Thursday, July 11, 2024

Marigold 7/7/2024 Summer Gold Shine Day 2

Marigold 7/7/2024 Summer Gold Shine Day 2

The last show is here:

Kouki Amarei vs Minami Komomo

MK hits dropkicks then Kouki slams her. Kouki axe kicks her and crabs her. Kouki hits forearms then flying facekicks her. MK hits dropkicks then side headlocks her. MK headlock takeovers her using the ropes. MK goes for the armbar then Kouki forearms her over.

Kouki running facekicks her and splash her for 2. MK tries some pin attempts then rolls her up for 2. MK rolls over her side for a ddt then fujiwara armbars her. Kouki facekicks her then hits a dominator for 2.

MK throws her off the buckles then Kouki cutters her for 2. MK rolls her up and Kouki spinebusters her.
Kouki then bridge pins her for the win.

Thoughts: MK got a decent amount in here and looked better than Kouki did. It wasn't anything special and was basically a rookie vs vets match.

Natsumi Showzuki vs. Myla Grace

Myla trips her and side headlocks her. NS side headlocks her then Myla wristlocks her. NS hair throws her. Myla hits chest forearms, spin kicks her and legsweeps her. Myla basement dropkicks her for 2. Myla leg lariats her on the ropes. Myla rolls her into a border city stretch then NS does an octopus between the ropes. NS running knees her then does another armbar.

NS stands on her back and double kneedrops her back for 2. NS corner dropkicks her. Myla 619's her while she sits on the 2nd rope then Myla tornado ddt's her. Myla hits a top rope la silla for 2. Myla superkicks her then NS rolls her up. NS hits a high kick and perfect plexes her for 2. NS top rope double knee drops her and wins.

It was just a match. There were no real face or heel alignments here. Myla didn't mess anything up but it was basically just people doing moves without much purpose.

Victoria Yuzuki vs Misa Matsui

Misa side headlocks her and they cartwheel over each other. They each hit armdrags and stand off. Misa goes up and over her then hits a knee. Yuz corner dropkicks her then hairthrows her several times. Misa slams Yuz then stretch mufflers her.

They trade chest forearms. Misa rolls her into a double stomp then 2nd rope dropkicks her. Yuz walks up the buckles and facebusts her. Yuz then basement dropkicks her for 2.

They trade forearsm and Misa rolls her up into a stretch muffler. Misa crossbodies her against the bottom rope. Yuz hits kicks on Misa then hip throws her. Yuz shoulder throws her then northern lights suplexes her. Misa dropkicks her. Misa top rope dropkicks her for 2.

Misa cross-legged perfectplexes her. Yuz tries to rol lher up off a lariat attempt for 2. They try more pin attempts and Misa pins her with a bridge pin.

It was an okay midcard match. They kept it moving and had some spirit here which was nice. The two matched up pretty well together and really aren't that different from each other as wrestlers.

Yuz forearms her after and is booted for it.

MIRAI & Utami Hayashishita vs. Bozilla & Miku Aono

Boz and Utami start us off. Boz wristlocks her and Utami side headlocks her. Boz shoulders her over twice.

Boz takes corner attacks then Utami basement dropkicks her for 2. Mirai snpamares Boz and climbs her back with a sleeper. Boz throws her over then splashes her for 2. Miku dropkicks Mirai and hits kicks to the back. Miku single leg crabs her and Mirai ropebreaks.

Mirai suplexes her then Utami running back elbows Miku. Utami stomps on Miku and slams her. Mirai slams Miku then hits chest forearms on Miku. Mirai chops Miku and running back elbows her for 2.

Utami and Miku hit dropkicks and Boz gets in. Boz fireman's carry drops Utami then slams Mirai onto her. Boz fallawway slams Utami then corner splashes her. Utami samoan drops Boz then Boz backdrops her. Utami germans Boz.

Mirai comes in and low flatliners Boz. She then curb stomps her. Mirai rolls her into a submission. Boz throws Mirai off the ropes and running shoulders her. Boz suplexes her for 2. Mirai rolls Boz into a head and double arm submission.

