Sunday, July 21, 2024

AEW Collision 7/20/2024

AEW Collision 7/20/2024

Last week's show is here:

Collision's Elton John theme has been changed.

Darby Allin vs The Beast Mortos

They lock up and Darby is thrown off a waistlock. Mort spinning headlock takeovers him. Mort shoulders him over. Darby dropkicks him then topes him. Darby euros him against the rails then bangs Mort's head off the apron. Darby flying headscissors him off the apron then Darby is swung into the steps.

Darby is put in a surfboard then pushed into the buckles. Mort pop-up samoan drops him then Darby corkscrew splashes him off the bottom rope. Darby gets sunset flipped but rolls into a pin out of it.

Mort misses a corner charge and goes outside. Darby top rope coffin drops him outside. Darby is knocked off the apron and Mort tornillo topes him. Mort spears him for 2. Mort forearms him down.

Darby hits slaps and a code red. Mort top rope gorilla press slams him. Darby 2nd rope crucifix bombs him then Darby top rope coffin drops him for the win.

Thoughts: We knew what this was going to be. It was high flying, fast paced and they took some wild bumps as usual. I can't forgive the top rope gorilla press kickout though. There's no reason for that, especially in an opener.

Darby gets on the mic and there's sound issues. He says people tell him to slow down as he will be crippled by the time he's 30. He says he's 30 and feels good. He said he doesn't like to time off because he doesn't want to go back to being a dishwasher. He talks about Blood and Guts. He says The Young Bucks never come to Collision or advertise the shows. He says this is his baby now. Darby said the TNT Title means everything to him. He challenges him for All In.

The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn are interviewed. They say Team AEW will stomp on the little nuts. Billy says that's not what the match is about. He says it's about being the best wrestler alive and being a bad @ss. He says it's time to nut up or shut up.

Skye Blue vs Hikaru Shida

Skye running facekicks her and stomps her in the corner. They trade forearms. Skye step up knees her on the ropes then Shida hits a low dropkick. Shida dives on her off the ropes. Skye goes down and a trainer comes to check on her. We go to break and return. Shida is given the win here as Skye can't continue.

Thoughts: It was too short to rate and it ended prematurely due to injury.

We go to the back and Lance Archer is beating up random people for some reason. There's still audio issues. He says everyone has forgotten who he is and what he can do and he says it's time to remind you all. He says everybody dies.

Chris Jericho talks. He said him and Minoru Suzuki have been waiting 4 years for this match. He said he's been wanting this for 4 years and says it happens on Dynamite. He says it's a dream match but will be a nightmare for Suzuki. He says get ready for some night terrors. He says it will be far more violent than Blood and Guts. He said he can't wait to teach him lessons about not turning him down and coming to the ring while he talks. He says he can't wait.

Mark Sterling gets on the mic. He says his client has something important to say. Nese says when he heard everything is bigger in Texas, he thought they were talking about the cars and houses. He says everyone is terribly fat. He said they haven't had athletes to look up to. He said his lawyer Mark Sterling wrote up a contract to give them an opportunity to see what a real athlete looks like.

Rey Fenix vs Tony Nese

Nese wristlocks him. Rey flips off the ropes and wristlocks him. Nese spin kicks him and spinning heel kicks him. Rey slips on a springboard and Nese stomps his leg.

They trade chest chops. Rey dropkicks him. Nese goes out and Rey is distracted by The Premier Athletes. Nese superkicks Rey then Rey is beaten up by The Premier Athletes.  

They continue to fight outside and Rey gets beaten up by the heels outside again. Rey gets beaten up on the ramp and is thrown down on it. Rey and Tony trade shots. Tony's neck is pulled down over the top and Tony sitout bombs Rey. Rey hurricanrana's him then springboard spin kicks him.

Nese ends up going over the top onto Ari Daivari then Rey tope con hilos him. Rey rope walks and kicks Mark Steling on the apron. Tony spin kicks Rey then 450's him for 2. Rey rope walk kicks Tony then frogsplashes him. Rey then wins.

