Friday, August 2, 2024

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 8/1/2024 Episode #75

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 8/1/2024 Episode #75

Last week's show is here:

ROH Six-Man Tag Titles - The Von Erichs and Dustin Rhodes (c) vs The Iron Savages and Jacked Jameson

Jacked Jameson says their opponents are fake Texas tough guys and are tough as Dolly Parton. He says he will show what a real couple of tough guys look like.

Ross and JJ do push-ups. Bronson tries one on the apron and falls over. JJ shoves Ross in the back of the head. Ross hits corner punches. Ross drops down and Marshall hits a big dropkick. Boulder gets in, bends over and is kicked. The VE's hit a double dropkick then Boulder takes a corner splash and kick. Marshall standing moonsaults Boulder.

Boulder back elbows Ross then Bronson elbow drops Ross. Ross slingblades Bronson. Dustin gets in. He uppercuts Bronson then bulldogs him. JJ hits corner spears on Dustin then Boulder back elbows Dustin. Dustin takes butt drops to the back. Boulder lariats Dustin and does a big splash for 2.

Bronson chinlocks Dustin. Dustin hits shots then takes a spinebuster. Bronson rolls up Dustin then Dustin powerslams him.  Marshall gets in and nearly kills JJ with a back body drop. Marshall corner lariats him then dropkicks Boulder. Marshall slams Boulder then corner cannonballs him. Dustin canadian destroyers Bronson then chops JJ.

Dustin goes for shattered dreams. Aubrey stops it then The VE's hit it. JJ takes an iron claw + back body drop and wins.

Aside from JJ nearly dying, it was an okay match here. Nothing too great but it had solid face vs heel work and the faces won. I really think Marshall has a lot of talent and potential.

Jacked is being checked on outside after which is concerning.

We see a Mark Briscoe promo from Death Before Dishonor. He's win his kid. He says Roderick Strong is as tough as ever. He says it was a good fight but you are looking at a champ.

Top Flight (Dante Martin & Darius Martin) vs. Ace Of Space Academy (GKM & LSG)

Top Flight have a new intro and Leila Grey as their flight attendant. I joked a long time ago that they should have a flight attendant. It just helps to add more to the presentation. I don't know if I really understand it, but manager's really add something extra to tag teams. Top Flight was just a generic team before. Now they have a gimmick. It would have been nice if they had some kind of manager search though. That could have been entertaining.

Dante and LSG trade wristlocks. Dante flips using the ropes then slingshot swantons onto LSG. GKM takes a double sto for 2. GKM cutters Darius over the top rope. Darius is double hiptossed, caught and thrown backwards. Darius has his chin and arm pulled on. Darius backdrops LSG.

Dante gets the hot tag in and hits shots on GKM. He springboard crossbodies him for 2. GKM takes kicks and an STO off the bottom rope. Dante jumps off Darius' back to dropkick LSG. Dante plancha's LSG. Darius messes up his fireman's carry into a ddt finish and pins GKM.

Thoughts: Things were going well then the finish got botched. It still looked like it hurt though so I guess it works. It was fine with LSG and GKM getting some offense in before being beaten.

The Infantry talk in the back. They ask why they aren't getting the same opportunities as everyone else. Dean says Top Flight are cool and their homies, but they aren't them. Bravo says he always see them on TV and says it should be them. Trish talks about them having a new steward in Leila Grey. Bravo says he's been trying to get Leila for a long time. Dean says we are us and says they are putting everyone on notice. Dean says have no fear, The Infantry is here.

Thoughts: I liked this. It made sense. The Infantry never get chances like Top Flight and they should be bothered by it. 

Robyn Renegade vs Maya World

RR pulls Maya down then walks on her. RR piefaces her and Maya hits forearms. RR back elbows her and Maya basement dropkicks her. RR hits her on the apron then drops Maya on the apron.

Maya back rolls her and hits a rolling spear. RR rolls her up then superkicks her. RR pumphandle drops her and wins.

Thoughts: I can't tell you the last time I saw Robyn get a win, if ever. They seem to like Maya as she has appeared like four times now.

Anthony Henry is interviewed. Beef (a jobber who hasn't appeared in a long time and maybe only appeared once to begin with) walks in and says it's good to see him. Beef asks if they are on TV right now. Beef shots his belly with "Beef" tattooed on it. He calls him his cousin and says they are 2nd cousins. Beef says he wanted to come by and tell him "let's go". They then go.

