Wednesday, September 25, 2024

WWE Monday Night Raw 9/23/2024

WWE Monday Night Raw 9/23/2024

Last week's show is here:

We see various wrestlers arrive with Dom arriving in a lowrider. Bronson Reed then rams Braun Strowman through a merch area in the parking area (who put that there?). Various officials then go to break it up.

Dominik Mysterio and Liv Morgan come out to talk. Liv says they did a victory lap for winners and said none of the fans are winners. She says The Liv Morgan Revenge Tour is going as planned. Liv said she promise to take everything from Rhea and she did.

Rhea Ripley comes out. She says she won't hit her and tells Dom to get out of her face. Liv thinks Rhea isn't cleared to compete in their match and says she will beat her because she is smarter than her. Rhea says she's cleared for Bad Blood. She says Dom will be hanging in a shark cage during the Liv/Rhea match and Rhea says she will win back the women's title. She said she takes what she says before back and headbutts Liv.

Sami Zayn vs Ludwig Kaiser

Sami throws a shirt at him and LK kicks it away. They trade punches and Sami stomps on him. LK throws Sami into the post outside and sends him into the steps. LK hits a PK for 2 then dropkicks Sami as he hangs between the ropes. Sami boots him out of the corner and 2nd rope double axe handles him. Sami lariats him over the top rope.

Sami is thrown into the rail, he jumps on it and is pushed into the timekeeper's area. We go to break and return. Sami is sat on the top rope and LK sunset bombs him off the buckles for 2. Sami exploders him into the buckles.

LK bangs Sami's head off the steps outside and spits on him. LK runs around the ring and basement dropkicks him into the steps. Sami beats the count in and LK hits mounted punches. Sami's head is banged off the mat. Sami jumps over him using the ropes and lariats him. LK rolls him up with his feet on the ropes and is caught. 

LK argues with the ref and takes an exploder into the buckles. LK flying enzugiri's him for 2. Sami germans him and hits a helluva kick. Sami then gets the win.

Thoughts: It was short and average for the most part. I did kind of buy that maybe Kaiser could win though so the match did work to some degree. It was acceptable just not real memorable.

Gunther comes out after in his gear with the title. Gunther gets on the mic and says if Sami wants a title shot, tonight is the right tell him no. Wade calls it comedy genius on commentary.

Kofi Kingston talks to Xavier Woods in the back. Woods apologizes for last week. Kofi says Woods did say they need to get the new day back on track. He brings out Booty O's cereal and the trumpet for it. Woods says this is fine when you are on top but they need to get more serious and lock in. Kofi says he hasn't been making good decisions the last few weeks and says Woods should call the shots for The New Day the next few weeks.

American Made walk in and laugh. Chad says this is not what to do when becoming champs. He says don't become a has been that brings out toys and sugar to bring back a spark. Kofi makes them thing The Wyatt's are behind them and Chad gets scared. Chad says they aren't serious competition and Woods challenges The Creed's. Chad says they'd be better off playing video games but they are on. Someone with pancakes and a unicorn horn then walks in and out, seeing it's a bad time. 

We get a video on Jey Uso's path to the title.

Adam Pearce argues with Dom and Liv in the back. Adam says Dom is going in the cage. JD and Carlito walk in. Liv says they need to send a message to the LWO tonight. Carlito says he will take down Dragon Lee and Liv says to teach them a lesson.

Ilja Dragunov walks in. JD says he would have torn him apart on the spot last week. Ilja says JD will do nothing this week. JD says he will see him around but not tonight. Carlito tells him nice tie even thoguh he doesn't have one on. 

Dragon Lee vs Carlito

Lee dropkicks him out then topes him. Lee superkicks him then runs into a lariat. Carlito pounds on him then Lee flying headscissors him. Lee hits combinacion cabron and corner dropkicks him. The LWO and Judgment Day fight outside then Rey la silla's Dom off the rails.

Lee rolls Carlito for 2 then hits destino for the win.

