Monday, July 22, 2024

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 3/30/1991

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 3/30/1991

Last week's show is here:

They showed Hulk with the title during the intro, confirming he beat Sgt. Slaughter.

Vince McMahon says Hulk became champ at Wrestlemania VII. He then brings out Macho Man Randy Savage, who he said made history. Macho said he reached the pinnacle of success when he became champ. He said one door closes and another opens. He says he will be the broadcasting champ of the world.

Roddy Piper comes in on crutches. He says it was a rough go and said the last thing he needed was someone who could do more damage to his knee that his motorcycle could. He calls Sherri "Bride of Frankenstein". He said he was just coming for dinner but now he's coming to clean out the whole house.

WWF Update

Wrestlemania 7 is available on VHS on April 11th. Mean Gene Okerlund shows us some stills from Warrior vs Macho, The Nasty Boys vs The Hart Foundation, Sherri turning on Macho, Miss Elizabeth reuniting with Macho and Ted Dibiase vs Virgil. We see clips of Hulk's posedown after his match with Sgt. Slaughter.

We then see that Sgt. Slaughter attacked Hulk Hogan after the match. Hulk opens a door with Mean Gene behind him then Sarge fireballs Hulk on the other side of the door. Sarge chairs Hulk multiple times and asks how it feels. He yells "burn" and takes the WWF Title.

Gene says Hulk will return to action even with permanent scarring. He says the war has just begun.

I knew they were continuing Hulk/Sarge and know we know how we are doing it. 

The Bushwhackers vs Bob Holly and Mike Sample

Yep, it's that Bob Holly with long blonde hair. And that's also the Mike Samples.

The Bushwhackers do a promo. They have flowers and say spring is in the air. They then eat the flowers. Mike chest clubs Luke then misses a charge. Mike takes a double clothesline.

Butch lariats Bob then The Bushwhackers do their march. Bob gets eye raked by Butch. Butch hits shots to the back and the gut. Bob takes a battering ram then a double gutbuster. Bob is then pinned.

Thoughts: It was just a quick squash and pretty much the same squash it has always been with them.

WWF Event Center

Rick Martel says he's having so much fun and enjoying the success he deserves. He says he's The Man of the 90's. He tells opponents to get in line so he can knock them all down.

Greg Valentine does a promo. He said he has enjoyed a long and illustrious career here, winning the IC Title and Tag Titles. He says you can say he did it all. He said he just got rid of Jimmy Hart and says he is going in the right direction. He says he's after Hart and is out to put him out of the WWF.

The Mountie vs Major Yates

Mountie boots Yates before the bell with his coast on. The Big Boss Man does an inset. He tells Mountie to be a law man and not a lawbreaker. He says when the wheels of justice run over the innocent people, that's when Mountie falls under his jurisdiction.

Mountie bangs Yates' head off the buckles then chokes him. Mountie slams him down by the throat and keeps choking him. The ref then stops it and gives Mountie the win.

Thoughts: What the heck was this? How do you win a match by straight choking someone with your hands? This was another bad looking squash by Mountie. His offense just totally sucks right now and you'd never know he was a Rougeau.

Mountie handcuffs Yates and tells him he's under arrest. He reads him his Miranda rights. He then gets him with the shock stick. 

We get a plug for Bodybuilding Lifestyles.

WWF Event Center

Hacksaw Jim Duggan does a promo. He gives a shout out to The Armed Forces and thanks them and their families. He says it was a team effort and says if we stand together, we can do anything.

The Orient Express and Mr. Fuji do a promo. Fuji says they are doing rigid training. Tanaka says Fuji's training makes them tough and allows them to rip any WWF tag team to pieces.

The British Bulldog vs Doug Vines

Bulldog is with Winston The Dog. Davey pushes Doug back. Vince says Brutus Beefcake is opening a barber shop in the WWF. He says it took 9 hours took 9 hours to put Brutus' face back together. Davey hiptosses and armdrags Doug. Davey does an inset with Winston. He says he's like him - his bite is worse than his bark. Davey back body drops Doug then chinlocks him.

