Monday, September 23, 2024

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 9/22/2024

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 9/22/2024

Last week's show is here:

Drew Abenhaus and Lucky P. Larson are our commentators. They run down the card. Drew says we will hear from Herb Simmons' family about SICW and Lucky offers his services to look over the contract about selling SICW.

Glenn Williams vs Kaylin Thomas

Glenn has Billy McNeil's hair with him that he shaved off. Kay ducks a lariat and hits a dropkick. Kay 2nd rope crossbodies him for 2. Kay is pulled into the 2nd buckle and Glenn chops him. Glenn suplexes Kay then does a hammerlock ddt for 2. Glenn does a cobra clutch russian legsweep and gets the win.

Thoughts: It was a quick squash here. Kay didn't get much in but what he did get in looked okay. Glenn had decent looking offense as usual.

Drew is with two members of Herb Simmons' family - his daughter Jessica and his wife, Mickey. Drew asks Mickey where Herb's head is at and she says Herb would never sell SICW. She says wrestling is part of Herb's body and he wouldn't be himself without it. Drew said Herb has lost some friends and asks if Herb is getting tired and if he still has the passion for this. Mickey says he will be in this business until he dies.

They show Mickey wearing a gift from Stephen E. She says she wasn't going to say no to it but it won't make her accept the offer. Jessica says Stephen E is not in charge here. She says this is in Herb's blood and says she can't see Stephen E's crew getting into the minds of Herb.

Drew says Herb has been giving more power to his kids and wonders if he is stepping aside. Jessica says delegation is a part of any organization but says he can't be contemplating the sale of the company. She talks about the fire that Ron Powers and Danny Boy have been bringing. She says them returning gave Herb an energy boost.

Drew asks where SICW is in 6 months and neither of them have an answer. Jessica says she hopes this isn't the direction SICW is going. Mickey says she would never agree to it.

Danny Boy Hawkins and Ron Powers are interviewed. Danny says people come and go in life and you figure out how people are. He said he thought he knew Haku and thought he was a man of integrity and honor. He said Haku went in for the money and it's dirty money. He says where money lies, honor dies. Danny said Haku is pulling stuff out of him that he thought was in the basement.

Ron Powers said he thought Haku would never take money over friendship. He said he and Danny Boy are brothers and two of the same. Ron says Haku's nickname is the baddest man on the planet, but they never met and he will put that name to the test. Ron says he's not looking down anymore, he's looking haead. Ron says he's gonna get up and when he does, he will kick your @ss from pillar to post.

Thoughts: As tradition, this was a good promo that again furthers the long storyline of Ron maybe returning to the ring.

"Superstar" Steve Fender is interviewed by Drew. Steve said Bruiser Koloff out of Pittsburgh has beat Greg Anthony for the AIWF Title. Steve says now all the wrestlers are jockeying for position and says he should be the AIWF champ. He says as the AIWF champ and Central States champ, it's in his interest to get his name out there more. He says he has signed for 2 title matches. He says those defenses should put him in position for a title shot. He says the champ makes the money and says he will beat Kyle King today. He says he has challenged Bobby D on September 28 and says Bruiser Koloff and the AIWF Title only remains after that.

Mauler McDarby vs Brandon Baretta

They waistlock each other. BB waistlock takedowns him then trips him. BB front facelocks him then rolls him into a pin attempt. Mauler yanks on the arm and wristlocks him. Mauler headbutts the arm. Mauler armlocks him. BB hits armdrags and an armlock.

BB's arm is wrapped around the ropes then Mauler bites the arm. Mauler knee drops the arm. Mauler stomps and knee drops him. Mauler headbutts the shoulder. BB hits a spinebuster and gets the win.

Thoughts: It was an okay match here with Mauler working the arm and BB getting a surprise win with a spinebuster. 

Devastation Inc are interviewed (The Khan's, Ayres and Stephen E). E says to expect the unexpected with them and says Haku works for them now. E says Herb doesn't have the energy to fight this fight anymore and needs to sell SICW. He says SICW will only cause him stress with someone like E around.

E talks about the new SICW. He says he will leave the red on the SICW logo as it reminds him of Gary Jackson's blood. He says he will appoint Travis Cook as the VP of wrestling. He says he's taking over and nothing can be done about it. He tells Danny Boy to mind his business and find something else to do. He says they are gone in E's SICW. He says Herb needs to retire and says to let him take this to new heights.

Promoter's Corner

Wrestling at the Chase - Crusher Blackwell vs Bill Stiles

This is JIP. CB hits a nice dropkick and corner splashes Bill. CB knee drops his back then diving headbutts it. CB hits a powerslam and wins.

Blackwell vs Tom Malley and Dewey Robertson

This is JIP. CB slams Tom then legdrops him. He picks him up on the pin attempt. CB hits a big slam and Robertson gets in. He hits some shots and is pushed out. CB is banged into the post but he no sells it. They fight outside and get counted out. CB bangs his head with a chair outside and that's it.

AIWF National Title - "Superstar" Steve Fender (c) vs Kyle King

Steve mises a chrge and takes shots from King. Steve lays on the top rope and takes shots. King wristlocks him and splashes the arm. King wristlocks him again and Steve misses a corner charge. King wristlocks him again.

King hits forearms. Steve knees him in the gut. Steve avoids a sunset flip. King goes up and over and goes back to the wristlock. King flips him over with the arm and armlocks him.

Steve forearms him in the spine and stomps on him. Steve backbreakers him for 2. Steve hits an elbow to the spine and clubs King's chest. Steve butt drops King's back. Steve tries it again and takes a knee to the crotch. King atomic drops him twice.

King lariats him over and flying kicks him in the face. King does a kneeling springboard swanton then Steve superkicks him for the win.

Thoughts: Kyle doesn't have the cleanest offense and it was just an average match. It was pretty standard face vs heel stuff here.

Overall thoughts: As usual, the in-ring work was about average but the promo work was good. SICW continues to focus around Ron Powers maybe returning and Stephen E. maybe buying SICW and we'll have to see where both angles go.

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