega and Lyra with her. Nat rolls her up and Zoey shoves her. Nat goes up and over then Zoey springboard dropkicks her. We go to PiP break and return. Zoey misses a springboard dropkick and takes a german. Nat spinning lariats her. Nat hits a superkick to the face for 2.

Zoey armdrags her then rolling death valley drivers her. Zoey superkicks her for 2. They trade pin attempts and Nat picks up the pin.

Thoughts: It was short and cut up by the break. I didn't think it was as good as it should have been.

Rhea Ripley is interviewed and Finn Balor interrupts. He says she's as bad as Damien Priest. He says she only cared about herself and says her and Priest are why he wasn't champ last year. He says her and Priest are the reason for everything that has happened to Judgment Day. She says Judgment Day will see how bad they can be at Bad Blood. Finn says he was the devil on Dom's shoulder and told him to forget about her. Jey Uso walks in and asks if there is a problem. Finn says he might want to focus on the IC Title as he is out of his league with Rhea.

Jey Uso comes out to talk. He says he's on his own and can finally win his first singles title. Bron Breakker comes out. He said he told Jey to stay away but here he is. He says there's no doubt Jey is a star but says he did more in 6 months than Jey did in his whole career. Bron says his title is his family, he fihts for it and it fights for him. He says he will expose him and says he is nothing without his family.

Jey says Bron has the dog in him, but he's been on the roster for 14 years while Bron was in diapers. Jey says he will dog walk him next week. Jey says his reign might be short and sweet like his NFL career. Bron gets mad then decks him. Bron runs the ropes and gets speared by Jey.

Iyo Sky yells at Bianca and Jade. Iyo calls them a coward for trying to fight Kairi with an injured eye. She said she doesn't run from fights and says Iyo should step up for Kairi. Iyo says she accepts.

World Tag Titles - Judgment Day (Finn Balor and JD McDonaugh) (c) vs The New Day

Kofi walks up the buckles and diving hurricanrana's JD. Woods sliding lariats JD then hits an elbow drop after a Kofi splash. Woods slams JD then flip Kofi backwards into a moonsault on JD. Finn takes a double bulldog then the heels take superkicks out.

We go to break and return. Kofi hits a ranhei on Finn for 2. Woods lariats the heels and knocks down JD. Woods hits corner punches on JD then Woods russian legsweeps him. Kofi springboard cops Finn and Woods dropkicks Finn out. Kofi tope con hilos Finn. Woods sitout powerbombs JD for 2.

The rest of Judgment Day come out and The LWO goes after them. Woods superkicks JD. Kofi plancha's everyone outside hten Woods hits a top rope elbow drop on JD but the ref is dealing with the fight outside. JD puts Woods in a grounded choke and Finn top rope double stomps Woods to win.

Thoughts: It was short and had shenanigans on the outside. This didn't get enough time and wasn't much. New Day losing wasn't a big surprise.

Woods gets frustrated with Kofi after, saying "every time" and says he's tired of it.

We get another video from The Wyatts with a QR code though they don't say anything.

Kofi Kingston is interviewed. He said he has to find Woods. Woods is yelling at The LWO for getting involved. Kofi said he told them to get involved. Woods says they cost him the titles. Kofi said he asked them to have their backs incase Judgment Day comes down. Woods said they never needed help before and asks why they need it now. Kofi said they had Big E before and not now. Woods asks if it's not good enough. Woods said he was left in the dark by The LWO coming out and he has had enough of it.

Thoughts: After a few of weeks of no progress and Odyssey Jones getting pulled from TV, it seems New Day are having problems again.

Bronson Reed talks. He said opportunities have been taken from him time after time. Reed said he has to show people how dangerous he really is.

He said he got injured and Braun Strowman was given his opportunity. He said he won't cry about it, he will do something about it. He said the story will be Braun being the victim to WWE's true monster, Bronson Reed.

Bronson Reed vs Braun Strowman

Reed charges at him, misses and pulls the top rope out. We are now without a top rope. Braun chokeslams him and boots him out of the ring. Braun runs around the ring and Reed throws a fan at him. Braun crossbodies him through the rail and both are down. The match is stopped and Braun poses in the ring.

Reed is escorted to the back and Braun chases after him. Braun pounces him into a box and Reed is sent into a wall. Braun flips a golfcart then Reed runs on a box and crossbodies him through tables. Braun then spears Reed through a wall, knocking pans and boxes down. Both are down after we return from break and we cut away.

Thoughts: This was a fun King of the Monsters style war. We only got a few minutes of it but it was memorable and had a bunch of highlights. They totally messed up the spot with the pans and boxes falling down though.

Adam Pearce talks to a ref. Ludwig Kaiser walks in and asks if an opponent for Gunther has been found yet. Adam mentions Sami Zayn and Kaiser doesn't like the idea. Adam says Gunther should talk to him if he has a problem with it. 

