Friday, July 5, 2024

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 7/4/2024 Episode #71

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 7/4/2024 Episode #71

Last week's show is here: 

The Infantry are in front of some 4th of July graphics. They say who better to host the Independence Day of ROH than America's Team? Bravo says we're here to celebrate the day Will Smith saved everyone and Dean says that's not the one. They said there's a cook out that everyone is invited to.

The Dark Order (Alex Reynolds, Evil Uno & John Silver) vs. Bang Bang Gang (Austin Gunn, Colten Gunn & Juice Robinson)

Uno and Austin go at it. Austin trips him and they shoulder battle. Uno shoulders him over and catches him with an atomic drop. All 6 men get in there and the heels miss corner attacks. The Order then hits mounted punches. The Order pose on Austin then Juice is thrown out. Austin flying shoulders Alex then Colten boots Alex. Alex is suplexed.

Juice sentons Alex, Uno brakes it up and gyrates for some reason. Juice then gyrates and spits at him. Juice lariats Alex over and chinlocks him. Alex fights out of the corner then takes a leg lariat from Juice.

Alex neckbreakers Juice. Uno forearms his opponents down then hits corner attacks on The Gunn's. Silver top rope crossbodies The Gunn's then The Gunn's take triple attacks on the ropes. Uno is pulled over the top then Juice is lariated over the top. Alex pop up knees Colten. Alex then takes a 310 to Yuma and is pinned.

Thoughts: After being heels last time, The Order are faces again. You just never know what role they will be each week but it's pretty much a given that the crowd will cheer them. This is Bullet Club's first appearance on ROH TV since being trios champs and they've been champs for months. This one was too short and not that special.

The Infantry are in front of a Liberty Bell graphic.  Bravo has knight's gloves on and says he wants to backhand Taven with them.

We see clips of Atlantis Jr. beating Kyle Fletcher for the ROH TV Title in Arena Mexico. I reviewed that.

Athena, Billie Starkz and Lexi do a promo. They are in the locker room and Athena says this is what safety feels like. They are with guards. Athena says this is what they should be treated like. Queen Aminata and Red Velvet walk in. They say it'll be Red vs Billie for the ROH Women's TV Title. Queen says it'll be her vs Athena for the ROH Women's Title. Athena says she's not medically cleared. They talk about some email that Lexy got. Lexy said she thought it was a scam and said the match was in The Board of Directions statement. Athena then yells for Tony Khan.

Thoughts: So, it's a trick and Athena actually is cleared? 

The Infantry are in front of Washington, DC graphics now. They talk about the monuments in DC. 

ROH World Tag Team Title Proving Ground Match - The Undisputed Kingdom (Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) vs Komander & Metalik

Taven and Kom go at it. Taven knocks away a dropkick and chops Kom. Kom flips over Taven then takes a orner splash. Kom corner lariats him and hits an enzugiri. Kom springboard hurricanrana's Taven. Kom fights out of the corner and runs into Mike's forearm.

Metal springboard crossbodies in on both opponents. Metal boots him out of the corner and takes a slingblade bulldog.  Metal walks the ropes and dropkicks Mike. Taven is pulled over the top rope and Mike is tossed over as well. Metal topes both opponents outside. Kom then corkscrew moonsaults both opponents outside.

Metal is popped up into a forearm then Mike basement dropkicks Metal. Mike forearms Metal. Metal is caught off the 2nd rope then takes a spingboard elbow drop from Taven while laying on Mike's knees. Metal back body drops Taven over the top. Metal sunset bombs Mike off the buckles.

Taven pops up Kom and Kom dropkicks Mike. Kom backrolls and ddt's Taven. Kom rope walk ssp's Taven for 2. Mike is back body dropped over the top. Taven takes a double hiptoss then Metal is flipped onto Taven for 2. Metal superkicks Taven. Metal takes a powerbomb + zig zag combo and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was a random one here with the luchadores losing as expected. It was fine and all but I doubt it leads to anywhere or anything.

The heels beat up on the luchadores after. 

We get a video on Mansoor and Mason Madden. They say Mason is "mother" and say Mansoor is the "sultan of suave". They say welcome to The MxM Collection.

The Infantry are in front of a Mount Rushmore graphic. They then deface the monument digitally, removing the president's off of it and put their own faces on it. That's real patriotic.

ROH Pure Title Proving Ground Match - Lee Moriarty vs. Wheeler Yuta

Yuta trips him and grabs an ankle. Yuta headscissors him and headlock takeovers him. Yuta is headscissored and headlocked. He then flips out of it. Yuta cravates him and rolls with it. Yuta ddt's him. Lee cartwheels over Yuta then boots him in mid-air. Lee basement dropkicks him.

Lee works the arm and the fingers. Lee bridges on Yuta's arm. Lee straightjacket chokes Yuta. Yuta hits downward elbows and Lee uses a ropebreak. Lee euros him. Lee is sent out and Yuta topes him.

Yuta germans him for 2. Lee facekicks him then hits a la mistica drop into a border city stretch. Yuta rolls him into a pin attempt but Lee turns it into a border city stretch. Yuta headbutts him and they forearm each other.

Yuta holds him like a tombstone and pulls on the legs. They each try pin attempts and Lee gets a 2 count. They try pin attempts and trade forearms and the time limit expires. Lee goes the 10 minutes and earns himself a title shot. He may be the only person so far in 71 episodes to do this.

Thoughts: It was an okay technical wrestling match. There was nothing wrong with this and they likely set up a rematch with this. Yuta looked a little better than usual here.

Shane Taylor and Anthony Ogogo come out after.

Overall thoughts: It was your usual edition of ROH. We had three random matches here. The only real notable thing we got out of it is a Proving Ground match actually going to the time limit which may be a first for this show. They also actually set up two matches for the PPV. It was a watchable show but not must see.

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