Monday, September 16, 2024

AAA 8/17/2024 TripleMania XXXII: Mexico City

AAA 8/17/2024 TripleMania XXXII: Mexico City

I haven't really wanted to review AAA. It is so far gone that I legit think it's not even wrestling at this point.

AAA Reina de Reinas Title Match - Flammer  (c) vs. Faby Apache

Dalys is with Flammer and Sexy Star is with Faby.Flam takes an armdrag then does a flying headscissors. Flam then topes her outside. Flam hits her with a cookie sheet and Dalys (who is with Flammer) gets some shots in. Faby's head is banged off the post. Flam hits her with a cookie sheet in the ring. Faby tilt-a-whirl backbreakers her then hits her with a cookie sheet.

Faby kicks her in the head. Faby surfboards her. They roll each other up and Flam double stomps her off of it. Faby backrolls her into a german for 2. Flam dropkicks Faby while she's on the 2nd rope then basement dropkicks her. 

Faby rolls her into a double armlock. They boot each other at the same time.Sexy Star and Dalys start fighting in the ring then Star plancha's her outside. Flam backcrackers her for 2. Faby superplexes her for 2. Faby uranage neckbreakers her then flatliners her for 2. Faby dragon suplexes Flam but the ref is pulled out on the count. Karen Jarrett comes out to help Flammer then Flammer hits a la rosa driver on Faby and wins.

Thoughts: It was a total mess with seconds interfering and weapons being used. It was just a total circus with Karen Jarrett getting involved for some reason and the actual match wasn't that good. 

Flammer is given a sash after and a crown.

I won't be covering the cibernetico as it is an intergender match.

AAA World Tag Team Title Three Way Match - Negro Casas & Psycho Clown (c) vs. Dr. Wagner Jr. & Galeno Del Mal vs. Raj Dhesi & Satnam Singh

Jeff and Karen Jarrett are out with Raj Dhesi (who is Jinder Mahal) and Singh. Jeff throws tortillas to the fans. Clown and Galeno go at it. Galendo flying shoulders him then Clow rolls him up. Clown toyota rolls him for 2 then Galeno reverse suplexes him for 2. Clown top rope spanish flies Galeno.

Negro and Wagner go at it. Wagner and Negro chop each other and Negro goes down. They slap each other and shoulder block each other. Wagner takes him down and Negro surfboards him. Jeff Jarrett comes in and nails the other teams with a trash can lid. Clown topes Singh and Singh doesn't move.

Jinder pulls Negro's throat down over the top rope then suplexes him in from the apron. Negro takes a short arm lariat from Jinder and Clown takes a botched double suplex. Singh slams Clown then bangs his head off the mat multiple times. Jinder knees Clown then Singh boots Galeno.

Singh hits a 4 person crossbody. Singh holds onto Negro and Wagner for shots from Jinder and Jarrett. Jinder is crotched into the post then Singh has his legs kicked. Clown is popped up into a dropkick on Singh then Singh takes a double lariat over the top. 

Wagner dragon screws Jinder and a board is brought in. Jinder takes a double spear through the board. Jarrett takes shots from the 4 other people in the match. Galeno corner cannonballs Singh then Clown is overhead suplexed into Singh.

Jinder and Galeno trade shots. Galeno spinning lariats him. Jarrett beats up Galeno and throws him out. Clown and Jarrett trade. Clown spinning lariats him and whips him and the ref with a belt. Clown hits shots then Karen Jarrett comes in to help. Faby Apache comes out and hits Karen with a cookie sheet then a belt.

Galeno facekicks Clown then Galeno is pulled over the top. Clown 2nd rope moonsaults Galeno. Wagner takes a la magistral from Negro for 2. Negro la silla's Wagner. Jarrett hits Negro with a guitar and Jinder pins Negro to win.

Thoughts: Like the last match, it was a complete joke. Jarrett interfered for most of the match. Nobody cared and the heels ended up winning since they had an extra man who could beat up everyone. There was very little wrestling here. 

AAA World Cruiserweight Title Three Way Match - Komander (c) vs. Laredo Kid vs. Matt Riddle

We have AEW vs TNA action here with Komander being with AEW and Kid being with TNA. There was a weird thing with all 3 of them sitting in chairs in the ring pre-match. Riddle hits kicks on both and exploders Kom and Kid. Riddle corkscrew moonsaults both opponents then fisherman suplexes Kom. Riddle germans Kid.