Thoughts: It was short one. It was fine but this got no time at all and Lee winning wasn't a shock. 

The Miz and Karrion Kross talk in the back. Miz says he doesn't have time for this. Miz says he asked for the match with Reed tonight and Kross says it's messed up no one respects his ability. Kross says he wants him to be The Miz - the guy who does whatever it takes to win. Kross says monsters come in all shapes and sizes and mentions Braun/Reed not being the only battle of the monsters.

Sheamus is interviewed by Cathy Kelly. He says Pete dunne really hit him last week. He said he has a score to settle with him and says there's nothing more dangerous than that. He says let's not make it an English/Irish thing, but let's make it an English/Irish thing.

The Miz vs Bronson Reed

Braun Strowman jumps off the rails and nails Reed. Braun chokeslams Reed on the apron. Miz yells at Braun then Reed topes both guys. Security comes out to break up the Reed/Braun fight and Reed throws one guard onto another then splashes both. Braun double chokeslams the guards then they double clothesline each other. Braun goes for a superplex and security breaks it up again. Braun then dropkicks Reed out. and Reed backs off.

Thoughts: This continues to be entertaining and makes you want to see them go at it.

Drew McIntyre comes out to talk. He promises to make CM Punk bleed and says it will be the end of Punk. He says for once Punk was real with him and is ready for this to end with him. Drew says he doesn't want to go back inside Hell in a Cell. Drew said his wife begged him to get this over with too. Drew says the match will happen at Bad Blood. He promises to make Punk bleed. He says Punk's a man he has broken before and will break again.

Cathy interviews Adam Pearce about Braun/Reed. He says it has gone too far and a normal match won't do it. He says they will fight in a Last Monster Standing match. We then hear people fighting and Pete Dunne is attacking Sheamus with a cricket bat. Security and Adam then break it up.

Damage Ctrl talk to Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair. BB says her and Iyo had one for the ages last week and says let her know when she wants to run it back. Iyo says she looks forward to it. Iyo says next itme, Damage Ctrl is coming for the tag titles. Jade says they won't touch their titles. Bianca says Unholy Union had their number last time and they should focus on them. Bianca says the titles aren't going anywhere.

Damage Ctrl (Iyo Sky and Kairi Sane) vs The Unholy Union (Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre)

Alba clubs on Iyo to start. Iyo flips over Alba's back and shotei's her. Alba is tripped and takes an axe kick. Alba takes a double basement dropkick. Sane hits a headscissors using the ropes and spears both opponents in the corner. Sane sliding D's Isla. Sane flying forearms Alba off the top for 2. Sane's throat is pulled over the top then Alba topes Iyo. We go to break and return.

Isla meteora's Sane for 2. Alba goes after Sane's damaged eye in the corner. Iyo gets the hot tag in and hits offense. She trips Isla onto Alba then nearly lands on her hand on a failed flip. Iyo dropkicks Isla then does a springboard double dropkick.

Iyo meteora's Alba for 2. Alba superkicks Iyo. Iyo backrolls Alba, gets hit by Isla and is rolled up for 2. Sane does a top rope dive on Alba then Isla does a top rope moonsault on Isla to win.

Thoughts: They tried to make Damage Ctrl the faces here and I don't know how much the crowd caught onto it. It was okay with Damage Ctrl doing lots of flying and them keeping things moving.

Bron Breakker is interviewed. He says it's gameday and says there will be a winner and loser tonight. He says someone will get their arse kicked and it won't be him. He says he will be champ for a long time and maybe will give him another shot months from now.

We get a replay of the Cody/Roman segment from Smackdown.

Jey Uso and Sami Zayn talk in the back. Sami said the IC Title meant the world to him and tells him to make the title his.

American Made vs The New Day

JC = Julius Creed, BC = Brutus Creed

Ivy and Chad are with The Creed's. JC shoulders Woods over. JC hits forearms and knees him. Woods forearms him. Kofi does a slingshot springboard slash on JC. BC rolls Kofi on the mat. Kofi flying back elbows him and splashes him for 2. BC takes a double team bulldog.

