Sunday, September 15, 2024

CMLL on Televisa Puebla 9/15/2024

CMLL on Televisa Puebla 9/15/2024

Last week's show is here:

Women's Tag Titles - Tessa Blanchard and Lluvia (c) vs Persephone and Zeuxis

Z = Zeuxis, L = Lluvia

Pers and L go at it. Pers waistlock takedowns her. L rolls her with the arm. Pers flips on L's back then armdrags her. Pers legsweeps her then they pull each others hair. L pulls Z down by the hair and sunset flips Pers, setting her up for a kick from her own partner. L flying headscissors Z out then poses.

Tess and Pers go at it. Tess goes up and over as does Pers. Pers bridges out of a lariat. Tess cutters her. Tess flying headscissors Z then slaps her. Z hits a running corner euro then Tess cutters her. Tess hits chops on both opponents and walks up the ropes, does a seated springboard and double armdrags them. L is caught on an apron dive then Tess topes them over.

Tess and L are rolled up at the same time. Tess is pounded on and Z kicks L in the leg. Tess and L are sent into each other. Tess takes a sandwich superkick. L takes corner attacks. Pers pounds on Tess and foot chokes her. Tess gets her head banged off the buckles. L takes a double boot.

Tess takes a double spinebuster and Pers sentons her for 2. L takes an indian deathlock from Z and Pers crabs Tess. L ropebreaks then Tess ropebreaks. L is put in a half crab and ropebreaks again. Tess cutters Z for 2 then foot chokes Pers. Pers takes hair throws and Z retreats to the ramp.

Z gets hit when she comes back in and then takes a double boot. Tess slaps Pers. Pers is tripped and takes a kick to the head. Pers is put in a camel clutch and gets bitten while in it. Tess stomps on Z. Z is rolled into a double arm submission and Pers breaks it up. L rides on Pers on the ropes and Tess holds Pers for punches from L. Z takes a double hiptoss and a basement dropkick. Tess codebreakers Pers while she sits on the 2nd buckle then L dropkicks Pers in the butt.

Z corner euros L then Pers handstand double kneedrops L while she lays on the 2nd rope. Z kicks L in the head then Z meteora's Tess. Pers hits a top rope frogsplash on Tess for 2. 

L rolls up Pers for 2. Tess hammerlock ddt's L for 2. Pers spears Tess for 2 and L backcrackers Pers. 2 other girls hit backcrackers and Tess takes a codebreaker. Tess top rope diving codebreakers Pers and pins her as L pins Z.

Thoughts: It was a long tag and was basically under texas tornado rules with nobody really tagging in or out. They didn't botch anything, but it was just an average match and nothing really of note. Tessa's team keeping the titles wasn't a huge shock since this is a smaller building and they'd probably do the title change at Arena Mexico.

Angel de Oro, Niebla Roja and Averno vs Atlantis, Volador Jr and Flip Gordon

Av = Averno, Vol = Volador Jr.

1st Fall - Vol gets him from behind by Oro to start then takes a back elbow. Vol and Flip have their arms pulled around the top rope and Oro boots Vol. Roja bites Flip's fingers then kicks him in the leg. Flip takes a double basement dropkick. Av unties Atlantis' mask. Atlantis is held for boots from Av and sent out.

Vol is kicked in the leg then Vol is popped up into a double boot and pinned by Oro. Flip is double hiptossed into a triple sitout powerbomb and is pinned. Averno's team wins the fall.

2nd Fall -  Flip is held outside and Av dropkicks him through the ropes. Vol is tripped into an Av elbow then he is superkicked by Roja. Av bites Atlantis in the head and pulls on his mask. Atlantis is held for chops from Av then Atlantis hits a big forearm on him. Atlantis chases Av outside. Vol holds Oro and Flip 450's Oro and pins him. Vol then rolls up Roja and pins him. Volador's team wins the fall.

