Tuesday, July 2, 2024

TNA Xplosion 6/28/2024

TNA Xplosion 6/28/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/06/tna-xplosion-6212024.html

There's two matches this week and Around The Ring but one of the matches will not be covered here.

Around The Ring with Gia Miller

Moose is this week's guest. Moose says he's a vet of the show. Moose has Gia play true or false. Moose has 500+ pairs of shoes and has been collecting shoes for 10 years. He says he has a bedroom full of shoes and says it's the only thing he spends money on. He says he also has 20+ pairs of headphones. He says everyone's gift when he was in the NFL for Christmas was headphones. He says he can also play piano. 

Bhupinder Gujjar vs. Eli Isom


Eli used to be in ROH but didn't get picked up when AEW bought it. We only have 4 minutes for this. They trade wristlocks. BG armdrags him and headlock takeovers him. Eli boots and punches him. BG dropkicks him.

BG goes up and over then flying headscissors him. BG plancha's him outside. BG 2nd rope twisting crossbodies him. Eli chop blocks him and stomps on him. BG hits spin kicks, pop-up euros him and spinebusters him. Eli eye rakes him and tries to throw him over the top. BG skins the cat and drops him on a powerbomb on accident. BG does a ripcord jumping knee then diving spears him off the 2nd rope to win.

Thoughts: It was short and nothing special. BG dropped him on a powerbomb here.

Overall thoughts: There were two matches here (plus an interview) and I didn't cover one of them. The one I did was under four minutes and was nothing of note. I would not recommend this one.

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