Friday, August 2, 2024

TNA Impact 8/1/2024

TNA Impact 8/1/2024

Last week's show is here:

The Rascalz (Wes Lee, Zachary Wentz and Trey Miguel) vs KUSHIDA, Trent Seven and Mike Bailey

Kush wristlocks Trey and rolls him into an armbar. Trey headscissors him then Kush bodyscissors him. Wentz slingshot sunset flips Kush. Kush takes an atomic drops into a double basement dropkick. Mike and Wes fight. Mike hits an armdrag and his kick combo. Wentz takes a double hiptoss then Trent is corkscrew flipped onto Wes.

Trent takes a bronco buster in the corner. Mike takes kicks from The Rascalz and a double stomp. WEs handsprings and is hit from behind by Trent. Trent ddt's him. Kush hits dragon screws on The Rascalz. Kush does his hiptoss into a cartwheel dropkick on Wes.

Kush kimura's Wes and Wentz tornillos Trent outside. Mike asai moonsaults on Wentz outside. Trey topes Mike. Wes handspring backflip kicks Kush. Kush punches Wes. Trent 2nd rope emerald flowsions Wes for 2. Trent flips Wes with a lariat. Wentz jumps off of Wes' back to hit a step up knee on Mike.

Wes catapults Trent into a superkick. Wentz 2nd rope double stomps Trent then Trey does a step up springboard flip dive outside. Wentz is pushed into an ssp on Trent and gets the win.

Thoughts: I didn't like the emerald flowsion kick out off the 2nd rope. No one should kick out of that. It was fast paced chaos as expected here with lots of flying and was an entertaining opener.

Jordynne Grace does a video. She said Ash By Elegance is a terrible person but put in the work. Grace says she will defend the title against anyone and says she is waiting for whoever comes.

Campaign Singh is interviewed. Singh is on the phone with Mustafa Ali. They talk about royalty. Singh says Ali will walk out as champion. He says he will prove his loyalty and credibility to the campaign.

Rosemary vs Kristara

That's a unique name. They lock up. Rose side headlock takeovers her then hits mounted forearms. We see Ash and George watching backstage. Rose sliding lariats Kris against the ropes then hanging headscissors her.

Kris spinning heel kicks her then fisherman suplexes her for 2. Rose facebusters Kris. Rose hits a la rosa driver and wins.

Thoughts: It was just a quick squash here. Kris got a move in or two here but didn't look that good.

Rose grabs a bag with a black rose after and puts it on Kris in a weird scene.

The System talk. Eddie says this is the real dream team. He said they lost their titles but things happen. He says it's time for The System to reboot. Brian says they are still the greatest faction in wrestling and the comeback will be greater. JDC says he trusts in The System and is The System. Moose says they will wreak havoc on TNA and says that's how they will get you idiots to trust The System.

Mike Santana does a promo. He said when you do wrong, it will bite you in the @ss. He said cracks are starting to show in The System and says the devil always come to collect. He said he hasn't forgotten and says there's a lot of unfinished business to attend to.

Campaign Singh comes in and said he has to show he has credibility. He says he has more street cred than he does. He says this isn't the local corner bodega and challenges him to a match later tonight. Mike says he smells and tells him to talk to Santino.

Josh Alexander's music hits but he doesn't go out. He talks to Gia Miller instead. Josh says Gia is on his time. Josh says he's the greatest canadian wrestler and doesn't owe anyone an explanation about his turn. He said he believes in him and carried the company on his back. He said he's the reason doors were open for people like Nic Nemeth and Joe Hendry. He says he's done and doesn't owe anyone an explanation.

Ryan Nemeth vs Frankie Kazarian

Kaz demands the announcer Jade Chung remind everyone that he is the King of TNA. Kaz attacks Ryan while he's not looking. Kaz back elbows him. Ryan waistlock takedowns him twcie then fireman's carry takeovers him. Ryan throws him by the arm. Kaz flips out of a wristlock and punches him.

Kaz corner lariats him then Ryan hits a big dropkick. Kaz suplexes Ryan into the buckles. We go to PiP break and return. Kaz slaps Ryan around. ryan hits punches, forearms and boots. Ryan lariats him then flying lariats him.

Ryan hits a neckbreaker for 2. Kaz misses a corner charge and takes a gutwrench suplex. Ryan top rope crossbodies him but Kaz rolls through. Kaz lariats him thne slingshots him into a cutter for the win.

Thoughts: It was a short and unoffensive match. It didn't get enough time to be anything.

Kaz knocks a water bottle off the commentary table after.

Kaz runs into Josh Alexander in the aisle and Josh ignores him to head to the ring. Josh then jay drillers Ryan.

Masha Slamovich vs Jody Threat

Jody runs down to the ring. Masha attacks her in the corner. Jody boots her. Jody lariats her over. Masha chinbreakers her then Jody overhead suplexes her. Alisha Edwards trips Jody and Masha pump kicks Jody.

