Wednesday, July 3, 2024

WWE Speed 7/3/2024

WWE Speed 7/3/2024

Last week's show is here:

#1 Contenders Tournament Semifinals - Xavier Woods vs Nathan Frazer

NF flips over him then runs and rolls him up. Woods goes for a pin and takes a spinning kick to the head. NF topes him then springboard dropkicks him for 2. NF misses a phoenix splash then Woods hits an honor roll lariat. Woods fireman's carry gutbusters him for 2.

Woods hits chops on NF. Woods superkicks him in the gut and NF twisting neckbreakers him for 2. NF superkicks him in the head and misses a phoenix splash. Woods superkicks him then rope walk elbow drops him. Woods then gets the pin at 2:48.

Thoughts: They did what they could with the time. As usual, it was nothing great or must see but it was an okay way to spend 2:48. Woods won as expected here.

The next episode of WWE Speed will be Friday at Noon.

Overall thoughts: As usual, there was only one new match that went 2:48. I really don't know who this show targets or who watches it besides me. It's never must see and it just kind of exists. I wouldn't recommend this.

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