Riddle takes a double hiptoss then a double basement dropkick. Kid hits armdrags on Kom. Kid rolls him out of the ring. Kom goes for a dive outside but Kid hits him on it. Kid suplexes then asai moonsaults Kom.

Riddle and Kid trade forearms. Riddle forearms him then Kid superkicks him. Kid michinoku drivers Riddle. Kom goes to springboard and Kid kicks him. Kom springboard reverse hurricanrana's Kid. Riddle powerbombs Kom and knees him in the face.

Kid neckbreakers Riddle then suplexes him. Kid 450's Riddle for 2. Kom superkicks Kid then Kid phoenix splashes Riddle for 2. Riddle headscossors Kid over the top rope  then is pulled down on a moonsault attempt. Kid hits a big tope on Kom then Riddle hits a corkscrew dive onto both opponents. Kid takes a guillotine legdrop over the neck while he's against the top rope.

Riddle deadlift 2nd rope germans Kom. Riddle hits a corkscrew moonsault on Kom. Kid is supposed to break the pin up but is late and the ref still kind of counts 3 anyway but they ignore it.

Kom superkicks Riddle then Riddle knees Kid in the face. Kom 2nd rope tornado ddt's Riddle. Kom is crotched on the top rope. Kom walks the top rope and corkscrew dives onto Riddle. The commentary mics get muted for some reason.

Kom springboard canadian destroyers Kid for 2. Kom hits a rope walk SSP on Kid but takes a stunner from Riddle at the same time. Riddle does like a cradle tombstone and wins.

Thoughts: It was spotfest as expected here. There was no way it was going to be anything else. The ref botched a count here and the commentary mics seemed to go out near the end of this. There were some cool spots but that's about it.

Original Psychosis talks on the stage and Rey Mysterio had a greeting video for him.

Casket Match - Vampiro Canadiense vs. El Mesias

Vamp is brought out in a casket and nailed by Sam Adonis and Jeff Jarrett. Vam ptakes a 2v1 and Jeff hits him wit hthe flag while Sam pounds on him. Jeff hits Vamp wit ha guitar and they fight in the crowd. Vamp is beaten up in the crowd. Chessman comes out and also beats up on Vamp. Pagano and Mecha Wolf come out to help Vamp.

Pirata Morgan comes out and beats up Vamp. Octagon Jr. then comes out to help Vamp and fights Morgan. Cien Caras is brought out in a chair and his family NGD beat up Vamp as well. Konnan comes out and helps Vamp with a barbed wire bat.

Konnan and Cien Caras argue. There is a portrait for Mesias with flowers throughout this match and then he comes out and beats up Vamp. They head back to ringside and go up a ramp. Vamp is slammed on the ramp then various people come to beat Vamp up. A casket is opened up on the stage and someone is dressed up as La Parka (La Parka 2 died and this is not the original La Parka). Vamps buddies then come to help out.

Vamp low blows Mesias then spin kicks him into the casket. Vamp closes the lid on Mesias. The casket gets surrounded by flames then Vamp wins.

Thoughts: It was hilarious watching various people come out to beat up Vampiro randomly. This was all smoke and mirrors with the match never getting in the ring and Mesias only being out there for a few minutes. I thought they did an okay job with it though but this is something that needed some English translations to explain.

Vamp then talks in Spanish after.

AAA Mega Title Match - Nic Nemeth (c) vs. Alberto El Patron

Alberto does a promo beforehand in Spanish and Nic comes out with JBL in a limo. They have the national guard do the Mexican national anthem then they have the US national anthem.

They lock up and go to the ropes. Nick pounds on him. Patron tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him twice. Patron brings a door in. Nic slips on it as he tries to dropkick him. Patron comes off the top and catches a dropkick in mid-air. Nic hits elbow drops then rolls him up for 2.  

Patron gorilla presses him but Nic gets out. Nic rolls him up for 2 then hits a fameasser. Patron does a reverse suplex off the buckles for 2. Patron step up enzugiri's him. Patron goes for a tope and Nic rams the door into him as he dives.

Nic hits a top rope elbow drop for 2. Patron blocks a zigzag in the ring and Nic jawbreakers him. Nic hits a jumping ddt for 2. Nic misses a corner splash and has his head banged off the buckles. Patron is crotched up top.

They fight up top and Nic is pushed off the top through a table. Patron top rope splashes him for 2. Patron grabs a chair and the ref takes it away for some reason. Patron pushes him then nic hits a leg lariat for 2. Patron pushes the ref into Nic's superkick.

