Tuesday, September 24, 2024

NWA Powerrr 9/24/2024

NWA Powerrr 9/24/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/09/nwa-powerrr-9172024.html

 Joe Alonzo is interviewed in the ring by Kyle Davis. He says he's annoyed and doesn't want to face someone he has already beaten. Joe asks where Billy Corgan is and Kyle says Billy is on tour. He says The NWA is not a priority for Billy, so why should it be for him?

Matt Cardona comes out. He says Joe is a natural born champ and the future of the NWA like him. He says he has a big heart and a big mouth. He says to never insult Billy Corgan again. Matt agrees he's too good for his squash match tonight and says there will be a junior heavyweight scramble for the title tonight. Joe said he doesn't listen to him or Billy. Matt says the match starts now.

NWA Junior Heavyweight Title - 7-Man Scramble

Camarro Jackson throws Joe out on everyone. Damien Fenrir dropkicks Jackson out then does a tope con hilo outside. Tyler Franks and Jaden Newman fight. Jaden takes a springboard flipping neckbreaker. Franks takes a backdrop variation. Jaden takes a backdrop from someone with the last name of named Day. Rafael Quintero gets in and flying headscissors Day. He then dropkicks him.

Soda Pop suplexes Rafael and double underhook suplexes him. Soda does a top rope blockbuster on Rafael. Jackson suplexes Soda. We go to break and return. Jackson lariats Joe. Damien standing spanish flies Jackson. Soda ddt's Jaden. Franks does a sitout spinning torture rack bomb on Soda.

Rafael headscissors Franks out then walks up the ropes and does a corkscrew dive outside. Jackson spinebusers Damien. Joe pulls Jackson's neck down over the top rope and hits a bad full-nelson slam on Damien and wins.

Thoughts: It was a random match with a lot of people we haven't seen before. Only 2 people were in this for most of this with everyone watching outside. It was your typical multi-man match.

We get a sitout discussion with Joe Galli, EC3 and Thom Lattimer. EC3 says fans should be there as it'll be the start of his 2nd year reign and where his future dominance of this sport continues. Thom says he's doing it for himself and his wife. EC3 says it's divine intervention that they meet again and says it's like they are destined to do this forever. EC3 says Thom is a good man but a great man does what he needs to do to fight for himself.

Thom says EC3 will be a walking corpse when he's done with him. Thom says he's tired of this and can't wait until the show. EC3 says this is why Thom will always be in 2nd place. He says Thom's a slugger, but he's a dancer.

EC3 says he has nothing but the title and says he will do whatever it takes to keep the title. EC3 says he wants the world to see him kick his @ss. Thom says EC3 started with him and he's ending with him.

Thoughts: I'm not a huge fan of these style segments. Neither one of these guys are great talkers and it was just average.

The Southern Six are interviewed. They bring in The Crockett Cup they win. Alex says it's history. Kerry says everyone wants to be The Southern Six but can't. He calls Knox and Murdoch old and asks if he's ready to get in the ring with them. Silas says NWA 76 isn't bring your son to work day and there are stars in the southern sky and the southern Six are riding high. Alex then does his "when you're hot, you're hot" line.

#1 Contenders to the NWA US Tag Titles - Baron Von Storm and Jax Dane vs The Slimeballz (Sage Chantz and Tommy Rant)

Rant is the heavier one. Rant is pushed over off the lock-up by Storm. Rant hits shots to the gut then Storm chops him. Sage hits leg kicks on Storm then is shouldered over.Storm claws both SB's then both escape.

Jax belly to belly suplexes Sage out. Jax shoulders Rant over and does a knuckle lock. Jax epxloders Rant. Rant dropkicks him in the knee then sends him shoulder first into the post. Sage flips over Rant into a cannonball on Jax.

Sage chokes Jax on the ropes, as does Rant. Sage leg kicks Jax and stomps him. Sage hits a corner dropkick on him. Jax takes a double team double chop then hits a big lariat on Rant. Rant is put in a camel clutch and he passes out.

Thoughts: It wasn't anything too interesting and Storm's team won as expected here.

Jax and Storm then beat up on their opponents after.

There's an intergender 10-person tag match that I won't be covering.

Overall thoughts: I saw 2 of the 3 matches here and wouldn't recommend it. Both were basically random and neither was must see.

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