Thursday, August 1, 2024

CMLL 7/26/2024 Arena Mexico

CMLL 7/26/2024 Arena Mexico

Kira, NĂ¡utica and Skadi vs Hera, Olympia and Valkiria

Valk is in the purple and black, Hera's in the blue and black, Naut is in the purple and gold and Kira is in the black and silver.

Naut and Hera start us off. Hera hip throws her then shoulders her over. Naut flying headscissors her out. Olym stomps on Kira and Kira flying headscissors Olym. Olym takes a boot and double underhook backbreaker from Skadi. One of the girls gets on Skadi's shoulders and is knocked to the outside.

Skadi is triple stomped by her opponents. Hera walks up the ropes and dropkicks Skadi. Olym throws down Naut off her shoulders and stomps her. Hera is dropped on Naut. Olym flips over Hera's back into a splash on Kira and and Naut.

Naut jumps off of Skadi's back into an armdrag then Kira does it into a headscissors. Naut does a dive to the outside off the buckles. Kira top rope moonsaults outside. Skadi crossbodies all 3 opponents off the apron. Kira 450's Hera off the top. It seems like Hera kicks out but she doesn't.

Thoughts: This was short and was a big success. We got all of the highlights, none of the downtime and no threat of them doing too much. This couldn't have gone much better than it did and everyone came off looking good here.

Futuro, Hombre Bala Jr. and Max Star vs Magia Blanca, Magnus and Rugido


MB = Magia Blanca

1st Fall - Rug and Gutu go at it. Rug trips him and htye mat wrestle. Fut rolls him into a one count then Rug does a fireman's carry takeover. Fut armdrags Rug then standing moonsaults him. Mag and Max go at it. Mag armdrags him then Max armdrags him back. Max spinning headscissors him off the mat and they stand off.

Bala trips MB then springboard twisting crossbodies him. Bala takes a triple team by the heels. MB is back body dropped out of the ring then Bala flying headscissors Mag. Fut tope con hilos MB outside. Bala tornillos off the buckles then Max tope con hilos Mag outside.

Fut armbars and taps out MB. Max top rope 450's Mag and pins him. Max Star's team wins the fall.

2nd Fall - Max is double hiptossed into the ropes but flips off. He botches a headscissors on Rug then armdrags Mag out. Max hurricanrana's MB while on his shoulders. Bala flying headscissors Rug. Bala springboard armdrags MB then Rug spinning headscissors Mag.

Bala tornillos MB off the apron. Fut moonsaults over Rug then armdrags him off the pop-up. Fut twisting diving armdrags MB then spinning headscissors Mag. Max step up hurricanrana's in but is caught and powerbombed.

Rug back elbows Max. Mag corner metoera's Max. Rug germans Max and pins him. Bala is flipped onto the mat and takes a double elbow drop. MB elbow drops Bala in the nuts. Bala is senton'd then MB springboard splashes him and pins him. Magnus' team wins the fall.

3rd Fall - MB shotgun dropkicks Fut out. Bala is double swept off the ropes and basement dropkicked. Max takes a double underhook suplex. Fut is triple stomped by the heels. MB takes a pumping knee from Bala then Max runs the ramp and step up hurricanrana's MB. Max then step up flip dives outside. Fut is popped up to the outside and hits a diving hurricanrana on his way down.

Bala top rope dropkicks Rug then headstand pendulum double knees him. Bala flying headbutts Rug in the corner and pins him. Max Star's team wins the fall and match.

Thoughts: They didn't hit the cleanest dives ever here but they did try some tougher dives. The heels didn't get a ton in here in this one. I liked it but it could have been cleaner.

Star Jr and Angel de Oro do a split screen promo.

Hechicero & Valiente vs Esfinge & Euforia

Esf = Esfinge

1st Fall - Hech runs in and nails Esf, who is wearing all red here. Euf stomps Hech then back elbows him. Euf hits nice running lariats. Hech is sent into the rails outsdie and Esf unmasks Val, revealing his full face. The ref lets it go though.

Val falls out of tree of woe and is kicked. Euf  rips up Hech's mask. Esf whips his opponents with Val's jacket. Euf and Esf push each other. Esf stomps on Val. Hech step up knees Euf then Val tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Esf. Hech misses a dropkick through the ropes and goes out. Esf rips off Val's mask and is DQ'd. Valiente's team wins the fall.

