Friday, July 26, 2024

Mid-States Wrestling 7/26/2024 Season 2, Episode 19

Mid-States Wrestling 7/26/2024 Season 2, Episode 19

Last week's show is here:

Toxic Masculinity do a promo. They say they have proved they are the best team around. They said they started to wonder what else is out there. They say it's time they go their separate ways for now and see what they can do on their own. Johnny Lightning walks about winning the the battle royal for a title shot but says he won't say which title he will go for. Johnny Dynamite says Duke Cornello is a tough guy but he will not be a victim.

"Copperhead" Duke Cornello vs Johnny Dynamite

They lock up and Duke slaps him. JD hits some punches and chest slaps him. JD back elbows him then elbow drops him. JD flying lariats Duke. Duke throws JD into the post shoulder first.

Duke kicks JD in the chest while he's over the 2nd rope. Duke hits punches. JD hits corner lariats on Duke then Duke release germans him on his neck.

Duke body scissors him. JD fights back with shots and is pulled down backwards. Duke brainbusters him for 2. JD sunset flips Duke as he charges in and wins.

It was an average match and it was fine for what it was. Duke is a decent rougher type of heel that reminds me of WCW's Royal Family.

Jason Jones and Michael Barry do a promo. They say they are Team Old School. Barry says he hasn't been around for a while and is happy to be back. Jimmy Hart shows up behind them. He says The Fraternity won't graduate tonight and it'll be unbelievable. Jason says they will win the tag titles as they are old school.

Mid-States Wrestling Tag Titles - The Fraternity (Cannonball Matthews and Alan Franklin) vs Team Old School (Jason Jones and Michael Barry)

Jimmy Hart is managing Team Old School and Wrex Amadeus is with The Fraternity. Alan doesn't want this match to happen and is protesting it. The crowd chants "chicken" at him. Barry goes after him and Alan goes out of the ring. Alan teases going to the back but Jimmy Hart threatens them with his megaphone.

Jason slingshots Alan in then hits punches. CM tags in and takes punches from Jason. Jason hits elbows on both then makes CM elbow Alan. Barry hits shots on CM then makes CM ddt Alan. Barry hits shots on both opponents. Wrex comes in and is thrown out. Barry lariats Alan.

Barry slams CM then the ref ejects Wrex. Alan runs at Barry and is thrown over the top. The ref isn't looking and CM nails Barry with a clipboard. CM clubs on Barry then Barry is clubbed on by both. Alan foot chokes Barry.

Barry is on CM's knee and Alan double axe handles him off the buckles. Barry powerbombs Alan then is lariated by CM while he looks for the tag. Barry jawbreakers CM then is powerslammed. CM elbow drops Barry. CM catapults Alan into a lariat on Barry. Barry gets his neck and head pulled forward by Alan.

Alan is crotched on the buckles. Barry superplexes Alan. Barry cutters Alan then hits a german on CM. Jason is taged in He hits shots on the heels then corner lariats both opponents. CM is thrown into Alan then Alan falls down and headbutts him in the crotch on the fall. Wrex Amadeus in a mask gets on the apron. Jimmy Hart pulls him down then Barry nails CM with Hart's megaphone. Barry then gets the win.

Thoughts: I didn't like the finish here as faces shouldn't cheat. I also didn't like some of the early moves here where they would force one heel to do a move on the other. Those never look good. I did like the general idea of this though and The Fraternity were excellent as usual. Alan did a nice job working the crowd and they did exactly what they were supposed to do. Barry had to win here as he was making his return but The Fraternity were on a great run and I hate to see them lose the titles. I'd give it a good rating overall but it could have been great with a few fixes.

Overall thoughts: There were only two new matches as usual. The main event was good and could have been great with a few fixes. The opener was average. 

This is the Season 2 series finale, so the show will probably be off for a few weeks until they can tape some new footage. For Season 3, I'd really like to see some storylines. Storylines are what weekly wrestling is all about and the show just doesn't have many outside of basic heel and face stuff and that needs to change.

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