Thoughts: Beef was only used once or twice a few months ago. He got over because he's a kooky character and they are maybe going to use him. I liked him so I'm fine with this.

The Beast Mortos vs AR Fox


I'm not sure what AR's deal is lately. Ever since he got pulled from that All In show, he has never been around regularly.

Mort shoulders him over, AR kips up and goes for the enzugiri. AR rolls him and goes for a pin. Mort shoulders him over and hits corner lariats. AR springboard dropkicks him. AR flip dives him off the apron.

AR runs around the ring and runs into Mort chest headbutt. Mort then tries to run around the ring and AR topes him. AR flying corner clotheslines him then skins the cat to get back in. AR dropkicks him off of it.

Mort hits a slingblade bulldog then pop-up samoan drops him. Mort camel clutches him and fish hooks him. Mort slaps him and forearms him in the back. Mort hits forearms to the back. AR sends him out to the apron then ddt's him over the middle rope.

AR hits clotheslines. AR kips down and up out of a lariat and hits an enzugiri. AR rolls him into a cutter for 2. Mort is thrown over the top then AR flip dives him off the top. AR 450's him off the top for 2.

AR hits boots to the face then Mort torture racks him. Mort powerbombs him on the knee and spinning lariats him. Mort headbutts him. Mort picks him up and does a wild driver onto AR's head to win.

Thoughts: It had some nice highlights and got off to a good start but then it kept going and lost some of its appeal. These guys love to do it so it's not surprising. It would have been a lot better if a few minutes were cut off. It was definitely an indy style match.

MxM Collection does a promo. Mansoor says he can still feel the chops from Dax and says it's not the first or last time a big burly man left his mark on his body. Madden says the MxM Collection always comes on top.

Thoughts: That's not exactly the direction I want see MxM go in.

Anthony Henry vs Wheeler Yuta

Beef is in Henry's corner. Henry snapmares him and Yuta turns his headlock into a hammerlock. Henry side headlocks him and spin kicks him. Yuta slams him then sentons him. Yuta ties his legs up and figure fours him.

Henry chops him outside and Beef interacts with him from the front row. Yuta takes some of Beef's popcorn. Yuta stpes on Henry's head on thebuckle connector. Henry neckbreakers him over the top rope connector.

Henry hit shots on him while he's down and they chop each other. Henry suplexes him. Henry straightjacket chokes him. Yuta back rolls out and does it to him. Yuta armdrags him then back drops him.

Yuta step up enzugiri's him then flying forearms him. Yuta top rope flying forearms him. Yuta lifts him into a ddt. Yuta hits downward elbows then Henry step up enzugiri's him. Yuta ankle locks him then germans him for 2. Yuta lariats him. Henry forearms him and germans him. Henry hits kicks to the chest. They then knock each other down at the same time.

They trade forearms. Henry hits an upkick flurry then Yuta stomp flurries him. Yuta does like an elbow slice bulldog and pins him to win.

Thoughts: This was the same Yuta match we always see with him having a decent wrestling focused match. It was fine but it was obvious what we were getting here.

Beef and Henry have some words after.

We see a Lee Moriarty promo after Death Before Dishonor. He says success and failure go hand and hand. Te said he took failures and became the ROH Pure Wrestling champ. He says he's here to stay and is one of the best technical wrestlers in the world. He said anyone who wants to get in the ring with him should be ready for a long night. He says it's the renaissance era of the Pure division.

The Premier Athletes (Ariya Daivari & Tony Nese) vs The Supastarz (Nikki Eight & Tommy Mars)

The Starz legit look like a more glam version of The Young Bucks. I have a feeling this will be their first and last appearance once Matt or Nick see them.

Nese throws Mars down and hits a back elbow in the corner. Mars goes up and over and takes a flying back elbow. The Athletes pound on him in the corner and Ari hits a stomp flurry. Mars hits a jawbreaker and tags out. Nikki gets pounded on by Ari. Ari misses an elbow drop.

Nikki's throat is pulled down over the top and Nese plancha's off of it. Ari hits a top rope splash and wins.

It was just a short squash here. We didn't see much of The Starz, so I'd like to see them again so I can get a good look at them.

