Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Marigold 6/29/2024 Grand Opening Wars 2024 Day 8

Marigold 6/29/2024 Grand Opening Wars 2024 Day 8

The last show is here: 

CHIAKI vs. Komomo Minami

They lock up. KM wristlocks her and is reversed. Chi cartwheels out of a wristlock and side headlocks KM. KM uses the ropes to headlock takeover her then misses a dropkick. Chi cartwheel double knee drops her for 2. Chi iron claws her then facewash kicks her. Chi spears her back while she's tied up in the ropes. Chi boston crabs her then stands on her.

KM rolls her up on a slam and hits dropkicks. They trade forearms then Chi rolling spears her for 2. KM arm throws her and rolls her around the ring with an armbar. Chi basement dropkicks her then KM rolls over her back and armdrags her. KM armbars her and ties her arm around the ropes.

KM running dropkicks her. KM rolls her up and backslides her. KM then tries another pin. KM tilt-a-whirl backbreakers her then torture rack drops her for the win.

Thoughts: It went longer than I expected as I thought it would be all squash. It was fine here and KM didn't look at all out of place against the more experienced Chiaki. It was just an average match though.

Nao Ishikawa & Natsumi Showzuki vs. Bozilla & Myla Grace

Nao and Boz go at it. Boz shoves her over and Nao tries screaming at her. Nao stomps Boz's feet and is pushed over again. NS tries chest forearms and gets nowhere. Boz bodyblocks her then bangs Nao's head off the buckles. Boz gorilla press throws Myla out onto their opponents.

The girls fight outside and Boz knocks over Nao with forearms. Myla ducks NS's shots and legsweeps her. Myla basement dropkicks her. Myla hip attcks her on the ropes for 2. NS running knees her and armbars her.

Myla 619's her while she's on the 2nd rope then top rope la silla's her. NS stomps on her then double knee drops her back for 2. NS corner dropkicks and corner meteora's her. NS hits a perfectplex for 2. NS top rope double knee drops her. Boz gets in and deadlift german suplexes NS off of Myla.

Nao hits forearms on Boz and is knocked back. Boz spinning sideslams her for 2. Nao tries for a sleeper on her back and is rammed into the ropes. Boz double suplexes her opponents. Nao escapes a powerbomb and ankle locks her. Nao top rope crossbodies her and is caught and fallaway slammed into NS. Boz then boots her and sit out powerbombs her for the win.

Thoughts: It was as you would expect if you've been watching these shows. Nobody got much in on Boz and Boz got the easy win over Myla. Myla was just kind of along for the ride and didn't blow anything for a change. 

Kouki Amarei vs. Victoria Yuzuki

Yuz boots her and dropkicks her. Kouki boots her in the face then Yuz headlock takeovers her. Kouki headscissors her twice and they stand off. Kouki wristlocks her and it gets reversed. They side headlock each other and Kouki shoulders her over. Yuz dropkicks her.

Yuz dropkicks her through the ropes for 2 then does a grounded octopus. Yuz chokes Kouki on the ropes. Kouki facekicks her then Yuz flying headscissors her. Yuz dropkicks her for 2. Kouki flying kicks her in the corner then dominators her.

Yuz springboard dropkicks her on the ropes then walks up the ropes and facebusters her. Kouki cutters her and splashes her for 2. Kouki ties both arms up then Yuz hip throws her. Yuz northern lights suplexes her for 2. Kouki facekicks her then is superkicked. Kouki spinebusters her for 2.

Yuz rolls her up and crucifixes her. Kouki pump kicks her then backdrops her for 2. Kouki top rope 180 splashes her and wins.

Thoughts: It was just an average match for the most part. I know they want to push Kouki but Yuzuki is better than her at almost everything except looks and height at this point and I don't know if that's going to change any time soon.

Nagisa Nozaki & Zayda Steel vs. Mai Sakurai & Utami Hayashishita

NN and Mai start us off. They lock up and trade forearms. Mai slaps her then Mai faekicks her. They grab each other by the hair. Zay gets in and hits kicks on Mai. She then basement dropkicks her. Mai basement dropkicks Zay for 2.

Utami spinebusters and sliding lariats Zay. Zay corner euros her and step up knees her. Zay 2nd rope crossbodies her for 2. NN corner facekicks Utami then is hit by Mai from the apron. Utami lariats NN over then hits an air raid crash for 2. NN facekicks Utami and basement dropkicks her for 2.