3rd Fall - Vol hits headscissors on the heels. Av gets Atlantis to look down then punches him. Atlantis fires back and rolls him. Atlantis sends roja into him and Oro into Roja. Atlantis hits a double japanese armdrag and tilt-a-whirl backbreakers on all 3 opponents. Atlantis chases Av out again.

Flip and Roja do a pose-off. Flip superkicks him after moonsaulting over him. Flip 2nd rope tornado ddt's Av. Flip kips down and up then superkicks Oro in the gut. Flip goes up and over Oro then backflips and lays on the top rope. Oro misses a corner charge and Flip double springboard crossbodies him. Flip flying headscissors him dut then triangle moonsaults him outside.

Atlantis top rope crossbodies Av. Av kicks him low, takes his mask off and stomps him. Averno's team is disqualified and Atlantis' team wins the fall and match.

It was fine. Atlantis did alright for being so old and for being broken down. I was surprised to see him do a crossbody off the top. I hated the finish as Av threw match by getting purposely DQ'd. Oro did a good job clowning around here for the faces.

Euforia, Soberano Jr. & Valiente vs. Esfinge, Hechicero & Ultimo Guerrero

Euf = Euforia, Esf = Esfinge, UG = Ultimo Guerrero

Note - This was taped on 9/9 (as with the rest of the card) before the mask match on 9/13.

1st Fall - All 6 men are fighting as this starts. Val kicks Esf in the leg. Sob is wearing gold. Euf unties Hech's mask and Val rips at Esf's mask. Sob throws UG out. Sob holds Hech for shots from Euf. Val foot chokes Esf and boots UG away. Sob chokes UG on the ropes.

Esf takes corner attacks and is dropped with a Sob step up kick. Val elbow drops Esf and chops him down. Hech takes a triple team on the ropes. Euf sentons Hech and pins him with Hech's shoulder clearly up. Euforia's team wins the first fall.

2nd Fall - Euf beats up Hech on the ropes and Val chops UG, sending him down on the ramp. UG takes a double flapjack then Val elbow drops him. Esf is triple stomped. Esf has his mask pulled on then he takes a triple boot out. Val and Hech chop each other up. Val boot flurries him in the leg. Sob step up enzugiri's Hech. UG hits a double lariat then Hech hits a step up knee on Sob. Esf hits tilt-a-whirl backbreakers. Hech swinging hammerlock backbreakers Sob and pins him. Hechicero's team wins the fall.

3rd Fall - Val chops Sob outside. Hech shoves Esf to the ramp during an argument and UG tries to play peacemaker. Hech and Euf trade chops and Hech goes down. They shove each other and Hech shotgun dropkicks him. Hech pulls on Euf's mask and Sob stops it.

Sob stomp flurries Hech. Sob is caught on a springboard and takes a spinning emerald flowsion from Hech. Hech single leg dropkicks Val in the face. Esf and Hech fight amongst themselves and Esf superkicks him. Sob kicks Esf from behind and stomps on him.

Esf is triple stomped in the corner. Sob step up enzugiri's Esf in the corner then Esf flying lariats him in the corner. Sob misses a corner splash and is superkicked. Esf superkicks Val then monkey flips Euf. Val is monkey flipped as is Euf. 

UG tries to play peacemaker again and Euf pushes Esf out of the ring. UG hits kicks on his opponents. UG holds Euf and Hech springboard dropkicks him on accident. Esf gets kicked by Hech, maybe on purpose and Hech rolls up Euf for 2 when Sob pulls on the ref's legs to stop the count. Esf dropkicks Hech then Euf low blows Esf. Hech low blows Euf. Val takes off Hech's mask and pins him. Soberano's team wins the fall and match.

Thoughts: It was effective and amusing with Hechicero's team not being able to get along which further builds up the mask match. It had lots of mask ripping and was pretty much all brawling here. It wasn't great but it worked.

Overall thoughts: I wouldn't recommend this one. The main did work but wasn't a must-see match.  The second match was fine and the opener was too long and average.

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