Monday, July 15, 2024

WCW Monday Nitro 12/11/1995

WCW Monday Nitro 12/11/1995

Last week's show is here:

Eric Bischoff, Mongo McMichael and Bobby Heenan welcome us to the show. Mongo has a leather jacket on as does Pepe The Dog. Heenan asks who do you trust tonight in the Hulk/Sting vs Flair/Arn match. The bell rings as they talk.

Mr. JL vs Eddie Guerrero

JL shoulders Eddie over then Eddie lariats him. Eddie moonsaults over him then tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him. Eddie slams him and slingshot swantons him. Eddie saito suplexes him then abdominal stretches him. JL armdrags him then Eddie atomic drops him. JL spinning headscissors him.

Eddie jumps off the top and brings him down with an armdrag. Eddie is dropkicked off the buckles to the outside. JL cannonballs him off the apron outside. JL suplexes him then corner dropkicks him. Eddie goes up and over and sunset flips him. JL gets out, Eddie then pins him.

Thoughts: I'm not sure why they had JL kick out of the sunset flip just to have him get pinned a second later. That was odd. It was an okay cruiserweight match though with flying and a fast pace. Eddie won as expected.

Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Jimmy Hart and Lex Luger. Hart tells Gene to stand here, hold the mic and keep his mouth shut. Jimmy says Lex is the uncrowned WCW champ. They show clips of Lex beating up on Macho and Lex basically implies that someone has always saved Macho. Lex says he owns Macho and says he will be no problem at Starrcade. Lex says it will probably come down to him at Sting at Starrcade and says may the best man win if it does.

Paul Orndorff vs Disco Inferno

Paul has a new theme where they say "They call him Mr. Wonderful" and it's this long, dramatic theme. Disco double axe handles Paul before it starts and stomps on him. Disco hits him and Paul struggles to get out of his jacket. Paul back elbows him and hits some punches.

Paul atomic drops him and running elbows him. Paul does some stupid dance and hits an elbow off of it. Paul backdrops Disco and pins him with his feet on the ropes.

Thoughts: This wasn't good. Disco made Paul look stupid by giving him a beatdown. Paul then couldn't get out of his jacket and looked like a fool. Paul then did that stupid looking elbow which didn't help things. It's just sad to see Paul Orndorff turned into a joke.

The Horsemen come out minus Benoit. Benoit does get mentioned though. Pillman says it's an honor to be part of the greatest dynasty in pro sports. Pillman said Hulk wanted to be a Horsemen. He said he wore black and played a bad guy to try and do it. Pillman said he couldn't keep up though and threw away the black colors. Pillman says they don't have the luxury of ripping their black hearts out of their chests as they are the bad guys.

Pillman says The American Males and Mongo Michael sent them 8x10's and makes fun of The Dungeon of Doom. Pillman said Paul Orndorff once was Horsemen material, but now he's part of The Psycic Network for $4.99 a minute.

Paul Orndorff comes out. He said he respects Arn and Ric but calls Pillman a punk. Paul said he could have been a Horsemen. Pillman said Paul hareached a high level of mediocrity. Arn tries to cool this situation off. Paul says Pillman is carrying The Horsemen's bags and says he shouldn't be one. Pillman hits him and the four men fight. Paul takes shots from The Horsemen and is sent into the rails. Paul then takes a spike piledriver on the floor. The trainer then checks on Paul as we go to break.

Thoughts: I didn't like this segment. Pillman was all over the place on this one and didn't make his points clear. That ended up hurting the beatdown after on Paul. This segment would have worked better if Paul didn't just get a beatdown from The Disco Inferno, who has been treated as a comedy guy.

Paul is put in a neck brace and is being put on a stretcher. Mongo says Paul isn't moving and compares him to a player named William Fuller who got hurt. Lex Luger's music plays in the background which makes this feel less serious.

Lex Luger vs "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan

Duggan hits shots on Lex then Lex gets some in on him. Lex's head is banged off the buckles. We see Paul being put on the stretcher. Lex's head is banged off the buckles again. Duggan hiptosses him then lariats him. Duggan elbow drops him and clubs his back.

Paul is being put in the ambulance. Lex hits shots on Duggan. Duggan lariats him. Jimmy Hart grabs Duggan's 2x4 on the apron. Duggan nails Hart then Lex torture racks Duggan. Duggan taps out.

Thoughts: It was a short one and it wasn't the best way to put Lex over. Lex got beaten up then basically got a win with help over the midcarder Duggan. 