Nic superkicks him for 2. Nic lariats him over the top. Nic dropkicks him off the apron. Nic goes to dive and Patron throws a drink in his face. Patron low blows Nic then pins him.

Thoughts: This was a weird one. I have no idea who the heel and face was here. It had lots of shenanigans with refs not allowing chair shots but allowing people to use tables and doors, people getting drinks thrown in their faces and low blows. Oddly, there was no interference in this one. I didn't think it was too good and found the logic of it really hard to follow.

Latin Lover gives Patron the belt after. Patron beats him up and leaves him laying. Patron poses over him and talks on the mic. Konnan comes out with a bat and gives it to Lover. Konnan then low blows Lover (turning for the second time on the show) and hits him with a trash can lid. Patron hits him with it and Lover gets busted open.

Someone in a mask comes out and it's Dorian Roldan, the owner of AAA. He shakes hands with Patron and Konnan. JBL then shakes hands with Patron. Roldan and konnan then do promos after.

Hair Vs. Mask Domo de la Muerte Match - Cibernetico vs. Psicosis vs. Dark Cuervo vs. Dark Ozz vs. Murder Clown vs. Abismo Negro Jr. vs. Dave The Clown vs. Panic Clown vs. El Fiscal


The fight starts before Ciber's crew even gets in. Psic uses a chair on one of the clowns. Ciber chokeslams Dave. Ciber is tripped into a basement dropkick from Fiscal. Ozz then takes a sitout powerbomb. Ciber gets double stompedon then is chaired. Fiscal climbs the cage and is chaired then Negro gets thrown into the cage. Cuervo takes a double spinebuster.

The ref gets hit with whipped cream from a Clown when a wrestler moves. Panic walks up his partners backs and the climbs the ladder to escape. He makes it out. Murder Clown hits a reverse ddt on Ozz and uranages Cuervo onto him at the same time. Murder gets on Dave's shoulders and vclimbs the ladder to escape.

Dave sets up a high ladder to bridge to the ladder to escape but gets knocked off of it. Negro then top rope splashes him. Dave takes a multi-person gorilla press into a board but the camera's miss it. Fiscal and Psic get rammed with a ladder.

Ozz rips up Negro's mask with Ciber. Negro goes to powerbomb Cuervo, but Cuervo grabs the ladder and clims out to escape. Psic bangs a board off Dave's head. Ozz takes a double hiptoss into a powerbomb. Fiscal goes to climb out but his own partner Negro pulls him down. Ciber then takes a triple kick.

Ozz climbs a ladder and escapes. Panic clown sends down a rope with balloons and airlifts Dave out. Dave escapes in a cool spot. Fiscal goes to tombstone Negro. Psic stomps it then Fiscal low blows Negro. Fiscal then climbs the cage and escapes.

Ciber is hit with a trash can by Psic. Psic goes to escape with Negro and Negro kicks him off the cage then escapes on his own. Ciber and Psicosis are the last two and last man remaining loses his hair or mask. Psic chairs Ciber.

Psic low blows Ciber and spears him through a board. Psic climbs the cage and is hit with a trash can. Ciber hits Psic with a baseball bat. Psic spears him then hits him with the bat. Psic climbs a ladder and sentons Ciber off of it but the camera's miss it (it hasto be shown on replay). Psic throws a ladder at Ciber.

Ciber is all bloodied up. Psic climbs the cage and Ciber sets up a table underneath him. Psic is knocked off the cage, goes through the cable and Ciber escapes. Psicosis has to unmask. Psicosis does a speech and is unmasked by Antonio Pena's sister.

Thoughts: The match was shorter, so it never got boring, but was not an epic. People escaped pretty quick and it was mostly just hardcore wrestling. The camera's missed a bunch of spots. Dave being lifted out was a cool spot and I was surprised Psic was unmasked over Fiscal or over someone losing their hair. It was obvious Ciber was not going to get a haircut though. I liked the match and thought they worked around some of the weaknesses of the match well.

Overall thoughts: It wasn't a good show as expected. The main worked and Vampiro's match (if you want to call it that) worked too. The undercard had tons of interference and open weapons usage. Nic/Patron didn't make much sense. Riddle's match was a spotty threeway. Konnan turning twice in one night was also something. The camera work was also terrible as usual with them missing big spots and even missing some of Psicosis' unmasking. I wouldn't recommend this.

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