Thoughts: It was a good match here with Nese being a heel and Rey being the flying babyface.

Tony Schiavone interviews FTR. FTR says they won't let The Don Callis Family walk all over Tommy Billington. Cash says they have had the greatest run of their careers during the last two years.

Cash said he has had a dark cloud hanging over his head for the last two few years. I assume he's talking about getting arrested. He said he wrestled every match like it was his last because it might have been. He said the only people they have their sights set on is The Young Bucks and say it's time to go buck hunting.

Dax talks about winning 4 tag titles, beating Bullet Club in a long match and beating The Young Bucks. Dax said their win/loss record hasn't been that great. He said he had a back injury. He said the six weeks he was out, The Bucks and others failed to carry things. Dax says their road to the tag titles starts next week and ends at Wembley. Dax says this is for The Bucks.

Thoughts: FTR/Young Bucks is like the emergency option for AEW. When they run out of ideas, they book that match. The reason this keeps happening is because The Bucks use their backstage power to keep themselves in top storylines. The problem is that it doesn't allow for new teams to get there and there is no interest in making new teams, because they might just unseat The Bucks. FTR's in a similar situation, though it's more organic. So they have to keep going back to this match time and time again. I also thought Cash should have been more clear about what he was talking about here for people who don't know he was arrested. 

Hikaru Shida is interviewed. She said he came to Collision to fight. She said she wants to fight and says she wants to fight with Britt Baker. She says welcome back and said she made her bleed once before when she broke her nose. She said she will do it again on Dynamite.

Roderick Strong vs Tomohiro Ishii

They trade chops. Strong knees him in the gut then Ishii shoulders him over. Strong hits forearms and Ishii no sells them. Ishii drops him with a forearm. Ishii suplexes him.

Ishii throws him in theen shoulders him over. Ishii bangs Strong' head off the apron then Strong dropkicks him through the ropes. Strong uranages him on the apron then back breakers him. Strong reverse curbstomps him then ties up his arm.

Strong suplexes him then does a grounded sleeper. Ishii powerslams him. Strong hits forearms then Ishii hits a forearm and chop combo. Ishii release germans him then 2nd rope superplexes him.

Strong olympic slams then fireman's carry gutbusters him. Strong hits forearms and chops. Ishii enzugiri's him. Strong hits a flying knee then Ishii lariats him twice for 2. Taven and Bennett get on the apron. Strong low blows him and hits a jumping knee to win.

Thoughts: It was a decent match with a lame finish. It was what you would expect with it being almost all strike based and that's okay, because they are both good at it.

The Kingdom try to beat up Ishii after. Mark Briscoe comes out and makes the save.

Hologram vs Gringo Loco

Holo has a neon light H on his jacket and he walks down the ramp like an idiot. He has an Aerostar style mask on.

Holo flips off of Loco's shoulders then corkscrew headscissors him. Holo walks up the buckles and spinning headscissors Loco. Holo dropkicks Loco through the ropes then tope con hilos him.

Holo headscissors Loco out of the electric chair. Holo is then sent into the buckles face first. Loco gorilla press slams Holo then standing moonsaults him. Loco misses a corkscrew moonsault off the top.

Holo does some nice escapes on the ropes. Holo flips off the top with an armdrag then diving headscissors him off the top. Holo spinning high kicks him then spinning torture rack bombs him to win.

Thoughts: I liked this. Holo's stuff wasn't perfect here as he messed up the backflip into an armdrag but Holo did some nice flying here and his costume looks good. I thought it was a good debut.

The Von Erichs and Dustin Rhodes do a promo. Kevin says what a night for Texas and said there will never be another one like Dusty Rhodes. Kevin says wrestling is changing but says Dusty has been in this game for a long time. Kevin says his sons could benefit from Dustin's advice. Dustin says the storm has arrived. Dustin said The Von Erich's and Rhodes are together for the first time since 1978. Dustin says him and Kevin got their backs.