Mean Gene Okerlund interviews "Macho Man" Randy Savage. Macho's facing Tenzan at Starrcade. Macho says he's not thinking about him, Luger or the three way at Starrcade. He said he's thinking about defending his title vs The Giant next week. He says Giant is powerful and hasn't faced anyone as powerful as him since Andre The Giant. Macho says he will blow up like dynamite in Giant's face and says there's no substitute for victory.

Hulk Hogan and Sting vs The Four Horsemen (Ric Flair and Arn Anderson)

Arn side headlocks Sting. Arn blocks a hiptoss with a fireman's carry takeover. Arn punches Sting in the back of the head and clubs his back. Sting gorilla press slams Arn.

Hulk and Flair get in. Hulk shoulders him over. Hulk eye rakes him and back body drops Flair. Flair is thrown into the corner and ends up on the apron where Sting ear claps him. Arn hits Hulk in the corner, Hulk no sells it and corner lariats him. Arn then goes out. 

Flair gets back in and eye pokes Hulk as he begs off. Hulk lariats Flair then Sting gorilla press slams Flair. Sting hits a nice dropkick. Flair side headlock takeovers Sting. They bridge up together and Sting backslides him. Flair begs off then Sting his corner punches. Flair atomic drops Sting.

Arn gets in and Sting throws him off the buckles. Sting scorpion deathlocks him, Flair gets in and Sting scorpion deathlocks Flair. Arn then ddt's Sting. Jimmy Hart and lex Luger come down. Hart gets on the apron. Lex goes after Hulk. Hulk and Lex fight and Hulk is sent into the post. Lex torture racks Hulk.

Sting is double teamed and Arn works on Sting's leg. Flair knee drops Sting's knee. Sting gets a shot in on Arn and goes to tag in Hulk but Hulk is still down. Flair clips Sting then kicks him in the leg. Flair stomps Sting then figure fours him.

Sting tags in Hulk but the ref doesn't see it. Arn stomps on Sting's leg. Sting takes chops from Ric then throws him off the top. Sting facebusters Arn. Hulk gets in and Arn spinebusters him. Hulk no sells it and hits punches.

Hulk big boots Arn and Flair then Hulk legdrops Arn. Hulk then pins Arn.

It was a little longer than it needed to be and I wasn't a big fan of it. Hart and Lex came to ringside and while the ref did eventually clear them off, he really didn't seem to care about Hart being on the apron. Lex attacked Hulk which sucked because it hurt some of the ambiguity of this storyline. Hulk also didn't sell much here and of course went over The Horsemen, making them take another loss within 3 weeks.

Brian Pillman comes out and attacks Hulk and Sting. Lex and Jimmy Hart comes back out. Lex gets Pillman off of Sting but then doesn't help out Hulk. Lex holds Sting back but Sting helps out Hulk. Macho comes out and Sting decks him in a shock. Sting realizes what he did and Macho slaps Sting. Hulk tries to separate the two.  

Mean Gene Okerlund interviews the three of them. A fan throws a Hulk Hogan bandana at Macho. Hulk says we have enough problems going on here and we need to fight The Horsemen, not themselves. Macho says he hates Lex and asks Sting what's going on. Macho says Sting has a nice right hook but wants to know the deal. Sting said he hit Hogan but knew he didn't mean it. Sting said he didn't know where Macho was coming from tonight and said he wished he could take it back but he can't. Hulk says Sting saved his rear-end. Hulk says everything is up in the air.

Macho says he's the master of disaster at over reacting and says let's all take a chill pill. Macho says he respects Sting and wants him to respect them all the way. Hulk says Macho needs to get by The Giant and may not be champ if he doesn't get his act together. Hulk tells Sting that Macho saved them. Macho says we've all got giant problems and says let's stick together.

Thoughts: The Hulk/Sting/Macho/Lex soap opera continues but it's entertaining stuff here. I just wish Lex didn't nail Hulk as that really would have muddied things up more.

The commentators talk about Macho vs Giant for the title next week. Heenan picks Giant to win and says it will be over for Macho. Mongo says Hulk, Sting and Macho need to get their act together before The Dungeon and The Horsemen take them out.

Overall thoughts: The show continues to be based around the Lex/Hulk/Macho/Sting stuff. That's fine as it is entertaining but the rest of the roster really might as well not exist at this point. I didn't think they did a good job with the Paul Orndorff injury angle (or anything else involving him) and JL/Eddie was your workrate match of the week. The Horsemen also took another loss here which needs to stop. I liked the show overall but it does have some issues that need addressed.

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