Sunday, July 21, 2024

WOW Women of Wrestling 7/20/2024 Season 4, Episode 45

WOW Women of Wrestling 7/20/2024 Season 4, Episode 45

Last week's show is here: 

Miami's Sweet Heat vs Princess Aussie and Tormenta

The Mother Truckers are on commentary for this. Lori (black hair) takes a back elbow from Aussie. Lindsay (blonde hair) takes a headscissors. Tor bangs Lindsay's head off the buckles. Tor comes off the 2nd rope and armdrags her down. Tor shotgun dropkicks her.

Aussie hits forearms on Lindsay then The Fab Four pull Aussie out. Vickie Lynn McCoy pounds on her then Aussie takes a lariat on the floor. Aussie is footchoked and Lindsay/Vickie pull Aussie around the bottom rope.

Lindsay 2nd rope double axe handles Aussie's arm. Aussie is double teamed. Lindsay snapmares her then armbars her. Aussie botches a wraparound ddt. Tor gets in and hits lariats on Lori. She step up enzugiri's her. Aussie is lifted into a codebreaker on Lori. Tor double knee drops Lori.

Lindsay hits forearms on Lori. Lori takes a cutter. The faces do stereo dives outside then McCoy nails Tor with a lariat outside. McCoy pounds on Aussie outside and the ref doesn't see it despite it happening right in front of him. Aussie takes a side slam + top rope elbow drop and is pinned.

Thoughts: I didn't like the interference spot as the ref should have seen it or called for the DQ if he did. It took a while to get going here. There were some positives to it but some negatives as well.

Lana Starr gets on the mic after. She said her team just defeated a former WOW champ and a the most decorated wrestler in Mexico. Lana says to give them The Mother Truckers so they can get the belts back. Lindsay yells on the mic and The Mother Truckers come down and boot them out of the ring.

Fury vs Sierra Breeze

They both dance. SB tries to teach her how to shake her hips and Fury side headlock takeovers her. SB legsweeps her then armdrag rolls her into a pin attempt. SB sunset flips her and they botch a crucifix bomb.

Fury suplexes her then attacks her on the ropes. Fury totally misses a lariat then suplexes her. Fury lariats her. Fury does SB's dance then bangs her head off the buckles. Fury chokes her then hits a corner splash. SB dances then running back elbows her. SB 619's her in the gut then hits a nice top rope crossbody to win.

Thoughts: Fury had a bad night here and it wasn't that good. Sierra had a good showing though. I wasn't a big fan of all the dancing though.

Las Bandidas (Sylvia Sanchez and Angel Rose) vs The Mighty Mights (Sugar and Spice)

Spice spinning heel kicks Angel then euros her. Sugar gets her bulldog blocked. SS boots her. Sugar flips out of a hiptoss and armdrags her. Sugar then rolls her up for 2. SS hits a nice sitout spinning casadora bomb on Spice.

Spice takes a lariat then Angel fisherman suplexes her. Spice is put in a gori special. She does a dropkick and armdrag to get out of it. Sugar dropkicks SS then hits a nice double axe handle on SS. SS takes a monkey flip. Rose hits an emerald flowsion on Sugar and SS michinoku drivers Spice. Las Bandidas win.

Thoughts: It was a decent tag here with Las Bandidas having a good night. The Mights were good as underdog faces and the heels had no problems roughing them up. I liked this.

WOW Title - The Beast (c) vs Penelope Pink

Pink is pushed over and she rolls Beast up. Beast hits corner spears. Beast kind of does a chokeslam then does a backdrop style move. Beast suplexes Pink on the floor. Pink elbow drops Beast's back then misses an elbow drop.

Beast spears her in the corner then throws her. Pink pulls Beast's neck down over the top rope. Pink stretches Beast around the post. Beast hits lariats on Pink. Vickie Lynn McCoy trips Beast from the outside then Pink baseball slides Beast off the apron. Beast germans Pink on the apron, sending her down to the floor.

They both are on the floor and the ref is counting. Lana gets on the apron to distract the ref. McCoy holds Beast but Pink misses a charge on her. Beast spears Pink and wins.

Thoughts: It was a bit disappointing. We didn't get a big title match here and it was over before it truly got going. It was just average for the most part and due to the limited time it had.

Overall thoughts: It was an average episode. The opener should have been a little better than it was. I didn't like Fury/Breeze but I liked The Mighty Might's tag match. The main didn't get enough time to be great. It still feels like WOW is spinning its wheels right now as we are going to get another Mother Truckers vs Sweet Heat match and there's just not a lot going on storyline wise. I wouldn't recommend this.

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