Tuesday, September 24, 2024

TNA Xplosion 9/20/2024

TNA Xplosion 9/20/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/09/tna-xplosion-9132024.html

Around the Ring with Gia Miller

KC Navarro is this week's guest. He says him and Ace Austin go far back. He says he saved Ace Austin's life. Ace made his eye bleed and stayed at 3-4 days in KC's house while blinded.

They do Spongebob quotes. KC says he's a go getter and a dream chaser. He said he was told he would never make it because of his size but just wrestled The Hardy Boys.  

Steve Maclin & Eric Young vs. Pillars of Destiny (Titan and Hunter)

The PoD made some AEW Dark appearances and hopefully impress enough to get signed here.

Steve forearms both opponents to start. Steve bangs one of them off of his knee then hits a lariat. Steve then does like a throat thrust on the other. Titan takes lariats to the back. Titan takes a neckbreaker + backdrop combo.

Titan gets his back clubbed then Hunter does as well. Titan facekicks Steve. Titan tags in Hunter with a forearm and Hunter has bitten off the tag rope. Hunter is suplexed drop onto Steve and headbutts him in the ribs.

Hunter hits a corner splash then tries to slam Titan on Steve, but Steve moves. Eric tags in and hits shots on PoD. EY dropkicks one of them and hits a death valley driver for 2. Eric gets bitten in the back of the head. Steve hits his crosshairs tree of woe spear then hits a double underhook elevated ddt for the win.

Thoughts: It was a shorter one though both teams got a lot in for the time. The PoD stuck out some here but it was just a match.

Overall thoughts: There was only one new match and one interview here. Neither were that good and this was not must see.

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