Alisha hits snapmares on Jody then PK's her. Masha pulls her down backwards by the hair. Masha hits short arm lariats then sleepers her. Masha pulls on the nostrils.

Jody pump kicks Masha and headbangs. Jody double knees Masha on the buckles then germans her. Jody running lariats her for 2. Alisha gets on the apron and Dani Luna pulls her down. Dani is sent into the post then Masha gutwrench bombs Jody. Dani hits Alisha outside. Masha is tripped into the title belt on the ropes that Alisha had put there. Jody then F-5's Masha and wins.

Thoughts: It was another shorter one with a lot of shenanigans here. They kept a quick pace here for this one and it probably would have been fine if they could just have a normal match.

Joe Hendry thanks the fans and said without the fans support, all of this wouldn't happen. He said his goal is to become the TNA champ and he says he will become the face of the company.

Mike Santana vs Campaign Singh

CS nails him from behind and hits some punches. Mike boots him then dropkicks him through the ropes. Mike basement dropkicks him in the back. CS spinning back elbows him the nflying forearms him in the corner. CS hits punches.

Mike F-5's him then hits a spinning lariat for the win.

Thoughts: This was another quick one here and was little more than time filler.

Mike gets on the mic after. He says he didn't forget about Moose. He said Moose was a smart man to put the hit on him as he says Moose knew he was walking out of the PPV champ. He said all Moose did was make him want it more. Mike says he will be champ and says he will make Moose suffer. He said he wants Moose's head in a box because he will eat him alive.

TNA World Title - Nic Nemeth vs Mustafa Ali

Nic tries pin attempts and side headlocks him. They push each other and Ali goes down. Nic shoulders him over then hiptosses him. Nic hits a nice dropkick. Ali hits punches. Nic punches back and running lariats him.

Nic hits corner punches and is sent chest first into the corner. Ali is sent into the 2nd buckle face first. Nic hits shots on Ali and takes an electric chair drop on the floor. We go to PiP break and return.

Ali has him in a sleeper and Nic fights out of it. Nic rolls him up then backslides him. Ali germans him. Ali rolls in and takes a neckbreaker. Nic hits elbow drops. Nic diving tornado ddt's him off the buckles for 2.

Ali spinning heel kicks him for 2. Ali takes a back body drop over the top rope. Ali is catapulted into the buckles. Ali's guards try to grab Nic. Nic fights them off and takes a sharpshooter on the inside.

Ali runs into a fameasser for 2. Nick superkicks him and hits a danger zone for the win.

Thoughts: I thought the back body drop to the floor should have ended it. Beyond that, it was an okay match here with them bumping around big for each other and keeping a good pace. I expected something more here to build to another match.

Josh Alexander gets on the ramp after. 

Steph de Lander and PCO are going to have a wedding. There's a thing set up in the ring and Rhyno is wearing a tie overtop his singlet. Xia Brookside comes out in a black dress. Steph comes out with the guy from the PPV in the black Elvis jumpsuit.

Santino said the bride and groom will read their own vows. Steph says she will be his undead bride. Shesays it was love at first fright and says she will never complain when the electricity bill is really high. She said her jokes will leave him in stitches. She says they are meant to be and says til death do us part. PCO screams for his vow.

PCO gives Steph a ring with a severed finger attached to it. He says it's his grandma's ring.

Santino asks if anyone has a reason why they shouldn't marry. First Class comes out. AJ says they aren't here to cause a ruckus. He says he wants to see the freakshow get their freak on.

Santino pronounces them monster and bride and says he is certified through an online course. They go to kiss and Matt Cardona comes out. Matt has flowers and hits PCO with them, revealing a piece of a cinder block. He then drops part of the set onto PCO. He tries to get Steph to walk out with him and she's mad. She said this was about her and not him. She says he ruined her day. Matt asks what she is doing as PCO starts to wake up. Steph cries and Xia Brookside hugs her. Matt says it's not supposed to be this way. Matt gets big "you suck" chants from the crowd.

Thoughts: It's wrestling so you always know there's a chance something wild happens during a wedding. Matt Cardona coming out made sense and starts up a new feud at least. As I have been saying, I thought they had months of content to get out of the PCO/Steph thing and thought they rushed the whole thing. 

Overall thoughts: They had a bigger show than usual with a World Title match and a wedding. The show was okay overall, but whatever it is, I never come out of this show and feel super excited about the next show. I don't know if it's the format or the talent, but it just always feels like it falls short of being great. They set up a new feud with the wedding ceremony here, which had shenanigans as expected. Nic beat Ali without any real doubts. We had the usual Rascalz match and we have another open challenge for the Knockouts Title next week.We'll have to see where things go as it's still early in the PPV cycle.

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