Woods flips Kofi onto BC. Woods chops up BC then BC chops him back. Woods hits corner punches. Woods and JC hit superplexes. We go to break and return. Woods makes the tag but the ref doesn't see it. Woods is put under the ring skirt and pounded on by BC and Chad Gable.

Woods and BC trade chops for forearms. Woods headbutts BC down then top rope dropkicks him. Kofi hits a top rope chop on JC then dropkicks him. Kofi spin kicks BC. Kofi bodyscissors JC over the top. Kofi does a coffin drop/reverse plancha on the outside. Kofi then top rope crossbodies JC for 2.

Kofi legdrops JC then corkscrew kicks him. Chad distracts woods while he's up top. Woods hiptosses him in. Woods pounds on Chad. JC jumping knees Woods. Woods takes a brutus ball + powerbomb combo and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was a longer tag here and American Made got the win. It's not shocking I guess storyline wise but it is one of their bigger wins. It was a decent match with the heels cheating. This also is likely furthering the story with The New Day having issues. 

Damian Priest does a promo. He said everyone on the street wanted to stab you in the back. He said life brought him to Judgement Day and said it gave him a brother to keep in Finn Balor. He said they ran WWE but Finn always wanted it to be about him. He said Finn was envious that Rhea and later priest won the title. He says he is his brother's keeper and says Finn Balor is not his brother.

We get another Wyatt Sicks video with a QR code.

We get a Pure Fusion Collective promo. Sonya rips other groups. Shayna says they fight for dominance and Zoey says they are the fusion and the future of the women's division. Sonya says ot shoot your shot if you want to stop them.

The New Day talk in the back. The LWO go up to them. Woods says he doesn't want an apology unless it comes with the tag titles. Woods says this is unsolicited advice and Rey says he doesn't have time for this, just Finn Balor. Woods says it's because they are former world champs, including Kofi. He says he's just under everyone. Rey agrees to fight him next week if he wants a fight. Kofi calls this unnecessary. Woods says the yare here to winb but keep losing.

Jey Uso is with the fans in the concession aisles and heads in.

We get a video of the Braun/Reed feud with CGI making them look like monsters and fighting in a city.

WWE Intercontinental Title - Bron Breakker (c) vs Jey Uso

Bron shoulders Jey over. Jey side headlocks him then uppercuts him out. Jey topes him outside. We go to break and return. Bron powerslams Jey and hits corner spears. Jey is sent hard into the corner.

Jey hits punches and takes an overhead suplex. Bron hits knees to the gut. Jey is laid over the top rope. Bron backbreakers him and pulls off from the pin to do push-ups. Jey lariats Bron over the top to the floor. Jey goes to dive and gets hit by Bron.

Bron bangs Jey's head off the commentary table. Bron jumps off the apron and lariats him over the commentary table. We go to break and return. Jey hits punches then corner hip attacks him. Bron hits an F-5 gutbuster for 2.

Jey does a pop-up samoan drop for 2. Bron walks up the buckles and hurricanrana's him. Bron does a gorilla press into a powerslams. Bron running spears Jey outside. 

Bron runs the ropes and takes a spear from Jey. Jey hits a top rope splash on Bron for 2. Jey superkicks Bron. Jey spears Bron through the rails. Jey gets him back in and hits a top rope splash to win.

Thoughts: The two worked well together and it was a good main. Not great or anything but it worked. I didn't like Jey doing the pop-samoan drop though as he's not a power guy. Jey's been in a weird situation because he's over enough as singles guy but got passed over in favor of Priest, Sami and Gunther. They kind of needed to give him something before he lost all momentum and they went with this. This is Bron's second loss in a short amount of time and that does not help him.

Overall thoughts: It was a solid Raw and it was easy to get through. I didn't have any real issues with this and I enjoyed the show.

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