Wednesday, July 24, 2024

CMLL on Televisa Puebla 7/23/2024

CMLL on Televisa Puebla 7/23/2024

Last week's show is here:

Barroco Cup 2024 - Xelhua vs. Vegas

Xel does a flying snapmare twice. Veg back elbows him. Xel flying headbutts him then misses one. Xel rolls over his back and armdrags him. Veg dropkicks him out. Veg then does a beautiful and dangerous fosbury flop outside. I had some video issues and we cut ahead some to Veg hit a double knee on Xel's crotch in the corner.

Veg lariats him down. Veg back body drops him then 2nd rope legdrops him for 2. Xel tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Veg twice then dropkicks him out. Xel asai moonsaults him outside. Veg pulls on his chin and pulls him back. Xel's flailing his arms around and looks done but he escapes.

Xel suplexes him then does a bow and arrow pin for 2. Xel northern lights suplexes him for 2. Xel hooks up Vegs' legs and put his leg around Veg's neck but Veg ropebreaks. Xel argues with the ref but is rolled up for 2.

Veg 2nd rope suplexes him for what appears to be 3 but the ref says it's a 2. The ref hit the mat with his fist the mat so I guess that doesn't count. Veg double underhook backbreakers Xel for 2. Xel is po-up powerbombed.

Veg throws Xel down then misses a top rope moonsault. Xel ties up Veg's legs, rolls to the side, grabs his arms and pins him to win.

Thoughts: I liked this one. Veg's dive to the outside was nice and he had a good showing here. Xel did his cool submissions as usual and got the fall essentially with one. 

Seeding Battle Royale - Hijo de Octagon & Atlantis Jr. vs. El Hijo de Stuka Jr. & Soberano Jr.

This is a four-team tournament. Oct is kicked in the leg by Sob in the corner. Atlantis hits tilt-a-whirl backbreakers and Sob superkicks him out. Sob drops Oct on the ropes then Stuka corner dropkicks Oct. Oct is put on the apron by Stuka then Stuka dropkicks him off of it. They then stops this here for some reason.

Cuadrangular De Dinastias Semi Final Match - Atlantis & Atlantis Jr. vs. El Hijo de Octagon & Octagon

AS = Atlantis Sr., AJ = Atlantis Jr., HO = Hijo de Octagon, OS = Octagon Sr.

AJ misses a dropkick and HO hits him. HO runs the ropes fast then AJ hits a nice dropkick. HO superkicks him out of the corner. They jump over each other in the corner and AJ powerslams him for 2.

HO legsweeps AJ on the apron then tope con hilos him outside. AJ and OS go at it. OS hiptosses him and armdrags AS. OS throws AJ by the arm then HO springboard plancha's AJ. AJ and AS both get submissions on their opponents (la escalera and la atlantida) and get double submissions to win.

Thoughts: It was a short one and they definitely limited the older guys spots here so they wouldn't look bad. Hijo de Octagon moved well here.

Cuadrangular De Dinastias Semi Final Match - Euforia & Soberano Jr. vs. Hijo de Stuka Jr. & Stuka Jr.

HS = Hijo de Stuka Jr., SJ = Stuka Jr

The Stuka's get hit from the start and Sob hits a nice dropkick on SJ. Sob chokes SJ with a towel and Euf unties HS's mask. Sob rolls and hits a kick on SJ in the corner. SJ takes a double boot then HS is popped up into a kick from Sob.

SJ pops up HS into a double dropkick. The Stuka's then do stereo topes outside. The Stuka's then do double topes again. Back in and Euf running back elbows HS. HS flips over Euf's back then uses hte ropes to armdrag him. HS goes up and over Sob in the corner then HS hooks his arms and backcrackers him from the side.

HS comes off the top and takes double boots on the landing. Euf powerbombs HS then Sob tornillo dives SJ. Euf and Sob pick up pins to win the match.

Thoughts: It was on the shorter end but I liked it. Euf took two hard topes into people and the chairs. Sob's top rope tornillo looked nice here.

Cuadrangular De Dinastias Final Match - Atlantis & Atlantis Jr. vs. Euforia & Soberano Jr.

AS = Atlantis Sr., AJ = Atlantis Jr.

AS tries to do la atlantida on Sob but Euf stops it. AS takes shots from both opponents and Sob tries to take off AS's mask. AS is whipped into a facekick from Euf. AS is held for a kick from Sob.

AS is worked on by the heels then he takes a double boot. AS is stomped on by both heels. Sob chinlocks AS then AS's leg is held for a kick.
AJ is worked on by the heels. He takes corner attacks then Sob bangs AJ's head off the buckles. AJ makes his comeback, hitting a super kick and a 2nd rope hedscissors on Euf. AJ monkey flips Sob then topes him. AS runs the apron and dives on Euf.

AS top rope crossbodies Euf and Euf rolls it over on him for a 2 count. Euf pump handle slams AJ. AS hurricanrana's Euf while Sob top rope tornillos AJ.

AS sunset flips Euf and Sob basement dropkicks Euf on accident. AJ package tombstones Sob then wheelbarrow germans him for 2. AJ chops Sob in the corner.

Sob facekicks AJ then powerslams him. AJ canadian destroyers Sob then hurricanrana's Euf. Euf gets a pin attempt off of it. AS is on the 2nd rope and Sob asai moonsaults him. Euf top rope powerbombs AJ and pins him. Euforia and Soberano Jr. win.

Thoughts: They did too much here and it wasn't a real interesting match. The heel beatdowns went on too long and Atlantis Sr. couldn't do a lot. 

NWA World Historic Middleweight Title Match - Mistico (c) vs. Volador Jr.

Mist handsprings off the ropes and flying headscissors him. Mist walks up the buckles and corkscrew armdrags Vol out. Mist topes Vol outside. Mist springboard crossbodies Vol. Mist hurricanrana's Vol then casadora rolls him for 2.

Mist goes for a flying headscissors but is dropped down. Vol is thrown out then Mist tornillos him outside. Mist handsprings and is dropkicked in the back.

Vol superkicks him and backcrackers him for 2. Vol is on the 2nd rope and Mist springboard hurricanrana's him for 2. Vol superkicks Mist. Vol is up top and Mist stops him. Mist top rope hurricanrana's him for 2. Mist hits la mistica on Vol and taps him out. Mistico wins.

Thoughts: It was an okay main but not super great or anything. I wouldn't say they mailed it in or anything but they definitely didn't go all out here and they didn't do much out of the ordinary. It also could have used a better pace.

Overall thoughts: The Xelhua/Vegas match was probably the best thing on here. The main was okay but not their best work. I liked one of the tag cup matches but it's never great when CMLL has wrestlers wrestling multiple times in a night. I thought it was a decent show overall.

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