Thursday, August 1, 2024

Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling 5/6/2024 Yes! Wonderland 2024

Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling 5/6/2024 Yes! Wonderland 2024

We get some talking and stuff before this began. Yuki Kamifuku sets up a match with Alexis Lee. Up Up Girls and an idol only version of their group then do a performance. They say they will do a performance together on 7/7.

Toga vs. Shino Suzuki

Toga and SS lock up and trade hammerlocks. SS fireman's carries her down and they trade basic holds before standing off. SS rolls Toga then dropkicks her. Toga takes chest forearms in the corner. Toga shoulders her over for 2.

Toga chinlocks her and back elbows her. SS slams her then dropkicks her. SS neckbreakers her for 2. SS gets on her back with a sleeper and Toga swings her off. Toga slams her then does rolling thunder.

SS hits chest forearms then gets on her back for another sleeper. Toga forearms her over. They forearm each other at the same time then SS backrolls her into a pin.

Thoughts: Shino got her first win here. It wasn't that great with them mostly doing rest holds and chest forearms.

Kaya Toribami, Moka Miyamoto & Uta Takami vs. Chika Nanase, Kira Summer & Mahiro Kiryu

MK = Mahiro Kiryu

Kaya and MK go at it. They trade arm holds. Kaya side headlocks her, rolls over her back then is shouldered over. Kaya step up enzugiri's her. Moka punches MK in the gut and Uta jumps over MK to roll her up. Uta dropkicks MK then MK stomps on her.

MK does a delayed slam on Uta then kneels on her back, apologizing for the delayed slam. MK armlocks Uta. Chika double axe handles Uta's back then shoulders her over. Chika stomps on Uta.

Kira gets in and bangs Uta's head off the buckles. She hits chest forearms and running back elbows her. Kira slams Uta for 2. Uta dropkicks Kira over.

Moka hits chest forearms on Kira, punches her in the summer and arm takedowns her. Moka chops Kira in the stomach for 2. Kira slams Moka. MK gets in and dropkicks Moka then double knees her on the ropes for 2. Moka throws her over her back and does a grounded cobra twist.

Moka back elobws her and Kaya gets in. MK running forearms Kaya in the back of the head. Chika gets in and shoulders over Kaya. Kaya does a weird springboard twisting senton on Chika then armlocks her. Kira makes the save.

Uta running dropkicks Kira then MK slams Uta. Moka leg lariats MK. Kaya misses a backflip kick then Chika slams Kaya. Chika elbow drops Kaya for 2. Kaya spin kicks her and does a backflip kick on her. Kaya ties up both of Chika's arms and taps her out.

It was a short trios match here with everyone getting a segment and then the match ending. It was fine but nothing memorable. 

Yuna Manase vs. Runa Okubo

They shoulder battle to start. Runa tries chest forearms and Yuna shoulders her over. Yuna blocks Runa's slam then slams her. Yuna elbow drops her then sleepers her. Runa is thrown hard into the buckles then Yuna splashes Yuna's back in the corner for 2.

Runa dropkicks Yuna and hits chest forearms. Runa flying dropkicks Yuna and hits chest clubs. Yuna samoan drops Runa for 2. Runa chest forearms her and back body drops her. Runa single leg crabs her.

They shoulder battle and Runa does more chest forearms. Yuna drops her with a chest forearm and Runa powers up. Runa running forearms her for 2. Yuna running lariats her. Runa hits more chest forearms then Yuna fires back.

Yuna picks her up with a full-nelson and drops her chest first to win.

Thoughts: It was a rookie vs vet match. Runa put up a good fight and showed some good spirit before being put down. 

Maki Ito vs. Haru Kazashiro

Maki's got a new robe on. Haru dropkicks her to start then hits chest forearms. Maki throws her out and facekicks her off the apron. Maki slams Haru on the floor. Back in and Maki slams her then hits spears to the back.

Maki slams her again and does a stretch muffler variation, hooking the other leg as well. Haru dropkicks her then crossbodies her while she's on her knees. Maki running facewash kicks her. Haru takes a bridging ddt on the apron. Maki shoulders her over then they both get 2 counts on each other. Maki crabs her.