Utami germans NN then lariats her. NN shotgun dropkicks her. Zay and Mai trade forearms. Mai takes a codebreaker and a reverse pendulum kick. Mai takes a double kick from her opponents for 2.

Mai pump kicks Zay then leg slice reverse ddt's her. Mai STF's her. Zay takes a backdrop + top rope dropkick then Mai northern lights suplexes her. Utami olympic slams NN then Zay step up enzugiri's Mai. Mai flying knees Zay then Utami suplexes Zay. Mai top rope elbow drops Zay and wins.

Thoughts: It didn't really get enough time here and ended as it got cooking. What we got was fine and looked promising though.

Mai, Utami and Chiaki get on the mic after. I think Chi and NN maybe set up a team together.

Nanae Takahashi vs. Chika Goto

They lock up. NT clean breaks her and takes chest forearms. Goto wristlocks her then NT side headlocks her. NT shoulders her overthen chinlocks her. NT ties up the leg. Chika tries to tie up her leg but NT puts the hold back on. NT boots Goto then slams her.

NT goes for an indian deatlock and boots her around. NT chops her and they slap each other. NT chop flurries her then shoulders her over. Chika hits boots to the face and NT fights off a giant swing. NT shoulders her over for 2.

Chika slams her and NT ankle locks her off the giant swing attempt. NT figure fours her. Chika hits forearms. NT forearms her back and shoulders her over. Chika giant swings NT then hip attacks her on the ropes. NT sleepers her then lariats her over. Chika hits lariats then NT hits a running shot.

Chika slams her for 2. They slap each other and NT backdrops her. NT sliding forearms her and wins it.

Thoughts: It the usual Nanae singles match with her being the favorite and her challenger being the underdog. Chika did a better job than usual here but  I don't think she did as other girls would have. it was fine for what it was but not that great. Chika lost as expected here. 

Chika and NT talk on the mic after.

Marigold United National Title Tournament First Round Match - Miku Aono vs. MIRAI

This is attempt #3 here to find a winner for this matchup. God forbid someone gets a bye or we make a no time limit match. Miku dropkicks Mirai as her name gets announced. She dropkicks and forearms her in the corner. Miku corner lariats her then Mirai dropkicks her. Mirai whips her with her coat then chokes her with something. Miku double underhook suplexes her for 2.

They trade forearms and Mirai forearms her down. They trade more forearms. Mirai forearm flurries her down to the mat. Miku hits a hard leg kick then a kick to the back. Mirai snapmares her and dropkicks her in the back. Miku kicks her in the back then Mirai does a stiff running boot to the side of the head.

Mirai corner lariats her in the back of the neck then vader bomb style elbow drops her. Mirai elbows her in the back of the neck. Mirai lariats her against the ropes. Mirai ties up her arms and pulls on her neck at the same time. 

Mirai stomps on her after Miku ropebreaks. Miku works Mirai's knee and kneebreakers her. Miku does a half crab on her. Mirai's in it for a while and eventually ropebreaks. Mirai throws her down by the leg and low flatliners her. Mirai basement dropkicks her. Miku's head is banged off the buckles and Mirai pounds on the back of her neck.

Mirai does a suplex on her for 2. Mirai backdrops her for 2 then half-nelson wheelbarrow suplexes her for 2. Miku spinning slams her then fisherman suplexes her. Miku top rope dropkicks her then sliding lariats her for 2. Miku buzzsaw kicks her then hits a stiff lariat for 2. Miku headkicks her then hits a styles clash. The time then runs out....again.

We then go to a 5-minute overtime. Miku running lariats her and tries pin attempts. Miku hits her in the back. They fight on the buckles and Mirai hits headbutts. Mirai 2nd rope northern lights suplexes her.

Miku hits a chest kick then boots her. Mirai hits elbows to the back of her neck then Miku germans her. They lariat each other on the ropes and lariat battle. Mirai lariats her over twice for 2. Mirai backdrops her for 2. Mirai cradle shocks her for another 2. Mirai hits a big running lariat and the time limit expires again. The match ends in a draw again.

Thoughts: These two going to draws is really becoming a joke at this point. I really think they are just doing this to cover for their roster being small and to give away bigger singles matches without having anyone lose. I liked the match but not the outcome, it was all strikes and the two stiffing each other and it was much better than their last attempt. We also got some aggression in this one which added to it.

Overall thoughts: It was okay overall. Nothing was bad but nothing was must see either. Mirai/Miku had a better outing here than last time and Chika showed a little in her singles match with Nanae. Minami continues to do a decent job for her experience level and I thought Yuzuki showed up Kouki a little in their match. 

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