Sami Zayn comes out to talk. He puts over Bret Hart and says it motivated him. He says he wants to be the champ like Bret and needs it to be him. He says Gunther has declined every title challenge though because he's not on his level. He says it's because he's in Gunther's head and because Gunther knows he can beat him again.

Ludwig Kaiser comes out. He asks him what he's doing out here and doesn't buy Gunther being scared of him. He says Gunther's trying to save Sami from the worst embarrassment of his life. He says miracles never happen twice and says it won't happen again.

Sami says Gunther and Kaiser don't need each other. He says Gunther doesn't have the balls to speak for himself. Gunther comes out. He asks if there's anything Kaiser needs to tell him. Kaiser says there is then he beats up Sami. Kaiser holds Sami and Gunther says the answer is no to his title challenge. 

Kaiser goes for a ddt but Sami germans him then hits a helluva kick.

Damien Priest is interviewed by Cathy Kelly. Liv Morgan walks in and says it wasn't hard for Judgment Day to move on without them. Priest says he can't believe someone in the group has a set. He says Rhea will shove them down Liv's throat. Priest says he will put Dom down.

Iyo Sky vs Bianca Belair

BB side headlock takeovers her. Iyo headscissors her and does the same. Iyo flips out of a headscissors and rolls her up for 2. They try to dropkick each other at the same time then double kip up together. Iyo cartwheels off the ropes. BB blocks a hurricanrana and Iyo sunset flips her.

BB suplexes her. Iyo springboard armdrags her and we go to break. We return and BB rolls her up. BB shoulders her over then dropkicks her. BB hits corner punches then Iyo hits shotei's. Iyo dropkicks her. BB tilt-a-whirl gutbusters her then Iyo top rope dropkicks her.

They trade forearms and Iyo sunset flips her. BB spinebusters her then handspring moonsaults her for 2. Iyo rebound germans her for 2. Iyo topes her. BB walks her up the steps in the suplex position an throws her in the ring. Iyo blocks a 450 then cradles BB off a KOD to win.

Thoughts: It was a very athletic and fast paced match. It was one of the better things both girls were involved with and this was so much above the usual offerings. This was good and was a major success.

Priest tells Rhea he will rip Dom apart and says they will continue to do it.

American Made does a video. Chad says he's still standing after months of abuse. The Creed's say it's the end of dealing with The Wyatt's. Ivy says it's time to bring respect and honor back to the ring. We see then driving in an army truck with a flag.

Ludwig Kaiser is interviewed. He says he will expose Sami next week. He brings up Kevin Owens and Sami's relationship with them turning on eac hother when the other is more successful. He says he will show the world that Sami is a bitter, jealous man. He says he will never be a world champ.

Jey Uso and Ilja Dragunov talk. Ilja wishes him the best of luck and they pound fists and yeet. Judgment Day walks up to Ilja. Finn says Ilja is getting friendly with Jey and praising Thea and Priest. Finn says to think more about who he chooses as his friends. Ilja says friends is a strong word but he respects them, which is more than he can say about any of them. Finn says this is a friendly reminder and next time, the message won't be delivered so lightly.

Damien Priest vs Dominik Mysterio

DP shoulders over Dom then hits shots in the corner. DP lifts him by the throat and throws him. DP does short arm shoulderblocks then flying back elbows him. Dom hits shots to the knee. DP flapjacks him then chokes him on the ropes. DP hits a big forearm.

Dom goes out to rest and DP drops him face first on the apron. DOm's head is banged of the commentary table. DP nails Carlito. Finn hits DP and Dom topes DP over the commentary table.

We go to break and return. Dom tornado ddt's DP for 2. DOm hits forearms and chops. DP fires up and hits shots. DP spinning punches him and forearms him down. DP lifting flatliners Dom for 2. DP high kicks Dom then hits a broken arrow. Rhea spears Liv over the commentary table into Wade. DP flying forearms Carlito off the steps then sends Dom into Finn.

DP superkicks Carlito. Dom superkicks and 619's DP. DP hits a south of heaven chokeslam and wins.

Judgment Day jumps DP after. Rhea grabs Dom then Liv sends Rhea into the steps. Jey Uso comes out and takes a giant spear from the side by Bron. DP gets beat up on more. Liv hits oblivion on Rhea. Finn top rope double stomps DP.

Thoughts: I'm not sure about Dom losing to DP. Dom had a lot of help and could use a win sometime. The heel did get their heat back though at the end. Wade getting dove on was a cool spot and they had a decent main event.

Overall thoughts: Iyo/Bianca and Reed/Braun were the highlights of the night here. It was a good show overall with them having a lot of solid matches.

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