Monday, September 16, 2024

Marigold 9/8/2024 Dream Star Grand Prix Day 2

Marigold 9/8/2024 Dream Star Grand Prix Day 2

The last show is here:

CHIAKI & Myla Grace vs. Kizuna Tanaka & MIRAI

Myla's team is attacked at the bell. Myla takes wristlocks from both opponents. Myla is put in an armbar while Mirai stretches Chi over her back. Kiz crossbodies and low crossbodies Myla for 2. Myla drops down to avoid a shot and basement dropkicks Kiz.

Chi throws Kiz by the hair and pulls her by it. Chi facewash kicks Kiz on the ropes then iron claws her. Kiz takes her down and fujiwara armbars her and Chi ropebreaks. Kiz flying lariats her then Mirai hits corner attacks on Chi. Mirai top rope dropkicks Chi for 2.

Chi rolling spears Mirai. Myla corner euros Mirai then hip attacks her on the ropes. Myla suplexes her for 2. Mirai does a samoan drop style move to Myla. Kiz spin kicks and fisherman suplexes Myla. chi eye rakes Myla to block a move and Myla is thrown into the ref by Chi. Chi grabs a chair and Myla pulls it away. Chi grabs Myla by the hair and they get double dropkicked by Kiz. Mirai half-nelson wheelbarrow suplexes Myla for 2.

Myla rolls Mirai off a lariat attempt then Myla spinning neckbreakers her for 2. Myla backbreakers Mirai. Mirai hits a rainmaker style lariat on her and wins.

It was shorter one here. Myla did a decent job and it was okay for what it was. But it was an opener and wasn't designed to be a classic.

We get a 2nd Dream Star Grand Prix ceremony for some reason. We already had one at the beginning of the tournament.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix DREAM League Match - NORI vs. Chika Goto

Chika wants a test of strnegth and is kicked in the leg several times. Nori runs up the buckles and armdrags Chika down. Nori dropkicks her then Chika shoulders her over. Nori is put on the 2nd rope and Chika buttpresses her down. Chika hip attacks her in the corner.

Nori hits leg kicks then slams her. Nori hair throws Chika then corner shotgun dropkicks her. Nori handstands and double kneedrops Chika. Nori hits kicks on a downed Chika. Nori hits kicks to the back and bodyscissors her.

Chika camel clutches her then pulls her arms backwards. Chika giant swings her. Nori spin kicks her then Chika lariats her over. Nori ankle locks her and bangs her knee off the mat. Nori hits leg kicks then leglocks her.

They grab hands and trade leg kicks for chest forearms. Chika rolls her up for 2 then drops her on her chest/stomach. Nori backdrops her. Nori hits kicks and a high kick. Nori suplexes her for 2. Nori corkscrew kicks her and pins her.

Thoughts: Nori did a bunch of leg kicks here but ended up winning with a kick to the head. I guess her using kicks to win makes sense but then leg work meant nothing. Chika had a better showing than usual and did more than she usually does in this one, maybe showing some signs of grow. It was about average though overall.

Nori hits kicks on Chika after. 

DREAM STAR Grand Prix DREAM League Match - Utami Hayashishita vs. Victoria Yuzuki

Yuz = Victoria Yuzuki

They lock up. Yuz misses a dropkick then Utami shoulders her over. Utami slams her then gets on her back and chinlocks her. Utami blocks Yuz's headscissors and ram her into the buckles. Utami running back elbows her then Yuz dropkicks her.

Utami hits more back elbows then Yuz flying headscissors her. Yuz basement dropkicks her. Yuz walks up the ropes then facebusters her down. Utami samoan drops her then hits an air raid crash for 2.

Utami drops her while she's on her back. Yuz dropkicks her then hits a lightning spiral. Yuz northern lights suplexes her for 2 then superkicks her. Yuz does like a flipping abdominal stretch bomb for 2. Utami hits a big forearm then lariats her.

Utami germans her. Yuz rolls her up for 2 and Utami flips her with a lariat for 2. Utami does her shocking baszler drop and wins.

Thoughts: It was a decent match here. Both got about the same amount of offense in and Yuz went for the upset then got put down.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix DREAM League Match - Natsumi Showzuki vs. Kouki Amarei

Nat = Natsumi Showzuki

Kouki waistlocks her then cartwheels off the ropes. Nat dropkicks her and Kouki running facekicks her. Nat dropkicks Kouki. Kouki pulls back on Nat's arms. Nat ropebreaks. Kouki misses a facekick and has her leg pulled down over the top rope. Nat springboard double kneedrops her.

Nat bangs Kouki's legs off the mat then Kouki powerslams her. Kouki falling splashes her. Kouki flying kicks her and Nat sunset flips her off a toyota roll. Kouki facekicks her. Kouki cutters her for 2. Nat fujiwara armbars her. Nat and Kouki each hit mounted forearms.

Nat kicks her hard in the chest while she is seated. Nat cradles her for 2. Nat hits a dropkick and meteora in the corner for 2. Nat meteora's her. They go up top and Kouki guillotine chokes her there. Kouki then hits a dominator for 2.