Haru escapes and tries a bridge pin for 1. Haru fisherman's suplexes her. Maki forearms her over and stomps her while she's down. Haru does chest forearms and headbutts her. Haru dropkicks her and Maki falls on her with a falling headbutt. Maki then lion tamers her to win.

Thoughts: It was another rookie vs vet match like the last one. Haru didn't get much in and didn't have much offense to hit here.

Maki says Haru said she would perform above her expectations. Maki says she didn't and is just a loser. She says Haru is a hero to somebody else and needs to make it her mission to beat Maki.

Rika Tatsumi & Yuki Aino vs. Pom Harajuku & Raku

The girls go to shake hands but Aino and Rika fall asleep. Pom and Raku then sleep too and the ref starts the match with Pom and Raku asleep. Rika and Aino wake up and try to pin them for 2. Pom and Raku roll out and they eventually get to fighting on the outside.

Pom does her bad chest clubs to Rika and Haru tries to sit on Aino to pin her. Pom 2nd rope armdrags Aino and shin kicks her. Aino shoulders Pom over. Rika puts Pom between the ropes and pushes her in with her knee. Pom can't get out of the ropes and flails around.

Rika snapmares Pom then elbow drops her for 2. Rika then tries to smother her on the pin attempt. Aino back elbows Pom on the ropes and Rika dropkicks Pom over the 2nd rope. Pom shin kicks Rika then 2nd rope diving armdrags her. Pom dropkicks her.

Raku chops Rika in the head. Rika dragon screws her then figure fours her. Aino 2nd rope shoulders Raku for 2. Pom gives Raku a pillow and Aino blocks the pillow shot. Raku rolls up Aino for 2 and Rika helps Aino reverse the pin attempt. Rika slaps Aino.

Raku hits a double chop on them then does a weird russian legsweep. Pom shin kicks her opponents then does a double basement dropkick. Pom 2nd rope dropkicks Aino for 2. Pom leg drops Aino then Aino back body drops her. Aino sentons Pom then gutwrench suplexes her.

Rika backbreakers Pom then Aino 2nd rope elbow drops Pom. Raku hits Aino with a pillow then Rika hits Raku with it. Raku hits Rika with a pillow. Rika takes a double straightjacket down. Pom misses a step up legdrop then Aino bulldogs her. Aino sits on her back with a full-nelson and Pom taps out.

Thoughts: This one was all comedy wrestling here with people falling asleep and pillows being used.

Mizuki & Nao Kakuta vs. Yuki Arai & Yuki Kamifuku

YK = Yuki Kamifuku, YA = Yuki Arai

YK and Nao go at it. YK eye pokes her then throws her into YA's boot. Nao takes a double boot. YA is pushed into YK. Nao does a corner move on YA. Nao is sent into YA's boot. Miz jumps off of Nao's back and crossbodies YA.

Nao foot slaps YA around then YA back elbows and shoulders her. YA slams Nao then YK dropkicks Nao. YK corner facekicks Nao and slaps her around. YK chops Nao and Nao bulldogs her. Miz dropkicks YK then top rope crossbodies her for 2. Miz sits on the top rope and YK grabs her for a brainbuster.

YA running facekicks Miz for 2. Miz and YA trade chest forearms. YA facekicks her then Miz pulls her down with her own arm across the throat. Miz dropkicks YA through the ropes. YA pump kicks Miz for 2.

Miz bridges out and double stomps YA's back. Miz rolls YA into a double stomp. Nao running facekicks YA then does it on the ropes. YA facekicks Nao. Nao has YA on the 2nd rope and footpresses her down. Nao crossarm ddt's YA.

Nao hammerlock flatliners YK. YA full-nelson slams Nao. YA facekicks Nao then sharpshooters her. Miz dropkicks YA to break it then YK fameassers Miz. Miz cuty specials YK then YA kicks Nao. YA axe kicks Nao and wins.

Thoughts: It was the first serious and even match here. It was decent. They had some odd story with Mizuki and Nao going on here with Miz maybe trying to order her around some that I didn't quite get. Arai did pretty much all facekicks here, but they look good so it's not a problem.

