Wednesday, July 10, 2024

AEW Dynamite 7/10/2024

AEW Dynamite 7/10/2024

Last week's show is here:

Will Ospreay comes out to talk. He said he was disgusted with MJF's attack on Daniel Garcia. He said he heard rumors about MJF being one of the most insecure men in wrestling. He said Daniel Garcia earns every opportunity he gets. He said MJF talks about his ADD and Will says he has ADHD and it doesn't give him an excuse to be a prick.

He said he thinks MJF doesn't like him because he spent on him in the bidding war. He says he has more talent in his left nut than MJF has in his body. He calls MJF selfish and says he only cares about himself.

He said he's been cleaning up after someone's mess since he came here and says MJF is the man he needs to clean up after. He says the level of the devil is the ground floor and he's on the top of the skyscraper. He says he's out for a fight and asks MJF to come out.

MJF's music hits and he appears on the tron drinking wine. He says he's beaten all the top guys and they fell to his feet. MJF said he doesn't have to murder himself to get people to care, he just has to speak. MJF says he is the toy monkey of fans and they will throw him out in the trash when they get bored of him.

He says great wrestlers are a dime a dozen and says he will get exposed in the ring with him. He challenges him for the International Title and says he won't be wrestling for stars for the first time. He said he will punch him in the face until he starts seeing stars. will agrees and calls him a little b!tch.

Thoughts: MJF was fine but Will didn't show a lot here.

Men's Owen Hart Tournament Finals - Bryan Danielson vs Adam Page

They say Jeff Jarrett is the special enforces. Page throws Bryan back. Bryan misses a kick and Page forearms him over. Page hits a forearm flurry. Bryan flips over him then puts a single leg crab on. Bryan topes him outside.

Bryan top rope dropkicks him. Page boots him out of the corner and lariats him in the back of the neck. Bryan's head is banged off the post.

We go to PiP break and return. They trade shots and Bryan is busted open. Page spinning sleepers him. Page hits chops. Bryan flying armbars him and Lebell locks him but Page gets the ropes. Page backdrops him.

Bryan spider german suplexes him then misses a top rope headbutt. Page Lebell locks him and Bryan ropebreaks. We go to PiP break and return. Page 2nd rope moonsaults him and lifts him into a tombstone. Page is pushed off the top onto the apron. Bryan springboard flip dives him.

Page piledrivers him on the floor. Bryan is checked on by Doc Sampson and Jeff Jarrett. Page piefaces Jeff. Bryan gets in and Page pounds on him. Page hits forearms and Bryan flying knees him.

They trade headbutts on their knees. Bryan high kicks him. They both flip out of germans. Bryan flying knees the ref when Page moves. Page spinning lariats Bryan then whips him with a belt. 

Jeff Jarrett gets in the ring to stop Page. Page pushes him. Jeff then reveals a ref shirt underneath. Page argues with Jeff and is rolled up for 2. Bryan Lebell locks him and Page rolls into a deadeye on him. Page hits a buckshot lariat to the back of the neck then Lebell locks him. Bryan rolls him up out of it and wins.

Thoughts: I don't like super long openers as it gets you tired from the start. It was okay not great. It could have been a little shorter and it could have been sped up some. It was nice to see Jarrett out there. There was some working on the neck here but because every move lands you on your neck or back, it's hard to sell it as a targeted attack sometimes.

Martha Hart says it's great to be back in Owen's hometown. She and Jeff give Bryan the title and trophy. 

Swerve Strickland and Nana come out. We go to break and return. Bryan, Jeff and Martha are gone but Swerve and Nana are in the ring. Swerve says now that he beat will, you are looking at the best in the world and the AEW champ. He says it will be nice to face Bryan and Wembley and he can't believe he holds a pin over him. Swerve says he will be joining Blood and Guts on Team AEW.

Swerve says he will lead the team and set up. He will do two things Bryan failed to do - beat Will and lead Team AEW to victory against The Elite. Swerve says he, Will and Okada were appointed the leaders of The Dynasty Era (when and by who?) and seems to challenge Okada. He says Wembley will be Bryan's final countdown.

We see the Willow/May video again. 

The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn do a music video called "Two Times". They fool around in a clothing store.

Stampede Streetfight - Samoa Joe vs Chris Jericho

Joe knocks Jericho's hat off and takes it. Joe then punches the hat into Jericho's face. Jericho eye rakes him and chopes him. Joe then topes Bryan Keith outside and throws him over the rail. Jericho chairs Joe.

Jericho pours horse shoes in the ring. Joe backdrops him on the horse shoes then sentons him for 2. Joe hits kicks to the leg and Jericho kicks him in the crotch. Jericho puts Joe in a boston crab and we go to break. We return and Joe hits Jericho with a horse shoe to get out. Jericho 2nd rope dropkicks him. 

Jericho jumps off the apron but Joe moves. They fight in the crowd and Jericho's head is banged off the rails. Joe hits Jericho with popcorn. They go to the back. Joe has coffee thrown in his face. Joe puts Jericho in a sleeper. Big Bill comes out of the bathroom and hits Joe with a chair. Joe is thrown into a forklift. Bryan Keith then comes to help beat up Joe.