2nd Fall
- Hech goes after Esf and Val goes to get a new mask. Esf superkicks Hech. Hech is held for boots from Euf. Esf pulls on Hech's mask. Val comes out wit ha new mask on. Euf is pushed into Esf then powerslammed. HEch 2nd rope dropkicks Esf then Val top rope dibving hurricanrana's Euf. Val then rips up Esf's mask and shoves the ref for trying to stop him. Val throws Esf into the rails.

Val rips at Esf's mask more and Euf/Hech fight outside. Val foot chokes Esf. Hech unties Euf's mask then Esf rips up Val's replacement mask. Val hits headbutts on Esf then Hech hits corner punches on Euf.

Hech springboard elbows his own partner on accident. Hech snapmares Euf and rips his mask up. The two ttrade shots then Val and Esf each do low blows. Esf and Val then get pins despite openly breaking the rules.

Esf superkicks Val then is hiptossed over the top. Val runs the ropes fast and topes Esf. Esf superkicks Val. Val pop-up powerbombs Esf and pins him. Valiente's team wins the fall and match.

Thoughts: It was a great brawl here. They started off hot with Hech running in and skipping intros. There was lots of mask ripping, people punching each other and everyone just wanting to kill their opponents. I loved this and it was one of the better CMLL matches of the year.

They all get on the mic after and fight. Euf rips off all 3 wrestlers masks (including his partners) and poses with them.

Mistico and Penta El Zero Miedo do a split screen promo. 

La Leyenda De Plata 2024 Final Match - Angel de Oro vs. Star Jr.

Leyenda De Plata is an El Santo mask on a plaque. It's funny because Hijo del Santo has been on the outs with CMLL for over a decade yet they still do this.

Oro side headlocks him and wristlocks him. Star abdominal stretches him and hooks his leg. Oro abdominal stretches him and they stand off. Oro takes him down then Star armdrags him down.

Oro armdrags him then Star armdrags him. Star shoulders and sentons him. They then stand off. Oro shoulders Star over. Oro snapmares him. Star flips over him and lariats him.

They go out. Star kicks him from the apron. Star goes for a dive but is swept down on the apron. Star is swung into the rails. They trade corner lariats. Star dropkicks him out then tope con hilos him through the ropes.  

Oro spinning headscissors Star out then triangle moonsaults him outside. Star slingshot tornillos in. They botch a headscissors. Star chops Oro in the corner. Oro superkicks him then triangle moonsaults him for 2.

Star alabama slams him then does a sharpshooter where he sits on one of the legs. Oro breaks the hold. Star legdrops his leg. Oro 2nd rope superplexes him for 2. They go up top and Star top rope hurricanrana's him. Star springboard double stomps him for 2.

Oro rolls him into a rocking chair then Star rocking chairs him. Oro poisonrana's him then rolls him into another grounded rocking chair. Oro then taps him out.

Thoughts: They've been pushing Oro so I'm not too surprised he won here. It would have been nice to see Star win though. It was a decent match here with some flying and them both trying to submit each other at the end.

Templario and Titan vs Ultimo Guerrero and Rocky Romero

1st Fall - Things start off fast with Temp superkicking RR out. UG and Temp corner lariat each other. UG misses a corner charge and goes out. Temp goes to dive and is pulled out by RR. RR then topes him into the rails. RR sends Temp into the rails. Sacarys the parrot mascot then 619's Titan.

RR corner lariats Temp then basement dropkicks him. UG trips Titan on the apron and baseball slides him.  UG rips at Temp's mask UG handstands in the corner and does a pendulum bronco buster on Temp. Titan springboards and is dropkicked by RR. RR taps out Titan with a camel clutch and UG does a stretch muffler variation on Temp to submit him. Ultimo Guerrero's team wins the fall.

2nd Fall - Titan is kicked in the leg by RR. Titan is pop up dropped by UG. RR runs the ramp and leapfrogs over UG into a butt drop on Temp. RR lariats Titan. Titan does a double srpingboard dropkick on his opponents. Titan and Temp then do stereo topes outside.

The heels are both slammed down on the mat. Temp does a flying space tiger drop over the top rope to pin UG then Titan to tope double stomps RR to pin him. Titan's team wins the fall.