Mirai runs at Boz and is slammed. Boz knocks Miku off the apron when she runs the ropes. Miku throws her own partner Boz over the top then fisherman's suplexes Mirai. Mirai corner lariats Miku then 2nd rope elbow drops her.

Miku and Mirai lariat battle. Mirai hits shots on both opponents and continues the lariat battle with Miku. Miku swinging slams Mirai then corner lariats her. Miku top rope dropkicks Mirai. Miku sliding her and Mirai rolls her up off of it.

Miku takes a sandwich lariat from both opponents. Mirai wheelbarrow half-nelson suplexes Miku but still can't get the pin on her. Mirai running lariats her. Boz deadlift germans Mirai then lariats Utami. Miku lariats Mirai then double underhook suplexes her for 2. Miku styles clashes Mirai and the time limit runs out.

Thoughts: This was yet another Miku/Mirai draw, only in tag form this time. They match up well together so it's not a problem but you do have to wonder what the long term play is here and when this is going to end. Boz and Utami were really just along for hte ride here and I'm not sure what Miku pulling Boz out of the ring was all around. It was a decent match here with miku and Mirai showing a lot of spirit as usual.

Miku talks to Mirai after. Boz says she has no idea what she said but said she will win the United National Championship next week because size does matter.

Mirai gets on the mic too and she, Miku and Boz stare down. Utami then talks after.

 Mai Sakurai, Nanae Takahashi & Nao Ishikawa vs. CHIAKI, Nagisa Nozaki & Zayda Steel

I'm not really sure why this is the main over the Miku/Mirai match.

Chi's team gets jumped on to start and Chi is triple teamed. Chi takes a triple team elbow drop. Nao is lifted up by her partners but her partners get knocked over and she drops. NN sends NT into the seats and NN uses a chair on NT.

They all brawl outside but we can't see much of it due to the camera location. We get some great shots of the back of the fans heads though. NN beats up NT on the stage. Chi slams Nao on the floor.

Chi facewash kicks Nao then NN curbstomps Nao. NN double chops Nao then suplexes her. Zay step up knees Nao in the corner then basement dropkicks her. Zay ddt's NN. Chi gets in and her and Nao hit forearms. Nao cartwheels out of a forearm and shoulders her over. NN trps Nao from the outside.

Nao's head is banged off the buckles then Nao flying neckbreakers Chi. Nao double underhook suplexes Chi and NT gets in. Chi takes corner attacks then a triple chop flurry on her opponents. NT takes boots from her opponents then hits a double dragon screw off of it. NT figure fours NN then crossfaces Zay while doing it.

Chi and NT trade chest chops. Chi hits headbutts then NT running facekicks NT. NN is double thrown into the ropes but doubles a double dropkicks off of it. Zay superkicks NT and Chi corner spears T. NT fights out of the corner and lariats down all 3 opponents. Mai comes in and top rope dropkicks NT then basement dropkicks her.

Mai and NN trade facekicks. Mai flying pumping kicks her then is facekicked. Zay hits forearms on Mai then backcrackers her. NN reverse pendulum kicks Mai. Zay hits a tope outside but a fan stands directly in the way and we miss most of it.

Zay jumping flatliners Mai. Zay takes a double suplex for 2. Mai legslices Zay for 2. Mai gets up top. NN throws a chair at her then superplexes her. NT superplexes Zay then Mai flying knees Zay. NN throws another chair at Mai. Zay takes a backdrop and a northern lights suplex for 2. Mai top rope elbow drops Zay and wins.

Nagisa should have been DQ'd here for the various chair shots. It was an okay trios match though it would have been nice if the camera's were raised more so we could see what was going on. It wasn't great but it was suitable enough for a house show main event.

Nagisa goes after Nanae after. Mai and Chi then end up joining the fight. Nao's team talks on the mic after.

Overall thoughts: Nothing was must see here but nothing was bad. The tag match draw with Bozilla was the best thing on here which wasn't too surprising and the main was fine. Komomo continues to look good and is probably better than some of the lesser roster members at this point. Yuzuki and Misa had a good outing against each other here. I don't think this show did much to build up the big show on the 13th though as none of the matches had anything to do with that card. I'd give it about a 7 out of 10.

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