Tuesday, July 16, 2024

WWE Monday Night Raw 7/15/2024

WWE Monday Night Raw 7/15/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/07/wwe-monday-night-raw-782024.html 

 Rhea Ripley comes out. She said she's home and has been out for three months thanks to Liv Morgan. She says Liv is running around with something of hers that she never lost - the women's world title. She said she didn't take her out, she just p!ssed her off. She tells her to come out so she can rip her apart.

Dominik Mysterio comes out. Liv gets on the tron. She asks if Rhea's shoulder is feeling okay after what she did to her. She said her shoulder is feeling great due to having he title. She said she meant it when she said she wanted to take everything from her. She said she didn't see what Rhea saw in Dom, but after spending time with him and kissing him, she said it became real to her. Liv says she's had him all to herself while Rhea is gone.

Liv says while Rhea might be home, Liv is on top. She said she knew Liv would be too scared to face her because when she is in the ring with her, her revenge tour ends. She says she is challenging her for the title at Summerslam.

Liv says she won't run and isn't the Liv that Rhea new. She said she will finally beat Rhea and Liv says she hopes to see Dom there too. Rhea says she will end Liv's revenge tour and her title end and end her career too. Dom gives her a black rose maybe and Rhea throws it. 

Thoughts: As expected, Rhea comes back and the Liv/Dom thing loses some of its luster. Some people online have said that they had to have a women's match at Summerslam so Rhea is back, but I think it was a mistake. They had a lot more twists and turns to do with Liv/Dom that aren't possible now with Rhea gone.back.

We see various wrestlers arrive.

Dom tries to explain to Rhea. Rhea goes to the Judgment Day hangout and there's lots of flowers in there. Rhea slams the door on Dom. Damian Priest appears and asks if things are good. Dom says he thinks so, but not really. Rhea throws flowers at Dom.

Sheamus vs Bronson Reed

They trade shots and Reed bodyblocks him. Reed snapmares him and sentons him. Sheamus euros him and hits knees and kicks. Reed headbutts Sheamus then Sheamus shoulders him out of the ring. Sheamus knees him. Reed pulls him over the top rope and shoulders him off the apron. Sheamus is thrown over the commentary table.

Reed's head is banged off the commentary table and Sheamus chest club flurries him. We go to break and return. Sheamus hits short arm clotheslines then air raid crashes him for 2. Reed sitout powerbombs him for 2. Reed misses a top rope moonsault. Sheamus pumping knees him and gets the win.

It felt like we missed a lot here. What we saw was good but not long enough. It felt like it was just really getting cooking when it ended. Sheamus' pumping knee looked really stiff.

Reed goes after Sheamus then Pete Dunne flying knees Reed. Sheamus goes to shake Dunne's hand and he backs off. Dunne then nails Sheamus from behind. Reed top rope splashes Sheamus.

The Judgment Day are in their handout. Rhea and Priest talk about. Rhea says it's good to be back and thanks Priest for holding it together. Priest said he should have handeled things with Braun Strowman a long time ago. Rhea asks why Carlito is hanging out there.

Dom asks Priest if he can talk to Rhea. Dom said he screwed up and has been trying to reach her all week. Rhea asks where he's been the last three months and asks if he was too busy playing around with his girlfriend. Carlito says she's mad.

Sami Zayn and Ilja Dragunov talk in the back. Ilja said he didn't help him last week because of it. Sami said he asked Pearce to wrestle for the title.  Sami said Ilja's a special talent and he reminds him of him. Sami said he fight like his life depends on it and that's how he fights. He tells him to bring his best and Ilja tells him to do the same. 

Zelina Vega was interviewed earlier in the day. She says she has no love for Liv and says she wants to be at the front of the line for a title shot. She said she'd be champ if it wasn't for Dom. Sonya, Zoey and Shayna walk in. Sonya says the front of the line goes to them. Vega says their scare tactics aren't doing anything for her. She makes fun of her forehead and challenges her for tonight if she wants.

Zelina Vega vs Sonya Deville

SD hits knees to the body. Vega hits forearms. Vega tries to go up and ends up hitting a ddt off of it. Vega 619's her then Shayna Baszler boots Vega's arm on the apron. SD hits a final cut and wins.

Thoughts: This was real short and what we did get didn't look good.

Vega is triple teamed after. Lyra, Carter and Chance save her after.

Dom asks why Priest didn't want him about Rhea. He said he tried to. Priest said Dom lied to him about not communicating to Rhea. Jey Uso runs in and asks if it's true that Rhea is single. Priest and Jey talk about it then Jey tells Dom to tell Rhea he said hi. Priest said Dom has been to prison and needs to show Jey Uso who Rhea belongs to.

Adam Pearce talks to the refs in the back. Chad Gable comes in. He says Uncle Howdy is Bo Dallas. Chad asks what the meeting with Bo was about last week. Pearce says it was between him and Bo. Chad says Bo's crew has been after him every single week and he wants to know what he's gonna do about it. Pearce says Bo is here and tells him to have a convo with him. Chad says Pearce is victim blaming and says he will call Bo out.