Kouki misses a 180 splash off the top and Nat crcufixies her for 2. Nat step up nezugiri's her then hits a fisherman's suplex for 2. Kouki backdrops her and hits a 180 splash for 2. Kouki does a dangerous release backdrop and wins.

It wasn't that good. There was no story here and Kouki just did her usual stuff before getting the win.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix STAR League Match - Nanae Takahashi vs. Misa Matsui

NT = Nanae Takahashi

NT waistlock takedowns her. Misa front facelocks her. NT side headlocks her and Misa headscissors her. NT side headlocks her then Misa puts her in one. Misa leg kicks her then springboard diving armdrags her. Misa dropkicks her.

NT hair throws her the corner splashes her. NT slaps her and hits chops. Misa walks up the ropes and pulls NT arm down over the top. Misa dropkicks the arm then top rope double stomps it. Misa does a grounded abdominal stretch and NT ropebreaks. Misa top rope dropkicks her for 2.

NT side slams her then Misa armbars her. NT does n stf variation and Misa ropebreaks. They trade chest forearms on the ropes and NT backdrops her for 2. Misa rolls her into a double stomp.

Misa does an octopus hold on her then NT throws her over. NT sliding forearms her. They trade forearms and Misa hurricanrana's her for 2. Misa basement dropkicks her for 2. Misa rolling armbars her then crossbodies her against the bottom rope.

Mia fisherman suplexes her then NT running lariats her. NT hits another lariat then Misa la magistral's her into a bridge for 2. NT elbow slices her for 2. NT lays her on her own shoulder and drops her. NT does a wristclutch emerald flowsion and wins.

Thoughts: There was some okay stuff here with Misa working the arm and trying to get the win with it before NT puts her down. It wasn't as good as it should have been though but it may been a time issue. I would have liked to have seen a little more spirit out of Misa in this.

Misa grabs her by the leg after and NT steps on her.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix STAR League Match - Miku Aono vs. Bozilla

Boz shoves her back off the lock-up. Miku hits chest forearms then Boz shoulders her over. They go outside and Miku is sent into the seats and post. Boz forearms her down then Miku kicks her in the back. They get back in and Boz spinning sitout powerbombs her for 2. Boz dropkicks her off the buckles.

Miku dropkicks her then Boz russian legsweeps her. Miku hits leg kicks and fisherman suplexes her. Miku then ties her legs up and pulls. Boz ropebreaks then lariats her over. Boz pounces Miku then vader bombs her for 2. Boz fallaway slams her then misse sa vader bomb. Miku sliding lariats her fo r2.

Miku leglocks her and buzzsaw kicks her. Boz alabama slams her and rolls her up for 2. Boz lariats her then hits an F-5 for 2. Boz hits Miku's styles clash on her and pins her.

Thoughts: It was a big vs small match. Miku got a little in but the match wasn't really long enough to truly push that she would win and that hurt the match because of it. It was a shorter one here and Boz dominated for most of it as expected.

Miku goes after Boz after the match and they pound on each other with girls trying to break it up. Boz grabs Miku's title and throws it at her.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix STAR League Match - Sareee vs. Mai Sakurai

Mai hits Sare with her robe as Sare enters. They go outside and trade chest forearms. Mai chairs her in front of the ref then basement dropkicks her. Sare is sent into the post. Mai stomps on Sare then basement dropkicks her. Mai does a grounded armlock.

They basement dropkick each other and Mai is thrown by the hair. Sare double foot chokes her in the corner. Sare slams her then indian deathlocks her. They trade chest forearms and Mai facekicks her.

Sare suplexes her then Mai slaps her. Sare slaps back and they pull each other by the hair. Sare forearms then takes a facekick. Mai northern lights suplexes her.

Mai goes up top and gets hit. Sare 2nd rope fisherman's suplexes her. Mai facekicks Sare off the buckles then top rope plancha's her outside. 

Sare is thrown into the seats. They go back in. Mai top rope dropkicks her and pump kicks her. Mai and Sare trade chest forearms. Mai hits a chest forearm flurry then Sare dropkicks her against the ropes. Sare dropkicks her through the ropes.

Sare fisherman suplexes her then top rope double stomps her. Mai legslices her for 2. Mai goes for the STF and Sare ropebreaks. Sare misses a spin kick and Mai kind of sells it some anyway then Mai rolls her up. Sare backdrops her for 2. Mai facekicks Sare then basement dropkicks her.

Mai hits a top rope elbow drop for 2. Sare headbutts her then forearms her down. Mai crucifixes her for 2. Mai tiger suplexes her for 2. Mai stf's her.

Sare exploders her for 2 then does another and wins it.

It was a good match. The two matched up well together and did what they were supposed to in this one. It got heated and stiff at times and it felt like it should have been the main event at a bigger show. Mai is really stepping up in Marigold as this was one of the better matches I've seen her in. We need a rematch of this one.

They talk on the mic after.

Overall thoughts: It was a good show overall. The main was the best thing on here with Mai Sakurai really stepping up to the plate and looking like a star in Marigold. The semi-main and Nanae/Misa match was okay and Yuzuki's match was decent. I wouldn't recommend this one outside of the main though.

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