Doug bangs Davey's head off the buckles then Davey lariats him. Doug hits some punches then Davey corner lariats him. Davey running powerslams him and wins.

Thoughts: Doug got a little in here but it was the usual uninteresting Davey squash.

We get a close-up of Winston and Macho says he only sees Davey Boy.

The Funeral Parlor

This is the Superstars debut of this segment. Paul's got some smoke, green lights, flowers, candles and a casket. Brother Love's set was destroyed and this seems to be the replacement for it. Paul asks for a moment of silence for the deceased. Paul says everyone in the WWF is afraid to come on here. He says everyone will someday day and greet Paul Bearer. He says he doesn't know why the wrestlers are scared and says to rest in peace.

Power and Glory vs Dale Wolfe and Josh Allen

P&G got totally squashed at Mania by The LOD. Herc shoulders Dale over. Dale lariats him from behind. Herc nails Dale then Roma clubs on Dale. Roma stomps on Dale on the ropes. Roma back body drops Dale then hits a nice dropkick on Josh. Roma pulls up Josh from the pin attempt.

Herc lariats Josh then side slams him. Roma elbow drops Josh then pins him with a foot on the chest.

Thoughts:  After seeing P&B destroyed at Mania, this did little for them.

The Dragon vs The Brooklyn Brawler

Ricky Steamboat makes his Superstars return wearing a dragon cape and hood and blowing fire. They just call him "The Dragon" here.

Ricky hits punches and chops then throat thrusts him. Ricky hits a big chop then a side kick. Ricky hits more chops then back body drops him. 

Ricky hits a chop off the top then top rope crossbodies him for the win.

It was a weird return as Ricky was wearing goofy attire and they weren't sure how to handle his new character. Macho was on commentary here which made the situation more awkward since they had a big feud years ago. Ricky looked fine here though.

We go to Irwin R. Schyster. He says Tax Day is coming up and wants to talk about deductible charitable contributions. He says your heart my be in the right place but unless your receipts are in the right place, your charitable deductions won't count. He says we all know you are doing charitable donations out of greed and says that's cheating which he says is not allowable. He then slaps an "AUDIT" stamp on someone's taxes.

Thoughts: I'm sure this one really got over with the kids. I don't know how you get this one over or what you do with it or why you would choose this gimmick over literally any other gimmick.

Sgt. Slaughter and General Adnan are in the ring. Sarge tells everyone to get on their feet for their new leader, Sgt. Slaughter. He calls the crowds maggots and says he rules the WWF. He says he wants to introduce us to someone new who has joined the ranks of Sgt. Slaughter. He says he's someone who does the real dirty work and digs down. It's Colonel Mustafa aka The Iron Sheik. Vince calls out that it's Sheiky and says he's maybe dirtier than Sgt. Slaughter. They all shake hands.

Col. Mustafa vs Billy Burke

Col hits a bad double throat thrust and kicks him. Col backdrops him then camel clutches him to win.

Thoughts: It was a quick one and Col didn't look good here. He had a hard time moving.

Billy is thrown out after and Sarge hits him with his riding crop. Col then boots him and throws him out again.

WWF Event Center

Warlord and Slick do a promo. Slick says people ask him why has Warlord eluded his grasp. Slick says it's politics and says the WWF is afraid to give him a title shot. Slick says Warlord will rule the WWF and says no one can match his strength or might.

Jake Roberts does a promo. He says he's old enough. He says he still makes mistakes but he's out there pulling the trigger everyday. He says he sees Earthquake doing anything he wants and picking on people. He says he's looking at him.

Overall thoughts:
This show was pretty noteworthy. Macho Man is now an announcer. The Iron Sheik is back and his name is Colonel Mustafa. We saw the debut of The Funeral Parlor. We saw Ricky Steamboat's new Dragon gimmick and we saw IRS in a segment. Change is definitely in the air but none of these changes came across that great here. This is a definite must-see episode if you are going to watch 1991 WWF due to all of the new wrestlers/new gimmicks but it wasn't that good overall.

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