There were more audio issues here. It seems like they are going to form a trio? 

Mark Briscoe does a promo. He says it's hot and his schedule is heating up. He says it's him vs Roderick Strong for the ROH Title next week. He says he's wiser and tough since the last time they fought. He says The Elite are a perfect example of the problems going on today. He tells The Elite do bring the fight at Blood and Guts.

Lumberjack Match - Thunder Rosa vs Deonna Purrazzo

They have some jobbers out there as lumberjacks along with ROH people like Billie Starkz and Rachael Ellering.

Thye get some shots in and Rosa basement dropkicks her. Rosa sentons her. Rosa 2nd rope twisting crossbodies her. Rosa takes bridging ddt over the 2nd rope. Rachael Ellering gets a cheapshot in on DP. Taya Valkyrie grabs Rosa's foot. DP superplexes Rosa onto all the lumberjacks outside.

We go to PiP break and return. Rosa is thrown out and the lumberjacks beat up on her. Rosa and Diamante trade shots. Rosa hits punches then dropkicks her against the ropes. Rosa spinning death valley drivers her for 2.

DP armbars her then pump kicks her. Rosa high kicks her then DP does something like a fisherman suplex. DP fujiwara armbars her. Rosa hits forearms then DP pulls her arm down over the top rope. Rosa spears DP off the apron onto the lumberjacks.

Dia beats up on Rosa outside and the lumberjacks fight amongst themselves. Taya Valkyrie gives DP a turnbuckle connector. DP nails Rosa with it and wins.

Thoughts: Lumberjack matches have never been one of my more favorite gimmicks. They had some really random lumberjacks out there including jobbers. The girls tried but it would have been better if it was just a singles match with some kind of stipulation. It seems like Taya and Deonna are going to form some kind of team here and they just signed Rachel Ellering, which is why she was out there.

AEW Trios Titles - The Patriarchy (Christian Cage, Killswitch and Nick Wayne) vs The Bang Bang Gang (Juice Robinson and The Gunn's)

CC = Christian Cage, KS = Killswitch

Tony Schiavone pretty much promises that this is going past the hour. Nick side headlock takeovers Austin then Austin does it to him. Austin does a hiptoss into a suplex to Nick. Juice and KS get in.

Juice hits chops on KS then KS chops him down. Juice clubs on KS then is hit on the ropes by CC. KS knocks Juice over. We go to PiP break and return.

Colten hits lariats on Nick then dropkicks KS. Colten corner splashes Nick then eurostep neckbreakers him. Austin hits corner punches on Nick. Austin misses a corner splash and takes a crazy bump to the floor.

CC stands on Austin's head while he's against the ropes. CC snapmares him. KS backdrops Austin for 2. KS misses a corner charge and Juice is tagged in. Juice hits punches on Nick then sentons him. They fight outside and KS goes over a rail and table. Juice corner cannonballs Nick then hits a jackhammer for 2.

CC surrounded and they bothc a spot. CC takes punches from his opponents then CC is double lariated over the top. The Gunn's go with him. Juice blocks Nick Wayne's low blow then Juice powerbombs him for 2.

KS throws Juice off the top then Nick moonsaults off the top outside. CC top rope splashes Juice for 2. Juice gets a 2 count on CC. grabs the ref and Mother Wayne sprays Juice in the face with something. KS then hits a killswitch on Juice and wins.

Thoughts: It was an okay and definitely hectic trios match here. There were just bodies constantly going everywhere here at a faster pace than the announcers could call it.

The lights flicker and the announcer's think it's part of an angle but nope, it's just the light's flickering. 

Overall thoughts: There were audio issues all throughout that really hurt the show and were a distraction. It was an average show in the ring and not too much happened outside of it. It wasn't awful but it wasn't that interesting either.

1 comment:

  1. I assumed the flickering lights was a reference to the House of Black. And with this only being for the AEW trios belts, I wonder if the ROH ones will be decided separately or just quitely retired.
