Wednesday, July 24, 2024

TNA Xplosion 7/19/2024

TNA Xplosion 7/19/2024

Last week's show is here:

Moose vs. Bhupinder Gujjar

Alisha Edwards asks if we want to know something. She says The System is taking over Xplosion. She says it starts out by her showing the commentary losers how to do their job. Alisha joins commentary.

Moose corner attacks BG to start. He throws him hard into the corner. Moose runs at him and ends up spearing the buckle. BG dropkicks him. Moose misses another corner charge and takes running lariats. BG hits kicks then Moose hits a big uranage. Moose hits a big powerbomb then a rolling spear. Moose gets the win.

Thoughts: It was a short squash but I liked it. They kept it moving and BG did good in the little he got to do.

Around the Ring with Gia Miller

JDC is the guest. He talks about debuting on Xplosion in 2003. He said he then went to Deep South Wrestling and says it's been a 20 year reign here. JDC says he should host the show and make Gia wait like she did him. He said he was banned from Doordash due to getting into an altercation. He asks if everyone in Mississippi eats off the floor and drinks from the garden hose. She says 70% of those people do but she made it here. He says his driver Felix is getting his sashimi. He calls her Gina and says good luck. He says cuts are coming and if he doesn't see her, whatever. 

Brian Myers vs. Ace Austin

Eddie Edwards is on commentary. Brian pokes him. Ace hits punches and boots. Ace suplexes him then hits a chop.

Brian is thrown hard into the corner. Ace trips him and kicks him in the back of the head. Ace la magistral's him then does a short arm lariat. Ace lariats him over the top. Ace plancha's him outside. Eddie and Chris Bey argue outside.

Brian bangs Ace's head off the buckles. Brian suplexes him. Ace hits shots to the body and Brian flying knees him. Brian facelocks him. Ace lariats him and russian legsweeps him. Ace legdrops him then 2nd rope kicks him for 2.

Brian enzugiri's him then does an implant ddt for 2. Brian backdrops Ace. Brian runs at him and Ace hits the fold. Eddie is shocked at commentary

Thoughts: It was a decent match here with a cool finish. Brian did his heel stuff and Ace got a little bit in before the surprise finish.

Overall thoughts: As usual, there was nothing must see here. Both matches were fine though and it wasn't a bad way to spend 15-20 minutes.

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