Princess Tag Team Title Match - Daisy Monkey (Arisu Endo & Suzume) (c) vs. HIMAWARI & Wakana Uehara

Endo and Waka go at it. Endo wristlocks her. Waka kips up and wristlocks her. Endo trips her into a front facelock then Waka side headlocks her. Endo headscissors her and they stare down. Suzu and Hima go at it. Hima rolls her up and they stand off.

Hima rolls her up then Suzu boots her. Hima and Suzu roll each other up. Suzu takes a double dropkick then Hima takes a double dropkick. Endo pulls both of Hima's arms back and boots her. Endo corner forearms her.

Suzu flying headscissors Hima then plancha's her outside. Hima shoulders Suzu over. Waka gets in and dropkicks Suzu. She hits forearms then back elbows her. Waka handspring back elbows Suzu. They trade foreams and Suzu hits a good one. Suzu walks up the buckles and facebusters her down.

Suzu top rope crossbodies Waka then Endo double jump dropkicks Waka for 2. Endo goes for a camel clutch and Waka rolls her into a pin attempt. Waka gets another 2 count on a pin and triangle lancers her.

Hima shoulders Endo over and flying back elbows her. Hima spins her and is armdragged. Endo dropkicks her. Endo is snapmared off the buckles. Endo either does a flying neckbreaker or is lariated in the air, maybe both. Endo camel clutches Suzu.

Hima avoids a 2v1 and makes Suzu dropkick Endo. Suzu is sent into a Waka dropkick. Endo takes a double suplex for 2. Hima takes a double team drop then Endo torture rack neckbreakers her for the win.

It was a good tag. It went a little longer than it needed to and they lost some momentum in the middle, but it had a good beginning and ending. Matches like these really come off better than they are when the undercard is weaker like this was. It was a lot better than I expected it to be. 

Princess Of Princess Title Match - Miu Watanabe (c) vs. Shoko Nakajima

Miu side headlocks her. Shoko grabs the ankle and puts her in a figure four variation. Miu does like a reverse buffalo sleeper. Shoko headscissors her again and hey fight over a wristlock. Miu takes her down and front facelocks her. Shoko armlocks her then front facelocks her. Shoko does a backslide while doing a split.

They straightjacket choke each other. Shoko monkey flips her and Miu rolls into a monkey flip on her. Miu hiptosses her. Miu elbows her in the back and backbreakers her over the knee. Shoko 619's her over the top rope.

Shoko headscisosrs her and bangs her head off the mat. Shoko then grabs the arms as well. Shoko does a head and double arm hold on the ropes. She double underhooks her into a submission, then does another head and double arm lock.

Shoko drops Miu's head on her knees from the side then low topes her outside. Miu over the shoulder backbreakers her while standing on the apron. Miu swinging backbreakers Shoko. Miu corner splashes her and shoulders her over.

Shoko blocks a giant swing and head and double arm holds her in the air. Shoko grounds her with it. Shoko catapults Miu's neck into the bottom rope. Shoko tope con hilos her through the ropes. Shoko 619's her through the ropes.

Miu goes out and lays on the apron. Shoko top rope sentons her but mostly just powerbombs herself in a dumb spot. Shoko northern lights suplexes her for 2. Shoko is on the buckles and Miu forearms her. Miu giant swings her.

Miu backbreakers her. Shoko northern lights suplexes her and goes for a 2nd but it is blocked. Miu powerslams Shoko then Shoko hurricanrana's her off her shoulders. Shoko 619's her. Miu sledgehammer shots her with her hands.

Miu hits a big chop, puts her on her shoulders and drops her down to win.

Thoughts: It was a strong match here. Everything they did minus the senton on the apron looked good. They did some good amateur wrestling and hold trading. They didn't do the "work the limb" storyline, so they avoided the issues that come with it. They had some cool spots here and were athletic. It was also just nicely paced and laid out. This is easily one of the best TJPW matches I've seen and one worth checking out.

Miu talks on the mic after. She says she's willing to take on anyone as champ to grow as a champ and grow the company. She then thanks all the fans.

Overall thoughts: The main and semi main were strong matches and really carried this card. The undercard wasn't bad, but it was a lot of rookie vs vet style matches, which are limited quality wise. I'd recommend this one and though tit was a good show from TJPW.

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