Monday, September 23, 2024

CMLL on Televisa Puebla 9/22/2024

CMLL on Televisa Puebla 9/22/2024

Last week's show is here:

Hijo de Blue Panther, Blue Panther Jr. and Dark Panther vs Stigma, Pegasso and Guerrero Maya Jr.

1st Fall - Blue Jr has tattoos and Hijo doesn't. Maya and Blue Jr. go at it. They trade armlocks. Maya front facelocks him and armlocks him. Jr. trips him into a heel lock then Maya trips him. Maya snapmares him then armdrags him. They do legsweeps and stand off.

Peg and Hijo go at it. They do some armdrags and stand off after a Peg headflip. Dark and Stig go at it. Dark chops him down then Stig superkicks him. The Panthers go out and take stereo topes. Peg top rope crossbodies Dark and rolls him up for a pin. Pegasso's team wins the fall.

2nd Fall - Stig spinning armdrags Dark out. Hijo flying headscissors Stig. then takes snapmares from Maya. Maya does a springboard headscissors on Hijo. Blue Jr crossbodies and spinning heel kicks Maya. Peg runs up the buckles and flips off the ropes with an armdrag on Blue Jr. Dark headscissors Peg out then headscissors Maya out.

Dark and Hijo do plancha's outside. Blue JR superkicks Stig then yanks him into a powerslam and a pin. The Panthers win the fall. 

3rd Fall - Stig takes a double boot out. Maya is sent into double boots from Hijo. Maya takes a headbutt in the crotch from Dakr for 2. Stig takes a dropkick to the knee and is flipped. Hijo is pulled over the top by Stig. Stig dragon screws Dark. Dark takes a triple team then a double basement dropkick for 2.

Dark dropkicks Stig out. Peg takes a superplex from Blue Jr for 2. Peg does a handspring double back elbow. Hijo takes a double electric chair. Maya is dropped onto Hijo for 2. Dark takes a legdrop + side slam combo. Maya hits a top rope splash on Dark for 2.

Blue Jr hits tilt-a-whirl backbreakers on all opponents. The Panthers do triple roll-ups and win the fall and match.

It was a shorter and okay tag. They kept this one moving for the most part and it was fine for what it was. Nobody really went all out though and we didn't get a ton of dives in this one.

Atlantis, Atlantis Jr. & Ultimo Guerrero vs. Averno, El Hijo de Octagon & Octagon

AJR = Atlantis Jr., UG = Ultimo Guerrero, Av = Averno, Hijo = Hijo de Octagon, Oct = Octagon

1st Fall - AJR and Hijo go at it. Hijo trips him then hits a nice knee to the chin. AJR flying kicks him. Hijo walks up the ropes and crossbodies AJR. AJR kicks Hijo on an up and over. Hijo hurricanrana's him and AJR rolls him into pin attempts. AJR and Hijo armdrag each other.

Oct and Atlantis go at it. Av hits Atlantis from behind then stomps on him. Atlantis takes punches in the corner and Hijo sends AJR into the post. Av bites Atlantis' finger then Hijo chinlocks UG.

Av kicks Atlantis in the crotch outside and bites the fingers. Atlantis takes a double boot. UG is thrown into Hijo's boots. UG takes a double boot. Atlantis takes double stomps from Hijo and Av. Hijo rolls AJR into a grounded octopus and taps him out then Oct taps UG out with an arm submission. Octagon's team wins the fall.

2nd Fall - Atlantis put on the top rope and Av unties his mask. UG takes a double boot then UG is kicked in the leg.  AJR takes shots from Hijo then Atlantis takes a triple stomp from the heels. Atlantis is held for shots from Av.

The faces make a comeback and UG back elbows Oct. AJR package spinning tombstones Hijo and pins him then UG pins Oct with a half-crab. Atlantis' team wins the fall.

3rd Fall - AJR is chopped up by Hijo. AJR does an up and over then headscissors Av. AJR superkicks Oct. AJR 2nd rope diving headscissors Av then monkey flips Hijo twice. UG gets in and is triple teamed. UG has his legs split then takes chops. UG hits a double clothesline and sends Hijo out. UG baseball slides him off the apron.

Av and Atlantis go at it. AV chops him. Atlantis chops him back and arm throws him. Atlantis avoids a double team and does a double japanese armdrag. Atlantis does hiptosses and tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Av.

AJR and UG hit stereo superkicks. Atlantis tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Av. Av pulls off Atlantis's mask and pins him. Octagon's team wins the fall and match.

Thoughts: It was long and not good. Octagon wasn't moving well and the first and second falls were super boring. The finish wasn't also too good and UG not being able to break up the pin at the end wasn't done well.

Rocky Romero, Templario & Volador Jr. vs. Los Hermanos Chavez (Angel de Oro & Niebla Roja) & Soberano Jr.

1st Fall - Roja is the heavier of the brothers. Sob is wearing gold today while Temp has a red and black outfit. Sob and Temp go at it. Temp trips Sob then Sob armdrags him. Sob trips Temp then Temp armdrags him. Temp hits a splash and does a spinarooni to get up. sob teases a handshake but just pulls his hand away.

RR and Roja go at it. RR is hit from behind then takes a double team. Vol is held for shots from Roja. Sob step up enzugiri's Temp. Temp takes corner attacks then a spinning forearm from Roja. Vol is popped up and takes a double kick. Roja then pins Vol. Roja's team wins the fall.

2nd Fall - Sob pump kicks Temp and kicks him in the leg. Temp takes corner attacks then Roja shotgun dropkicks Temp. Oro is pulled up on Sob's shoulders and splashes Temp. RR shakes hands with his opponents and is kicked. Sob kicks RR in the head while he's down.

Oro slingshot swantons Vol. The heels try to take Temp's mask off. RR pounds and stomps Sob then RR takes a triple stomp. Oro is hit by his partners on accident. Oro pop up kicks Sob then topes Oro outside. Vol backcrackers Sob and RR does a standing shiranui on Roja. Both pick up pins. Rocky's team wins the fall.

3rd Fall - RR teases a handshake with Sob but pulls his hand away. They both then pose. RR flying headscissors Sob out. Roja chops Oro on accident. RR hits corner lariats on Roja and Oro. RR then does a double clothesline.

Vol is popped up into a headscissors on Roja. Vol flying headscissors Oro then does it to Sob. Vol goes for a tope but the heels run away. Sob chops Temp and Temp chops back. Temp chops Oro. Temp flips over Roja's and Sob's back. He superkicks Roja then flying headscissors Sob. Temp goes up and over Oro then flying headscissors him.

Vol and Sob fight. Vol hits a code red. Oro michhinoku drivers vol then RR hits a beachbreak on Oro. Temp and Roja square off. Temp blocks a low blow then Roja pulls off Temp's mask. Rocky's team wins the fall and match by DQ.

Rocky then decides to stomp Temp with the heels even though his team just won.

Thoughts: It was far from anyone's best work. They didn't get enough time and the finish was bad with Roja getting intentionally DQ'd. Then they had a stupid aftermath with Rocky beating up Temp for winning.

Overall thoughts: I didn't like this one. The opener was fine but needed more time. The semi-main went long and wasn't good with a dirty finish. The main was shorter, far from anyone's best work and had an intentional DQ. I wouldn't recommend this.

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