Damian Priest comes out and says he wants Gunther face to face. Gunther comes out. Gunther said he paid close attention to him and made an assessment. He said Priest is not living up to his reign. He said his reign has been nothing and has had no prestige. Gunther says they aren't cut from the same cloth. Gunther tells him to hand him the title and they will move on. 

Priest said he fought for his life on the streets while Gunther got things handed to him. Priest says they don't need Gunther here if he's just here for a paycheck. Priest said he earned this and said Gunther is the last person that is taking the title from him.

Gunther says he won't question his street cred but says being on the street is a choice. He says not to blame him that his parents didn't provide him with a good life. He said his parents did provde him with a good life. Gunther says he doesn't know why the people don't love him. Gunther says the people are like him and says Priest will always be street trash.

Priest said Gunther didn't see why he lost his title and says he doesn't have heart. He said Gunther doesn't know what it's like to fight for everything he has. Priest says he will remain the champ and says Gunther will have to fight from the bottom for the first time as he will have nothing. He says maybe we will out if he is more than boring, privileged scumbag.

They butt heads and Braun Strowman comes out.

They tried but I didn't think the segment was that great. I can tell you Priest definitely seemed upset though at Gunther's line about his parents not providing for him.

Jey Uso talks to Adam Pearce in the back. Pearce sets up Jey vs Dom tonight.

Bron Breakker goes up to Pearce. He complains about Ilja getting an IC Title shot. Pearce asks why that's his business. Bron says the title is his business. They talk about respect. Bron says he's going to destroy everyone who is in the match next and Pearce calls for security to escort him out. Bron heads out on his own and Pearce tells security to make sure he goes.

Damian Priest vs Braun Strowman

DP legkicks him and hits forearms. DP high kicks him. DP jumps at him and is caught. DP hits more kicks then Braun throws him. Braun hits uppercuts and headbutts. Braun shoulders him over then lariats him over the top.

Braun goes for The Strowman Express but goes through the rails when DP moves. We go to break and return. DP forearms him then Braun hits lariats. Braun corner splashes him. DP jumping kicks him then spin kicks him. Braun's knee gives out on a powerslam attempt.

DP flying back elbows him in the corner then hits a south of heaven chokeslam to win.

It was too short and a bit disappointing. It was mostly all leg kicks here and I would have liked to have had a finish related to that.

Gunther comes into the ring. He chops DP and DP forearms him over. DP hits stomps and forearms. DP hits a lariats and Gunther rolls out.

Maxxine, Otis and Tozawa talk in the back. We see Chad watching some of this from behind. Maxx wants to help Chad out and Otis agrees. Chad comes in and says he's glad they came around. Chad said he figured out Uncle Howdy is Bo Dallas. Chad says he's calling Bo out and says he has his crew by his side like the old days. Maxx says they weren't talking about him. Xavier Woods walks in and Maxx says they want to team with Woods against Final Testament with Kofi out. Chad gets mad and asks if they are serious. Otis says he is and Chad walks off. Woods says let's make Final Testament regret the attack.

We see clips of WWE in Mexico and they talk about the debut of Stephanie Vaquer.

Zoey Stark and Shayna Baszler vs Katana Chance and Kayden Carter

Carter and SB lock up. SB forearms her in the corner. Carter chops her and takes her down. SB takes kicks then a double superkick. SB blocks a hurricanrana then Chance rolls up SB. Zoey kicks Chance while she has the pin attempt going.

Zoey cravates Chance. Zoey rolls through Chance's crossbody and is armdragged. Chance is monkey flipped into Zoey. The heels are sent out and Chance keg stands off of Carter on the apron onto the heels.

We go to break and return. Carter kicks SB from the mat. Chance facebusters Zoey then flyingheadscissors her. Chance boots Zoey then corner lariats her. Chance flipping legdrops Zoey's back. Zoey pumping knees Chance. SB tries to armbar Chance. Chance standing moonsault double knees her then is flipped onto her in a splash.

Sonya gets on the apron and Lyra pulls her down. Zoey is held over the 2nd rope and Chance top rope doublestomps her. Chance rolls up SB then Zoey springboard dropkicks Chance. Chance takes an alley oop into a knee and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was an okay women's match. I liked Zoey/Shayna's finisher here and Zoey had a nice springboard dropkick. Chance really put some effort into this one.

The Judgment Day talk in the back. Finn and JD said Liv helped them win the tag titles. Rhea says it's all part of the game but the tag titles are where they belong and she will get her title back. Dom comes in and says he will teach Jey Uso a lesson. Rhea asks if he's stupid and asks why he's picking a fight with Jey. Dom says he can cancel it and Rhea asks if he's a coward. Dom says he wants to show that Rhea still belongs to him. Rhea gets mad and walks off. Carlito says that's not cool.

Adam Pearce is in the ring and brings out Drew McIntyre to talk about his suspension. Adam says they are on the verge of something special with Drew. He says he wants to make CM Punk vs Drew McIntyre. He says CM Punk wants the match and asks how bad Drew wants the match. Drew says he wants it more than anything else in the world. Adam says if he's ready to let things go, he's ready to do business.

