Friday, July 26, 2024

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 7/21/2024

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 7/21/2024

Last week's show is here:

Drew Ebenhaus and a kid named Liam are on commentary here. Liam is the son of a woman who is part of Mom's on a Mission, which helps out local groups. They said Liam just attended his first wrestling event so they put him on here. Drew runs down the card.

The Professionals (Mauler McDarby and Shawn Santel) vs Cade Maxon and Eagle Eye

Cade waistlocks Mauler. Cade rolls out of a wristlock and reverses it. Liam says he likes Lucky P. Larson, who is with The Professionals. Cade leg kicks Mauler then Mauler side headlocks him. Mauler side headlock takeovers him and Cade headscissors him. Larson pulls Mauler's leg to the ropes to break it.

Cade side headlocks Mauler then headlock takeovers him. Mauler headscissors him then Cade side headlock takeovers him. Eagle kicks Mauler in the leg then Shawn gets in. They lock up and waistlock each other.

Shawn wristlocks Eagle then Eagle reverses it on him. Shawn takes corner attacks with Eagle hitting two splashes on him. Shawn knocks Eagle over then bangs his head off the mat. Mauler misses a corner charge and Cade gets in.

Cade hits nice forearms and Shawn catches him with a russian legsweep. Cade takes a backdrop + top rope elbow drop and is pinned.

Cade had a good showing here. They had two iffy moments here on this one but it was fine overall. The Professionals got the win and we got a little more than a squash which I appreciated.

Drew has SICW promoter, Herb Simmons, on commentary. Drew says Liam was more pleasant than Lucky P. Larson. Herb says Liam's mom is a friend of SICW. They announce that Haku/Meng will be at an upcoming SICW show. He also announces The Texan and Bobby D vs Kowalski and Atila Khan for August.

Waco vs Wrex Amadeus

We got two guys who are usually used for jobber duty here so someone will get a win. Wrex side headlocks him then shoulders him over. Wrex hiptosses him then  hits a big slam. Waco stomps on Wrex then chokes him on the ropes. Waco leg lariats Wrex on the ropes. 

Waco side headlocks him and throws him back. Waco backdrops him then chokes him. Wrex cradles him and Waco snapmares him. Waco chinlocks him then Wrex russian legsweeps him. Wrex pump kicks him and gets the win.

Thoughts: It was a shorter one. It was nice to see these guys get to have a competitive match for a change. I expected Wrex to get the win here.

Glenn Williams is interviewed. He complains about being pinned by Billy McNeil. He said Billy pinned him after an illegal tag. Glenn says he wants Billy 1v1 as Billy knows he can't win 1v1. Glenn sends out get well wishes to Sean Vincent. Glenn says he has been on a roll and wants to prove he is better than Billy McNeil. Glenn tells Herb to make the match and says he will be on commentary for the next match.

Big Joe Helms vs "Trending" Trent Daniels

They stare down. Trent hits forearms and is shoved back. Joe hits chops then lariats him. Joe hits a slam then corner splashes him. Joe slingshot suplexes him then hits a legdrop. Joe cartwheel clotheslines him. Joe chokeslams him then hits splash mountain to win.

Thoughts: It was a quick squash as expected here with Joe overpowering Trent. 

Drew interviews Big Joe Helms. Joe says he's taking frustration out. He said he took out Kowalski and got his hands on Lucky P. Larson, but it's not enough. He says it's not over and says he will do whatever it takes to get his hands back on Lucky P. Larson. Joe says Trent isn't "#Trending", he's hashbrowns now.

There was a classic match shown featuring Ken Patera vs Tommy Sharp from Wrestling at The Chase.

Gary Jackson, Curtis Wylde and Billy McNeil vs Atila Khan and The LA Hustlers (LaMont Potts and Bradley Diggs)

Lilith Khan is on commentary though she doesn't talk. Potts hits shots on Curtis. Curtis chops him then atomic drops him into Diggs on the apron. Curtis hits a nice lariat and drops Potts. Billy elbows Potts' arm off the ropes then armbreakers him. Gary side headlocks Potts.

Gary sunset flips Potts for 2. Gary armdrags him. Diggs kicks Gary. Billy hits kicks on Diggs. Diggs misses a corner charge and Billy hits corner punches on him. Diggs throws Billy off. Khan headbutts Billy then gutwrench suplexes him. Khan headbutt drops Billy then foot chokes him. Potts chinlocks Billy then Diggs switches in without tagging and chinlocks Billy. Khan chokes Billy on the ropes. Gary tries to stop it but the ref stops him.

Billy ddt's Potts. Curtis hot tags in and beats up on all 3 heels. Curtis hits nice shots on Khan then Khan throws him out. They fight outside as all 6 men go at it. Gary figure fours Potts and Kowalski breaks that up. Kowalski stomps Gary. Bobby D and Big Texan come and save Gary as the fight continues. Larson tries to hit Gary with a briefcase. Gary stops him and hammerlocks Larson. Gary hits Larson's arm with a briefcase and hammerlocks him again. Billy McNeil pump kicks Potts outside. Gary hits Larson in the arm with a briefcase again and puts him in another hold. Larson is totally out and refs come to check on him.

Thoughts: We didn't get a finish but the brawl was entertaining and made up for it. It was a decent match here with the heels working over the faces and Curtis doing a nice comeback before this got thrown out. The ending was just total chaos here with almost 10 people going at it all over the place.

Drew interviews The Big Texan and Bobby D. Bobby D has Larson's briefcase. Bobby said they were here as backup and said they have friends to watch each others backs too (referencing the Larson/Stephen E. partnership). Texan says this goes back to family. He says he and Bobby are family. He says Larson and Stephen E. can make a partnership, but they will make one too. Bobby D says he heard Larson's arm snap and said he's glad to hear it with all the cheating he has done.

Overall thoughts: A fun show as usual from SICW. Nothing must see but it was solid old school wrestling with good announcing. I enjoyed this.

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