Tuesday, September 17, 2024

NWA Powerrr 9/17/2024

NWA Powerrr 9/17/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/09/nwa-powerrr-9102024.html

Joe Galli and Danny Dealz are our hosts

NWA Exodus Pro Title - Pretty Boy Smooth (c) vs Mims

PB is with a pastor. They lock up and Mims is put in a side headlock. Mims boos him and side headlocks him. Mims flying shoulders him then PB nodowa otoshi's him. PB hits chest slaps then corner splashes him. Blk Jeez (who is with Mims) distracts PB. Mims hits corner spears.

PB misses a corner splash then Mims drives him into the buckles for more corner spears. PB powerslams him and legddrops him. Mims headbutts and slams him. They fight outside and Mims tries to suplex him into the crowd. PB is rammed into the post outside. PB hit a big facekick. Mims gets counted out and PB wins.

Thoughts: It was about average here. The finish was weak but I think they wanted to have PB keep the title and not have Mims take a loss. PB's facekick was nice here.

Mims hits him with the title belt after.

NWA Women's Tag Titles - The King Bees (Dani Bee and Charity King (c) vs Carribbean Flow (Ruthie Jay and La Rosa Negra)

Dani is the thinner Bee and King is the thicker Bee. King is backed up in the corner and Rosa twerks on her. King waistlock takedowns Rosa then shoulders her over. Rosa is tripped into a sliding double knee. Dani is gordbustered onto Rosa for 2. They trade shots and Rosa boot flurries her.

Jay double knees King in the corner. Jay spinning high kicks Dani. Dani superkicks her for 2. Jay takes a double suplex then a senton from King. King back elbows her. Jay jawbreakers her and tags Rosa in. Rosa hits back elbows and waistlock takedowns King. Rosa does a cool spinning alabama slam variation for 2.

Jay hits soul foot on King then Dani codebreakers Jay. Rosa superkicks Dani then misses a frogsplash. Dani rolls her up and wins.

Thoughts: The crowd wasn't into this at all and brought it down. It was an average match but nothing was wrong with it.

NWA Krossfire Title - Juventud Guerrera (c) vs Zyon

Juv comes out with his mask on. He says, "finally, The Juice has come back to Knoxville, Tennessee". He starts a "Juice" chant for himself. Zy backs him up in the corner and trips him. Juv armdrags him and tells him to suck it.

Zy boots and clubs him then Juv flying headscissors him. Juv dropkicks him through the ropes. They get back to wrestling and Zy hits a lariat. He misses multiple stomps and neckbreakers him. Zy fist drops him and does an arm and chin hold. Zy swinging neckbreakers him for 2 then does another arm and chin lock.

Zy hits chops. Juv comes off the 2nd rope and is caught and dropped throat first on the ropes. Zy 2nd rope fist drops him for 2. Juv does a short spike hurricanrana. Juv hits a michinoku driver for 2 then top rope splashes Zy for 2.

Juv is crotched up top and takes a euro. Zy does a z-clutch (cobra clutch variation) and Juv ropebreaks. Zy doesn't let go and the ref throws the match out instead of DQ'ing Zy.

Thoughts: The finish was dumb here and I don't get why Zy wasn't DQ'd for not letting of the hold. The match wasn't much and the finish didn't help it.

NWA JCP Tag Titles - The Stew Crew (Dylan and Zack Stewart) vs The Fixers (Wrecking Ball Legursky and Jay Bradley

WBL = Wrecking Ball Legursky

The Crew is knocked off the apron as they enter and they all fight outside. Zack is the bigger one here and Jay facekicks Dylan. WBL knees Zack in the head. Dylns is sent into the chairs and takes a facekick. Jay throws chairs.

We go to break and return and WBL headbutts Dylan. WBL stands on his gut then hits punches and headbutts. Jay corner facekicks Zack then kneedrops him.

Jay pounds on Dylan and headbutts him. Dylan is held for a WBL elbow drop and headbutt drop. WBL pounds on Dylan. Dylan is slammed then splashed by Jay. Dylan's entrance jacket is still on. Jay shoulders Dylan over.

Zack gets in and WBL bodyblocks him. WBL goes up and over then splashes him. WBL misses a buttdrop and Zack crucifixes him to win.

Thoughts: It was short. The finish was sudden which sucked and it was a very one-sided match. The work wasn't bad but this was not the match it should have been.

The Crew get beat up after.

Overall thoughts: As usual, it wasn't a good show. The matches were random. One had a countout finish and the other had a wrong no contest finish. The main was too short and nothing of note. I wouldn't recommend this.

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