Jericho punches Joe with a belt and Joe is chokeslammed onto a forklift. Jericho gets in the forklift and someone tries to stop him. That guy is thrown into the wall. Jericho drives the forklift through a wall with Joe on it. Colt Cabana asks Jericho what he is doing. Doc Sampson stops the match and Jericho wins.

Thoughts: It was your usual streetfight. It was fine and not super serious but the ending was pretty wild. I don't think I've ever seen anyone driven through a wall before with a forklift.

Joe is driven away in an ambulance. Jericho waves at him and says bye bye.

Winner gets a shot at the International Title - Kyle Fletcher vs Claudio Castagnoli vs Tomohiro Ishii vs Pac

Kyle and Ishii trade. Kyle facekicks him and is shouldered over. Ishii and CC trade and shoulder each other. Kyle takes a double shoulder then a double clothesline over the top. Ishii and CC trade forearms. Ishii shoulders over CC then Pac top rope dropkicks Ishii.

Pac flying headscissors Kyle. Kyle superkicks CC then Ishii bckdrops Kyle and Pac. CC hits karelin's lift on Ishii. CC does a rare tornillo outside. We go to PiP break and return.

Ishii takes forearms from everyone then hits forearms on everyone. Ishii headbutts Pac and Kyle. Everyone but Pac hits corner attacks then Kyle takes a poisonrana. CC pop up euros Pac. Ishii lariats CC then hits forearms on Kyle. Kyle tombstones Ishii for 2. 

Ishii headbutts Kyle on the buckles. CC running euros Ishii. CC giant swings Kyle. CC sharpshooters Kyle then Pac springboard elbow drops Kyle. Kyle is put in a brutalizer while in the sharpshooter. Ishii hits forearms on CC. Ishii headbutts him and suplexes him. Ishii sliding d's Pac and gets caught in the ropes during it.

Ishii running lariats Kyle for 2. CC neutralizers Kyle. CC and Pac argue. Ishii germans CC and Ishii. Kyle cradles Pac. Pac boots him out of the corner then hits a black arrow on Kyle. Pac then taps him out with the brutalizer.

Thoughts: It was a totally random four way. It was okay for being a multi-man match but had the usual limitations that comes with multi-man matches.

Pac says things haven't been going well for him recently. He said he has made promises and sufferred many humiliating failures. He said he doesn't know what he will od next but it's All-In season. He said he will not be denied his Wembley moment. He says he will be back.

Renee tries to interview Adam Page. Page ignores her and Renee yells at him for some on reason. Page bangs on The Elite's door. Okada asks if he can help him. Page tells them he will do it.

Mercedes Mone comes out. She says to say hello to your CEO. She says she wants to celebrate her double championship victory. She says she is the past, present and future. She says she is the best is, was and every will be like Bret Hart. She says Britt is not facing her at All-In. She says she will leave her with more than a stroke and will leave her for dead. 

Mone says it's time to celebrate and toast for her. Britt Baker gets out and nails security guards. Mone then runs away.

We cut to the back. Brandon Cutler has facepaint on and is getting beaten up by Darby Allin. Darby says Jack Perry said we all have to make sacrifices. Darby said Brandon made his. Darby says we are just getting started at Dynamite 250.

Women's Owen Hart Tournament Finals - Willow Nightingale vs Mariah May

Willow full nelsons her. Willow chops her then shoulders May over. May shotgun dropkicks her. Willo headscissors her then May dropkicks her while she's in the ropes. May hits chops then Willow spinning side slams her. Willow low crossbodies her for 2. May is thrown out and Wilow cannonballs her off the apron.

We go to break and return. May top rope dropkicks her then corner hip attacks her. willo hits another hip attack then spinebusters her for 2. May germans her. May running euros her. May hits forearms then handstand hurricanrana's her off the ropes. Willow fisherman busters her then May running headbutts her form the side.

Stokely Hathaway and Kris Statlander attack Willow. May hits a running knee for 2. May trips her into a pin attempt. Willow lariats her for 2. May then rolls her up soon after and gets the win.

Thoughts: I king of figured May would win it since Willow didn't need to again. It's a way to elevate someone but the tournament shouldn't just end up being an elevation tournament which it has become. It was an okay match here. I'm not sure why they didn't have Stoke and Kris cost Willow the match though.

Toni celebrates with May and skips up the rail with her. May hits her with the title belt then nails Luther with it too.  May sends Luther off the ramp through a table and Toni bleeds. May hits Toni in the head with a shoe and sticks the heel of it in her head. May nails Aubrey Edwards. May kisses the blood and rubs her head on Toni's head. 

Thoughts: It was a cool turn and I liked it. May's better than being Toni's whipping girl and now that's done with. The blood really popped and showed up well on Toni. May beating her with the shoe also looked rough.

Overall thoughts: It was a good episode of Dynamite overall. We had some big moments like Toni getting turned on and Joe getting rammed through a wall with a forklift. The in-ring work was fine too.


  1. There's a joke in there somewhere about this being the first time that Timeless Toni Storm has been shown "in color." I was not expecting the turn, but I did like how it played out. I'm just hoping that they don't cool Mariah off either in the lead up to All In, or afterwards if Toni winds up winning.

    1. I hadn't thought of that one. I didn't see the turn coming either.