3rd Fall - KeMalito throws Sacarys into the rails outside. RR hits shots on Titan. Titan spin kicks him. Titan springboard crossbodies RR then pele kicks UG. Titan hits kicks on RR. Titan rope walks and springboard dropkicks RR off of it.

Titan tope con hilos RR outside. UG goes for Temp's mask. UG 2nd rope gordbusters Temp for 2. UG 2nd rope powerbombs Temp for 2. Temp runs up the ropes and springboard dropkicks UG. Temp then flying space tigers him outside. RR and Titan trade forearms.

Titan tornado ddt's RR then gordbusters him. Titan superkicks RR. RR hits a sliced bread off the top and pins Titan. RR is tripped into the 2nd buckle then Temp wheelbarrow suplexes him. Temp pins RR.

UG canadian destroyers Temp for 2. Temp sitout powerbombs him then does the same stretch muffler variation UG did earlier. Temp taps out UG to win the fall and match.

Thoughts: I wasn't a big fan of it. It wasn't that spectacular and just didn't have a great flow to it.

MJF does a promo with the AEW American Title. He says Templario has earned himself a shot at the best title in the world and a brush with greatness. He says he likes going to Mexico for fiesta's. He says it will be a siesta there. He says he gets to wrestle an American hero and go home quick. 

Mistico, Volador Jr. and Mascara Dorada vs PAC, Rey Fenix and Penta El Zero Miedo

The Lucha Bros are using different names here. It's probably something with AAA trademarks.

1st Fall - Rey boots MD. They miss high kicks. MD back rolls. Rey double springboard twisting crossbodies him. MD flying headscissors Rey then superkicks him. MD misses a 450 and they stare down.

Vol and Pac push each other. Vol flying headscissors him and Pac headflips out. Pac flying headscissors him and they try to dropkick each other. Both get superkicked by opponents.

Mist and Penta stare down. They shove each other. Penta spin kicks him and takes a superkick. Penta slingblades him. Mist walks up the buckles and corkscrew armdrags Penta. Penta superkicks Mist. Mist is flipped into the ropes and armdrags Penta. Rey superkicks Mist. MD takes a triple superkick and a triple basement dropkick. Penta tope con hilos Mist outside. Vol top rope crossbodies Rey and is german suplexed.

Rey rope walk kicks MD. Rey top rope splashes MD and pins him and Pac submits Vol with the brutalizer. Pac'steam wins the first fall.

2nd Fall - Team CMLL is beaten up outside between falls. Mist is dropped head first on the rails. Rey back body drops MD on the ramp. Penta top rope double stomps Mist. Penbta rips at Mist's mask and Rey dragon sleepers Vol on the ramp.

Everyone is on the ramp and Team CMLL all take superkicks. MD does a headscissors on Pac in the ring then is superkicked. Mist is popped up into a headscissors on Penta in the ring. Mist then walks up the buckles and dives on Penta. MD 450's Penta and Vol canadian destroyers Rey. Both get pins. Mistico's team wins the fall.

3rd Fall - Mist sends Penta into the rails. Rey is sent into the rails and goes over them. Mist hits kicks on Rey. Penta knees Mist from the apron then stomps Mist. Pac stomps Mist. Mist does a handspring double back elbow then a double armdrag off the ropes. Mist springboard headscissors Penta. MD top rope tornillo armdrags Pac out. Team CMLL then does triple topes outside twice.

Mist springboard crossbodies Penta then spinning ddt's him. Rey rolls in to a cutter on Mist. Vol superkicks Rey then backcrackers him. MD tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Pac. Penta hits a made in japan on MD for 2.

MD corner lariats Penta then Vol monkey flips Mistico into Penta. MD top rope diving headscissors Penta then Vol dives out and hits a headscissors. Mistico tornillos out and MD 2nd rope ssp's Penta outside.

Mist goes for la mistica on Pac but Rey breaks it up. MD hits a top rope ssp on Penta but Pac runs over the ref to stop it. Pac then hits low blows and unmasks MD to lose the match for his team.

The heels beat up the faces some more and pose after.

Thoughts: I'm not a big fan of unmasking DQ finishes. It just doesn't make much sense. Death Triangle didn't go all out here but Mistico's team put out a good effort.  It was still an entertaining match but a real finish would have been better. It was not as fast paced as you would expect though.

Overall thoughts: The show was good overall.Everything was fine except the semi-main. I loved the tag match with Hechicero here and thought it was a great brawl.

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