Anthony Henry talks. He said it didn't go his way tonight. Beef interjects and gives him water. He hugs him and is soaked. Henry asks why he's wet. Beef says he was cheering for him. Beef said he didn't lose nothing and there's no losers in his family. He says they will do it and do it hard then lifts up his shirt.

Fuego Del Sol vs. Jacoby Watts


Watts gets on the mic. He introduces himself and says he's the answer to his questions and the solutions to his worries. He says if he had Watts in his life, he would have never left this place. Sol dropkicks him.

Watts side headlocks him then shoulders him over. Sol spinning headscissors him. He then headflips into a northern lights suplex for 2. Sol is caught on a top rope crossbody and is hit with a flatliner. Watts corner splashes him then lariats him for 2.

Sol neckbreakers him. Sol hits running dropkicks then asai moonsaults him. Sol superkicks him in the side of the head. Sol step up double stomps him the tornado ddt's him for the win.

Thoughts: I don't understand this one at all from a booking perspective. It's not a huge deal but I don't really get it. Sol looked good in this rare win.

Lexi, Athena and Billie do a promo after Death Before Dishonor. Athena said she's so proud of Lexi and said she did so good. They say they love each other. Billie says she loves them and Athena pushes her away. Athena and Lexi then walk out without Billie.

Brian Cage vs Rocky Romero

RR winds up and eye pokes him. He spin kicks him then Cage shoulders him over. RR is dropped on a flying headscissors attempt. Cage corner lariats him. RR hits forearms then dropkicks him off the apron.

RR flying headscissors him off the steps. RR springboards and is hit during it. They each hit chops in the corner and RR goes down. RR back rolls him thne Cage germans him for 2.

RR hangs on the ropes and is superkicked. They fight on the apron and RR hits a shiranui on the apron. RR dropkicks him through the ropes and topes him. RR top rope crossbodies him for 2.

RR hits kicks then tornado ddt's him for 2. RR hits palm strikes. Cage catches him on a shiranui and hits an F-5 for 2. Cage takes a 2nd rope hurricanrana and RR shiranui's him for 2. RR rewind kicks him then Cage spinning lariats him. Cage spinning sitout powerbombs him for 2.

RR bites him up top and hits a top rope shiranui for 2. Cage comes off the 2nd rope and drops him on a powerslam onto the rope. Cage then fallaway slams him from the bottom rope. Cage hits a drill claw and wins.

They did too much here with apron and top rope moves being kicked out and they didn't respect Cage's size enough for me here.

Matt Taven and Mike Bennett are interviewed. Matt says he delivers like Karl Malone every time he is out there. He says that is why they will be soon be tag champs for a whole year. Mike says they are the best tag team in the world. The Infantry walk in and talk about their accomplishments. Bravo says they are demanding. Dean says they screwed them in their last title match and want a rematch. They say they want it ASAP. Matt says those who don't remember history are doomed to repeat it. Mike says it's insanity to do the same thing over again and get the same result. Mike says they will do it as they are insane.

Dustin Rhodes comes out to talk. He says it's been a while since he had a title around his waist. He talks about wrestling for 35 years. He says there's nothing without the fans and they need them. He says it meant so much to team with The Von Erich's and says he hopes to take the titles to the next level.

He says he's been on his one last ride for 5 years and said he hopes it doesn't end. He says he is having the time of his life. He said his dad said keep stepping and says it means a lot to him. He says he feels confident but wants more.

Evil Uno comes out. He says that's enough. He says it's been 5 decades and asked if he had enough. He said he just robbed them of the trios titles and asked if it was enough. He asks where he gets the confidence from and asks if it's from the stupid Texans.

He said he doesn't care abut who his dad is and asks where he's been. He says he's been here week in and week out every week. Uno says Dustin is the most selfish individual in wrestling. He says if Dustin wants to take away from them, they will take something from him.

The Dark Order clips Dustin then beats up on him. Sammy Guevarra comes out and makes the save. He beats up The Order and hits an os cutter. The Order then run out. Sammy and Dustin hug and close the show.

Thoughts: This was random but it seems like it is building to something so that's good.

Overall thoughts: This went an hour and 47 minutes, which is longer than usual. It was a much better show than usual as it had out of the ring segments and gave people promo time. It also built up some future matches. I'd like to see this version of ROH more. I hope next week follows up on what they did here. I liked it overall and hope we see more of it.

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