Drew asks if everyone is ready for him vs Punk at Summerslam. Drew tells Adam to make it official. Adam asks the refs to come in and says Drew needs to apologize to them. Drew asks why he would do that. Drew says just to make the match and Adam says they got hurt. Drew asks why he would do that when they screwed him over. Drew says Adam deserves the elbow and says Adam should apologize to him. Drew says everyone should apologize to him. Adam says then Drew is still suspended.  

Drew pushes the refs over, argues with Adam then Seth Rollins comes out. Drew and Seth fight and Drew goes out. Security tries to escort Drew out but Drew pushes them away and leaves on his own.

Seth goes over to Pat McAfee after.

We see clips from the Pat McAfee show and see The Wyatt's mess with the feed. Pat is given a box with a video tape in it.

We see the new Wyatt tape. Eric Rowan says the last two years were hard and he used to have a family. He says they were unstoppable and had each others backs. And then one day, the whole world changed. He said he lost a brother and the person who meant the most to him is gone.

He said his brothers are gone and he said he fell down a well he couldn't get out. He is given the sheep mask and he says the mask gives him hope. He says he knew he needed help and had a purpose. He said the mask reminds him of hope. He says we will take the broken hearts and make some beautiful art. 

Jey Uso vs Dominik Mysterio

Jey gets hit before it starts. Dom stomps him and hits a dropkick. Dom pounds on him and says not to talk about mami. Dom footchokes him on the ropes then hits corner spears. Dom chinlocks him. Dom hits three amigos for 2.

Dom misses a 619 and is sent over the top. Jey goes to dive and gets nailed. Jey is sent into the post. We go to break and return. Dom slingshot swantons Jey. Jey hits punches then spinning enzugiri's him.

Jey mostly misses on a hip attack. Liv Morgan comes out and pulls Dom out. Dom says she's gotta leave him alone and says to get out of here. Jey baseball slides Dom into Liv. They end up on the floor and Lv tries to kiss him. Rhea Ripley then comes out and Liv runs into the stands.

Dom and Rhea argue. Rhea says to finish the match. Jey spears Dom the hits a top rope splash to win.

Thoughts: It ended as expected with Rhea/Liv getting involved.  Nothing was wrong with it but it wasn't anything too special.

Jey tells Rhea to call him after. 

We get an Ilja Dragunov video where he talks about intensity making you suffer.

Dom runs into Damian Priest in the back. DP says he lost in front of Rhea and that's rough. Rhea appears. Rhea says she doesn't belong to anyone and isn't his. Rhea says Dom's hers though and gives him a rose.

Chad Gable is in the ring. He said he solved the greatest mystery ever in WWE. He says Uncle Howdy is Bo Dallas. Chad calls out The Wyatt's and says not to make him wait.

Bo Dallas comes out alone. He then gets nailed from behind by The Creed Brothers to no reaction. Bo is pounced into the rails and sent into the post. The Creed's and Chad the pose signifying their new alliance.

Bo Dallas laughs on the mat and is held for shots. Bo takes a jumping knee + reverse attitude adjustment. Bo keeps laughing and Chad asks what is so funny. Bo says "there you are". The lights then go out. The rest of The Wyatt's come out. Bo poses with them and laughs as special effects go off.

Thoughts: I still don't really have too many thoughts on this whole thing. Outside of Chad and The Creed's vs Bo's crew, I still don't really know where it's going or what to make of it really. WWE has botched The Creed's so far, but them getting on TV in any fashion at this point is a win.

WWE Intercontinental Title - Sami Zayn (c) vs Ilja Dragunov

Putting this in the main is a risk ratings wise. They go into the corner and Ilja hits a chop early. They trade forearms and Ilja is thrown out. Sami does a seated moonsault outside on him.

We go to break and return. Ilja tiger feints into a lariat. Ilja facewash kicks him. Sami hits forearms, blind springboards over him and clotheslines him. Sami blue thunders him for 2.

Ilja germans him. Sami boots him then corner exploders him. Ilja jumping kicks him. Ilja goes for an h-bomb but gets a boot. Ilja enzugiri's him then running knees him. Ilja h-bombs him on the floor.

Ilja does a coast to coast dropkick. Ilja misses a top rope senton. Sami facekicks him off the apron. Bron Breakker comes out and hits a big spear on Ilja for the DQ. Sami hits shots on Bron and bangs his head off the commentary table. Bron overhead suplexes Sami. Bron running spears Sami.  

Thoughts: They didn't have enough time here and it wasn't their best possible outing. The crowd wasn't that into and then Bron caused the DQ which didn't help it.

Overall thoughts: Raw's really losing momentum right now. Messing with the Dom/Liv storyline was a mistake. Priest/Gunther is not a hot program and feels like a midcard match. I feel like Jey Uso has lost some of his luster after they didn't follow up on his popularity spike and we are still waiting for Punk/Drew to happen. I still don't know what to make of The Wyatt's. The in-ring work was okay here but it wasn't the most interesting show. I wouldn't recommend this.

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